I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 41 When Kang becomes a domestic pig

Chapter 41 When Kang becomes a domestic pig

This training mission was requested by Uchiha Obito. When he insisted on ending it, it meant that the mission was over.

Lin and Shinichi benefited a lot from the training and were very dissatisfied with Obito's decision, but they were training with Obito and had no position to express their dissatisfaction.

So Obito's team ended the training ahead of schedule, and Uchiha Yuu also received the mission money from the clan leader ahead of schedule. He was very satisfied.

However, Uchiha Shisui chose to continue training with Uchiha Yu, and he even went a step further and started eating at Yu's house.

Uchiha Yuu, who was full of secrets, didn't object, and even Miwa Masayo, who hated outsiders very much, didn't object.

There was no way, Shisui was the white glove chosen by Uchiha Yu. He wished he could spend more time with this child and subtly shape Shisui's outlook on life.

And Uchiha Shisui, he gave too much.

For one meal he eats, Uchiha Yu can earn three meals for himself.

Uchiha Shisui is very polite and respects Miwa Masashi and Uchiha Yuu very much. He has no consciousness that he is a big benefactor. Instead, he actively helps with various housework.

When I see something damaged, I buy a new one directly. If the furniture and house are old, I call a carpenter to repair it without saying a word.

After doing this three or five times, Miwa Masashi acquiesced that Shisui could freely enter and leave his sphere of influence.

Money ability is so terrifying.

Uchiha Yu likes Shisui very much. He is a naturally kind person with outstanding talents but a gentle and reserved personality. He has the Uchiha family and village in his heart and has a spirit of self-sacrifice.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Shisui pursues light and ideals, but is able to accept imperfect results and has no extremist tendencies.

By the way, he was very strict with his mouth. After receiving Yu Chiha's instructions, he really didn't tell Fugaku, Setsuna and others about continuing to study with Yu.

This is the ideal student.

It is a great joy in life to find talented people and educate them.

But the educational genius is not without his worries. For example, he learns too fast, which takes up too much of Yu Uchiha's time and delays his progress in cultivating immortality.

Considering that the Third Ninja War was approaching and Uchiha Yuu might be called to the battlefield at any time, he made a decision.

Uchiha Yu brought Shisui to the storage room and took out the 24 large scrolls he had summarized, completely diverting the four-year-old Shisui's attention.

Cultivating geniuses means cultivating their self-learning ability, rather than stuffing knowledge into them like cramming.

That's not lazy.

Uchiha Yuu's life was finally back on track. Every morning he went out for a weight-bearing run to exercise, and when he came back, he stood and practiced his mind. In the afternoon, he answered Shisui's questions, checked his training progress, and then cooked enough food for two people and one cat.

Miwa Masayo's senjutsu training is progressing very quickly. It is said that he has mastered the rough senjutsu and is secretly practicing and perfecting it.

The civet cat's magic is very good at keeping secret. Even Uchiha Yuu doesn't know what it is, but he is sure it is a fire magic.Because she was inspired by Uchiha Yu to become a cat sage. At that time, there was only natural energy of fire attribute in the environment, so she could only become a fire attribute sage.

This is a good thing. The toads in Miaomu Mountain tend to be of the water genus, the big snakes in Ryūchi Cave are obviously inclined to the earth genus, and the slugs in the Moist Bone Forest obviously occupy the wood genus.

If Miwa Masayo chooses the fire attribute, the future disputes in the immortal world will be less intense, and the Cat Castle will not have irreconcilable sharp conflicts with the three holy places due to the inherent conflict of power attributes.

Every time he thought of the Slug Immortal in Shiggy Bone Forest, Yuu Uchiha had curious thoughts about exploring it.

In the ninja world, not only is there no ready-made wood escape chakra, but there is also no natural energy of the wood genus. How did this immortal master the wood genus' magic?

Uchiha Yuu's first step is fire attribute, which is consistent with his chakra attribute.

After a hundred days of foundation building, he naturally absorbed the natural energy of earth, and also gave birth to earth escape chakra, which is in line with the theory of the five elements of fire producing earth.Based on this inference, the next step should be earth-born gold, and the next step will be to absorb the natural energy of metal.

There is no metal natural energy in the Ninja Realm, not even the Golden Release Chakra. The closest thing is the very rare Steel Release Blood Succession Realm, but it is the result of the Earth Release mutation.

Uchiha Yu didn't know what to do next. He even thought about starting with chakra, mastering steel escape first, and then working backwards to obtain metallic natural energy.

The problem is that Steel Release itself is a blood inheritance limit that is even rarer than the Sharingan. He doesn't even know who has the information about Steel Release. He only knows that Iwagakure Village in the Land of Earth has the inheritance of Steel Release.

Such rough information makes it impossible to start.

Uchiha Yuu's trouble is that there are new changes in his practice, and the main veins of natural energy movement are beginning to show signs of expansion.The movement of natural energy in the meridians is not constant, but has ups and downs, fast and slow, and the rhythm is very strong.Recently, at the fastest and most stressful time, Uchiha Yuu could vaguely feel the restraints on his meridians loosening.

He guessed that this was a sign that the first stage of foundation building was about to be completed, and then faced with the completion of the first stage, whether it would absorb the natural energy of the new attributes.

According to the Five Elements Theory, the natural energy of metal that should be increased does not exist. It is unreasonable for water to belong to natural energy, so will it be natural energy to thunder?
It is not impossible. In Taoist theory, ice, wind and thunder are three supernatural spirits that evolved from the five elements of matter. Ice is water condensation, wind rises from wood, and thunder is transformed from metal.

It would be great if this was the case. The natural energy of thunder would take the place of metal and also complete the cycle of mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements.

Ah, I always feel a bit strange. Thunder replaces gold. Can it restrain wind, which replaces wood?
No, absolutely not.

In the ninja world, the wind escape chakra is indeed the perfect thunder escape chakra. It cannot be the same that it will evolve in the opposite direction when it comes to natural energy. There is no such reason.

For the next stage, which is not too far away, Uchiha Yu has nothing to refer to. He can only passively wait for the breakthrough to arrive, and then decide what to do based on the specific situation after the breakthrough.

Knowing that this was a gamble, he had no choice but to suppress his worries.

Therefore, Uchiha Yu has been very troubled recently.

[No, why am I so troubled? 】

[Also, why did I have higher expectations for Obito before, and when I was disappointed, I used violent means to throw him onto the river? 】

【This is not my character! ! 】

[Did Xin Yuan grow up again without my noticing? 】

Uchiha Yuu was shocked and quickly immersed himself in the depths of his mind to check his inner ape.

Although it has grown up a bit, it is still a gentle and pleasant golden monkey, sitting honestly at the position of the heart without any signs of causing trouble.

Before he could relax, another huge spiritual shape came into his mind's eye, it was Dangkang.

No, it can no longer be called Dangkang. It has become a fat, domestic pig.

Greedy, timid, yet irritable.

[It turns out that not only the mental ape can drive the mental horse, but also the spleen pig. 】

[Driven by the ape in mind, one is upset, irritable and irritable; driven by the pig in the spleen, one is greedy and conservative and cannot disobey. 】

[No wonder I am so angry with Obito. His previous performance inspired me to have excessive expectations. When he offended me, he not only gave me extra punishment, but also cut off contact without hesitation. 】

[Interesting, the next soul shape should belong to the lungs. What animal will it be? 】

[By the way, the spleen pig is out of control, how should I suppress it? 】

(End of this chapter)

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