I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 42 The forced state of mind balance method

Chapter 42 The forced state of mind balance method

In the end, the solution was very simple. It was to incite natural energy to vibrate the meridians and cause the roar of the Dantian. This roar, which was between reality and illusion, suppressed the completely illusory spiritual world.

The domestic pig-like spleen pig did not fight back like the heart monkey, but lay on the ground and let it be dealt with. However, this guy was much more resistant to being beaten than the heart monkey. Uchiha spent half the night tossing the pig, and the fat pig only lost a little weight.

Even because of the meager results, the inevitable depression and withdrawal became the nutrition of the spleen pig, and most of it recovered in the blink of an eye.

Uchiha Yu suddenly became angry, but the anger was absorbed by the monkey. The golden monkey's hair changed from golden to light blood color, and its size doubled.This monkey is more proactive than the pig head, scratching its ears and cheeks and getting ready to move with the slightest strength.

Uchiha Yuu immediately calmed down his mind, restrained his thoughts to the greatest extent, kept his heart in a state of dead water, and directed the attack's attention towards the restless Heart Monkey.

In just a few seconds, the monkey was struggling wildly, its hair flying wildly from the shock wave, and it screamed in agony.

But it is also just a few seconds, because the extreme heart is as dead as water, and the emotions such as depression and abandonment are absorbed by the spleen pig.The pig-headed body swelled up like a balloon, and the hair on its surface turned into steel bristles, and even tangled together to form armor. There were many fangs in its mouth, as penetrating as a halberd and a sword.

The enlarged Spleen Pig was no longer quiet, it began to trample on the earth, using the war trampling skills to cause strong vibrations in the spiritual world, resisting or even destroying the cleansing shock waves from the Dantian.

Uchiha Yu felt awe-struck in his heart, and understood that the difficulty of dealing with two types of hearts was completely different from when there was only Animaru before.

When there is only a monkey in his mind, he only needs to have his mind as stagnant as water and cleanse his spiritual space to easily subdue the monkey.But after adding the spleen pig, doing so is tantamount to nourishing it and allowing it to become a new monster.

【Take a step back to the sea and the sky】

[Wait and see, wait and see what this pig will do, and then I will take action. 】

[Don't worry, maybe the monkey and the pig will fight, and I will be able to benefit from it. 】

The thoughts growing crazily in his heart were all about giving in and waiting. This made Uchiha Yu understand that this was a spleen pig at work. Once he followed these thoughts, he would be unable to control himself and rest on his laurels based on his current achievements. It would be difficult to start again. Cheer up.

The path of cultivating immortality is like a torrent flowing in reverse. If you don't advance, you will retreat. It's not enough to describe the dangers involved. Let alone stagnation, if you are even a little slow, you will face the danger of capsizing at any time.

[So we can neither be stagnant nor excited, we must maintain a calm, peaceful and impartial state of mind. 】

[Normally, this state is not rare. As long as you eliminate external interference and enter samadhi through various methods, you will naturally have a chance to achieve it. 】

[But now I am fighting two kinds of heart shapes. Tranquility and peace can only be achieved through balance. Balance requires force and a hand. Where can I find a hand? 】

Uchiha Yuu's inner eye scanned back and forth in the inner world, trying to find a suitable point of exertion, but there was nothing in the empty inner world...

[There is nothing, except...the heart ape and the spleen pig...]

[Ha, so it’s like this, balance! 】

Uchiha Yu found a way to solve the problem and no longer hesitated too much.

First, he focused his attention on the monkey, shaking the monkey's head so that it squeaked, and then carefully guided the blown monkey hair to fall densely on the pig's head.Stimulated by the monkey hair, the pig head's war trampling disrupted the rhythm. The concussive power of the Dantian immediately recovered, and with the help of the monkey hair, it penetrated the pig skin and penetrated deep into the interior.

The spleen pig's screams were deafening, blood splattered everywhere, and his breath suddenly declined.

【efficient! 】

Just like that, Uchiha Yuu's mentality lost its stability. The two hearts got rid of their previous passive state and regrouped to fight against him tenaciously.So Uchiha Yuu went back and forth with his heart, repeatedly fighting for the initiative in the battle.

During this period, there was also a situation where the Heart Monkey lacked strength and surrendered prematurely, causing the Spleen Pig to suddenly grow in size.

Uchiha Yuu was so forced that he had to recall his proud works, such as perfect battles, traceless killings, psychic suggestions, etc., so that he could temporarily be in a state of pride and arrogance, and reactivate the mania of the monkey mind.

After that, the spleen pig hummed and turned into a healthy person, too weak to resist the heart ape. As a result, the blood-red gorilla reappeared, beating its chest and beating its feet to conquer the sky.

Uchiha Yuu followed the picture and recalled the motto of Gou Dao, saying "Water is conducive to all things and all things are not contended with, and the husband is the only one who does not contend, so no one in the world can compete with it." Simulating the quiet and inactive conservative state of mind alienated by Confucianism, he asked Dangkang to blow up the balloon Become a black-haired domestic pig and attract the attention of the monkey.

He carefully maintained the balance between the two heart shapes, and relied on the completely opposite emotions of the heart shapes to maintain the balance of his own mentality and slowly eliminate the power of the inner demon.

In the end, Uchiha Yu won. The golden monkey and Dang Kang both crouched quietly on the ground, covered with thick monkey hair and pig blood.

He opened his eyes and found that the sky outside the window was already bright, and the time was close to six o'clock, much later than when he normally went out for a run.

He stayed up all night, and even though he was sitting cross-legged and motionless, he was really tired.

So he decided to take a day off and not go out for a run. Just such a thought caused his originally balanced and stable mentality to tilt. All kinds of thoughts were about to come up, which scared Uchiha Yuu to the point where he no longer dared to neglect.

"Run, you must run."

"To punish me for being late, I will give you an additional penalty of three laps today!!"

The sound of cheering him up woke up Masato Miwa, who was sleeping soundly. The tabby cat stretched sleepily and muttered: "Yuu, this guy is going crazy again."

"Well, he might be close to a breakthrough again."

"It's so fast. It's only been a month and a half since he established the foundation. Do I have to work hard too?"

After careful consideration, Masayo Miwa changed her position and continued to sleep.

"Rest, if you don't take a good rest, how can you have enough energy to work hard?"

Uchiha Yu encouraged himself, put on more than 600 kilograms of weight, and went out for a run.

In fact, this weight is not difficult for him now, and the training effect is somewhat worse.But this was already the limit of the weight. He could not add any more weight, otherwise his center of gravity would be completely out of control. When all movements were not enough to shake the weight, it would become a situation like a mantis lifting a barbell.

When the difference in body weight is too big, even if you have the strength of ten thousand kilograms, you will not be able to control a one ton weight. In the end, you will just hang yourself on the weight and do dazzling gymnastics moves.

If you can't increase the weight, you can only increase the amount of activity and let the long-term fatigue exercise your body. This can also increase your own quality, but the focus has changed from increasing strength in the past to increasing endurance.

When he first started running, Uchiha Yuu's thoughts were so random that he used the activeness of his thoughts to maintain a calm balance.But as his physical strength declined rapidly, his physical fatigue gradually made his mind more focused, and at the same time, he returned to true peace.

It was the emptiness of sinking without thoughts. This ethereal state liberated Uchiha Yu's heart. Although his body was very tired at this time, his mind was relaxed as never before.

(End of this chapter)

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