Chapter 26 This is prediction
Uchiha Yu nodded helplessly, indicating that he accepted the mission, and then sent the messenger away.

I can't refuse this job.

Think about it, the clan leader's son is only one month old, and he is so busy that he has no time to take care of his son. As a result, you, an ordinary chuunin, are resting at home.If he dared to refuse, wouldn't the busy Uchiha Fugaku be angry?

It will definitely happen. The envious and jealous clan leader will definitely kill himself, grab his neck and beat him up, and then forcefully give Obito to him.

"Alas, you shot yourself in the foot."

"What are you going to do, should you teach seriously or just perfunctory for a few days?"

"Of course I have to teach seriously. It has to do with my character, so I have to be serious."

"If you think about it carefully, the benefits of me teaching Obito seriously are not many."

Uchiha Yu opened his omniscient mind and walked around every corner of the house to confirm that there was no White Zetsu. Then he said to Miwa Masayo: "First of all, Obito will become a disciple of the Fourth Generation in the future. I can work with the Fourth Generation." Secondly, it will make the close relationship between me and Obito real, and it will be reasonable to kill him in the future."

Miwa Masashi was completely dumbfounded: Do you know what you are talking about?
Uchiha Yu said in the most serious tone: "This is prediction."


"Yes, foreknowledge."

"Haha, do you think I will believe it, nya?" Masayo Miwa said disdainfully, "Prove it to me, what will we eat tomorrow?"

"..., silly cat, I'm the one in charge of our food. I know what to eat tomorrow without predicting it."

"Ah, this..., I don't care, meow, prove it to me."

"There's no way to prove it. I thought that with our friendship, you would trust me without proof. It turns out that I was just being too sentimental to think of sharing my biggest secret with you."

Uchiha Yuu made a tearful complaint, and Ray's Miwa Masayo was charred on the outside but tender on the inside. She apologized to the man in a panic, using the most unskilled words to try to show that she trusted him very much.

"Let me touch the pads of your feet and I will believe you."

"Okay, okay, no problem, huh?"

"Meow meow meow……"

The fleshy pads on her paws were pinched, which made the civet cat feel very, very irritated, but it also made her regain consciousness with excitement.

Miwa Masayo is indeed a bit naive, but that doesn't mean she is really stupid. What's still unclear is that regardless of whether Uchiha Yuu could predict it or not, he took the opportunity to deceive the civet cat.

Anger springs from the gallbladder, fire from the heart.

It's too much, it's really too much. Yuu Uchiha not only mixed "Rika-chan" with the official name of "Miwa Masashi", but also tricked the raccoon cat into responding again and again, almost getting used to it.

He also touched the ears of the civet cat, ears!
Miwa Masashi had endured it, but now he was not satisfied, and used deception to get the opportunity to rub his flesh pads. It was too much.

I can’t have this shit shovel anymore.

Forget it.

"Let's see what the moves are, Cat Fist!"

You can't beat him with a fight. After building the foundation, Uchiha Yuu's strength does not grow quickly, but the foundation is getting stronger and stronger, especially the strength of the body becomes very exaggerated.If Miwa Masashi hadn't done anything serious, her claws would have been unable to break through Uchiha Yu's face. She even felt that the skin was thick enough to withstand the penetration of the shuriken.

Of course Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi will not fall out, and the so-called prediction of the future is also believed by the civet cat.The reason why he used excuses to tell part of the "future" was because the strength of the civet cat was increasing, and he felt that the future Miwa Masayo would not be his subsidiary life, but a Taoist companion who would always be with him.

The treatment of Taoist couples is different. As long as it does not directly involve their own fundamental secrets, there is no need to keep it secret.


"How could it be you?"

"Brother Yu! It's you!"

"Hello Uchiha Chuunin."

As expected, it was not Uchiha Obito who came to the Minamikawa training ground, but his entire team.How could Obito abandon Lin, and how could Lin ignore the last teammate of the team.

Seeing Uchiha Yu again, Lin's face showed a suspicious peach color.

Uchiha Yu lived up to his last name and had a truly handsome face.

Moreover, he is tall and fair-skinned. Because he is a time traveler, his soul is mature far beyond that of a boy in the ninja world. His behavior is full of the calmness and understanding of a mature man. He is just like a father, treating a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl. Irresistibly attractive.

Uchiha Obito suddenly felt like he was vomiting blood. Facing the oldest Uchiha of his generation, he couldn't even say something like "When I awaken the Sharingan, then XXXXX".

Uchiha Yuu is not interested in Rin, she is just a skinny little girl. He is not a pedophile, nor is he any lolicon that he has ever seen.

He was not worried about Lin's emotional problems. Although this girl's expression made Obito panic, he was sure that this girl's admiration for a father-like figure would soon disappear as she grew older. .

Unless the child suffered some harm from his mother, causing serious psychological trauma.

"I will take you to train for two weeks. The training items are very simple. They are what I told you last time, climbing trees and treading water."

Uchiha Yu walked to a big tree by the river and stepped on it in a covert manner: "You can't climb a tree with your hands. Instead, you must condense chakra into the soles of your feet, firmly stick to the trunk of the big tree, and then step on it One step up."

"This project trains chakra control, chakra volume, and body core strength, which are the most basic and important things for a ninja."

Uchiha Yu stood parallel to the ground on the tallest treetop, carefully explained various techniques and precautions to the three genin, and then asked them to practice on their own.

Lin is worthy of being a medical ninja and has excellent chakra control. On the first try, she stood firmly on the tree trunk and took two steps up.

The two boys were slightly unlucky. Either their chakra output was too strong and they stepped into the tree trunk, or they were suddenly launched a few steps away.

Uchiha Yuu was not as disappointed as Kakashi. He himself did not succeed in the first time. It is normal for boys to fail several times. Anyone who can succeed in the first time is a guy with great talent.

The Third Hokage is not an idiot. Although he is a mess in politics, his teaching and vision are definitely top-notch. As long as such a genius enters the ninja school, it is impossible to escape his attention and there is no way he will be reduced to the "forgotten team".

He patiently explained the technical points to the three of them, pointed out what was not done properly that led to the failure, and taught various techniques for controlling chakra.

Soon the third boy successfully walked up a few steps, and then passed Lin all the way up.

But Uchiha's hard to describe in one word.

He also successfully took three steps up, his face turned red with excitement, but then he hung upside down, struggling like a fish that had been dumped, but he could not be like his two teammates no matter what. Stand up straight sideways like that.

Uchiha Yuu was stunned and couldn't help blurting out: "How on earth did you graduate from the ninja school, Obito?"

(End of this chapter)

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