I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 55 The leader of Cat Castle

Chapter 55 The leader of Cat Castle
Hearing what Nekoyu said about protecting Uchiha Yu, Miwa Masayo was immediately furious. He rushed over and slapped Nekoyu's nose so hard that tears and mucus came out of Nekoyu's nose.

"Maoyou! How dare you talk nonsense to my contractor, do you want to die, meow?"

"Miwa Masayo!"

At this time, Mao You no longer had the word "adult" in his mouth. He roared with a fierce look: "I am also an immortal. What ability do you have to let me die?"

"Meow?" Masashi Miwa tilted her head and said doubtfully, "Who said I was going to kill you, meow?"

Mao You was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Uchiha Yu reached out and grabbed both of Nekoyu's ears, and pulled back hard, pulling the front half of Nekoyu's body up.


Putting both ears in his left hand, Uchiha Yuu turned around and grabbed the root of Nekoyu's tail with his right hand. He pulled with the same force, and the back half of Nekoyu's body was raised high.


Yuu Uchiha exerted force with both hands, gradually raising it from straight to high, and slowly brought Nekoyu's head and butt closer. The big cat's ears were pulled to a long length, his scalp was pulled back tightly, and his lower eyelids were completely stretched. When it was time to get up, Mao You couldn't help but make a strange expression.

The extreme stretching of muscles and bones made Nekoyu feel the pain of dancing. He burst into tears, screamed repeatedly, and flapped his four claws wildly, trying to get rid of Uchiha Yu's control.

But all of Neko Yu's efforts failed. Uchiha Yu's power exceeded the limit of Big Cat's imagination. All resistance and struggle were nothing but meaningless.

Finally, when Maoyou's head and buttocks touched each other and his whole body formed a circle, his screams reached a new peak.The screams spread out from the wide hall, and all the ninja cats and ordinary cats nearby were frightened. All the cats that could move ran away by rolling and crawling.

Although they have been notified, the master who knows that this can solve the problem of immortal magic training is treating Master Maoyou.

If this is treatment, then it’s okay not to have such treatment!
Uchiha Yu surrounded Nekoyu's body because his natural energy was greater than the amount of chakra, and it was much more.This results in a large part of the natural energy remaining after the combination of the two to produce Senjutsu Chakra.

Due to the synthesis of Senjutsu Chakra, the nature of the extra natural energy has not changed, but Maoyou's body is being transformed by Senjutsu Chakra and can no longer adapt to the original natural energy.

In turn, this extra natural energy began to destroy Maoyou's body, which is why the hair on his back began to atomize.

If not handled in time, the cat will probably turn into a thick cloud of white smoke, which will eventually disperse in the air and become ubiquitous dust.

The solution is simple, expel the excess natural energy and retain the synthesized magical chakra.Then there is the waiting for the celestial chakra to transform Maoyou's body, and finally become a celestial being that adapts to the free natural energy of the outside world.

Easier said than done, violent operations like Miwa Masayo's will expel natural energy and Senjutsu chakra together, interrupting the process of Senjutsu chakra transforming the body.Once a part of the body is modified, it will become neither suitable for chakra nor natural energy, and may even appear to exclude it.

Therefore, Uchiha Yuu formed a circle around Nekoyu, so that he could bring the entire body of the big cat into his range of perception, and he could accurately control his power, remove all natural energy, and retain the senjutsu chakra.

Of course, folding from the belly has the same effect.

But who allowed Nekyou to talk nonsense there, offending Yuu Uchiha unceremoniously with his words, and talking nonsense about Masayo Miwa?
This little pain, even if it is a small lesson, will be very satisfying next time.

As the natural energy was driven away without any residue, the transformation of Senjutsu Chakra went extremely smoothly. There was no harm caused by the natural energy. The refreshing feeling caused by the strengthening of the body and originating from the instinct became particularly intense. .Soon, the cats heard a different meow. The voice was still Maoyou's, and the volume was still as loud, but...how could the "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch" no longer smell like misery, but instead feel more pleasurable?
Could it be that the cat has blessed him... It's the season?
Half an hour later, Mao You stood up silently, shaking quickly to clean away the dirt and indescribable smelly liquid on his body.

He has completed the evolution of his body and can freely absorb natural energy, combine with chakra to form celestial beings chakra, and officially became the second cat sage.

Thanks to Uchiha Yu's guidance and guidance, Nekoyu is able to distinguish the natural energy of wind. When combined with his own wind escape chakra, the magic chakra created is particularly powerful.

Yuu Uchiha felt that Nekoyu had fully adapted to the sage state and was qualified to challenge Gamabunta of Mt. Myoboku and the Orochi of Ryūchi Cave.In other words, Nekoyu can take off the title of Dark Ninja Cat World and play the sign of Cat Castle in an upright and upright manner.

Although his long-cherished wish has come true, Maoyou's expression is not at all happy. Instead, he is cowering, like a kitten that has been horribly tortured, a torture that he is too embarrassed to talk about.

While Cat You was cleaning the floor of the hall silently, Granny Cat finished her business for the day and returned to the Cat Castle accompanied by Hina and Tian Hui.

Before entering Mao You's room, Grandma Mao's hearty laughter came:
"I heard the good news just after I came back. Maoyou is fully recovered?"

Miwa Masashi quickly washed his face with his paws to eliminate the uncontrollable feeling of laughing so hard that he couldn't control himself, and then replied: "Nekoyu is not only restored to health, he has become a fairy, nya."

"Ah, is this true?"

Mao You also hurriedly collected his emotions and replied in a majestic and steady voice: "Yes, Grandma Cat, I... I have become an immortal."

Grandma Mao walked into the room quickly and looked up and down at the big white cat whose aura was much stronger. Sure enough, she found that Mao You not only recovered her health, but also became visibly stronger, and even her hair became longer and smoother.

"Maoyou, you have become more beautiful and more majestic. I feel like you are like a lion, full of the aura of a king."

Grandma Cat couldn't help stroking Mao You's long hair with her hands and praised: "It's really beautiful."

Nekoyou didn't like being touched, so he subconsciously wanted to step back, but Uchiha Yu glanced at him, and the big cat's whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Under the gaze of Uchiha Yu, Nekoyu stayed stiff in place, allowing Grandma Neko to caress her up and down and praise her again and again.

Granny Cat said with satisfaction: "It's great. There are two cat immortals in the Cat Castle. I have finally completed the task. The burden of the Cat Castle will be handed over to Mao You."

Maoyou frowned and said: "No, mother-in-law, I am not the first Cat Sage. The position of leader should belong to Miwa Masashi-sama."

Miwa Masashi looked at his contractor and said loudly: "Neo Yu, I support you to take the position of leader."

Maoyou wanted to say something more. After all, he was not the number one immortal. More importantly, Miwa Masayo's contractor was too terrifying. No one could object to his choice of Cat Castle.

But why would Uchiha Yu support him instead of his contract partner?
But the next moment, Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "Let Nekoyu do it, he is more suitable than Miwa Masashi."

At this point, Mao You's decision to become the leader of Cat Castle is certain and can no longer be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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