I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 66 Supernatural Power [Zha Lei]

Chapter 66 Supernatural Power [Zha Lei]

Fire generates earth, and earth generates metal.

This is the theory of the Taoist Five Elements Reincarnation Theory on Blue Star in his previous life. According to this theory, Yuu Uchiha started with fire and then naturally introduced earth after building the foundation.

Since the previous one has really been achieved, then the next breakthrough will definitely require gold, but the Ninja World does not have it. This has become a big problem that troubles Uchiha Yuu, and it is also the root cause of the frequent inner demons recently.

If you feel nervous, you will easily fall ill psychologically.

If it were not possible to solve the heart shape through some methods and directly eliminate mental illness, Uchiha Yuugao would suffer from high-end things like Yutama Syndrome or PDST.

Today, under the persuasion of his body, he ate a piece of metal containing strange chakra, but it was supplemented with some unspeakable element, which aroused a reaction of natural energy, and the foundation building period officially entered the next stage.

Wind, the invisible and qualitative wind surged, and the natural wind energy between heaven and earth was pulled, excluding all other attributes, and poured into Uchiha Yuu's body from between his mouth and nose with pure and single natural wind energy. , converging in his lungs.


It turns out to be Jin Huafeng, this makes no sense, it makes no sense at all!
But metaphysics and science are actually the same thing. Verifiable facts are always greater than truth, so there is nothing to say.

The Five Elements Theory of the past life can be discarded. If it cannot match the facts in this truly extraordinary world, it means that this theory is wrong.

After the natural energy of wind was naturally introduced, Uchiha Yu's lungs were immediately strengthened like never before. The sound of wind between his breaths was like the roar of a tiger or a lion, which was full of intimidation.

Miwa Masayo knew that this was Uchiha Yuu, but her instinctive fear still made her tremble, and she even took a step back subconsciously.

While breathing like thunder, Uchiha Yuu also felt a breath trapped in his chest, as if he had choked his breath. He couldn't spit it out, couldn't swallow it, and was choking very uncomfortable.

As time passed, he even felt a hint of suffocating fear.

His face gradually turned red, and the veins popped up one by one. The bulges were very frightening, even scarier than the Hyuga clan rolling their eyes.

Miwa Masato was frightened and circled around the shit shoveling officer, panicking and not knowing what to do to help him, even a little bit.

Just as she anxiously brushed Uchiha Yu's ankle, weak chakra and fire-type natural energy entered her body along the tail, and then naturally merged into senjutsu chakra.

Along with this operation, Uchiha Yu's voice also sounded in her heart:

[Miwa Masayo, run quickly, run farther, I can’t hold it in anymore! 】

【Meow?What can't you hold back?Flying? 】

[Stop asking, run!I'll be fine. If you don't run away, something will happen to you! 】

【Good meow! 】

Out of trust in the shovel officer, Miwa Masashi threw a fire arrow as fast as he could, hitting a tree trunk on the hillside in the distance.

The power of this magical technique is very small, and it can also ignite big wooden tree houses and the like. Apart from being fast enough, it has no advantages at all.

But speed is the advantage here for Miwa Masashi. The moment the big tree was ignited, she also shot a ball of flame in front of her, then jumped into the flames, and instantly reached the branch of the big tree just after the flames.

【Is it far enough, meow? 】

[I don’t know, Masato, cover your ears...]

Seeing the tabby cat lying on the blazing tree, covering his ears with his front paws, Uchiha Yu finally felt relieved. He opened his mouth and tried his best to let out the breath that was stuck in his chest.


Thunder exploded and dust flew.

In fact, the sound Uchiha Yu made was not loud, and the breath he exhaled could only blow up the dust on the ground, but that scolding could go straight into the soul, frighten the souls of the dead and drink inner demons, capture the mind and break illusions.

This is [Zha Lei], this is magical power.But what Uchiha Yuu was thinking in his heart was: Why is it not [humming and irritating]?

The next second, he laughed to himself.

Being able to master [Zha Lei], a magical power that involves the soul, during the foundation building stage is already a stroke of luck, and what kind of magical power [Hengha Erqi] is, it is a top-level magical power that even true immortals envy.

What level do you think you are, do you still dare to hope for magical powers in becoming a god?
If the current Uchiha Yu has this kind of magical power, it will be for nothing.

If he used it, the best result would be to die together with the enemy, but the actual situation should be that he killed himself and couldn't activate his magical power at all.

In fact, [Zha Lei] is powerful enough.

Although the attached physical damage effect is so heavy that it can only blow ashes, the real power of [Zha Lei]'s magical power is reflected in the spiritual level.

Miwa Masayo on the hilltop in the distance, after hearing [Zha Lei]'s scolding, she was in a state of physical and mental dislocation. Not to mention running, she felt like the world was spinning even when she was lying down.

Ninja battles often determine life and death in an instant. Being trapped in such a negative state during battle is tantamount to death.

However, the sound of [Zha Lei] just now was the first sound of the birth of the supernatural power. It was blessed by the heavenly charm and represented the peak of the power of the supernatural power.

It is impossible for Uchiha Yu to exert such terrifying power with his own strength.

I don't know how much time it will take for Yu to practice before Uchiha Yu can rely on his own strength to reproduce the power that Tianyun has blessed him with today.

By then, Uchiha Yuu will be so powerful that as long as he appears on the battlefield and howls casually during the decisive battle, his camp can easily win the war.

True strategic weapon


There has been a phased breakthrough in the practice during the foundation building period. Before that, the respiratory fluctuations of the meridians had undergone qualitative changes. If the fluctuation values ​​​​were 3 and 1 before, now the fluctuation values ​​​​have reached 13 and 4.

The lowest trough is stronger than the highest peak before the breakthrough.

This means that the spells used by Uchiha Yu when he was at his worst were more powerful than the spells he used when he was at his best, the spells were cast faster, and his control... his control became worse.

Uchiha Yu put his hands together, and the natural energy in his meridians surged, stimulating the chakra in the cells of his body and indirectly performing ninjutsu.Although there was a layer of separation, the speed of performing the technique was extremely fast. Almost in a flash, the Fire Release Ninjutsu was formed.

Fire escape
Unlike Uchiha Madara who blew it out with his mouth, Uchiha Yu's whole body erupted with spiral flames. The sky-high flames gathered and turned around on top of his head, erupting wherever he could see, instantly boiling water the size of a football field. .

But then he realized he couldn't control the flames.

In fact, it's not that you can't control it at all, but the feedback is extremely slow. You definitely can't take it back, and you can't even quickly adjust the direction of the ninjutsu attack.

Obviously, this is because his energy and spirit are out of balance. The body representing the energy is too strong. When the breakthrough occurs, the natural energy and chakra representing the energy are too strong, so that the spirit representing the god does not have enough control.

But Uchiha Yu immediately rejected this inference, because Jingzhuang is enough to nourish Qi, but it cannot be converted into natural energy and chakra instantly. This should be a gradual process.

There must be other reasons that caused his Qi to be too strong. This reason is also easy to determine:
[That melon-seed-shaped metal that I digested a little bit of residue? 】

[It can only be it. What is its origin? 】

[Essence, Qi and Shen influence each other and promote each other. If one of them is too strong due to external force, it is easy to cause problems. 】

[There should be no problem for the time being, right...]

【屮! ! 】

【Out of control! ! 】

 Keep asking for votes, double the number
(End of this chapter)

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