I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 294 The Seven Ninja Swordsmen and Matt Dai guided by fate

Chapter 294 The Seven Ninja Swordsmen and Matt Dai guided by fate

Kirigakure ninjas are said to be the best at concealment attacks, but once they give up the Kirigakure technique, their attacks will be the loudest.

Whether it's water escape, the huge ninja sword wielded, or the Kaguya clan's corpse vein ninjutsu, they are all very scary things.

The experienced veteran Oshinoji Nobsumi saw the scale of the Water Release and the bone spurs that penetrated the wall, and he immediately knew that the elite of the Kirigakure ninjas were here.

He ordered without hesitation: "Retreat, disperse and evacuate immediately, don't get together!"

After saying that, he took his team members, randomly picked a direction, and fled.

Led by Noji Nobusumi, the remaining Konoha ninjas dispersed and escaped in small groups, and the forced Kirigakure ninjas could only disperse and pursue.

So the chaotic pursuit began.

Although it was very chaotic, the fatal situation of this Konoha ninja squadron was reversed, at least it would not be easily wiped out.

This information was passed through the eyes of the scouting ninja to the two ambushing elite ninja forces. All the ninjas were surprised and relieved.

The Uchihas couldn't help but smile at each other, feeling that the awkwardness in their hearts had eased a lot.

The Tiger Force is so fierce, but it only has less than 20 people, and all members are no more than years old. This is because Uchiha Yuu has extremely high requirements for members.

First of all, all members are Uchiha members who have awakened the Sharingan, and have been trained in tactics and ninjutsu study groups, and understand the importance of discipline and obedience.

Secondly, except for Uchiha Kazuki, all the Uchiha ninjas in the Tiger Force have naturally awakened the Sharingan by practicing the three basic techniques without the emotional fluctuations of tragic encounters.

This can ensure that their emotions are stable and they will not go crazy suddenly, causing disaster to the entire Tiger Force.

Therefore, the Tiger Troops have the compassion and empathy of normal people. They sympathize with the suffering of the ninjas stationed in Konoha, and feel very uncomfortable that they can only watch their companions die in battle.

When they saw that their companions had a chance to escape, even though there would still be heavy casualties, the Uchiha felt much relieved.

This is what hope tastes like.

On the other side, Namikaze Minato was even more relaxed. He even laughed with his subordinates and said, "Noji Nobusumi-senpai is amazing. He is such a reliable senior."

A ninja asked curiously: "Captain, do you know this commander?"

Namikaze Minato smiled and said: "I don't know senior Noji Nobusumi, but his youngest son Noji Roue and I have collaborated on missions."

"At that time, he had just graduated from ninja school for a year, but he was already a very reliable teammate."

After saying a few words, Namikaze Minato noticed that the Kirigakure ninjas were getting closer and closer, and asked, "Shigenobu-kun, will our camp be discovered? Do we want to clear out these Kirigakure ninjas?"

Uchiha Shigenobu shook his head and said: "Don't worry, I brought the clan leader's barrier ninja tool and opened the hidden barrier. As long as we don't take the initiative to show our heads, the Kirigakure ninjas will not notice us and will naturally bypass us. This camp.”

Namikaze Minato felt relieved and said: "Great, I also informed the large camp behind of the situation through the communicator handed to me by the Hokage-sama, and they have sent reinforcements."

When the Uchiha heard this information, they felt even more at ease. Uchiha and Tsukasa smiled and said, "That's great. This way we can carry out the plan with peace of mind and don't have to worry about them anymore."


When Konoha Master Noji Nosumi gave the order, the ninjas who gave priority to retreat were young ninjas. Among them, children who were only 11 to 12 years old, such as Metkai, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu, were given priority to retreat. .

They were all genin who graduated from the ninja school early due to the shortage of troops during the Third Hokage period and entered the ninja sequence.

The Fourth Hokage Orochimaru is completely different from his teacher. In his opinion, such ninjas who are less than 15 years old cannot be considered young, but should be considered young.

Since taking office, Orochimaru began to remove these too young ninjas from the front line, allowing them to hold easy jobs in the village, and allowing adult ninjas to enter the front line to fight.

No one dared to openly oppose Orochimaru's policy, because the slogan of Konoha Village is to protect children, and the core of the spirit of fire is also the seed for adults to protect the future.

But there is a process in the implementation of any policy. It is impossible for Orochimaru to give an order and all ninjas under the age of 15 return to Konoha Village.

Because there are always some talented ninjas, even though they are less than 15 years old, they have been promoted to chunin by virtue of their own abilities, and some have even been promoted to jounin.

For example, Jonin Hatake Kakashi, Chuunin Lin, etc., they have become the backbone of Konoha ninjas, and naturally there is no need to retreat.

Therefore, no matter how good the policy is, it cannot be implemented in a one-size-fits-all manner, otherwise it will cause various difficulties and confusion in front-line and rear-line work.

Destiny seems to be really pursuing its established trajectory, and the replacement work that is about to end is coming to an end, and Metkai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu happen to be the last batch.

Just before they retreated to Konoha Village, they encountered a sneak attack by Kirigakure ninjas, and among the sneak attackers were the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure Village.

The one who protects them is Konoha Jonin Yamamura Yukihiro, who was specially appointed by Commander Noji Nobuchen.

If you knew, in this Konoha ninja force of more than 40 people, there were only two jonins, Noji Nobusumi and Yamamura Yukihiro.

In order to protect the three children, Noji Nobuzumi did not hesitate to use half of his jonin, which shows that he attaches great importance to the children.

Unfortunately, the protection of the Jonin Yukihiro Yamamura attracted the attention of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and they began to chase the team protected by the Jonin.

According to Kurihara Kushimaru, the children who can be protected by jounin should be the children of very important people. The value of catching them is greater than killing a few insignificant genin and chunin.

Yukihiro Yamamura is a ninja born as a civilian. After two wars, he was promoted from special jounin to jounin this year.

Unlike Kakashi Hatake, who was promoted to Jonin at the age of 12, Yukihiro Yamamura's promotion qualifications are quite weighted, and his personal strength is not outstanding.

Being besieged by seven people with ninja swords, Yukihiro Yamamura had no ability to resist. Just a blow from the grass-hunting man with a dull knife cost him his life.

The temporary captain who protected them was a Jonin, but he was killed so easily. The three little ones were so frightened that they fled desperately.

The world of ninja is so cruel. When you can't defeat the opponent, you often can't even escape.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure Village were selected from a thousand survivors of the war, and their strength was beyond the reach of ordinary jounin.

Ordinarily, the three of them would be overtaken and killed one by one if they didn't have the ability to escape very far.

But the tall and fat Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost came up with a cat-and-mouse idea. They deliberately chased and teased the three young Konoha ninjas, and then attracted other Konoha ninjas who escaped, and even ninjas who heard the information and came to support. .

This vicious trick really worked. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen passed through the three small ones, attracting several waves of reinforcements from Konoha ninjas, and then killed them happily.

Metkai, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu were not fools. The reinforcements that passed them by, the constant screams, and the powerful enemy always hanging behind them soon let them know that they had become enemies. Deliberately played bait.

Because of the physical training of freedom, Metkai has the toughest and bravest mind. He suddenly stopped and said to his two companions: "We can't run anymore. We are now the enemy's bait. If we continue running, we will only kill more and more people." comrades."

He put on a strong fist stance and gritted his teeth and said, "Rather than watch my comrades in Konoha Village being killed by me, I would rather fight with them!"

Ebisu's physical strength was at its worst, and he was already out of breath from running. He held on to his sunglasses and said, "Kai, you can't give up. If you give up, you will definitely be killed by the enemy."

"As long as we keep running, we will have a chance to meet a truly strong person and have hope of survival."

Shiranui Genma was also tired, but after hearing Ebisu's words, he objected: "I think Kai's words are reasonable, and have you noticed that the enemy is consciously driving us to run in an arc, allowing us to move along the rear? If we circle the camp, we can’t run back.”

He opened his clothes, took out a small cloth bag from the innermost crotch of his trousers, took out a few detonating charms, pasted two directly on his chest, and then handed the other one to Hui Bisu.

"I don't plan to continue escaping! If we can't return to the Konoha camp, we can only encounter the patrolling Chuunin team, and such an ordinary team can only die and cannot save us."

Ebisu took the detonating charm with great disgust and hesitantly attached it to the inside of his clothes.

Even though he said he was running for his life, he was still prepared to die with the enemy.

The three young genin looked at each other, knowing clearly the other's determination, so they formed a triangular defensive formation.

Now that they had the will to die in their hearts, the fear in the three genin's hearts naturally dissipated with the wind.

They are no longer afraid of the threat of death, and all they can think about is how to draw an enemy to back them up.

brush! brush! Brush———— As soon as the three genin made the decision to defend and fight, a rapid sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and seven ninjas, tall, short, fat or thin, appeared in front of them.

Moreover, these ninjas also put on various poses. It was obvious that these guys were always paying attention to the movements of the three people and could take them down at any time.

This was the first time for Metkai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu to see the enemy chasing them.

I saw that these seven ninjas all wore Kirigakure forehead protectors and carried unique-shaped ninja swords on their backs. Some ninja swords were so unique in shape that they were completely incompatible with swords.

Especially the scroll-shaped ninja sword among them, which is simply unreasonable to the extreme.

As the Seven Ninja Swordsmen appeared, the momentum and murderous intent of the seven elite Jonin enveloped the entire forest, and the three Konoha Genin stiffened in shock.

Fortunately, there is still a big gap between the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and Orochimaru. Metkai and the others have also been practicing on the battlefield for more than a year, and are more than a little better than the future graduates.

They did not lose their ability to move because of the enemy's murderous intent, but they just felt that their bodies were stiff, as if a bucket of ice water had been poured from head to toe.

Even though the golden sunlight passed through the leaves and cast golden light spots in the forest, it could not drive away the bone-chilling chill, making the Konoha Genin very uncomfortable.

Since these three decoys are no longer planning to run away, they have no value as decoys. If they have special identities, they will be captured. If they are ordinary genin, they will be killed.

Loquat Juuzang had no desire to fight the genin. He pulled out the decapitating sword, stuck it on the ground, and leaned against the blade to rest.

After he gave an example, others also adopted postures that were either relaxed or bad.

The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost with the most cruel personality grinned, showing its fangs, and teased: "Three little mice, are you really not planning to escape?"

The three teenagers, who were less than 150cm tall, looked at the huge body that was over 250cm tall and felt a shuddering pressure.

Metkai first got rid of all fear and shouted: "Running means death, and will also kill our companions. Fighting means death, but we can die with you, so of course we choose to fight!"

The pufferfish ghost in Xiguashan laughed loudly: "Perish together? He said he will perish together with us! I'm laughing to death, I can't do it anymore, you guys, please kill them."

Sure enough, it was Kurirare Kushimaru and Muuri Jinpachi who stepped forward. Before they became the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, they were known as the cold-blooded duo.

Being able to get the title of cold-blooded in the blood mist is evident in the behavior of these two Kirigakure ninjas.

Kushimaru pulled out the long knife and stitches, and said regretfully: "Is this the end? It's such a shame. I thought I could play for a little longer and kill a few more people before Mizukage-sama summoned us. A Konoha Jounin."

Muuri Jinpachi also pulled out the explosive sword droplet shaped like a scroll, and reminded his teammates: "Be careful with your movements, don't kill them all."

"We still need to interrogate their identities. If there really is a child of a big shot, the bait game can continue for a long, long time."

Kurumi Kushimaru said impatiently: "Okay, I know, as long as you don't die, it will be fine."

"Jinpachi, your ninja sword is too powerful, just let me do it."

"First knock off their hands and feet, and then sew them back together so that they can no longer escape and die from blood loss."

Kurisha Kushimaru turned the long knife in his hand, walked forward with a smile, and said: "Who should we sew up first?"

"Ah, this pothead with thick eyebrows and big eyes makes people's eyes uncomfortable just looking at it, so let's start with you..."


Before Kurimaru Kushimaru could finish his words, he was suddenly kicked on the masked face by a big foot. Amidst the huge impact of the flesh, he spun away like a windmill.

Then, a figure that was not tall but was as reliable as a mountain blocked the sight of the three genin and the seven ninja swordsmen.


"who are you?"

Six of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were so frightened and furious that no one noticed that the enemy was approaching until Kuritari Kushimaru was kicked away.

They couldn't help but think that if they were the ones who were attacked just now, they would be kicked away just like Kurihara Kushimaru because they didn't react in time.

Regardless of life or death, the level of embarrassment is simply unbearable.

Among the seven Ninja swordsmen, Muuri Jinpachi's face was the most ugly, so gloomy that he almost shed tears.

As a member of the cold-blooded duo, he and Kushimaru Kurihara were standing closest, and the person who came almost brushed against his face, and then kicked Kushimaru Kurisaru hard in the face.

In other words, if it was him who was kicked, he was kicked in the back of the head without any knowledge.

Just a little bit, the shame is that he has no pear Jinpachi.

Metkai recognized the identity of the person at a glance and exclaimed: "Father! Why are you here?"

The one standing in front of the three Konoha genin was naturally Matt Dai. He opened the six gates of the Eight Gate Dungeon, exuding green arrogance.

I saw him looking back at his son, grinning with big white teeth shining brightly, raising his thumb and saying, "Kai, daddy is here to save you!"

Metkai was surprised but not happy. His father was also a genin. Even the jounin was killed by the enemy, and he died together with him. What was there to be happy about?

Ebisu and Shiranui Genma also knew Matt Dai, and in their hearts, Kai's father was not as good as them.

In any case, they were also genin who had fought the enemy on the front line, while Matt Dai was a genin who had been doing D-level missions in the ninja village.

The 33-year-old genin of Konoha Village, what a weak but shameless being.

By the way, Matt Dai is indeed very shameless, wearing a shameless green tights and saying slogans that even a 12-year-old would be ashamed of.

At another time, they would have even laughed, but now that people were risking their lives to save them, they naturally couldn't say it out loud.

Metkai asked anxiously: "Dad, where is your captain?"

Matt Dai smiled and replied: "Kai, your dad doesn't have a captain, you know it."

Kai was angry and anxious, and shouted in a crying voice: "Dad, you are also a genin. If there are no senior ninjas, what are you doing here? Are you going to die together?"

Matedai ​​waved his hand and said with a smile: "Son, don't ask any more questions. The three of you leave quickly. I will protect you from the enemy."

Metkai immediately turned around and roared: "Dad! The opponent is seven jounin, seven!"

"Dad, you can't stop me alone, don't be ridiculous!"

Of course he knew that his father was trying his best to buy him a chance of survival.

Metkai found it difficult to accept this and thought it was impossible, so he added: "Instead of escaping, we might as well fight together. Maybe... maybe we can kill one of them."

Ebisu and Shiranui Genma felt the same way, so they made fighting movements and wrapped a trace of chakra around the detonating charms on their bodies, ready to detonate at any time.

Matt Dai suddenly stretched out his hands, clasped Kai's cheeks, and said face to face: "Son, your father is not dead yet, so you are not qualified to die, do you understand?"

"Let's go, take your partner with you, leave this place to me."

Only then did Metkay realize that his father's temperament was very different from usual, full of contradictory feelings that were reassuring and sad. He murmured: "You are a genin, dad..."

Metadai turned around, looked at the enemy, and said in a particularly calm tone: "Youth cannot be retreated, not to mention that Kai, you are still here, I have no way out."

He didn't say death, but everyone could hear the determination to die, but he was extremely calm and certain, as if death was a trivial matter that had already been determined but was insignificant.

 Sheep listen to advice

  I immediately installed the iFlytek input method and changed my typing skills to selling words.

  It turned out that there was a gap between my stupid mouth and my brain.

  What I'm thinking in my mind and what I'm saying are actually different things.

  The mouth needs to be tamed...

  555 ~



(End of this chapter)

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