I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 24 Weighing the pros and cons

Chapter 24 Weighing the pros and cons
The letter was actually an invitation. The clan leader invited all jounin and chunin to a banquet, Uchiha Itachi's naming banquet.

There is also a saying in the ninja world about the full moon, but the method of naming is to give a name, which means that the child has survived, stood still, and can be named.

If it dies within one month of birth, it can only be regarded as a miscarriage and does not deserve a name.

Although someone who dies before the age of six still dies young, he can finally be considered to have come into this world and can leave some traces. Even if he dies, he can have a tombstone.

For example, Uzumaki Naruto was given a name at birth more than ten years later. It was a special case of necessity.

Uchiha Yuu calmed down and happily took Miwa Masayo to the banquet, giving him gifts and eating and drinking, all of which were high-quality ingredients that he couldn't usually afford and had very high nutritional value.

"Yu, everything is good, why do you think it's not as delicious as yours?"

Miwa Masayo was so full that she lay on Uchiha Yuu's lap with her belly turned over, and let the shit shovel rub her belly.

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "Because my cooking philosophy is different from other people's."

"I like to use spices to enhance the freshness. Except for the liver, which is eaten raw to maintain nutrition, all meats are cooked and more oil is used, but not too much oil is used in one dish."

“Balance is my philosophy, and the chefs here go for extremes.”

There is no doubt that the food in the ninja world is a combination of Japanese light food and American fast food. It is okay to eat it as a work meal, but if you want to enjoy delicious food, it is really too much.

But there is really no choice in the ingredients of the patriarch's house. They are so good that they are digested immediately in the stomach, and then turn into heat and spread into the limbs and bones, turning into nutrients for the body's foundation.

"If I can eat three meals a day, I think foundation building will have obvious results within a month or two."

"Meow? Yu, do you think you have changed little now?"

"Is it big?"

"It's very, very exaggerated, meow. If I weren't with you every day, I wouldn't dare to recognize you..."

"But no one in my tribe thinks I've changed?"

"Ha, Yuu, what do you think your status is here?"

"You are just a little transparent person squatting outside the room, on the outermost floor of the courtyard, in the corner under the courtyard wall. No one pays attention to you."

"Who will pay attention to you, meow?"

"Well, you're right, but my neighbors don't notice anything different about me?"

"You are so slow, meow. Everyone can see it. You have become stronger!"

(Bah, bah, bah)
"Well, maybe in the eyes of humans, you haven't changed much."

"But in the eyes of our ninja cats, your taste and breath are just the same every day. It's terrible."


"Haven't you noticed that when you pass by the Stinky Dog's door now, no Stinky Dog quarrels with me?"

Uchiha Yuu was stunned and immediately recalled these changes. It was indeed what Masayo Miwa said.

He did not continue to argue with the civet cat, but stopped a waiter passing by: "Chongxin, give me five more plates of this kind of meat. What kind of meat is this? It's delicious."

The waiter also knew Uchiha Yu and said with a smile: "Brother Yu, this is the Nara family's venison. It is said that it is a deer that grew up eating medicinal herbs."

At this time, he saw the plates on the table and suddenly took a breath of air: "Oh my god, Brother Yu, how many plates of meat have you eaten? Is there really no problem?"

"I won't get a nosebleed. Give me five more sets."

"Okay...Is everything okay?" "It's okay! By the way, take these plates away, it's a bit conspicuous."


When Uchiha Shigenobu walked away, Miwa Masashi exclaimed: "My meow, you can still eat. Are you starving before?"

"No, I was full before. It's just that during the foundation period, I was able to control my intestines and stomach. When there is delicious food, I can eat several times the amount."

"... As expected of you."

Miwa Masashi couldn't help but yawned loudly, unable to hide his sleepiness.

Uchiha Yu put the cute cat in his arms, rolled her into a ball, and said, "Go to sleep if you feel sleepy. You should be more in tune with your body's feelings now."

"Okay meow."

The tabby cat did not resist Uchiha Yu's touch and hug, and followed his movements and buried its head under her belly, falling asleep soundly.

Animals and people are different. Even if they are both moving forward on the immortal path, their respective paths are different.

This is the immortal way of human beings. Step by step cultivation requires not only strengthening the body, but also taming and controlling instincts, using this as the foundation to achieve a higher life.

But other animals need to follow their instincts, trace their bloodline, learn from the original primitive life, and improve the essence of life.Therefore, Uchiha Yuu worked hard on himself, polishing his body and tempering his mind. At the same time, he advised Miwa Masayo to eat when he wanted, sleep when he wanted, move when he wanted, quarrel with the ninja dog when he wanted, and just follow nature and body instincts.

Sure enough, following this principle, the civet cat made rapid progress, and its strength increased as fast as him, which really made the cat slave envious.


But human beings are special. They gain hegemony over the entire ecological niche entirely by relying on their brains. Human nature is to work hard. After complaining about envy and jealousy, Uchiha Yuu calmly continued to work hard.

Under Uchiha Yu's caress, Miwa Masayo soon purred comfortably.

But his heart was still very heavy. Thanks to Miwa Masayo's reminder, otherwise he might have accidentally exposed himself without knowing when.

There are four essentials to cultivating immortality: Dharma and wealth.

These four types only differ in order, but there is no unimportant existence.

Miwa Masayo's reminder made Uchiha Yuu realize the value of a companion, and also let him know that his concealment can be hidden from humans, but it cannot be hidden from ninja beasts with keen senses.

Maybe Inuzuka Claw could sense his changes, but this careless kunoichi ignored it.

Uchiha Yuu's thoughts have changed, but there is still a long way to go before he can become a saint. He lacks self-confidence.

In the Immortal Way, Yu Uchiha relied on himself to explore. He had not yet used the techniques used in the foundation building stage. His training focused on comprehensively strengthening the body's foundation. He had no idea what his combat power was.

Now, except for meat and delicious food, he has no special resources, his external demand is very low, and there is no need to stand up and become a famous genius in Konoha Village.

If his body's needs increase again and his appetite increases several times again, far exceeding the limit he can bear, he will take the initiative to stand up without being urged by others and become a genius in the spotlight, standing in the eyes of his family and the Hokage line. Center, and then obtain more resources from the family.

The louder the name of the genius, the more resources Yuu Uchiha can get from the family.

But the losses of being the center of attention are also great. The family will have messy tasks, the ANBU and the roots will be under constant surveillance, and even assassinations will follow.

This is a trade-off.

Uchiha Yuu was sure that hiding himself would be more beneficial now.

That's why he deliberately chose the outermost courtyard and sat in the most remote corner.

(End of this chapter)

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