Chapter 65 My way lies in...

"Yu, what kind of power is this? Is it special natural energy?"

"No, this is chakra."

In just a few seconds, Uchiha Yuu understood that his previous judgment was wrong.

After this power was emitted and diluted, he was keenly aware that it was not natural energy, but an incredibly high concentration of chakra.

Miwa Masayo does not have such a keen perception, and in her feelings, there is still a powerful energy that cannot be distinguished.

Uchiha Yu gently peeled off the sharp object, and it turned out to be a piece of strange object nailed to the thigh bone of the wild boar. It had grown together with the wild boar's bones.

When I reach out and get close to it, or even touch it, there is no reaction. But when I tap it lightly with a knife, little sparks splash down, and the wave I just felt bursts out.

Miwa Masayo also felt that this fluctuation was indeed chakra. Not only was the concentration incredibly high, but it was also highly stimulating.

Pulling out this metal-looking thing from the pig leg bone, and observing carefully, Uchiha Yu discovered that it was a thin slice shaped like half a sunflower seed, with one side showing signs of new fractures, and the other side showing traces of high-temperature burning.

[This structure, coupled with the stimulation I feel, seems to have an impression. What is this? 】

Uchiha Yuu thought hard, and he was sure it was not an experience in this life, because now he has a very good memory, and with the eyesight of the Sharingan, he can easily recall any details.

It can only be the memory of the previous life. The memory after death is blurred after all. No matter how good the memory is now, there is no way to repair the blurred memory.

In the end, Uchiha Yuu didn't think of any useful clues, so he had to put the thing away, but what surprised him and Miwa Masashi was that the thing couldn't be stored in the seal scroll.

"This is strange, meow. I never knew that there are things that cannot be contained by seals."

"I do know that the clan leader once said that ninja tools with spatial attributes and artifacts such as the Uchiha Uchiha fan cannot be sealed and stored."

"Spatial attributes, artifact! Am I so lucky?"

"Yu, be sure to put it away. Don't lose it."

Uchiha Yu wrapped the melon seeds in thick silk, stored them in a wooden box, placed them at the bottom of his backpack, and then continued with his dinner.

But the second half of the dinner was very unpleasant. Even without any collision, the half melon seeds still sent out a round of chakra fluctuations every once in a while, making Uchiha Yuu uneasy.

This is equivalent to a large coordinate display that announces its existence to everyone around it at every turn. This is not a risk that a ninja can bear.

After reluctantly finishing his meal, Uchiha Yu began to try to block the melon seeds. He changed all the containers he owned, but they could not block the spread of the strange chakra.

Only when inserted into the flesh of a wild boar can these half-laden melon seeds become quiet.

The problem was temporarily solved, but Uchiha Yu was not happy. He said to Miwa Masashi: "The problem is that the meat will rot. How to deal with it later?"

Miwa Masashi also had no choice. After thinking hard, she came up with a whimsical and absurd idea: "Yu, I think you can eat it. You, you can eat it..."

As the man and the cat looked at each other, the civet cat's voice gradually became quieter, and finally lowered its head and did not dare to speak any more.

Uchiha Yuu was not angry. On the contrary, he really felt that this seemed to be a useful method. Because of Miwa Masayo's words, he noticed the body's desire that went against common sense.

His, Yuu Uchiha's body wanted to eat that thing that looked like metal.

It's so ridiculous, so unbelievable.

The physical desire was there from the beginning, but at first Yuu Uchiha mistook it for the desire for pork, and ate all the legs of a wild boar, but the feeling of hunger still could not be alleviated.

When seeing this half melon seed, the body's desire reached a new height, but the deep-rooted "common sense" directly denied the correctness of the body's desire.Humans cannot eat metals directly. All metalloid substances are toxins to humans. The larger the atomic weight, the more toxic they are. Some heavy element metals are particularly toxic.

In short, it is common sense that all metals cannot be eaten! !
This is the most terrifying "obstacle of knowledge and vision" among practitioners. Once correct knowledge and insights have become the biggest obstacles to understanding new things.

If it weren't for Miwa Masayo's absurd proposal, Uchiha Yu would probably have missed the body's desire impulse and missed this opportunity. Because of the powerful force of habit of the human body, there may never be a next time.

But the barrier of knowledge and vision is not so easy to break. Even if he is aware of the body's desire, even if he relies on the body's pleasure as a guide all the way to immortality, Uchiha Yu is still entangled.

Brain: If you can’t eat it, how can you eat metal?

Body: Want to eat!
Brain: How to eat?Even if the teeth don’t collapse, what about the throat, esophagus, and stomach?
Body: Want to eat!Want to eat! !
Brain: How to digest the food in the stomach? Something so sharp that can be nailed into a pig's leg bone will cut the intestines!

Body: Want to eat!Want to eat! !Want to eat! ! !

Brain: I’m going to %@%#
Body: Want to eat! ! ! !


In the end, Uchiha Yu's body defeated his brain: If you want to eat... then eat!

He looked at the uneasy Miwa Masashi, smiled and said, "Thank you for the reminder. I think eating is indeed the best way to deal with it."

Miwa Masashi: "Meow!?"

"You, you, don't scare me. I won't be afraid of you. It's not my fault that you died..."

"Meow! Don't eat it-"

Of course, the tabby cat couldn't stop Uchiha Yu. He threw the half-pulled melon seeds into his mouth with the most decisive attitude, then closed his eyes and chewed them hard.

Boom, boom, crunch, crunch, crunch...

As the teeth collided with the strange objects, various strange sounds were made, some were as crisp as broken pearls and jade, and some were as harsh as nails scratching a blackboard.

The strange object was broken, especially when Uchiha Yu subconsciously mobilized the natural energy of the fire attribute. It softened obviously, and gradually became as soft as brown sugar, and even showed a lot of stickiness.

As the strange object softened, the throat no longer resisted the movement of swallowing, and the debris was sent into the esophagus in waves, and the esophagus peristally sent them into the stomach pouch.

Uchiha Yu suddenly discovered that he didn't understand his stomach at all. It was not a stomach, it was a furnace, a furnace of flames! !
After the strange object debris entered the stomach pouch, it did not stimulate the secretion of gastric juice or bile. Instead, the natural energy of fire spontaneously gathered into the stomach pouch.The natural energy condenses into a blazing, almost white flame, smelting the debris and continuing to decompose the melted matter into incomprehensible substances.

Then, absorbed!

The stomach actually absorbed those incomprehensible substances, and some of them were sent to the blood vessels, and flowed to the whole body through the heart. Some of them were sent to the meridians, and merged into the torrent of natural energy, triggering changes that he could not understand.

The body did not react abnormally to the changes in natural energy, and even began to show signs of excitement. This was a feeling that Uchiha Yu was very familiar with, and it was the beginning of a breakthrough.

He smiled and said to the shocked Miwa Masashi: "Thank you for your tips. I finally found my way."

"My way is to eat!"


The next moment, powerful natural energy burst out from Uchiha Yu's body, foundation building entered a new stage, and new attributes of natural energy began to gather.

(End of this chapter)

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