I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 293 Orochimaru: I don’t want to die in the position of Hokage

Chapter 293 Orochimaru: I don’t want to die in the position of Hokage

Orochimaru told Nara Shikaku the information he had.

After hearing this, Nara Shikaku had a basic understanding of this enemy, so he nodded and said: "I understand, Lord Hokage, I will make arrangements for the expedition now."

Orochimaru was very satisfied with his staff's initiative and waved him to do the work. He turned around, looked at the map and fell into deep thought.

Nara Shikaku is the new Hokage's staff officer, taking over the position of his great uncle Nara Shikaku, representing the Nara family and becoming a close confidant of the Fourth Hokage.

With the unexplained death of the Third Hokage, the former patriarch Nara Shikamine, who represented the loyalty of the Nara family, naturally retired and gave up the position of patriarch to his son Shikaku.

Nara Shikaku, who originally followed Orochimaru, had an awkward identity. He was Orochimaru's confidant, but he was not the leader who could represent the Nara clan.

After obtaining the consent of the Fourth Hokage, Nara Shikaku also withdrew from the front line and worked at the Konoha Ninja School, leaving the position of staff officer to his nephew Shikaku.

Not only Nara Shikaku, but the other two families of Ino Shikaku also changed their clan leaders in unison, as well as their positions in the Intelligence Department and the Ninja Force.

At the same time, other large-scale ninja families have followed the replacement of Hokage and completed their own metabolism.

An emperor and his courtiers are a huge political and military group that should be updated and replaced.

Like the Third Hokage in history, he held power for nearly 40 years, forcing each ninja clan to replace their clan leader in advance.

The combination of the old Hokage and the young middle-level backbone is a very unhealthy power structure.

In addition, he and his classmates teamed up to monopolize power, but were unable to use the power effectively because of their old age. This eventually led to the isolation of the upper and lower levels, triggering the Konoha Collapse Plan.

For a huge military and political group like Konoha Village, there are no real enemies in the ninja world.

All the disasters that Konoha Village encountered were caused by the intensification of internal conflicts. The so-called external enemies and external causes were at most the trigger.

Because Konoha Village itself is the largest violent group in the ninja world, as long as there are no internal problems, any external provocation will be easily crushed like the first ninja war.

Of course, the super powers from Nagato, Six Paths Obito, Six Paths Madara, and the Otsutsuki have to be considered separately.

Konoha Village, under the control of Orochimaru, the Fourth Hokage, is a highly coordinated war machine. Especially with the cooperation of Uchiha Yu, the coordination and speed of operation are beyond imagination.

Especially after Konoha Village reduced the Anbu to 70 people, the two standing elite troops supported by the village were assembled in only 4 minutes after receiving the Hokage's order.

Orochimaru was very satisfied with this. He looked at the two ninja troops with different styles and issued the order: "East Coast, Kirigakure Village, attack!"

"Yes! Tiger troops attack!"

Uchiha Shigenobu stood up and bowed to the Fourth Hokage.

Then he turned around and waved his hand, and the 366 Uchiha ninjas of the Tiger Force dispersed the dense formation, spread out the marching diamond formation, and set off in an orderly manner.

On the other side, the new snake troop leader Minato Namikaze watched the tiger troop leave quietly, then stood up and said to Orochimaru: "Hokage-sama, the snake troop is leaving now."

But Orochimaru stretched out his hand to stop Minato and asked: "Namikaze Minato, I made you the commander to familiarize you with the latest tactics and warfare methods of Konoha Village."

"This is the third ninja war in the era of ninja villages. It is no longer an era for a single ninja to exert its fighting power alone. You can no longer abandon your subordinates and rush forward alone. Do you understand?"

Namikaze Minato's expression darkened, he nodded and said, "Yes, Hokage-sama, I understand."

"I have learned a profound lesson. It is a lesson learned by my disciple Uchiha Obito. It is a lesson learned with blood..."

"The Fourth Hokage, I promise you that I will lead the Snake Troops seriously and resolutely put the mission as the first priority!"

Orochimaru nodded with satisfaction and said to Namikaze Minato: "If you win this battle, I will reward you with the Forbidden Technique: Flying Thunder God Technique. This is the most suitable ninjutsu for you."

Namikaze Minato perked up and replied loudly to Orochimaru: "Thank you for the reward, Hokage-sama!"

"Haha, thank you now. You are really confident." Orochimaru loudly ordered with satisfaction: "Very good! Set off with the snake troops and bring me victory!"

"Remember, don't be anxious. The Snake Force is not a bunch of naive Uchiha like the Tiger Force. Our advantage is resilience and precision coordination, not recklessness!"

Namikaze Minato suddenly saw that Uchiha Yu appeared next to Orochimaru at some point, and after hearing Orochimaru's words, he rolled his eyes at Naruto from behind.

Minato, who was originally immersed in sadness, was amused and even almost laughed out loud.

He suppressed his laughter, signaled to the Fourth Hokage with his eyes, then stood at attention and replied: "Yes!"

The snake troop's marching method was different from that of the tiger troop. More than two thousand ninjas formed three long snakes, slid silently into the forest outside the assembly area, and left silently.

Uchiha Yu looked at this scene and was really filled with emotions.

Now the relationship between Namikaze Minato and Orochimaru is truly inherited and orderly.

Orochimaru is a long-established Kage-level ninja with outstanding achievements and profound qualifications. At the age of 35, he is at his peak. Everyone thinks it is natural to serve as Hokage.

Namikaze Minato is a disciple of Jiraiya, and his reputation has just spread. He is 23 years old, full of vitality, and has great potential for future growth. He is just in time to take over Orochimaru's frontline command responsibility.

This is fine and reasonable, but some things still need to be said clearly.

So Uchiha Yuu asked: "It seems that you selected Namikaze Minato to be the Sixth Hokage, and you don't intend to let your disciples succeed you?"

Orochimaru smiled and asked: "Ah, I didn't expect Yu-kun to be not angry. It seems that you have guessed that I want to be beaten?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and replied: "I did guess that you intend to change the dead rules that Hokage can only pass down between master and disciple."

"Minato Namikaze's teacher is not the Hokage, let him take over as the Sixth Hokage, and then let Uchiha Shisui take over as the Seventh Hokage."

Orochimaru smiled very happily: "You really understand me, Yu-kun. After two exchanges like this, the tolerance of Konoha ninjas will be greatly increased."

"When the Eighth Hokage becomes the Eighth Hokage, the range of Hokage candidates can be further expanded, so that the candidates for Hokage will not be completely narrowed down at the age of 12 or 3."

"Yu-kun, what do you think?"

Of course Uchiha Yu agreed: "Very good, very good."

"But why do I feel that this is not your real purpose, the Fourth Hokage? What you actually want is to be lazy, right?"

Orochimaru laughed loudly: "Haha, as expected of Yu-kun, being lazy is my main purpose!"

"I don't want to stay in the position of Hokage like sensei."

"The first three Hokage were all miserable. The first Hokage died of illness while in office, the second Hokage died in battle while in office. My teacher, the Third Hokage, did things that made everyone hate him... so he died in office."

"Obviously, if you stay in this position of Hokage for a long time, the end will be very bad, so I can only work for 10 years and let Minato Namikaze take over."

Orochimaru said with a smile: "Yu-kun still has the foresight to live so leisurely and comfortable every day. I'm really envious."

"I haven't entered the laboratory for a long time. Even if I sneak in, it won't work. My mind is full of troublesome government affairs and I have no intention of thinking about experiments."

"I really want to retire..."

Uchiha Yu sighed. He obviously came to question Orochimaru, but in the end, he used him as an emotional trash can to vent his emotions.

So annoying!

However, seeing that the Fourth Hokage worked conscientiously for the Leaf Village, Uchiha Yuu decided to forgive him generously.

However, he decided that tomorrow is tomorrow!

He was going to take Miwa Masashi to have an open-air BBQ on the Hokage Rock that could be seen from the Hokage Building and the Hokage's office.

He wanted to eat well, drink well, and have the best barbecue feast, the kind that would fill the entire Konoha Village with fragrance.

Furious Orochimaru.


Just as the reconnaissance ninjas of the Kirigakure ninja quietly landed on the coast of the Land of Fire, the Tiger Troops and Snake Troops of Konoha Village had already arrived at their strongholds less than 70 kilometers away from the coastline.

Following the order, Uchiha Shigenobu and Namikaze Minato gathered together to discuss the next battle plan.

Although the number of Tiger troops is not as large as that of Snake troops, when the commanders of both sides gathered together, it was the Tiger troops who had more commanders.

Uchiha Shigenobu with a steady personality, Uchiha Kazuji who is suspicious and cautious, Uchiha Tadamichi who is silent and rarely talks, Uchiha Hiroto who is tenacious, and Uchiha Kazuki who has the most fierce eyes.

But Namikaze Minato was alone, and there was no commander beside him who could stand side by side.

Facing the five commanders of the Tiger Force, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but secretly click his tongue.

These Uchiha are all 19 years old, younger than Minato. Although their strength is slightly inferior, their actual combat and command abilities are stronger. With the elite of the Tiger Troops, the excellence of their commanders, and the legendary new clan leader, it is no wonder that the Fourth Hokage is so tolerant of the Uchiha clan.

This is really the strength that is in place, and the Hokage cannot do whatever he wants.

Namikaze Minato suppressed his emotions and asked first: "Does the Tiger Force have a battle plan?"

Uchiha Shigenobu looked behind him and asked: "Kazuji, we have walked all the way, have you thought about it?"

Uchiha and Tsukasa smiled and said: "The plan is simple, wait."

"The first is to wait for the exact information from the investigation to determine the landing location of the Kirigakure ninja."

"The second is to wait until the main force of Kirigakure ninjas land."

"After they left the coastline, the snake troops surrounded them from both sides from the front, and the tiger troops penetrated the flanks. We worked together to form a triangular encirclement, and then annihilated the enemy."

Everyone had no objections to this and the plan was approved on the spot.

However, Namikaze Minato thought of a question and asked: "What should we do with the Konoha ninjas stationed here? Should we notify them to retreat?"

The five Uchiha shook their heads in denial.

Uchiha Shigenobu said in an even stronger tone: "Absolutely not!"

Namikaze Minato looked gloomy and murmured: "Is it really impossible? Is there no way at all? They are also ninjas of Konoha Village..."

Minato couldn't bear to watch them die in confusion even though he could save them with just a stretch of his hand.

Uchiha Shigenobu said: "Namikaze Jonin, I have learned about your information. You have also carried out such a muddle-headed death mission, so you sympathize with those Konoha ninjas."

"Please believe that I also sympathize with them because I have also been assigned similar tasks."

"However, you are not an ordinary ninja performing tasks on the front line now. You are already a commander. The responsibility of a commander is to make calm calculations, watch other Konoha ninjas die, and even deliberately send them to die."

"Everything is to win and let more Konoha ninjas live."

"You have to adapt as soon as possible..."

The five Uchiha did not laugh at Namikaze Minato, because he did not object to the plan, but unwillingly wanted to make up for the regret.

Which one of them didn't come here like this?

It's just that they were lucky. Uchiha Yuu held up a protective umbrella for them, not only protecting them through the most dangerous battlefield, but also taking the initiative to bear the psychological pressure of sacrificing their companions for them.

And this Namikaze Minato was very unlucky. His teacher Jiraiya did not play the protective role he should have, leaving Minato alone to explore.

What shocked the five Uchiha was that after taking a few deep breaths, Namikaze Minato got rid of this burden and showed a sunny smile.

He promised the five commanders of the Tiger Force: "I have made everyone worried. Please rest assured that neither I nor the Snake Force will hold us back."

Her golden hair and bright and gentle smile are like a ray of sunshine, making people feel comfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

Even the most gloomy Uchiha Kazuki couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

Ever since this guy was sent to the Kingdom of Rain, and he was the only one of the twenty study group members who died, his personality has become gloomy and terrifying, and he has almost completely closed his heart.

Except for the companions of the Tiger Force and Uchiha Yu, Uchiha Kazuki didn't talk to anyone. At this time, he couldn't help but nodded and said: "I believe you."

When he said this, the other four Uchiha were stunned and looked at each other.

Uchiha Shigenobu said happily: "As expected of the golden little sun, it can actually warm our big ice cube. It's great!"

Uchiha and Tsukasa rubbed his chin and said, "Brother Yu is right, Namikaze Minato is a very charming person with miraculous affinity, and he may be able to cure Kazuki."

"It turned out to be true!"

After hearing Uchiha Yu's comments relayed by Kazuji, all Uchiha, including Ichiki, nodded in agreement.

Hiroto Uchiha said: "Brother Yu is never wrong, and this time is no exception. Ichiki, you have to thank Namikaze Jonin."

As expected, Kazuki Uchiha saluted Minato Namikaze and thanked him: "Thank you very much, I owe you a favor."

Compared to the Uchihas who accepted it calmly, Namikaze Minato was even more surprised: "Huh? I, I didn't do anything?"

Uchiha Shigenobu laughed loudly: "No, Namikaze Jonin, you have already done it. This is what Brother Yu said, and he will never be wrong."

"Don't worry, our Tiger Force will fully cooperate with the Snake Force this time, and we will ensure that nothing goes wrong."

Then all the five Uchiha ninjas left, leaving Minato Namikaze with a puzzled look on his face, standing in the open space confused.

After a while, he smiled freely and laughed at himself: "Inexplicably, I got a very high praise from the Uchiha clan leader, and got the thanks of the Tiger Army..."

"Oh, it shouldn't be a bad thing."


There was no talk all night, and it was foggy in the early morning.

What is unexpected is that the Konoha ninja in charge here is very sharp.

After seeing the fog, the old jounin quickly made a judgment that this was not a normal natural phenomenon.

He immediately raised the alarm and ordered all his men to retreat.

The young Konoha ninjas all questioned: "We didn't even see the enemy, and we just retreated. Is it really okay?"

Old Oshinoji Nosumi shook his head and said: "Such a heavy fog must be an attack by the Kirigakure ninja army. If we really see the enemy, we will have no chance to retreat."

"Now that the alert has been sent out, our job has been completed."

"I order everyone to retreat. Ninjas under the age of 18 will go first, and those over 40 will stay behind to act as disguises and traps."


The sudden retreat of the Konoha ninja left the Kirigakure ninja in charge of the investigation at a loss.

Their manpower was not large enough to intercept more than thirty Konoha ninjas, so they could only send out an emergency contact signal to notify the Kirigakure ninjas responsible for the first wave of attacks.

The Kirigakure ninja who was preparing for the sneak attack in an orderly manner saw the signal and naturally knew that the sneak attack failed.

The ninjas of the Kaguya clan couldn't help complaining: "It must be something that breaks the Kirigakure technique. It's really unnecessary. It's better to just rush forward."

There are also representatives among the ordinary Kirigakure ninjas. Among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni ​​sneered: "No plan is perfect. When the Kirigakure technique is successful in the Land of Waves, why don't you complain?"

Loquat Juuzang laughed and said: "Hey, hey, don't say that, the brains of the Kaguya clan are full of bones, and they don't spin around at all."

Kaguya Ninja's eyes were red, and he stared at Loquat Juzo, as if he wanted to eat him.

Loquat Juuzang was stared at by dozens of Kaguya ninjas. He couldn't help but feel angry, but he still said stubbornly: "What, did I say something wrong?"

At this time, Momochi Zabuza stood up, pointed at Loquat Juuzou and said: "Of course you are wrong. The Fifth Mizukage-sama is also a ninja of the Kaguya clan. How dare you say bad things about Mizukage-sama?"

Loquat Juzo was immediately shocked, and then he remembered that Lord Mizukage was really from the Kaguya clan.

Not only him, but other Kirigakure ninjas were also shocked, and then they all looked at Loquat Juzo with unkind eyes. Even the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were very dissatisfied.

You must know that they were elected fairly fairly under the auspices of the Fifth Mizukage, and I am very grateful to the Fifth Mizukage.

In fact, Loquat Juuzang was also convinced by the Fifth Mizukage, so he immediately bowed his head and apologized: "I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing, please forgive me!"

But he muttered softly: "I really didn't remember that the Fifth Mizukage is a ninja of the Kaguya clan."

All the other Kirigakure ninjas feel the same way with these words.

The smart and wise Fifth Mizukage really doesn't match the style of the Kaguya clan.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost shook his head and said, "Since we've been exposed, let's follow the Kaguya clan's idea and rush forward to kill all the Konoha ninjas!"

"Okay! Kill them all!"

(End of this chapter)

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