Chapter 25 It's You
Sitting in the most remote corner, it is easy to be ignored and not get a good meal.

But Uchiha Yuu is different. He is a little transparent among the upper echelons of the family, but he is very popular among the lower echelons. There is no servant in charge of serving in this courtyard that he does not know.

After saying hello, the boys and girls would give him priority to provide him with delicious food, and he could even eat some good food faster than the clan leader and elders.

After all, the county magistrate is not as good as taking charge now.

Even sitting in the most inconspicuous place, Uchiha Yuu can eat the most and the best meat.

When it got dark, the party finally ended.

Uchiha Yu sat in the outermost courtyard, but was the last to leave among the chuunin.

Before leaving, Uchiha Yu noticed that the patriarch, jounin and elders stayed behind and continued to drink tea and talk. Their topics would probably focus on war matters.

Putting the sleeping Masato Miwa in his arms, and wrapping his right hand around the tabby cat to protect it, Uchiha Yuu left the clan leader's mansion.

When he went out, the clan chief butler Uchiha Heihachi handed him a thick paper envelope. Uchiha Yu took it with his left hand, squeezed it gently and smiled brightly.

This was a return gift from the clan leader, totaling 20 taels, which was more than ten times more than the gift he gave.

Uchiha Yu was very happy. Now he could persist for at least half a month, and he had a lot more room to choose tasks.

It's just that he felt a little embarrassed after eating, drinking and taking food today, so he decided to consider sparing Itachi's life if possible in the future for the sake of Lord Uchiha Fugaku.

Of course, he must be able to ensure the safety of himself and those close to him, as well as the safety of his family, otherwise... he will still be killed.

Of course money is very important, but in the end it cannot be more valuable than the lives of the people he cares about.

With money, Uchiha Yuu continued to buy a lot of food, and the matter of choosing a mission went directly to the back of his mind.

He runs with heavy loads every day, stands in meditation, hone his ninjutsu, taijutsu, swordsmanship and throwing skills, and then rewards himself with a lot of fragrant meat.

Miwa Masashi continued to eat well, drink well, and sleep well. When she was in a good mood, she would exercise with the shoveler. When she was in a bad mood, she would go to Inuzuka's house to quarrel with Kuromaru.

The two ninja beasts will also fight.

Because Miwa Masayo's strength grew rapidly, he and Kuromaru became evenly matched opponents, and they fought with the tacit consent of the two masters.

Through half-play and half-serious fighting, you can exercise your reaction speed, combat skills and physical strength, which is very effective in enhancing the fighting power of the ninja beasts.

There are not many ninjas who have ninja beast partners, and there are even fewer ninja beasts who are responsible for fighting, and evenly matched ninja beasts are even more rare, so neither Inuzuka Claw nor Uchiha Yuu will stop them.

They will only help treat the wounds, soothe the emotions, and encourage their little cuties to fight again after they lose.

This kind of regular life makes Uchiha Yu very satisfied. Even the monkey in the spiritual world is quiet and quiet, without any signs of causing trouble.

Every day of hard training can bring back obvious and crazy results. Soon Uchiha Yu found that his strength had doubled, and the 650 kilogram weight was no longer a problem at all.

But fate is always the cruelest, and it does not allow anyone except the protagonist to enjoy happiness.


Uchiha Yu looked at the messenger who issued the mission to him in surprise, and asked in disbelief: "Who? Uchiha Obito?"

The messenger had the Uchiha family crest on his front and back, but it was the first time Uchiha Yu had seen him. This proved that he was a direct descendant of a high-ranking member of the family.

Hearing Uchiha Yu's exclamation, the messenger also showed a strange expression: "Yes, it is that fool who is 'least like Uchiha', Uchiha Obito." "He broke into the clan leader's house yesterday and demanded Participating in the ninja education within the family, the clan leader was so troubled by him that he could only arrange for someone to teach him."

wipe!It turns out that the cause lies with me!
But why did this pot fall on my head?

Uchiha Yu gave Uchiha Obito advice because he was sure that he would attack Obito in the future, so he needed to disguise himself from now on to create the illusion of a close relationship with Obito.

Since it was an illusion, Uchiha Yu's suggestion was of course carefully considered. It could not only make others feel that he was serious about helping Obito, but also avoid trapping himself to the greatest extent.

The Uchiha family starts intra-clan training at the beginning of summer and winter every year. It is hosted by the selected jounin and the best chuunin is in charge. It lasts for about a month.

Uchiha Yu was just a newly promoted Chunin and was not qualified to participate in such activities, so he had forgotten about it after making the suggestion.

Who would have thought that after a few days, the blame would still fall on him. This is so unlucky.

When Uchiha Obito was not blackened, he was a waste. He could not learn anything, he could not use the ninjutsu he mastered, and the ninjutsu he used was full of mistakes.

He is still a stubborn person, the kind who won't listen to you no matter what you say. Except that he doesn't have the halo of the protagonist, he is just a large Uzumaki Naruto.

Teaching Uchiha Obito to practice is a big, dark and heavy black pot.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Uchiha Yuu couldn't help but ask: "When did the clan leader become so easy to talk to, and could he be so troubled by Obito? And why did he choose me?"

The messenger sighed and said helplessly: "I didn't know before that Obito's grandfather was Elder Kong Yuan. He is actually a direct clan member."

Uchiha Yu looked confused, who is Elder Kong Yuan?
"Elder Kong Yuan has passed away a long time ago, but he was the teacher of Chief Fugaku."

That's no problem. The relationship between ninja master and apprentice is extremely important, even more important than the relationship between father and son.

Obito's grandfather was Fugaku's teacher. Even if he died early, he would be gone, leaving Obito in a mess.But when Obito goes to ask Uchiha Fugaku to do something, the clan leader absolutely cannot shirk it. As long as there is a slight possibility, he must do his best to do it, otherwise his reputation will be completely ruined.

"But why me?"

"It's just you."


"The family is very busy right now. All jounin and chuunin have missions, and they can't get away from it at all."

Understand, the Uchiha family is a ninja clan that has existed for thousands of years. It has industries not only in Konoha Village, but also throughout the Fire Country. The family's caravan has even extended its business to the entire ninja world.Now that the atmosphere of war is getting stronger and stronger, the Uchiha family naturally has to prepare for the war, gather business from various places, package and transport assets back, or choose a hidden place to hide them.

Uchiha also has to shoulder the security work of the village, as well as the tasks assigned by the Hokage from time to time. As you can imagine, Uchiha's jounin, chuunin and even genin are very busy now.

When Uchiha Fugaku agreed to Obito's request, when selecting candidates, he found that he couldn't find a ninja who could educate Obito.

As a result, when he checked the family's household registration without giving up, he found that there was a newly promoted chuunin at home, and unexpectedly, he had no tasks or work at all.

What else is there to say?

You are the one.

(End of this chapter)

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