I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 56 Constant Temperature Immortal Alliance

Chapter 56 Constant Temperature Immortal Alliance
The leader of the Cat Castle is identified as Neko Yu. The so-called dark ninja cat world, including the silly ninja cat fortress, has no need to exist anymore.

The return of hundreds of ninja cats to the Cat Castle will expose the coordinates of the cat castle to many ninja beast groups. However, powerful ninja beast races such as the ninja wolf clan, the diamond ape clan, the giant insect clan, and the falcon clan have also felt the two cats. The breath of an immortal.

The leader of the Diamond Ape Clan, the Ape Demon, sighed, and said helplessly and thankfully: "It's a pity that I am not a cold-blooded immortal. But appearing in the Ninja Cat Clan is the least bad outcome."

His deputy Bai Yuan smiled and said: "This is a good thing. With the birth of the Warm-Blooded Immortal, we will have more confidence in our practice. And I think we can ask the Cat Immortal if he is willing to teach us the magic of immortality."

When the ape demon heard the words of the white ape, he praised with joy: "You are right, the cat immortal faces the cold-blooded immortals of the three holy places alone. The pressure and danger are too great."

"Both the Great Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain and the Great White Snake Immortal of Ryūchi Cave are not kind people."

White Ape said with emotion: "You are right. Don't look at the fierce fighting between Toad and Orochi. They even want to kill each other, but every time a new enemy appears, the two families will unite to advance and retreat together."

"The Cat Immortal needs Immortal allies, and only by forming the Warm-Blooded Immortal Alliance can we not have to worry about Gamamaru's schemes."


"Based on your information, it's obvious that the giant bugs don't need to be taken care of. They have no intelligence at all. They just gather together to raise the most powerful bugs."

Neko Yu and Neko Granny nodded repeatedly, having no objections to Uchiha Yu's judgment.

Uchiha Yuu put his hand on the head of a ninja cat, guiding the ninja cat to absorb the natural energy of earth, combine it with celestial chakra, and continue the process of transforming the body into a celestial body.

Because he directly possesses the natural earth energy, it is not difficult to control it, so he can distract himself from thinking about the future of Cat Castle.

As the leader of the Cat Castle, Neko Yu is indeed more suitable than Miwa Masayo and Neko Granny. Only he knows the intelligence of these ninja beasts, but what he knows is also very limited.

There is no way, the Ninja Cat Clan is known for its weak combat power among the Ninja Beasts, they are looked down upon by the Diamond Ape Clan and the Falcon Clan, and bullied by the Ninja Wolf Clan.

It is precisely because of their unstable footing that the Ninja Clan has no choice but to have closer contact with human society. Not only is it involved in arms and intelligence, making profits to support the whole family, but it has also secretly established contact with the Uchiha Clan.

Because Cat Castle has always adopted an avoidance strategy, Neko Yu and Neko Granny had no idea how to get along with other ninja beasts. They also heard that Uchiha Yu was very smart, so they came to seek intellectual help.

Mao You's hair is getting longer and longer, especially the white hair around his neck, which looks more and more like a Linqing lion cat. But for some reason, while his majestic and domineering lion king style continues to grow, his fairy aura is fluttering. The smell is getting stronger and stronger.

Mao You asked again: "Apart from the giant bugs, who among the other ninja beasts should Cat Castle establish contact with?"

Uchiha Yu replied without hesitation: "Everything."


"Yes, all the ninja beast forces should contact each other and try to form an alliance and establish an alliance of ninja beasts."

"An alliance with Cat Castle as its leader."

"Why? The Falcon Clan and the Ninja Wolf Clan have all bullied us!"

Mao You even pointed to the scars on his back and legs, and said with resentment: "Look, this is what the Falcon Clan did, this is what the Ninja Clan did, does Cat Castle also want to ally with them?"

"Yes." Uchiha Yuu's voice was calm and he explained without any emotion: "As the leader of the Cat Castle, you must put the interests of the Ninja Cat Clan first."

"If the Cat Castle is powerful enough to conquer the territory of the Ninja Wolf and the Falcon Clan, and is not afraid of Mt. Miaomu and Ryūchi Cave at all, then of course you have the right to kill all the Ninja Beasts that have offended you."

"But now, neither you nor the Ninja Clan are qualified."

Mao You: "..." Grandma Mao was silent for a long time, then patted the big white cat's paw and persuaded her: "This is the shackles and responsibility of the leader. Thank you for your hard work, Mao You."

In the end, Mao You lowered his head helplessly: "If you make an alliance, just make an alliance. Making a covenant and establishing an alliance must be against a certain enemy. Who is the enemy of our Cat Castle?"

Uchiha Yuu said: "I told you just now, Ryuji Cave and Myoboku Mountain."

"Two of the three holy places..., why? Cat Castle has never had a conflict with them, and has never had any hatred."

"If you and Miwa Masayo become immortals, there will be conflicts."

Maoyou couldn't understand and asked: "Why?"

"The three major holy places can actually be regarded as two families, because there is only one Great Immortal Slug in the Shifty Bone Forest. He has always had no desires and desires and will not compete for any resources."

"Longdi Cave and Miaomu Mountain are large families with huge businesses, a large number of immortals, and countless descendants. They all have huge material needs."

"Both the Orochi and the Toad are not engaged in production, nor do they do business like the Ninja Cat. What about the material needs? Sign a contract with humans in the name of the Holy Land, and exchange their combat power for resources."

"With the reputation of the Holy Land and the Immortal, and with the fighting power of the toads and serpents, they have become the strongest psychic beasts. It is obviously a contract of employment, but they have managed it so that humans beg for their help."

"In order to win the favor of the toad and the big snake, the humans who signed the contract can only redouble their dedication, so they only need to contribute one point in exchange for twelve points in benefits."

"Toad and Orochi are indeed strong enough. There are very few ninjas who are their opponents. Even if they encounter a ninja that cannot be beaten, the opponent will not kill them to avoid becoming mortal enemies with the Holy Land. They have reached a tacit understanding and let each other fight. , there is no danger to life, life is leisurely and prosperous."

"But now there is another quasi-holy place, a new immortal, the original monopoly of Longdi Cave and Miaomu Mountain has been broken, and a huge chunk of the huge monopoly benefits are about to be lost. How can they accept it?"

"It's natural to get rid of it quickly."

Mao You suddenly realized: "So that's it, I understand."

"But if it's so dangerous, why are the Diamond Ape Clan, Ninja Wolf Clan, and Falcon Clan willing to form an alliance with Cat Castle?"


"The Kongo Ape Clan and the Sarutobi Clan have made a contract. They have fought diligently for so many years, served as weapons honestly, and risked their lives. However, the profit is not a fraction of Mt. Miaomu. Isn't it because there is no name for Sage? Head?"

"With the jewels of the two holy places in front, of course the monkeys want to become immortals and build new holy places, so that they can make more money with less effort in the future."

"They want to learn magic from me?"

"Yes, and we have to rely on your strength to resist the attacks from Miaomu Mountain and Ryudi Cave. So until we have our own Saru Immortal who can independently fight against the two holy places, the monkeys will firmly maintain the Constant Temperature Immortal Alliance."

"The Constant Temperature Immortal Alliance?"

"I chose the name at random. You see, the immortals in the three holy places are all cold-blooded animals. And the Cat Castle, the Diamond Ape Clan, the Ninja Wolf Clan, and the Falcon Clan are all constant-temperature ninja beasts, so the alliance you established is not the Constant-Temperature Immortal Alliance. Well."

Maoyou looked strange and muttered: "This name is really random."

Suddenly, a ninja cat entered the conference room and reported: "The white ape of the Diamond Ape Clan asks to see Lord Nekoyou."

Everyone was shocked. The reaction of these monkeys was so fast.

(End of this chapter)

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