I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 270: Keep an ice heart and do violent things, so the end of Longdi Cave has come

Chapter 270: Keep an ice heart and do violent things, so the end of Longdi Cave has come

Uchiha Yu asked: "Fellow Taoist, I see that the scale of your heavenly calamity is huge. It should be that you have a new magical power, right?"

Black Eagle nodded and replied: "There is indeed a new power, but it is not a magical power, and I don't know about it."

"Let me give it a try."

After saying that, his wings vibrated rapidly, lightning and strong winds erupted, and with a flash of dazzling silver light, the black eagle suddenly disappeared and then appeared dozens of kilometers away.

The black eagle that had just appeared was stunned, with silver-white lightning emanating from its body, and could only glide in the sky.

Standing on the head of the eagle, Uchiha Yu was stunned. He was hit by silver lightning. Not only did his whole body hurt, he couldn't even move his fingers.

Uchiha Yu opened his mouth, exhaled a puff of green smoke, and then said: "He's so careless. This silver lightning is not ordinary lightning. He has no immunity at all."

"Fellow Taoist, are you okay?"

Black Eagle opened his mouth, with green smoke billowing inside. He tried several times before he managed to say: "I'm okay, okay."

His eyes were in a trance, unable to focus, and he said fearfully: "Okay, it hurts. It hurts more than the Heavenly Tribulation just now. It's terrible."

"Fellow Daoist You, what kind of lightning is this?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and replied: "I can't be sure, but I know that when you flapped your wings just now, you traveled through dozens of kilometers of space in an instant. It is definitely the magical power of time and space."

"According to common sense, the silver lightning must be the product of space tearing, maybe space lightning, right?"

Uchiha Yu smiled bitterly and said: "I claimed to be immune to lightning, but in the end I was beaten to the point of numbness all over my body. It's really amazing."

"Fellow Daoist Black Eagle, the magical power of space travel is so powerful, and this kind of space lightning is also very powerful. You have taken a really good step into the immortal path."

"Practice more and master these two abilities, and you will definitely have a place in the ninja world."

Black Eagle nodded wildly with joy: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist You, I will keep your teachings in mind."

Uchiha Yu suddenly asked: "Fellow Taoist, have you ever thought about changing your name?"

Black Eagle was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask: "Change your name, why do you want to change your name?"

Uchiha Yu explained: "Because you have become more powerful and cooler, it would be more appropriate to change your name to a cooler name."

Black Eagle shook his head and said: "No need, I have used the name Black Eagle for two hundred years. If I change it, I won't know who I am."

Uchiha Yu nodded: "It's fine if you don't change. Fellow Taoist, take me back."

"Yes, Fellow Daoist You." The black eagle turned its wings and turned around to fly towards the empty seat.

Suddenly, silver lightning shone brightly, and he traveled through space again.

The next moment, more than ten kilometers away, Black Eagle and Uchiha Yuu were gliding in the air in shock.

"Fellow Daoist You, I'm sorry."

"I have some problems controlling the natural energy in my body, and I accidentally activated my magical power."

"It's okay, but please be careful later, this is too sudden."

Then the black hawk flew carefully, and soon landed in the empty space of the empty seat, putting down Uchiha Yuu.

Before Uchiha Yuu left, Black Eagle stopped him, opened his mouth and spit out a thin sheet. The white jade-like thin sheet was engraved with incomprehensible runes.

"This is my psychic contract. As long as I inject chakra, I can establish a temporary contract and channel me."

Uchiha Yu smiled and asked: "This is not a formal psychic contract, but a spiritual contract involving the soul. Why would you give me such an important thing?"

Black Eagle replied: "Because I felt the urgent fighting spirit of fellow Taoist, I was too late to retrieve the contract scroll of Chengfeng Cliff, so I can only give this to you."

"Fellow Daoist You, my intuition tells me that you are going to do something dangerous. No matter what you do next, please remember that I will always wait for your call."

Uchiha Yu laughed and said: "Okay! I will definitely trouble you as long as there is need."

"By the way, I have never seen what material this spiritual contract is made of."

Black Eagle said with some embarrassment: "This is my eggshell, the last piece left after I was born."

"It fell into my nest, and it took me a hundred years to discover it. It unexpectedly became a treasure related to the essence of my life."

"If I had known, I would have kept a few extra pieces when I was a kid."

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "This should be an unexpected product. It's not just that you can harvest more if you keep more pieces."

"Anyway, thanks a lot, I'll put it to good use."

"Goodbye, I'm waiting for your call at Chengfeng Cliff."

The black eagle nodded happily, flapped its wings and flew high, carrying wind and thunder, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, a ball of white flame appeared on Uchiha Yu's shoulder, and then a tabby cat emerged from the flame.

Miwa Masato had a strange expression, and put his white paws on Uchiha Yuu's head, turning his face.

The raccoon cat tilted its head, stared into Uchiha Yuu's eyes, and asked: "I heard, you and this big black eagle call each other Taoist friend. What is the name of Taoist friend? It feels so close, why don't you do that?" Call me meow?"

Uchiha Yuu laughed out loud.

He hugged the little tabby cat and said happily: "My Lihuajiang has learned to be jealous!"

Masato Miwa was so angry that she hit the shit shoveler hard on the head with her soft little paws and forced: "Explain to me quickly, nya!"

"Fellow Taoist is a name given to practitioners walking on the same path. Since there are only three of you, me and Black Eagle on this road now, I call him Fellow Taoist."

The civet cat became even more angry: "Then why don't you call me meow like that?"

Uchiha Yu was even happier: "Haha, how is that possible?"

"Lihua Jiang is my Taoist companion. We are a family, far closer than Taoist companions."

Miwa Masayo's anger disappeared. She tilted her head and looked at the shoveler, confirming: "Really?"

"Really!" Uchiha Yu explained: "If Shisui and Ayumi can embark on the immortal path, they will also be my Taoist friends to a certain extent, and also your Taoist friends."

"And, I think they're closer than the Blackhawks were."

Uchiha Yuu scratched the tabby cat's chin with his fingers, causing her to purr involuntarily.

"So, lovely Lihua Jiang, you know that Taoist friends are not actually close relationships, right?"

"Real intimacy is still a Taoist couple."

Miwa Masayo was so confused by being scratched that he couldn't even do dodge movements. He quickly begged for mercy: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I got it, meow, meow, don't scratch me, meow."

"It's so comfortable, meow!"

Uchiha Yuu did not return to the Cat Castle. He just carried Miwa Masayo and used the Flying Thunder God Technique to return to Konoha Village.

Taking the contract scroll from Ryuchi Cave, he found Orochimaru without any courtesy and said straight to the point: "Ryuchi Cave, are you going?"

Orochimaru was processing documents. He was startled when he heard this, but he dropped the documents with a smile on his face.

Not only did he smile with eight teeth, he even threw the paper and pen in a very cheerful manner, like a primary school student who was doing his summer homework and got an invitation from his uncle to play games.

"Let's go together!"


The two highest-ranking ninjas in Konoha Village did not leave. In the Hokage's office, they spread out the contract scroll of Ryūchi Cave.

Uchiha Yuu didn't write his name and directly wiped his own blood to the last place.

He believed that the aura in his blood was destined to be fatally attractive to the immortals in Longdi Cave, and he would initiate reverse channeling as soon as he sensed it.

Orochimaru threw off the Hokage's haori and hat, put on a neat battle suit, tightened the rope behind his waist, and got ready for battle.

While waiting for Longdi Cave's response, he asked curiously: "Why did you suddenly decide to go to Longdi Cave?"

"In my impression, your personality is actually a bit similar to that of the teacher. You are obviously powerful and scary, but you are always hesitant and extremely unhappy."

Uchiha Yu laughed when he was told: "Hahaha, Yondaime, you found out a long time ago and you didn't even mention it to me."

Orochimaru shook his head and said: "When it comes to people's character issues, it's useless to talk about it."

"I can't even convince the teacher, let alone you?"

"Besides, you are so strong and your character is so vicious. I don't have the guts to speak against you." "I remind you that there is something wrong with your character. If you think that I have discovered your weakness, I will raise my hand and tell you Kill me, I can’t resist.”

Uchiha Yu nodded and said, "You are right, there is indeed something wrong with my character."

"But not anymore."

Miwa Masashi asked curiously: "Why won't you be able to meow meow in the future?"

Uchiha Yu looked at Miwa Masashi and replied: "Today I saw a friend who faced the most violent test in the world. Even if he was seriously injured, he had no intention of shrinking and faced the test bravely and fearlessly."

"This is the first time I have seen such a heroic figure, and I am inevitably deeply shocked. I have deeply reflected on my past 19 years."

"Finally I understand something."

Orochimaru and Miwa Masashi asked in unison: "What's the point?"

Uchiha Yuu looked at them respectively and said: "Practice practitioners should have the heart of walking on thin ice and do things bravely and diligently. If you shrink back when you are afraid of difficulties, you will not be favored by heaven and earth."

Orochimaru's snake eyes shrank into a line, and his heart aroused great waves.

He was speechless and said: "Do you mean that you have already made up your mind?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and said firmly: "Well, no matter who is involved in Ryūchi Cave, I will take action today, and I will not flinch at all in the future."

"When I come back from Ryūchi Cave, I will follow Uchiha Madara's method and make the remaining three great ninja villages bow their heads. And this is only the first step."

He looked at Orochimaru and said with murderous intent: "The Fourth Hokage, from now on, your policies for the ninja world will only aim at unification, and you will treat the powerful of all countries with force."

"No matter who dares to resist your unified policy by force, I will let them go to the Pure Land."

"By the way, this includes the daimyo of the Fire Country and all the ninjas in Konoha Village."

Orochimaru's castle suddenly heard such an astonishing declaration, and he was so shocked that he was completely speechless, and the whole snake was dumbfounded.

After a long time, he finally recovered.

Orochimaru habitually licked his cheeks, using his subconscious actions to soothe his mood. At the same time, he said with lingering fear: "Your transformation is too drastic. I really can't accept it for a while."

"Haha, it's quite normal to say that. With your current strength, as long as there is a slight change in your thoughts, the entire ninja world will cause huge waves."

"It's just that I didn't expect that Yu-kun's thoughts would change so drastically."

Uchiha Yu nodded in agreement: "Actually, before this morning, I had never thought of it myself."

Orochimaru couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that the friend Yu-kun met today is really an amazing person."

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "He is the first Taoist friend I met in the ninja world. In fact, I hope that one day, Orochimaru, you can also become my Taoist friend."

"It's an everlasting blessing."

When Orochimaru heard this, his eyes narrowed in laughter.

At this time, through the contract scroll of Ryuji Cave, the power of psychic was transmitted from a distant and unknown space, lingering on Uchiha Itachi's body.

But compared to the strongest sage in the ninja world, this power is not strong enough. When Uchiha Yuu doesn't want to move, he can't be dragged away at all.

Uchiha Yu said to Orochimaru and Miwa Masashi: "Here we come, let's go together."

Orochimaru asked doubtfully: "You don't need me to go there by myself?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "Of course not, Yondaime, just put your hand on my shoulder."

"I will not follow the snake immortal's counter-channeling. Since they are counter-channeling me, it is equivalent to telling me their coordinates."

"Although it is not as accurate as the Flying Thunder God's mark, it is enough for me to use the Flying Thunder God's technique based on these coordinates and go directly over."

Orochimaru was shocked when he heard this. In his shock, he had only one thought in his mind: Ryūchi Cave was over.

Before, he thought that Uchiha Yuu needed a contract and reverse channeling to reach Ryūchi Cave, which would restrict Uchiha Yuu's actions.

As long as Ryujidong can withstand the first attack, they can find ways to prevent Uchiha Yu from invading.

When Longdi Cave faced a fatal threat, the White Snake Immortal would definitely be very nervous.

As for Orochimaru, who can communicate with both parties at the same time, his value increases. Not only will many conditions that were previously unacceptable to the snake immortals be accepted, he can also propose more new conditions.

But now it seems that the situation is clearly one-sided, and Orochimaru has to reconsider his position.

[Maybe I should completely side with Uchiha Yu, take advantage of the situation and gain more benefits? 】

Orochimaru licked his cheek, but his saliva still slipped down involuntarily.

There are many things in Longdi Cave that he has coveted for a long time.

Orochimaru put his hand on Uchiha Itachi's shoulder, but was glared at by Miwa Masashi on the other shoulder.

Uchiha Yu stretched out his hand to comfort the raccoon cat. He placed the index and middle fingers of his right hand between his eyebrows, trying his best to eliminate interference and locate the coordinates of the source of the counter-psychic spirit.

After a few seconds, he smiled and said, "Found it."

Then the two of them disappeared from the Hokage's office and appeared directly in a huge underground cave.

Right in front of them, three female fairies in palace attire, floating in the air full of fairy energy, were discussing something around a specially cleared platform.

Tuan Jinji is presiding over the ritual of reverse channeling. Because she has not received a response from the other party for a long time, this beautiful girl is already in a state of anxiety.

Veins appeared on the face that was originally very peaceful and sweet.

The long brown hair bound by the golden crown also stood up like little snakes.

The lolita-shaped Ichikishima Hime next to her was complaining: "Tanjin-hime, can you do it? It's been so long, why haven't you come over yet?"

"If you can't do it, just take my place..."

"Shut up, you stinky girl. This person is extraordinary and powerful! I can't even force him over, and you can't even do it!"

"You bastard Torjinji, how dare you underestimate me?"

Tianxin Shenhime, who looked like a royal sister, floated over with a smile, grabbed Ichikishima-hime, and explained with a smile: "Don't make trouble, Ichikishima-hime, Totsujima-hime is the most powerful among us, and she is the best to pull her." It’s human.”

Ichikijima Hime kicked her short legs wildly and said suspiciously: "Humph, she is just an idiot who is suitable for doing rough work. I am afraid that she will be too stupid and scare the other party away."

"It would be a pity if such fragrant blood was wasted."

"Ah!" Totsuhime exclaimed, and then she was stunned for a while, and then slowly turned her head to look at Ichikijima Hime, her eyes full of murderous intent.

Ichikishima Hime was startled and asked blankly: "What's wrong?"

Tuanjinji fiercely blamed the blame and said: "It's all your fault, the connection with the counter-spiritual is broken!"

"What?" x2

Ichikishimahime suddenly became furious: "It's obviously you who is clumsy. You idiot made a mistake. How can you blame me?"

"Can you succeed if I don't speak?"

"Baga, it's your fault!"

Totsuhime became so angry that she planned to rush to catch Ichikishimahime, and turned the bickering into the most familiar action.

Just when Ichikijima Hime was so frightened that she hid behind Tianjinjinji and exposed half of her head to see the situation, she unexpectedly found that Tanjinji raised her head, her eyes widened, and she looked straight in the direction behind her. .

Suddenly, she and Tian Xin Shenji felt at the same time that three auras appeared behind them.

The familiar aura of Orochimaru, a very unfamiliar aura of a sage, and an extremely sweet aura, which was exactly the aura of blood that I felt through the contract scroll today.

The enchanting sweetness and damn plump taste really make the snake want to stop.

The moment Tianxinjinji and Ichikijimahime turned around, an unbearable majesty suddenly emerged from the extremely sweet breath.

The three Snake Immortals were all frightened. This was a more majestic aura than the Great White Snake Immortal. How could it suddenly appear?

Uchiha Yuu looked at the three snake immortals in front of him and was very satisfied with their appearance.

He pointed at the Snake Immortal and said: "Lihua Jiang, this is an example of someone who has successfully practiced immortality and can transform into a human form. I have to say that their transformation is still great. You can't lose to them."

 I added another update, guess why?

  It’s not that I wrote too much, but I have some recommendations today

  Besides, it’s the beginning of the month, so I have to ask for votes.


(End of this chapter)

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