Chapter 54

Pushing open a huge door, Uchiha Yu saw the white cat lying on the tatami.

This is a big cat that is even bigger than the Northeast Golden Grain Layer. Its whole body is covered with snow-white hair, but there are long dark blue ear hairs in its auricles.

Uchiha Yuu's footsteps were gentle and silent, but his action of pushing the door aroused Nekoyu's alertness, and he instinctively sensed the terrifying power of the visitor.

Nekoyou had never seen Uchiha Yuu before, and he couldn't understand how someone could come to his room silently and possess such terrifying power.

Nekoyou is the number one fighting force in Cat Castle. In order to protect the interests of ninja cats, he has been at odds with other ninjas for many years, so he is very defensive. His first thought is that an enemy has sneaked into Cat Castle.

And he was probably here to assassinate him.

The big white cat opened his eyes and glared, but now that he was paralyzed, he could do nothing except grinning in threats and wagging his tail in demonstration.

Just when Nekyou was desperate, he saw Miwa Masashi on Uchiha Yu's shoulder, and immediately guessed the identity of the person coming, and then relaxed.

The relaxed big white cat asked arrogantly: "You are Miwa Masashi's contractor, Yuba Uchiha of the Uchiha family. What do you want to see me for?"

Uchiha Yuu smiled and replied: "I am Uchiha Yuu, first time meeting, Neko Yu."

He greeted the big white cat and at the same time kept approaching the white cat, getting closer and closer...

It was so close that Maoyou became nervous again, and he asked loudly:

"Meow! What are you doing so close?"

"Stop! You are not allowed to come near Meow anymore!"

"Don't touch me!"

"Who allowed you to touch my ears?"

"Meow! Woooooooooooo!" (You are not allowed to pull my tongue!)
"Don't touch my paws, meow! Not even my belly, meow!"

Miwa Masashi sighed: "Yu, can't you explain that you were the one I invited to treat him?"

"Sorry, I forgot. This is the first time I've seen such a big cat with my own eyes, and such soft long hair... It's really comfortable to pet a big cat."

"Let me go, nya! Miwa Masashi-sama, you don't care about me, nya?"

"Maoyou, you idiot, Meow. I've been bullied by him. How can I care?"

"Meow haha, it's itchy, it's so itchy, hahahahaha, don't scratch it anymore, it's itchy--!"

Uchiha Yucai ignored Nekoyu's protest and while enjoying the pleasure of playing with the cat, he checked Nekoyu's physical condition and quickly found the crux of his paralysis.

The situation was similar to what he expected. Mao You was gifted and naturally absorbed a lot of natural energy, but it was too much.

When he practiced according to the natural energy extraction method taught by Miwa Masashi, it was not only the energy in nature that was affected, but also the inventory accumulated in the body for decades.The natural energy of these stocks and Cat You have adapted to each other for decades, and have long been closely connected, and can even be said to be inseparable, so they operate according to the route of absorption.

But Maoyou's essence is still a ninja, not a cat sage. His meridians cannot adapt to such a large amount of natural energy. As a result, a large amount of energy accumulates in the cervical vertebrae to the tail vertebrae, blocking nerve conduction and leading to paralysis.Fortunately, Maoyou's body has already adapted to these natural energies, so he will not undergo physical changes like other ninja cats, otherwise his life will be completely ended.After all, Miwa Masayo's small body has limited abilities and is unable to dispel such a large-scale natural energy.

Uchiha Yuu touched Nekoyou all over his body, and even his butt was lifted up and his tail was lifted to see clearly. Nekoyou, who was so humiliated as a cat, meowed and howled miserably while cursing nonstop.

Who would have thought that Maoyou, who always acted like a big brother, would actually be a chatterbox.

And this guy really deserves to be hanging around outside, with all kinds of country slangs coming out of his mouth in an endless stream. It is the first time for Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masato to hear many curse words. In line with the words of Mao Yu's bitterness and deep hatred, Emotions are like stand-up comedy.

Everyone and the cat listened with gusto, and Yuu Uchiha clapped and cheered loudly when he heard the highlights.Mao You was so angry that he couldn't help but keep scolding him. People think you are a clown, so why don't you just shut up and stop scolding?That's really unacceptable. It's really a dilemma.

Seeing that Nekoyu's attention had completely shifted, Uchiha Yuu jumped onto Nekoyou's back like lightning, grabbed the cervical vertebra behind the neck with his right hand, stretched his left foot back and stuck his toes on the tailbone, and powerful natural energy suddenly burst out. , using brute force to vibrate the natural energy accumulated in the spine.


The unexpected vibration of natural energy touched the nerves. Maoyou's body, which had been paralyzed for several days, involuntarily straightened. The muscles around the spine received wrong signals, breaking through the limitations of the shackles of life, and bursting out with all the huge power before, between each vertebrae. They were all rubbing and squeezing, making a squeaking sound that made your teeth sore.

This sound was very similar to the terrible grinding of teeth, and it reminded Uchiha Yu instantly of the university in his previous life. The grinding of teeth by the old man in the dormitory was his nightmare that lasted for four years.

Of course, his earth-shaking snoring is also a nightmare for the other eight brothers.

Hey, the eldest brother does not say the second brother.

The natural energy in Mao You's spine experienced three rounds of shocks and finally began to flow. However, long-term blockage is like dredging a barrier lake. Once the flow speed is out of control, the meridians will become useless.

The chakra of the ninja world is not the true energy of the martial arts world. Chakra has real and terrifying actual destructive power. After breaking through the constraints of the meridians, it will explode with huge destructive power.The destructive power of natural energy is not as good as chakra, but it has more terrifying physical mutation effects, such as turning into stone, wood, big trees, and mud.

The natural energy in Maoyou's body is mainly wind. If it gets out of control, his body will turn into smoke.

Uchiha Yu didn't just guess out of thin air, but saw the changes in the hair on Nekoyu's back. Under the influence of the natural energy of wind, the tips of the hair were slowly turning into wisps of smoke.

He examined the white, odorless smoke a little and found that the smoke was composed of fine dry particles, even smaller than the particles of cigarette smoke that people smoke.

[The changes in wind are cutting, crushing, and dehydration and drying. This information is very important. 】

But now is not the time to think about problems. Uchiha Yu kept this information in his heart and concentrated on controlling Nekoyu's natural energy to prevent this powerful force from breaking through the blockade and causing fatal harm.

Nekoyu is a powerful ninja cat, and his body naturally contains a large amount of chakra. After feeling pain, he instinctively mobilizes chakra to resist damage.So natural energy and chakra began to merge in his body, and senjutsu chakra appeared.

Maoyou felt the Senjutsu Chakra, realized the powerful power of the Senjutsu Chakra, and started talking nonsense in excitement.

"Ha, senjutsu chakra, this must be senjutsu chakra, I am also a senjutsu chakra."

"Thank you very much, Miwa Masashi-sama's contractor, what's your name? I didn't listen carefully and didn't remember it just now, nya."

"If you say your name again, I will definitely remember it well, nya."

"From now on, I will protect you, meow!"

(End of this chapter)

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