I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 64 Source of Natural Energy

Chapter 64 Source of Natural Energy
"Yu, will this be our new home?"

"Unfortunately, this can only be a more convenient place to stay."

"But we can build a lake-view villa here. When we feel bad or tired, we can come over and play for a few days without thinking about anything."

"But now, get to work."

"You are the devil meow! Let me rest meow! I hate water meow!"

Natural energy is emitted from the lake surface when water evaporates. The source must be submerged in water, so you can only go into the water to find it.

Miwa Masayo quit. She originally hated bathing, but now after this experience, she hates all water that can submerge her body.

"But if Lihuajiang didn't come to help me, I wouldn't have time to search the entire lake within the mission time limit."

"Then stop searching and leave it to Maoyou and the others."

"All cat immortals are afraid of water, and other cats must be more afraid."

"Who is afraid of water? I'm not afraid of water. I just hate water cats!"

Because she said she was afraid of water by mistake, Miwa Masayo became anxious, turned around and ran away.

After running to the hillside in twos and twos, the civet cat turned back and said:
"I'm not afraid of water!"

Then it disappeared over the hillside.

Uchiha Yu's trick on Miwa Masashi failed. He could only go into the water alone and explore inch by inch along the bottom of the lake to find the source of natural energy.

He was not worried about Miwa Masayo's safety. There was no large-scale chakra reaction nearby, no powerful ninja beasts or powerful chakra monsters.

Ninjas are good at hiding themselves, but ninjas will not attack unidentified ninja beasts in the wild. This is the basic forbidden behavior of ninjas.

There are bloody lessons behind every prohibition. The lesson of not attacking ninja beasts can be recorded in textbooks. Every ninja with formal education knows this.

Ninja beasts and chakra monsters have different chakra reactions, but the biggest difference is that ninja beasts have owners and backgrounds.

You can fight the chakra monster as soon as you hit it. If you are lucky enough to defeat it, you can take it home and train it into a ninja beast.

But if you hit a ninja beast, you hit its owner in the face, and he will take revenge.

Each of the ninjas carefully hides their secrets, and it is difficult to determine which ninja the strange ninja beast belongs to.

Put aside whether this ninja is strong or not. If the ninja who jumps out is your boss, just say it's embarrassing or not. You won't be able to live this life in the future.

Behind some ninja beasts is a family of ninja beasts. If you beat the little ones, the old ones will pop out. For example, behind the little toad there may be a building-sized Gamabunta, or even a guy named Jiraiya.

Ninjas will not attack unfamiliar ninja beasts unless they are confirmed to be enemies.

Miwa Masayo's reputation was limited to the vicinity of Uchiha Yu's family and the Cat Castle. Not many ninjas in the ninja world knew her.

So as long as she doesn't run too far, she won't be in danger.

Uchiha Yu concentrated on exploring the bottom of the lake, and it was not until late at night that he tiredly climbed to the shore, ready to rest.

As soon as he landed on the shore, he found that the supplies he had placed on the shore were passive, the tent stored in the seal scroll had been set up, the bonfire had been lit, and there was even a rabbit with a broken neck placed beside the bonfire.

"Masashi Miwa is such a cute ninja cat."

"Too bad she's not the snail cat girl."

The tent was a little skewed, the rabbit had not been bled in advance, the supplies had been turned over, the fish cans used as snacks had been eaten up, maybe because they felt embarrassed after eating, the empty cans were neatly stacked on top of each other.

It can be seen that Miwa Masashi is no longer angry after causing some damage, and she even worked hard to make up for it.Although what he did was not perfect, Uchiha Yuu had already felt the civet cat's feelings.

He could even feel the familiar senjutsu chakra, and the strong feeling proved that she was nearby.But maybe because he couldn't save his dignity, Masayo Miwa didn't wait by the campfire, nor did he huddle up in the tent to rest.

Uchiha Yu's careful perception was able to determine that Miwa Masashi was wandering outside, but he was unable to pinpoint her exact location.Uchiha Yuu knows Miwa Masayo very well, and the civet cat also knows the shit shovel very well. She can accurately step on the edge of his mind's observation range.

[Awkward kitten, it seems I have to use my ultimate move. 】

Cat grass is a plant that is fatally attractive to cats.

Cat stick, a toy that cats can't stop using.

Squeeze the juice from the cat grass and saturate the pom pom on the top of the cat stick. This is the ultimate tool to seduce kittens.

Fifteen seconds later, a warm civet cat fell into the trap of the shit-sweeper, grabbing fate by the scruff of the neck.

"Don't run away, okay?"

"You must promise me that you will not force me into the water again, meow!"

"I promise."

"Then I also forgive you."

One person and one cat looked at each other and laughed.

"What's the matter with this rabbit?"

"Snack before dinner, nya, and the big piece of meat for dinner is over there."

Uchiha Yu followed Miwa Masashi's guidance and found a burned black wild boar.It was indeed a very large piece of meat, weighing at least over 600 kilograms. The fangs in its mouth were two and a half feet long, comparable to the short swords used by many ninjas. This was definitely not a simple wild boar.

The barren mountainous land of the Kawa Country should not be able to breed such a huge wild boar. This guy's physique is worthy of being called the master of the mountain.

Uchiha Yu began to examine it carefully. After digging open the wild boar's body, he finally felt the natural energy and chakra that had not yet dissipated in the five internal organs, as well as the thinner magic chakra.

This turned out to be a wild boar that may have mastered magic. No wonder I didn't feel a large-scale chakra reaction before. In order to satisfy its own needs, this greedy beast will give priority to hunting chakra beasts and turn them into Eat in your own belly.

Maybe it wasn't Miwa Masayo who found the pig, but that it took the initiative to find the Neko Sento, then misjudged Miwa Masayo's strength, and finally died under the irresistible flames of senjutsu.

The battle site was only more than 30 kilometers away from Uchiha Yu, but he did not notice the outbreak of the battle. The battle must have ended in an instant.

Miwa Masayo's fighting power was stronger than he expected, much more powerful.

A wild boar weighing more than 600 kilograms is nothing to Uchiha Yu. After removing the internal organs that are most susceptible to parasites, he picked up the [-] kilogram pig and quickly returned to the lakeside camp.

The meat of Shanzhu is completely different from ordinary wild boar. It has a marble texture after being cut. It is obviously rich in intermuscular fat. It is fat but not firewood, and is very suitable for barbecue and frying.

So Uchiha Yuu left the rabbit behind and concentrated on dealing with the huge wild boar, cutting it into pieces, cleaning it, slicing it and skewering it, and then turned on the bonfire and started grilling it.

High-end ingredients only require the simplest cooking methods, not to mention that Miwa Masashi is good at controlling the fire. With her help, the pork is roasted to a crispy texture on the outside and tender on the inside.

Just a sprinkle of salt can bring out the appetizing aroma.

Shake it down gently, and the hot meat juice will flow between the lips and teeth, giving people unparalleled satisfaction. Especially for the two immortal practitioners, they can experience the beauty of the natural energy after cooking.

One pig leg was far from satisfying the appetites of humans and cats, so Uchiha Yuu began to cut the second pig leg.

However, during the cutting process, the blade hit a hard object at the edge of the bone, making a crisp metal impact sound. At the same time, a strange power was inspired, making Uchiha Yu's heart skip a beat.

[Is this the natural source of energy of the lake? 】

[Is Miwa Masayo so lucky? 】

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(End of this chapter)

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