Chapter 40 He is an idiot

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"It's amazing, very amazing, it doesn't hurt anymore!"

"Brother Yu, can I leave it to someone else?"


"Why? Such a good thing, why can't it be taught to the tribesmen?"

"Because they're not geniuses, you are."


"I won't hide it from you. I figured out this set of techniques myself. Shisui, I'm the only one. Do you think I can guarantee that this set of techniques is perfect?"

"It seems that I can't..."

"What does it look like? It is absolutely impossible to be perfect. There are definitely many flaws in it. Geniuses can jump over them with their talent, avoid harm and enjoy the benefits."

"But do ordinary ninjas have such keen talents?"

The dull Shisui shook his head: I am a genius, am I still wrong?
"If you think about it again, if I teach others now, parents heard that the training techniques were invented by chunin, which parent will believe me and let their children practice?"

Shisui was stunned: So you are using me as a test subject.

"So, if this set of techniques wants to be spread, what is needed is a genius like Shisui. If you can find flaws in your practice and optimize them, you can create a reputation in the future and make everyone believe that this set of chakra techniques is effective. This Only then can it really spread.”

"Okay, I'll try my best."

Zhisui was about to cry but had no tears. He never thought that in the end, he would bear everything on his own.

He is just a four-year-old child.

But what Uchiha Yu taught was genuine. Although Shisui had only practiced for three days, this genius had already fully felt the benefits of the new training method.

Painless, comfortable, progress was rapid and flawless.

But Shisui was convinced by Uchiha Yu. He believed that there must be flaws and problems in it, and he needed to spend time to find and solve them. Then he could spread the word and help the Uchiha family and the ninjas of Konoha Village increase their strength.

Uchiha Shisui, who has a sense of mission, is full of motivation and is carrying out comprehensive training with great enthusiasm.

Shinichi ran back and forth on the river and swung his short sword rapidly, simulating a battle on the water and conducting intensive training on treading water.

At this time, Lin was holding a large medical tome, reading and reciting it, and walking slowly on the river with waves. This was her intensive training mode.

An hour and a half later, Uchiha Obito ran back dripping with sweat. Although his speed was not as fast as walking, he was indeed running.

After completing a stage of training, Shisui, who was resting, was the first to see it. He quickly stood up and wanted to go up to help, but after standing up, he suddenly remembered Uchiha Yu's words.

"When Obito comes back, you will be able to see his talent."

Uchiha Shisui concentrated his attention and looked over with wide eyes. He saw it in just a few seconds.

He clearly remembered that although Obito had plenty of physical strength when he started, under the pressure of the weight, his running posture was crooked and he could not stabilize his body shape.

Now, Obito's physical strength is almost exhausted, and the movement of lifting his legs is so difficult, but his torso is as straight as a pine tree, without lacking elasticity.No matter how his feet move, Obito's body keeps rocking up and down steadily without causing any additional burden.

This is the best posture for ninjas to run with weights, and Shisui is also skilled in it.But it took him several hours to use it skillfully under the guidance of the patriarch Fugaku, and then he practiced it in private for a long time before developing the habit.

Obito, on the other hand, was able to develop physical habits in just one and a half hours without anyone's guidance. He could use it naturally without any thought or attention at all.

This talent is really stronger than his own. How could such a super genius have the reputation of "idiot" within his family?
"Are you surprised about Obito's reputation?" "Yes, such a genius..."

"No, he's just an idiot."

"Among the various factors that bring out talents, character is more decisive than talent. You should also understand Obito's character by now. If you have too many thoughts and are not firm and persistent, you will definitely not be able to achieve success."

When Uchiha Yuu said this, he used his greatest perseverance to control himself from turning his head and looking at Lin's position.

Uchiha Shisui acknowledged the role of personality, but he had different views on the conclusion. After all, he watched Yu skillfully handle Obito, use various means to force Obito to conduct effective training, and achieved very amazing results. progress.

"I think Brother Yu did a great job, and Brother Obito was trained very well by you..."

Uchiha Yu smiled proudly, but shook his head firmly: "Shisui, remember: No matter how big the mountain is, you can move it, but you can't change your character."

"My control over Obito has its limits, and he is almost at the limit of breaking out."

"Becoming stronger always depends on your own persistence. How can you rely on others to force you?"

Of course, the real problem is that Obito is too selfish in nature, and he is a white-eyed wolf with no gratitude. How can Yuu Uchiha invest energy and time to change him?
Not to mention using Lin as a handhold, does Uchiha Obito really love Lin?

As the saying goes, Obito loves Rin as much as he loves her, and Obito, who keeps saying that he loves Rin, can destroy the Leaf Village for which Rin gave her life without blinking an eye.

Maybe he felt that Konoha Village was guilty of killing Lin, and destroyed Konoha Village in anger, which could also provide conditions for being with Lin in the future.

It was a very reluctant explanation, but it finally made sense.

But what Uchiha Yuu couldn't understand at all was that after mastering so many magical abilities, especially after mastering the Rinnegan Eye and becoming Obito of the Six Paths, why he didn't make any attempt to resurrect Lin, but focused on realizing the illusion. Zhong and Lin's plan to be together.

Is the Lin that Obito wants, the real Lin, or is he a doll named Lin that only treats him well in his imagination?

It's terrifying to think carefully.

But these words cannot be said to Shisui. Uchiha Yu's explanation is: "Obito is lazy and stubborn. Unless he encounters some major changes and his personality changes 180 degrees, there is no hope."

"What kind of tragic ordeal would it take to change Obito's character?"

"Obito, he's just fine as he is."

After saying that, he stepped forward, pushed the nervous Lin aside, and personally checked Obito's condition and found that the kid still had a lot of physical strength.

So he pointed to the equipment that had been prepared and said: "If you are a man, stand up and squat a hundred times with heavy weights."

In front of the girl he had a crush on, Uchiha Obito did not give up.

Cursing in his mind, he followed Uchiha Yu's request and completed one set after another of equipment training, completely draining the last of his strength until he collapsed to the ground unable to struggle.

Only then was Yuchiha satisfied and carried him to the river. Amidst the exclamations of several people, he threw Obito to the river.He was very strong, and the thin Obito was thrown far away, and the water depth was definitely enough to submerge Obito.

"Killing people - ah, ah? Ah!"

"I did it! I can stand on the river!"

"I'm so awesome at being able to really stand."

"Haha, Uchiha Yu, I've finished training. I want to end the training immediately. You can't torture me anymore! Hahaha!"

Uchiha Yu spread his hands to Shisui: "Look, did it explode? Did it just break down?"

Zhisui was speechless, he just lamented in his heart that Obito wasted his talent, and secretly warned himself not to make the same mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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