I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 269: Fellow Taoist Black Eagle, the road to immortality will be long in the future, and you

Chapter 269: Fellow Taoist Black Eagle, the road to immortality will be long in the future, and you and I will encourage each other.

Uchiha Yuu felt the cold wind and was still dissatisfied with the natural energy concentration of the wind spirit, so he ordered: "Continue!"

"Don't think about anything, fly higher!"


Black Eagle let out a high-pitched chirp when he heard the words, and he could already feel the changes in his body.

Affected by the chakra surrounding the surface of the body, the dead stone-like natural energy moved, even boiled, and Black Eagle felt like his whole body was about to explode.

Since the effect was achieved so quickly, his confidence in Uchiha Yuu became even stronger.

Ignoring the soreness in his wings and resisting the illusion that his body was so swollen that it almost exploded, the black eagle flapped its wings with all its strength and continued to fly upwards.

The black hawk flew higher and higher, the temperature became lower and lower, and the blue sky gradually turned into deep blue.

When his breathing became extremely heavy and his wings were beating with all their strength but they couldn't feel enough power, Uchiha Yuu was finally ready.

Following the attraction of the natural energy in Black Shadow's body, he took the initiative to pour his chakra into Black Eagle's body from his head.

Under Uchiha Yu's precise control, the four attributes of chakra are completely independent, but they are intertwined with each other, creating a powerful attraction with high-speed rotation.

With Uchiha Yu's control, even if chakra enters Black Hawk's body, he still maintains sufficient control.

Natural energy and chakra have a powerful tendency to combine, and the attraction of pure chakra is even more powerful.

The fire spirit, earth spirit, thunder spirit and water spirit in Black Eagle's body were stripped out and combined with Uchiha Yu's chakra to synthesize the senjutsu chakra.

After the Senjutsu Chakra was synthesized, Black Eagle's body was affected. Because it could not adapt to it and could not absorb it, it underwent inorganic changes.

It was like a toad's petrification, starting from the internal organs in Black Eagle's body, which made him feel extreme pain and the instinctive fear of life.

Black Eagle forcibly suppressed his fear, flapped his wings desperately, flapped the thin air, and focused all his attention on "flying higher".

At this time, Uchiha Yuya had already tried his best.

He controlled the synthesized magic chakra to flow out of Black Eagle's body at the fastest speed, distributing it without any waste.

The magic chakra is mixed with the natural energy in Heiying's body. These natural energies have accumulated in Heiying's body for a long time and have long been contaminated with his aura.

Therefore, Uchiha Yuu's control over the senjutsu chakra is not strong enough, the flow rate is not fast enough, and damage is inevitable.

Fortunately, Black Eagle's body is large enough and his physique is very powerful. The petrification effect that can kill ninjas is not fatal to Black Eagle.

Just like cancer can kill humans but not whales.

To Heiying, the petrification caused by the magical chakra is equivalent to a small stone growing in the body.

A little painful, but definitely not fatal.

A large amount of magical chakra jetted out from the tail of the black hawk, and because the concentration was so high, it actually showed a variety of colors.

Looking from a distance, the black hawk is like a rocket, spraying rainbow energy and flying high into the dark blue sky.

As the magical chakra continues to leak out, the natural energy in Black Eagle's body decreases rapidly and is also purified, changing towards the pure natural energy of the wind spirit.

The burden was quickly relieved, and at the same time the nourishing effect of the wind spirit's natural energy began to appear, and Black Eagle felt better and better.

The pain in his wings disappeared, and his strength became stronger and stronger. Even though the air became thinner, his flying speed actually began to speed up.

When the sky took on an almost night-like color and stars flickered on it, the natural energy in Black Eagle's body finally completed its final purification.

He screamed again in excitement, but because the air was too thin, the eagle's chirp was not loud.

But Uchiha Yuu, who was standing on top of Black Hawk, heard it and felt Black Hawk's excitement and joy. He stepped on Black Hawk's head, encouraged the natural energy and said: "Now start the second step, pay attention to my operation, be careful Remember the natural flow of energy and the processing of chakra in the body, and don’t forget every detail.”

The natural energy of Uchiha Yuu's wind spirit poured into Black Hawk's body and turned into a drill under his control, reshaping the meridians according to the structure of Black Hawk's son Gray Shadow's meridians.

At this moment, Black Eagle felt soreness, numbness, pain, and itching. At the same time, he lost control of his body and fell erratically.

But he firmly remembered Uchiha Yu's reminder. Regardless of the physical discomfort and fear of falling, he concentrated on feeling the development and flow of the wind spirit's natural energy in his body, and tried hard to remember all the details.

Just when the two of them were concentrating on Black Eagle's body and had no time to pay attention to changes in the outside world, an accident happened.

The path of the black hawk's fall was exactly the path it flew through, wrapped in the magical chakra flowing out of his own body.

The violent friction between the feathers and the air does not produce high temperatures, but it accumulates a large amount of static electricity, attracting the Thunder Release Chakra in the Senjutsu Chakra.

The gathering of magic chakra attracted the natural energy of thunder spirit from high in the sky, and also gathered on the feathers on the black eagle's body.

The dense appearance of short electric arcs rendered the black hawk like a big light bulb, and the outline of its body could not be seen clearly.

This is the magic chakra that is more powerful and more active in nature, releasing energy.

As the amount of senjutsu chakra increases, the small arcs of electricity quickly turn into forked lightning and tree lightning, transforming into large-scale electrical discharges.

There was a dense source of lightning in the sky, and lightning with complex shapes clustered together, forming a spherical minefield with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers.

During the violent discharge process, the magic chakra is consumed rapidly and continuously attracts the natural energy of Lei Ling in nature.

Thanks to the filtration of lightning, a layer of pure thunder spirit natural energy gathered on Black Eagle's body surface, and began to penetrate into his body along the meridian channels opened by Uchiha Yu.

The penetration was so gentle that neither Uchiha Yu nor Black Eagle noticed it.

By the time Uchiha Yu found out, the wind spirit and the thunder spirit had been completely mixed together, forming a strange state of being distinct but inseparable.

The natural energy of the two attributes was strangely fused, making it impossible for him to distinguish and eliminate it.

Uchiha Yuu could only observe carefully, and soon confirmed that the new natural energy was harmless to Black Hawk's body, and even the thunder spirit effectively stimulated the vitality of Black Hawk's body, making his self-healing speed significantly accelerated. .

Uchiha Yuu couldn't help but laugh and said with emotion: "This is a blessing in disguise. After going through so many hardships, as soon as we get out of trouble, we are greeted by the Wind and Thunder Party."

During the black hawk's erratic fall, he only lost control of his body, but did not lose consciousness.

After hearing Uchiha Yu's words, Black Eagle was naturally very happy and began to look forward to the strength after his body recovered.

Uchiha Yu's work of developing meridians was not difficult, because Black Eagle's body originally had meridians, but they were just blocked.

As he operated, it was easy to find traces of the original meridians, and it only took a little force to reconnect them. Even some nodes were not difficult.

The real trouble is that the traces in some places are stuck together, and places that should not be connected are connected. Rebuilding the barrier is much more difficult than connecting it.

Uchiha Yu divided his mind into multiple parts, dealt with different problems patiently, and raced against time to penetrate Black Hawk's meridians.

Until the meridians are connected into a circulatory circuit, and finally the acupuncture points at the end of the body are closed, the work of developing the meridians is completed.

Uchiha Yuu reminded again: "Black Hawk, the next step is the final key. I will use my own power to drive the flow of your natural energy, but you must gradually take over and control it yourself."

Black Eagle respectfully replied: "Yes, Yusenren, I will work hard!"

Uchiha Yu injected more of his own wind spirit natural energy into Black Shadow's body, enveloping the wind and thunder natural energy in his body and flowing along his meridians.

At the beginning, it was extremely difficult to push.

It's not that it's very energy-consuming, but it's difficult to control other people's natural energy, and it's often Uchiha Yuu's own wind spirit that runs away.

Uchiha Yu felt as if he was dragging a car full of oil. His hands would slip wherever he grabbed them, and he couldn't use them even if he had no strength.

Fortunately, the natural energy in Black Eagle's body belongs to the wind spirit and thunder spirit. It is very active by nature, and its running speed gradually increased.

After the first big week, the basic cycle is established.

Moreover, Uchiha Yuu's feeling also changed, from dragging to pushing.

Although it still feels slippery, it is indeed easier to exert force and the running speed is significantly improved.

By the completion of the sixth great cycle, Black Eagle's natural energy circulation speed had reached Yuu Uchiha's expectations, and the absorption effect of the meridians also began to appear.

The natural energy of wind spirit and thunder spirit scattered throughout the body is attracted to the meridians, further promoting the speed of circulation.

But Yuya Uchiha discovered that his natural energy was involved in the core of the meridian circulation and could not be recovered.

After several attempts, he finally had no choice but to give up and let the natural energy deeply imprinted on his aura remain in Black Eagle's body and run in the core of his meridians. No matter what negative effects may occur in the future, it is better than breaking the meridian circulation he finally established now, because if the current circulation collapses, Black Eagle will die.

The establishment of meridian circulation is of great significance to life.

This is a progress in the level of life, equivalent to a country's promotion from a small peasant economy to a commodity economy.

In the era of small-scale peasant economy, money was only an auxiliary, and any amount of change would not cause the country to collapse. But in the era of commodity economy, any amount of money would be a fatal disaster.

With Uchiha Yuu's withdrawal, Black Hawk took over his meridians.

At the same time, he also regained control of his body, began to vibrate his wings vigorously, and began to fly again.

Black Eagle discovered that the meridians opened by Yuu were not just on his torso, but also on his wings and legs. With the flow of natural energy, his strength increased greatly.

He felt that his body became lighter, and the power of his wings and claws became more powerful. The wings vibrated just a few times to completely eliminate the falling momentum.

Black Eagle also felt powerful vitality emerging from his body, and the shadow of death that had troubled him for many years had completely dissipated.


He let out a high-pitched chirp in excitement, expressing his excitement and joy.


Black Hawk's voice was interrupted by more violent thunder, and a thick bolt of lightning hit his head, as well as Uchiha Yuu on his head.

But Uchiha Yuu has a constitution that is immune to lightning, so the lightning completely slipped over his body, and finally hit Black Hawk's body.

Huge electric currents flowed through his body, and the powerful natural energy of thunder spirit squeezed into his meridians, strongly changing the proportion of natural energy attributes in the meridians.

The inside and outside of the body were undergoing huge changes at the same time. Black Eagle had no idea what was happening, and the whole eagle was dumbfounded.

He instinctively opened his wings to stabilize his flying posture, and then attracted more violent thunder.

Uchiha Yu knew what happened. This was a thunder tribulation, and he was very experienced.

"Black Eagle! This is a thunder tribulation. It is the world's test for your leap in life level. As long as you persist in the past, you will officially embark on the immortal path. Your strength and lifespan will be greatly increased."

Black Eagle asked: "Youxian Ren, what if you can't persevere?"

Uchiha Yu answered bluntly: "If you can't survive it, of course you will die."

Black Eagle didn't feel scared because he heard about death. Instead, he laughed generously.

"That's great. If there is a risk of death, then the reward will be great."

"I will definitely persevere until the end, and I will definitely become an immortal!"

Uchiha Yuu was very satisfied with Black Eagle and said with a smile: "It's not about becoming an immortal, but about following the immortal path I opened up and embarking on a new path."

"Black Eagle, if you can persist in the past, I will regard you as a fellow Taoist!"

"You will become my most trusted... friend, and I will share most of my secrets with you. In the vast ninja world, you are second only to Miwa Masashi."

Black Eagle was overjoyed: "I am extremely honored to be a fellow Taoist of Youxian Ren!"

His wings vibrated, facing the fierce lightning, and rushed forward: "I will never let you down, I will definitely succeed!"

Black Eagle's huge body soared in the thunder and wind, his body was covered with lightning, and his body was injured by the violent lightning strikes.

Under the violent wind and thunder, broken feathers and bright blood drops were scattered all over the sky.

But the black eagle's flying figure remained motionless. It was clearly an eagle flying high, but its body stood majestically in the sky like a mountain.

Black Hawk's bravery and fearlessness greatly shocked Uchiha Yu.

His spirit of never flinching and moving forward in the face of dangers and difficulties put his soul under great torture.

【Did I do something wrong? 】

【Yes, I was wrong! 】

What did Uchiha Yu do wrong?

Of course, after killing the Third Hokage, he had more power than Senju Hashirama. He despised Senju Hashirama's naive ideals, but he planned to control the ninja world behind the scenes and not take the initiative to eliminate the war and other ninja villages.

He does not laugh at fifty steps but at fifty steps.

Any difficulties or the lack of strength in Konoha Village are all excuses.

No matter how difficult it is to lead Konoha Village to unify the ninja world, will it be difficult for Senju Hashirama to convince Madara Uchiha to unify the Fire Nation with two families?

Senju Hashirama only knew that it was difficult. He didn't know what kind of goal he could achieve, and he didn't know whether he could succeed. He still rushed forward fearlessly.

Uchiha Yuu had seen successful examples and knew the greatest benefit of unification, but he hid timidly, thinking of leaving all the work to the four Hokage Orochimaru and the future Hokage.

This is nothing but timidity!

He is just afraid of the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo, whose information is unclear, aloof and full of authority!

Uchiha Yu raised his hand, but did not slap himself.

Because he has made a decision and no longer needs a slap to motivate himself.

Not out of fear of pain, nor out of fear of embarrassment.



The lightning tribulation was as violent as in memory, and the target of the thunder tribulation was equally tragic.

Black Eagle had no idea how many lightnings and thunders it had endured, and all its feathers were beaten to pieces. It looked like a chicken that had lost its feathers, or was burnt.

Even without its feathers, this chicken, ah, no, this eagle has no intention of giving up or retreating.

He used the natural energy of the wind spirit as his feathers to push his body to fly at high speeds, and at the same time emitted increasingly louder eagle calls, chasing the lightning, and taking the initiative to meet the test of thunder.

The black eagle even opened its sharp hook-shaped beak to swallow the scattered lightning and strong winds, frantically absorbing the natural energy of the thunder spirit and the natural energy of the wind spirit to increase the strength of its own meridians.

He didn't care about the severe pain and danger. Not being able to admit defeat was his only thought.

How can an eagle soaring in the sky admit defeat in the mere world?

Unknowingly, the natural energy released by the Black Eagle's flapping wings became the nature of wind and thunder. The whirlwind was mixed with lightning, giving the Black Eagle more powerful power.

A charred naked chicken, surrounded by storms and lightning, fought across the sky in an even more violent catastrophe.

Uchiha Yu suddenly felt a movement under his feet. When he looked down, he found that black and golden feathers were coming out.

The scorched black skin was peeling off all over Black Eagle's body, and the feathers on the exposed snow-white skin were growing rapidly.

Well, it looks uglier.

But soon, these feathers grew up and covered the Black Eagle's body again, and he turned into the handsome Black Eagle again.

But black hawk is no longer enough to describe it. These new feathers are no longer pure black. The root canals of the feathers are obviously golden, but the edges of the feathers are light cyan.

When natural energy flows through, the black between gold and cyan will emit dazzling five colors.

People need clothes, Buddha needs gold, and eagles need feathers.

The ancients did not deceive me. This eagle has become more beautiful and full of mysterious temperament.


The black eagle also felt its new life, and emitted a hopeful hawk's chirp, piercing the clouds and tearing apart the calamity clouds.

A ray of golden sunlight shone down and fell on Black Eagle's body, making his whole body glow with golden light, like a golden eagle made of gold.

Black Shadow's calamity was over, and under the guidance of Uchiha Yu, he embarked on the path of immortality.

Uchiha Yu laughed heartily: "Congratulations on surviving the catastrophe, fellow Taoist Black Eagle!"

Black Eagle responded excitedly: "Thank you for your guidance, Yusenren!"

Uchiha Yuu shook his head and said: "Fellow Daoist Black Eagle, from now on you and I should call each other "Fellow Daoist". The road to immortality is long and you and I will encourage each other."

(End of this chapter)

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