I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 268 Clear-eyed and stupid Black Eagle: Please accept my loyalty!

Chapter 268 Clear-eyed and stupid Black Eagle: Please accept my loyalty!

Black Eagle's voice was particularly loud, and the violent vibrations in his voice actually made Uchiha Yuu feel the resonance effect of his chest and eardrums.

An ordinary ninja or ninja cat would probably have a headache and chest tightness.

No wonder Nekoyou didn't want to come out to see Black Eagle, and even prevented him and Miwa Masayo from coming out. It seemed like the big cat had suffered a lot.

The black eagle did not notice Uchiha Yu's thoughtful expression. It explained to itself: "The ancient monkey of Mount Kong dared to contact you secretly without telling me. I can only come to you regardless of anything." ”

Only then did Uchiha Yu realize that the name of the white-bearded old ape matched the name in the scroll on Mount Kongo.

He asked: "Black Eagle, you said that the ancient ape hid it from you just now, but how did you know that it came to find me?"

Black Eagle half complained, half proudly said: "This is not the first time that old monkey has done this kind of thing without telling me. I have suffered losses many times, so I sent my subordinates to stare at King Kong Mountain. Their Every move is under my watchful eye.”

Uchiha Yu understood that this was when the Ninja Eagle saw the old ape Gangu leave Mount Kongo, and the Black Eagle who got the information followed him all the way.

After knowing Gangu's purpose, Black Eagle temporarily decided to pay a visit to Uchiha Yu.

[It should be a greeting...]

Uchiha Yuu looked at Black Hawk's eyes, convinced of the aloofness, purity, and clear stupidity revealed in his eyes, and nodded.

[It should be a greeting, but Black Eagle's personality is too aloof, and he doesn't know what politeness is, nor does he know any honorifics. 】

[It’s so normal, the pride of the eagle shooting into the sky, it’s normal to behave like this. 】

To be honest, Uchiha Yu had a good first impression of the black hawk, far more fond of the old ape with the white beard.

Because of the clear stupidity in its eyes, Uchiha Yuu missed the college students he had met before, who were as proud and aloof as they were, and who spoke the same unabashedly.

But such a guy will be your best partner, a companion who can accompany you to fight bravely, and may even become your comrade.

Uchiha Yu nodded and asked: "I understand, Black Hawk, do you want to see me because you want to get something from me?"

Black Eagle nodded and said: "Yes, Yuxianren."

"I want to establish a psychic contract with the Uchiha clan on behalf of the Ninja Eagle clan. I also want your guidance to teach me how to master the natural energy in my body."

When Uchiha Yu heard this request, he really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

If we accept the ninja hawk clan, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan have four kinds of psychic beasts to choose from. I'm sorry for other Konoha ninjas, are their psychic beast resources too much?

envy, jealousy, hate!

Do you have?

Uchiha Yu felt that if he were not an Uchiha, he would definitely have such emotions.

Moreover, Black Eagle asked for advice from him when he opened his mouth. This was too direct. The relationship between the two parties was not in place at all. How could he help it for no reason?

But before he could refuse, Black Eagle suddenly opened its wings, fully revealing its huge body.

I have to say, this scene is really shocking.

After Black Eagle stood up straight, he was nearly 30 meters tall, and his wingspan reached an exaggerated 51 meters, which could definitely be said to cover the sky and the sun.

It continued: "There is too much natural energy accumulated in my body, but I cannot digest it at all, and my body keeps growing."

"I really like that my body keeps growing, because it will make me stronger and better protect my tribe and Chengfeng Cliff."

"But since five years ago, I have discovered that my body size has reached its limit. The continued growth in size has caused me to become clumsy and my strength has decreased."

"And I intuitively think that if it continues longer, my life will be in danger, so I have to ask you for help."

"Please teach me how to practice immortality, digest natural energy, and save my life."

Black Eagle just spread its wings, took a few steps back, leaned down, made a surrendering gesture of spreading its wings on the ground, and said sincerely: "Please save me, I am willing to pay my loyalty."

Looking at this huge black eagle that almost covered the entire open space, Uchiha Yuu's heart skipped a beat.

The rejection that came to his lips was swallowed by him with a gulp.

He didn't expect that Black Eagle would directly offer his loyalty. How could he refuse?

Moreover, the Ninja Eagle Clan of Chengfeng Cliff has considerable combat power, and is even more exciting in terms of maneuverability and surveillance. For the Uchiha Clan and the Leaf Village, they cannot refuse the Ninja Eagle Clan's contract.

As for the problem that the Uchiha clan may be envied, jealous, and hated by ordinary Konoha ninjas because of their contract with the Ninja Eagle, Uchiha Yu decided to promote the integration plan in advance.

When the integration plan is successful, this sentiment will change from being directed at the Uchiha clan to being directed at individual ninjas who have awakened the Sharingan.

In this way, although the problem still exists, it is an acceptable and easily resolved problem.

Uchiha Yu nodded and said, "Okay, I accept your request. Let me see how to solve your problem first."

Black Eagle was overjoyed when he heard this. Even though he was a clumsy person who was not good at saying nice things, he clumsily thanked him again and again.

And it lay on the ground obediently, motionless and allowed Uchiha Yuu to jump on its body and use natural energy to seep into the body for inspection.

Uchiha Yuu knew that Black Hawk had a serious problem just after he started checking.

The problem is too obvious. Black Eagle's body is full of natural energy, but it is accumulated in the body without any organization, and even the meridians are completely blocked.

Because there was no flow of natural energy, Uchiha Yu couldn't find Black Eagle's meridians, and he couldn't tell whether the problem was due to the obstruction of the meridians or whether it was caused by other problems.

But he knew that life consists in movement, and any transcendent energy needs to flow.

Even his own golden elixir is absorbing natural energy all the time, as vibrant as a living life.

The most important thing is that because there is no flow, almost all the natural energy in Black Eagle's huge body is accumulated in the torso. The important wings and legs are in a dry state, and are completely supported by chakra.

As we all know, excessive use of chakra can cause damage to the body.

Most chakra professionals like ninjas are short-lived. Not only do they die in battles, but there are also many who die suddenly of serious illness after the age of 50.

Only ninjas like the Third Tsuchikage and the Third Hokage, who left actual combat early because of their high status and authority, can live to the age of 70 in good health.

And people like Uchiha Shinyin and Uchiha Madara are dragging their bodies with pain and suffering because of obsessions in their hearts.

Uchiha Madara is supported by the energy of White Zetsu and Nagato, and can maintain a sufficient quality of life, and can even barely fight.

Before Uchiha Nobuyin met Uchiha Yuu, he had been living in misery for a long time. He could not eat anything every day, and hunger and severe pain tortured him every moment.

Being in pain is the norm for ninjas in their later years.

As long as the willpower is slightly weaker, the old ninja will be like a terminal cancer patient, choosing to commit suicide instead of suffering.

The wings and legs of a black hawk are related to its basic survivability. As the body becomes larger and larger, the burden becomes staggering.

A body that is 30 meters tall and has a wingspan of 50 meters cannot be supported by physical strength alone.

Not to mention flying and attacking, even when standing up, the leg bones will be crushed by the weight.

Therefore, Black Hawk's wings and legs are consuming a large amount of chakra to strengthen them all the time, that is, they are constantly using ninjutsu.

This burden is too great, and the decline in Blackhawks' strength can be said to be natural.

This is considered good. If things continue like this, within ten years Black Eagle will inevitably have both its wings and legs broken, and death will be inevitable.

According to Uchiha Yuu's understanding of Chengfeng Cliff, when Black Eagle, the super powerful Ninja Eagle, dies, the Ninja Eagle clan will not be able to choose the next leader.

At that time, the unruly Ninja Eagles will choose to live alone, and the so-called Ninja Eagle clan will disappear.

Yuu Uchiha decided to treat this handsome black eagle. He couldn't bear to watch it die.

But Blackhawk's physical problems were so serious that he didn't know how to start.

He needed a healthy Ninja Eagle as a reference before he started treating the Black Eagle.

So Uchiha Yuu asked: "Black Hawk, do you have children? Especially children who have absorbed natural energy?"

The shadow replied: "Yes. I have many children, but only one has absorbed natural energy."

Uchiha Yu nodded, turned around and jumped off the Black Eagle's body, and ordered it: "Bring your child immediately. I need to know the physical condition of the healthy Ninja Eagle before I can decide on your treatment plan."


Black Eagle didn't hesitate at all. He jumped up with strong legs, vibrated his wings, and gathered powerful wind escape chakra to propel his huge body to fly at high speed.

It turned into a black lightning and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Uchiha Yu laughed in shock and sighed: "This speed is really shocking. If it completely recovers its health, I don't know if it will be faster."    "What if Black Eagle is a blessing in disguise and successfully enters the path of immortality and enters the world of demons and immortals? Will the ranks break through the limitations of time and space and achieve the ability to travel through space?"

"I'm starting to look forward to his performance."

As Yuu Uchiha attaches more importance to Black Hawk, his name for Black Hawk has also changed from "it" to the more anthropomorphic "he".

Just like Masashi Miwa.

The black eagle was extremely fast. In less than half an hour, he flew back with another large brown-black eagle on his back.

This big eagle is not small in size, with a wingspan of 12 meters. It is truly a giant eagle.

But compared to its father, it looks very petite.

Uchiha Yu carefully examined the big eagle named Gray Shadow and determined the direction of the meridians in the body of the ninja and the operation of chakra.

He even gathered part of the natural energy, and by observing the gray shadow's absorption process, he determined the way the Ninja Eagle absorbed the natural energy.

Uchiha Yuu was so shocked that he couldn't help but exclaimed: "How is this possible that the Ninja Eagle is born with a defect in absorbing natural energy?"

"Life shouldn't be like this!"

"No, wait, I understand. It's Chakra. Chakra, which is easier to use than natural energy, has changed the Ninja Eagle. This has caused the Ninja Eagle to be in the process of mutation and adaptation. When faced with the simultaneous existence of two energies, something happened. question."

Uchiha Yu quickly recalled the situation when the cat castle senjutsu was popularized. All the ninja cats who absorbed natural energy, including Neko Yu, fell without exception.

And the more powerful the magical talent is, the greater the damage will be suffered. The most powerful Mao You even faces life danger because of this.

But how did the three holy places solve this problem?

Uchiha Yu suddenly clapped his hands and figured out the problem.

In terms of life levels, slugs, toads and snakes belong to molluscs, amphibians and reptiles respectively. The complexity of life is much lower than that of warm-blooded animals, so it is naturally easier to adapt to changes in the new environment.

The slug with the simplest life form happens to be the strongest, the second strongest is Toadmaru, and the relatively weak one is the White Snake with the most complex life form.

It's very consistent with Uchiha Yu's deduction.

Moreover, they should not solve all problems.

Whether it is Shigu Forest, Miaomu Mountain or Longdi Cave, the practice of immortality is very difficult and even full of fatal risks.

There is only one slug in the Shiggy Bone Forest. She does not need the inheritance of fairy magic, and she does not teach fairy magic to others, so let's not worry about it for the time being.

Myoboku Mountain and Ryūchi Cave both have large families, and the descendants of Gamamaru and White Snake need to work hard to practice immortal arts and increase the strength of the clan.

Therefore, there are countless toad statues in Miaomu Mountain, and there are also headless corpses in Ryūchi Cave. No matter what they say, they cannot be the remains of human beings who failed to practice immortality.

Most of them must be the descendants of Gamamaru and White Snake, which means that they made a lot of sacrifices to screen out the children of survivors, and then there were more immortals, as well as huge snakes and giant toads.

If you think about it, you will know how exaggerated the reproductive efficiency of toads is.

How could Tomamaru only have two children?

Fukasaku and Shima's children cannot be the only three brothers Buntai.

They are actually just survivors among thousands of brothers and sisters.

It is so difficult for cold-blooded animals, and it is natural that it is more difficult for warm-blooded animals to adapt to more complex life forms.

There are five exceptions.

Brothers Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura are far more advanced beings than humans, and their life forms must be more complex, but they have no difficulty in mastering celestial arts.

This completely went against Uchiha Yu's inference, and he couldn't figure out the reason.

The third exception is Senju Hashirama. He was able to successfully master celestial arts by relying on the related characteristics of the wood escape blood succession boundary and the sacred tree.

The fourth is Uchiha Yu, and the fifth is Miwa Masashi.

Of course he knew exactly why he could master the magic without any danger.

The key is that he splits the natural energy into five spirits, which correspond to the five escape chakras, and absorbs the natural energy in categories that match his own physique.

Because all natural energy can adapt to itself, it will not cause harm.

Analyzing from this perspective, the problem of the Ninja Eagles is found. Their physical attributes are too pure. They only have wind escape chakra in their bodies, which is a complete wind attribute.

In other words, the Ninja Eagle can only accept the natural energy of the wind spirit, and all other natural energy is harmful.

That's why Ninja's problem is so serious.

Once you find the problem, you can think of ways to solve it.

First, extract the unsuitable natural energy, then reconstruct Black Eagle's meridians according to Gray Shadow's meridian structure, and finally let Wind Spirit's natural energy run.

The first two steps are quite difficult, but the most troublesome is this last step.

Because he didn't know how the natural energy of Black Eagle's wind spirit moved in the meridians, the only example he could refer to was himself.

With Miwa Masayo as a precedent, Uchiha Yu believed that by operating according to his own example, the probability of success would be high and the problem should be solved.

But in this way, he was tantamount to revealing his true identity to Black Hawk, which was originally a secret that only Miwa Masashi could know.

If this secret is leaked and mastered by Miaomu Mountain, Ryūchi Cave, Shigu Forest and Pure Land, it will most likely lead to a qualitative change in the power of the four great immortals.

By then, the risks faced by Uchiha Yuu will skyrocket.

You have to be careful.

Uchiha Yu thought for a long time, and after taking into account Black Hawk's words of willingness to surrender, he made up his mind.

He said to Black Hawk: "I found your problem and thought of a solution."

"But I can't guarantee that my judgment is correct, or even your life."

"Black Hawk, do you still want treatment?"

Black Eagle didn't hesitate at all and said directly: "I'm not afraid of death, I'm just afraid of getting weaker and weaker. Please start treatment!"

But Uchiha Yuu did not start the treatment directly, but asked again: "Your treatment will let you know my secrets. Can you keep these secrets?"

Black Eagle was stunned, but still said without hesitation: "Yuxianren, I have promised you that once my physical problem is solved, I will offer my loyalty."

"Please believe in my loyalty."

Uchiha Yu looked into the huge eagle eyes and saw determination, calmness and clarity.

So he jumped on Black Eagle's head and smiled: "I believe you, let's start now."

Then he commanded: "Stand up, spread your wings, and fly into the sky!"

"The best environment to heal your body is not the ground, but the sky, where the wind never stops!"

"The ninja eagle should be on top, the eagle strikes the sky!"

"There are only two results from this treatment. Either Black Eagle's body will recover and his strength will be improved, or he will die heroically in the sky!"

Uchiha Yu's words aroused Black Eagle's pride, and endless pride surged from his heart, and he vibrated his wings and soared into the sky.

Along with the fierce wind, the black hawk turned into a black lightning.

With his powerful wings, he didn't even make any hovering movements. He shot straight into the sky at an angle of 75 degrees and flew in a straight trajectory.

While flying, Uchiha Yuu took his first step, and a sea of ​​chakra surged out of his body.

Fire escape, water escape, thunder escape and earth escape, the four attributes of chakra, under the control of Yuu Uchiha, accurately surround the Black Hawk's body surface and continue to accumulate.

The black hawk flew higher and higher, passed through the clouds, continued to rise at high speed, and finally entered the stratosphere where the wind was blowing.

(End of this chapter)

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