I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 295 Today shouldn’t be Matt Dai’s final glorious day

Chapter 295 Today shouldn’t be Matt Dai’s final glorious day

While Mattei was talking to the three little ones, Kurumi Kushimaru covered his face and stood up.

His mask was not lost, but it was full of cracks and damage, revealing his mouth and chin full of blood.

Kurumi Kushimaru opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, with several teeth mixed in, and said vaguely: "Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

The Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost and the others also saw clearly the appearance of the visitor, and found that Matt Dai was actually a genin who didn't even have a standard vest, and they immediately felt that they had been deceived.

The one who couldn't react just now must have been a genjutsu or some ninjutsu. A mere genin dared to attack the seven most elite ninja swordsmen in Kirigakure Village. He really didn't know how to live or die.

Muuri Jinpachi shook the blasting sword droplets on his hand and was about to launch an attack, but was stopped by Kushimaru Kurihara who suddenly appeared. He said viciously: "No one is allowed to attack, he is mine, mine!"

Because half of his teeth were missing, Kurumi Kushimaru's saliva spattered when he roared, which scared Muuri Jinpachi to avoid him, and quickly agreed: "Okay, it's yours!"

Several people further away saw his red eyes and acquiesced to his request.

After all, Kurikaru Kushimaru was so embarrassed that if he didn't let him go, he might suffer resentment and revenge.

Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon and Loquat Juuzang are stronger. Although they are not afraid of Kurisu Kushimaru, there is no need to offend him on such a trivial matter.

After blocking his companions, Kushimaru Kurihara walked towards Matt Dai with a long knife and needle in his hand, and said vaguely: "I was beaten by a genin. It's really embarrassing. How can I retaliate against you?"

"Jie Jie Jie, should I kill my father first or my son? It's so hard to choose!"

"Kill you? No, no, no, how can I kill you so easily? I want you to live, but I just want to kill myself."

"Why don't I sew you two green-skinned monsters together? It seems like a father-son conjoined body would look great."

Although Kuri-Kushimaru's words were unclear, they were clearly heard by Matt Dai.

The smile on his face disappeared, and he turned around to stare at Kuritsugu Maru.

At this time, Kuritsumaru's body was exuding an extremely strong murderous aura, and the child behind Matt Dai was so frightened that his hands and feet were numb and his movements were slow.

This is still the result of being blocked by Matt Dai. If they face such an enemy directly, they may be unable to control their hands and feet.

Only then did they realize how powerful these seven Kirigakure jounin really were. With their own strength, they probably couldn't even die.

Metadai said: "You want to kill my son?"

Kurisha Kushimaru said with a smile: "No, I won't kill him, I will let him live like a dog..."

Matt Dai said loudly: "If you want to kill him, I will kill you!"

Kurisaki Kushimaru: "..., I didn't say I wanted to kill him. Are you listening to me?"

Muuri Jinpachi smiled and said: "A mere genin actually brazenly said that he wanted to kill the seven ninja swordsmen in Kirigakure Village?"

"Don't be ridiculous, the truth of the ninja world is that the weak can never defeat the strong, and the genin cannot defeat the jounin. This is an eternal iron law."

Mattei reached out and patted his chest and said, "I am a genin. Because I cannot master ninjutsu, I cannot be promoted."

"But I am not useless. I also have treasures that I want to protect. My ninja is to protect. I want to protect Konoha Village and my son!"

"I can't learn ninjutsu or illusion. I can only practice physical skills day after day. Starting from the age of 13, it has taken me 20 years to develop a unique skill: Eight Gate Dungeon."

Behind him, Metkai remembered the precepts that his father had crammed into his mind with thorn sticks and iron fists when he taught him the Eight Gate Dunjia. He couldn't help but exclaimed: "Father, the precepts of the Eight Gate Dunjia..."

Matt Dai laughed loudly and said: "Kai, now is the moment for me to protect you. It is the critical moment allowed by the commandments!"

"Today, let the Kirigakure ninjas verify my ninja skills and my unique skills!"

Seeing Matt Dai's sermon as if no one else was watching, Kurisu Kushimaru became furious. He roared angrily: "Asshole, I've never heard of Eight Door Dungeon!"

"You bastard green clown, go to hell!"

The long knife and needle turned into sharp stabbing shadows, rushing towards Matdai and the three Konoha genin behind him with chakra threads.

Mattai looked serious, clenched his fists into a cross in front of his face, and roared: "Eight-door Dunjia·Jingmen, open!"

As the meridians open, the beating speed of the heart doubles, and the blood circulation speed increases several times.

A large amount of sweat gushes out from the skin, and is immediately evaporated by the chakra and high fever body temperature, forming a blue aura.

Kuribori Kushimaru's eyes tightened, but before he could react, he received a heavy kick on the chin, and his whole body was kicked away by this high kick.

This kick was obviously harder than before. The completely broken pieces of the mask, spattered blood, suspicious meat pieces and white teeth were scattered all over the sky.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen were all dumbfounded. Two Matdai appeared on the scene. One was standing in front of the three Konoha genin, and the other had just kicked Kurihara Kushimaru away.

Soon they discovered that Matt Dai was a translucent shadow standing in front of the three teenagers.

Between the two Matdai, a blue trail was clearly visible, which was the afterimage left by the blue flames. The gravel and dust along the way were spreading to both sides.

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost was so horrified that he took the large sword shark behind his back in his hand and screamed at the same time: "It's speed! The phantom caused by speed!"

"This greenskin is a monster!!!"

Not only the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon reacted violently, but all the Kirigakure ninjas restrained their casual attitude, held their ninja swords in their hands, and became cautiously alert.

Muuri Jinpachi even held a blasting sword and jumped backwards, trying to return to the seven Ninja Swordsmen and get cover from his companions.

After all, the forward swing of the explosive sword skill is a bit long and the damage range is a bit large. Facing extremely fast ninjas, it will be very disadvantageous.

At this time, Muuri Jinpachi felt that he should return to the fighting position in the back row and use the detonating talisman to attack the enemy, instead of rushing to the front and fighting with people.

Suddenly, Loquat Juzo shouted: "Jinpachi! Be careful!"

Muuri Jinpachi knew something was wrong, but before he could judge the direction of danger, he was hit in the ribs by a blue-flaming fist.

He didn't feel pain, he just felt that his body became lighter, and at the same time, a huge force pushed him, making him fly to the left.

Seeing this, the seven Ninja Swordsmen immediately dispersed, keeping distance between each other and maintaining maximum vigilance.

But Materdai stopped on his own, with a painful expression on his face.

He was not the pioneer of the Eight Gates Dunjia Art, but he was a ninja who truly perfected the Eight Gates Dungeon Formation. However, in the process of exploring, he caused unimaginable damage to his body and left countless hidden injuries.

Although Uchiha Yu taught him a lot of taijutsu knowledge and restored his physical condition a lot, there was still a lot of damage that could not be recovered.

The Jingmen is the last door before death. Its function is to squeeze all the body's functions to the limit. The huge burden severely tests all aspects of the body.

Under the impact of the blue flames, the hidden injuries on his body will turn into real injuries, making him miserable.

The severe pain all over his body made Matdai sweat like rain, and the sweat was evaporated immediately. The blue aura became more fierce, but it also quickly consumed his physical strength.

He smiled bitterly and said: "My body is really not good enough. Can I already bear it after just two blows?"

At this time, Metkai, Ebisu and Shiranui Genma were all dumbfounded.

Although they have never heard of the names of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, they all know that these Kirigakure ninjas can easily kill Konoha Master and are definitely the elite jounin of Kirigakure Village.

And Matt Dai is the most disliked "ten thousand years genin" in Konoha Village. Legend has it that he is a weakling who cannot beat the graduates of the ninja school.

But what the hell was that just now? A ten thousand year genin defeated two elite jounin in two strikes?

Ebisu reached out and grabbed Genma's arm, then gave it a hard squeeze.

Shiranui Genma jumped up with an "ouch" of pain.

Ebisu looked at his face and suddenly said: "It turns out I'm not dreaming..."

Xuanjian was furious and shouted: "Don't pinch yourself to verify your dream? What's the use of pinching me?"

Ebisu was obedient and pinched himself again, hard, and then let out a scream and a cry of surprise: "Wow, I really wasn't dreaming!" "Crazy!" Shiranui Genma glared fiercely. He glanced at him, then looked at the blue figure kneeling in front of him, half horrified, half thankful and murmured: "This scene... is indeed like a dream."

Metkai was also murmuring to himself: "It turns out that Eight Gate Dunjia is such a powerful stunt..."

Matt Dai's pain eased a little. He frowned and assessed his physical condition, and couldn't help but feel quite disappointed.

[The burden of opening the alarm door is too big for me. I can't just waste time with them slowly. I must try my best to cause enough damage to scare them...]

Next, what surprised Matt Dai even more was that the two Kirigakure ninjas that he knocked down actually stood up.

Even though Kuriragushimaru had lost his entire chin, half of his upper jaw and nose, his breath was filled with blood blisters.

Although Muashi Jinpachi broke half of his ribs, there was an obvious dent under his ribs, and he had to cough and vomit blood with every breath.

But they stood up anyway.

Among the five major ninja villages, life in Konoha Village is the most comfortable, but Kirigakure Village is a hellish ninja village. The jounin who can fight out of this hell will definitely have various problems, but the endurance of pain Absolutely excellent.

Seeing that the two fallen companions could still stand up, the fear of the seven Ninja Swordsmen relaxed a little, and they gathered around with blades in hand.

"Haha, youth will never stop blooming! Come again!"

Mattei laughed and sprinted forward. His speed was too fast for the human eye to catch, and he first rushed in front of the ninja holding the double-sword Knife.

Easily dodging the energy bombs triggered by Flounder, Matt Dai charged up a little this time and used all his strength to activate his physical skills.

He shouted: "Kai, this is the stunt that my father and I have worked hard on. You have to see it clearly."

"Towards the peacock!"

Countless fist shadows started from Dai's shoulders and intensively hit the Kirigakure Jōnin holding two swords. The fists rubbed in the air, generating high temperatures and flames, just like the eyes on the tail feathers of a peacock.

The dense flame fists spread out in an arc, as gorgeous as a peacock spreading its tail.

Metadai first shattered the enemy's defense, and then concentrated the attack on the enemy's chest and abdomen. The banging sound of punches hitting the flesh was accompanied by the crisp sound of broken bones. Because the speed was too fast, they were completely mixed together to form a There was a loud bang like an explosion.

The two knives were thrown away, and the body was flying everywhere.

As the Kirigakure ninja flew backwards, his whole body was like a rag bag, shaking softly with the wind. It was obvious that all the bones in his body had been shattered.

The Kirigakure ninjas all understood that this guy was dead.

They did not hesitate, and the six ninja swords launched a layered attack on Matt Dai, using intensive attacks to force Dai to take several steps back to dodge.

But no attack can last forever. Just when the Kirigakure ninja's attack weakened, Matt Dai laughed and tried to rush forward with both feet.

But at this moment, he felt severe pain in his legs, and his muscles were spasming and cramping, making his prepared attack come to nothing.

Matt Dai knew that this was because his body could not bear the limit, and the hidden injuries burst out and turned into real illnesses.

"This is really not the right time. My youth has just started burning, how can it be extinguished like this?"

Mattei beat his legs hard, using violent self-mutilation to relax the spasmodic muscles and stop the cramps in his legs.

But before the problem with his legs could be solved, he also suffered from severe cramps in his back and waist, followed by the pain in his chest and abdomen.

Matt Dai only felt that his vision went dark, and he could no longer control the chakra in his body. The opened door of surprise closed again, or even closed all the way, and the Eight Door Dunjia stopped operating.

Matt Dai knew that he had no chance of surviving today.

But at this time, he relaxed and said with a smile: "It turns out that the most brilliant day of my life is today."

Metadai turned his head to look at his son and said, "Kai, remember my moves and leave the task of further developing them to you."

"Let's go! Go quickly with your companions. I don't have much time to buy you."

Metkai saw the determination and will to die in his father's eyes, and immediately understood what he was going to do. The young ninja shouted in panic: "Father, no, you will die..."

Matedai ​​was determined and ignored his son's cry, but shouted decisively: "If you don't leave, my sacrifice will be meaningless. You decide for yourself!"

He suddenly stood up, faced the six Ninja Swordsmen who were gradually approaching, and activated his chakra to the extreme, preparing to attack the eighth gate, the Gate of Death.

The green flames appeared again, immediately turned blue, and surged even more crazily. They even made a "whoosh" whistle, and everyone who listened was panicked.

But what is even more astonishing is the chakra fluctuation emanating from Matt Dai's body. Its power is so powerful that it is not inferior to the legendary three-tailed chakra.

Among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon is the most senior, most famous, most powerful, and most experienced ninja. He immediately judged that Matt Dai was preparing for a big move.

The physical skill he had just used against Peacock had frightened him inexplicably. If the attack hit him, his life would be in danger.

But the momentum of such a powerful attack cannot be compared with the current jet-like arrogance.

This terrifying Konoha taijutsu ninja was obviously in the preparation stage of charging for his ultimate move. The momentum he erupted was so terrifying that Xiguashan Fugugui could not imagine how terrifying this charged ultimate move would be.

He shouted in a high-pitched voice: "Stop him! We can't let him prepare to complete his preparations! We can't let him attack us! Kill him!!"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost shouted while waving his sword with all his might, trying to kill Matt Dai before he was ready to finish.

But Matt Dai had already completed the chakra preparation. He crossed his fists and moved them down from the front to his abdomen, still keeping the cross shape.

He looked at the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost and the other two Kirigakure ninjas that rushed towards him, and shouted with a smile: "Haha, it's already too late, Kirigakure ninjas!"

"Feel the youth that I have prepared for 20 years!"

The vast chakra gathered in the lower abdomen, and after astonishing compression and continuation, it finally formed a volcanic eruption, suddenly impacting upward.

The target of the chakra impact is the door of death at the heart. As long as he breaks through there, Mattei will break through the limits of his body and become an unstoppable god of war.

Although he didn't know how long he could keep the Eight Gates open before he exhausted his potential and died, he thought he would be able to kill at least 3 to 4 more Kirigakure ninjas.

Even three of them can break their will to fight, hugging Metkay and his three children.


Just at the critical moment when the shark's muscles were about to be shaved off and Matt Dai's chakra was about to break through the door of death, a hand pressed on Dai's shoulder.

A burst of chakra rushed into Dai's body, deflecting the chakra that hit the door of death, allowing it to bypass the heart and return to the meridians, and soon turned into ordinary chakra during operation.

The other hand stretched out an index finger and lightly flicked the shark's muscle.


The Great Swordsman was actually bounced away by a finger, and the 250-meter-tall Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni ​​was also bounced away.

The Kirigakure jounin tried to let go of the sword, but found that his hand was firmly sucked, and he could only helplessly fly back, then knocked down more than a dozen big trees and fell to the ground.

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost was not the only one to end up like this.

Loquat Juuzang and Black Hoe Leiya, who reacted quickly enough, also suffered the same treatment. They were bounced away by the same index finger, and they also knocked down a dozen big trees and fell to the ground.

The sudden change stunned everyone.

The visitor shot away the Kirigakure ninja, suppressed the eight-door armor that Matt wore, and even forced him to close the first seven doors he had opened.

Then he smiled at Matt Dai and said, "Senior Dai, long time no see."

Matt Dai looked at him and said blankly: "Ah, it's you, Uchiha Yu..."

Uchiha Yu laughed loudly and said, "It's me. As long as I'm here, today will not be a glorious day for Dai-senpai."

(End of this chapter)

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