I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 243 The Class Reunion of the Three Konoha Ninjas

Chapter 243 Konoha Sannin’s Class Reunion

Following Jiraiya's successful sneak attack with the barrier technique, Uchiha Yu disappeared from Susanoo's body.

His figure turned into a meteor and entered the mouth of the toad at Jiraiya's feet like water.

It was only then that Uchiha Fugaku noticed the existence of the toad and the aura of the barrier emanating from the toad's mouth.

Then the thin-waisted toad raised his hand and blocked his mouth with the cork in his hand. Uchiha Yu's breath and the breath of the barrier disappeared at the same time.

Jiraiya was overjoyed and cheered: "Success! I caught Uchiha Yuu!"

Uchiha Fugaku finally felt relieved, closed the Mangekyō Sharingan, dismissed the red Crow Tengu Susanoo, and then fell from the sky.

Jiraiya didn't have the same ill will toward Uchiha as the Third Hokage. He patted Bunta's head without hesitation, signaling it to save people.

Gamabunta was a participant in the battle and deeply admired Uchiha Fugaku who controlled the red Crow Tengu.

It didn't have any resistance to Jiraiya's intention, and immediately stretched out its hand to catch Fugaku, and then landed on the ground gently and skillfully, without even causing much shock.

At this time, Jiraiya exhausted his senjutsu chakra and released his sage state. Exhaustion overwhelmed him like a tide.

His legs softened and he sat down on Bunta's head. The sweat quickly wetted his clothes and gathered into a big puddle under his buttocks.

"It's really not easy. The Uchiha clan's Mangekyou Sharingan and Susanoo are really powerful. Fugaku-senpai, you are really powerful too."

Jiraiya praised Fugaku who was sent over by Bunta from the bottom of his heart: "Thanks to Fugaku-senpai this time, without you blocking Uchiha Yuu, I wouldn't have been able to get close to him."

Jiraiya is also the main force in this battle. The strength shown in his sage mode is enough to stand on the same level as Susanoo.

The Uchiha clan leader was very happy to hear the praise of such a strong man, and the strongest man in the Third Hokage camp.

He reciprocated the favor and praised: "The sage mode of Miaomu Mountain has been famous for a long time, but I have never heard of anyone successfully practicing it. Jiraiya, your performance today proves that senjutsu is indeed a powerful force far superior to ninjutsu."

The business exchanges between the ninjas went on for a long time, until the third Hokage brought the ANBU ninjas closer, and the two of them have become good friends who talk about everything.

Fugaku invited Jiraiya to his home, and Jiraiya readily agreed.

The Third Hokage heard this and felt very unhappy.

But after this battle, he already knew Uchiha Fugaku's strength, and he could not speak harshly to him under any circumstances. Instead, he put on a smile and praised him.

Uchiha Fugaku, who felt like he was having a meal, had no way of guessing the Third Hokage's heart. He just received smiles and compliments, which made him extremely satisfied.

Fugaku's attitude was still the same as before. When faced with the praises of the Third Hokage, he was very polite and said all kinds of humble and nice words:

"You're too kind."

"You are exaggerating."

"You are the commander of this battle, and the greatest credit is of course yours."

The Third Hokage listened with deep concern, and his opinion of Fugaku greatly improved.

On the contrary, Uchiha Setsuna, who had hardly contributed much, stood proudly behind the clan leader, looking around with his nostrils, and even the Third Hokage looked down on him.

The ANBU ninjas of the Sarutobi clan naturally disliked this guy, but this guy was standing behind Fugaku Uchiha, and the ANBU ninjas really didn't dare to glare at him, for fear that Fugaku would misunderstand him.

Just when it seemed like they were enjoying themselves, but in reality there was an undercurrent of commotion, an ANBU ninja raised his head and saw the golden Susanoo floating in the sky.

He asked curiously: "It's strange that this giant is still there. When will it disappear?"

Jiraiya, Uchiha Fugaku, the Third Hokage, Mito Kadenen, and Uchiha Setsuna suddenly changed their faces when they heard this, and suddenly looked up.

When he saw the golden Susanoo, Jiraiya asked solemnly: "Senior Fugaku, after the ninja disappears, can the Susanoo still maintain itself for a while?"

Uchiha Fugaku's face was as pale as a dead man's. He replied tremblingly: "No, it has never happened."

"But Yuu Uchiha can use Susanoo without Sharingan. Maybe, maybe his Susanoo will be special..."

Uchiha Fugaku's voice became smaller and smaller. Even he couldn't convince himself of this reason.

So, Yuu Uchiha is still here! !

Swish, swish, the ninjas who couldn't intervene immediately fled, leaving only Gamabunta, Jiraiya and Uchiha Fugaku.

But they were already exhausted and unable to fight anymore. The two could only look at each other, not knowing what to do.

Jiraiya gritted his teeth and asked loudly: "Uchiha Yu, how did you avoid my barrier technique?"

Uchiha Yuu showed his figure on top of the golden Susan's head and replied with a smile: "It's just the shadow clone technique. It's just a standard ninjutsu among jounin. It's not worth mentioning."

"In terms of excitement, the mutual bragging between you and the secret interaction between the Third Hokage and Mito Kaden are more interesting."

"My clan leader, you are really blind. You turn a blind eye when people wink in front of you. You really can't blame others for what the Uchiha clan has come to today."

Suddenly he thought of something, looked at Fugaku's eyes, and then said: "I see, you are on the verge of blindness. Can you only see blurry light and shadow?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems it's time to replace the leader of the Uchiha clan."

He patted his chest and said unceremoniously: "Now, I am considered the first choice in the family, so I reluctantly worked for ten years, waiting for Uchiha Shisui to grow up, and then make friends. Give it to him.”

Uchiha Fugaku growled: "Don't even think about it. How will the Uchiha clan live in Konoha Village and face the anger of Lord Hokage if you are the clan leader?"

"Are you going to defect with the Uchiha clan?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said in surprise: "How is it possible to defect? ​​I was born and raised in Konoha Village. I will definitely stay in Konoha Village."

Uchiha Fugaku frowned and said: "You are wishful thinking. The Third Hokage will not allow you to stay in Konoha Village."

Yuu Uchiha shook his head even more violently. He even raised his index finger and shook it from side to side to strengthen his expression: "No, it's completely wrong. Chief Fugaku, your brain is really too rigid."

"In the final analysis, I just don't have a good relationship with our Third Hokage. It's not like I can't get along with all Hokage."

He smiled, showing eight teeth, and said gently: "As long as the Hokage changes from the third generation to the fourth generation, all problems will cease to exist."

From Uchiha Yuu's gentle smile, Jiraiya felt the murderous intention that was not cold, but as firm as diamond.

Even if Jiraiya didn't know Uchiha Yuu's action of drawing a circle to restrict the third generation from leaving, he also understood that Uchiha Yuu wanted to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He patted Gamabunta at his feet and made him stand up again.

Then Jiraiya said condescendingly to Uchiha Yu: "If you want to kill my teacher, you have to kill me first!"

Uchiha Yu laughed out loud, and he flew up lightly until he was eye level with Jiraiya, and then asked: "Senior Jiraiya, my admiration for you is not fake, but why do you think I can't kill?" And you?"

"You came to trouble me on Gamamaru's orders. Maybe your intention was not to kill me, but does this make you no longer my enemy? Does it make me let you go?"

Uchiha Yu's smile faded, and he continued coldly: "You're just kidding, you didn't want to kill me, but you used practical actions to help the Third Hokage and Gamamaru kill me. You also have a way to kill me!"

Jiraiya was heartbroken and snorted coldly: "The teacher is a very kind person, and the Great Toad Sage is the best sage. He has long said that he does not want you to die, but wants you to live in Miaomu Mountain until the world changes." .”

Uchiha Yu sneered: "You mean it's not true? Jiraiya, you are too naive."

"You can tell the Third Hokage a hundred times that he is kind. The owners of dozens of pairs of Sharingan eyes in the root laboratory will not be resurrected, the hundreds of experimental children will not be resurrected, and Hatake Sakumo will not be resurrected!"

"Jiraiya! You want to wipe out so many lives with just your words. You take yourself too seriously."

Jiraiya looked embarrassed and defended: "Those are all Nebe and Danzo..."

Uchiha Yu interrupted his defense: "Duanzo has died long ago, but the roots are still there, the experiment is still going on, and the children of the test subjects are still dying!"

Jiraiya was speechless, unable to utter another word.

"As for Toad Maru, you can believe whatever it says, but I will never believe it. Even if what it says is true, it will still block my path to immortality and block my path."

"It deserves to be killed even more!"

Before he finished speaking, Uchiha Yu was surrounded by golden chakra, and the golden Susanoo suddenly overlapped with him. The huge fist was raised high, aiming at Gamabunta's head, and was about to smash it down.

Jiraiya shouted: "Bunta, jump quickly!" But Gamabunta was horrified to find that his feet were caught by the ground at some point.

The layers of soil are still rising upwards, driven by powerful natural energy, trying to cover its entire legs.

Wentai struggled with all his strength, but couldn't break free.

Seeing that the huge fist was about to hit, it shouted in despair: "No! My feet are clamped and I can't move at all!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku began to struggle desperately, but could not squeeze a trace of chakra out of his body.

Not to mention re-opening Susanoo, he couldn't even get out of the toad's head.

Ninja and Needle Jizo

In desperation, Jiraiya formed a seal with his hands, and his white hair Wu Feng automatically wrapped himself and Fugaku, and then turned into a thorn ball on Bunta's head.

But they all knew that the defensive power brought by the magic was not meaningless. If the golden fist smashed down, the result would be the death of two people and one frog.

But the fist did not come down in the end.

Even Senju Hashirama in the distance couldn't help but clasp his hands, but his Wood Release Ninjutsu didn't have enough time to activate, so he stopped halfway.

Because there was a giant tree of 100 meters, which was broken from the roots and then used as a spear to throw at it.

Uchiha Yu stopped because he found that the tree was not aiming at him, but at the gap between him and Gamabunta.

The person who came here wanted to break up the fight, not attack him.

With such a stance and attitude, as well as such great power, it is obvious who the person is.

Tsunade...and Orochimaru.

Uchiha Yuu looked at the pollen rising into the sky behind the blond figure, then turned to look at the pollen exploding in the other direction, and made this judgment based entirely on intuition.

Orochimaru is also here. Under the current circumstances, the person who can truly replace the Third Hokage has arrived.

Uchiha Yu slowly retracted his fist. He did not expect that people would gather so neatly at this pass today.

Now that everyone who should be there has arrived, maybe Sarutobi Hiruzen's death does not need to be done by himself.

Suddenly, Uchiha Yuu patted his head, and he remembered that people are still incomplete, and there are still people who should appear, otherwise it will be almost meaningless.

It's a pity that in the big drama of the trial of the Third Hokage, there were so many main characters that he couldn't summon, otherwise it would have been even more lively.

Uchiha Yuu did not remove Susanoo, which made Tsunade very nervous. As soon as she got close, she reached forward and cast her psychic technique.

Just as the huge cloud of white smoke exploded, another equally huge cloud of white smoke also exploded.

Blue and white slugs and red giant snakes stood on the left and right of Gamabunta respectively, with Tsunade and Orochimaru standing on their heads.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but laughed angrily, and asked Orochimaru: "Tsunade-senpai doesn't understand me, so just be careful to channel the living sage. Orochimaru, why are you joining in the fun?"

Orochimaru smiled and replied: "Oh, I haven't seen my two classmates for a long time. It's hard to see them again. I can't wait to show off my new contractors, can't I?"

Tsunade tilted her head and looked at Orochimaru, and asked in surprise: "You really changed the contract snake, where are the ten thousand snakes?"

Orochimaru spread his hands and replied matter-of-factly: "Of course he was beaten to death by me, otherwise it would not tolerate me signing a contract with Xin Ya."

At this moment, swishing sounds continued to sound, and ninjas appeared one after another behind Orochimaru.

They formed groups of four, forming a formation in a diamond shape. The distance between them was wide, but their auras were faintly connected and integrated.

The stern demeanor of this group of ninjas, and the system of their actions made Uchiha Yuu and others look at them with suspicion.

The most important thing is that they were able to face three giant psychic beasts and the even bigger Susanoo, and they were not even at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

When Jiraiya saw the two classmates, his courage and confidence suddenly returned. He laughed and said, "Great, you are all here too, so the teacher will not be in danger."

After hearing Jiraiya's words, Tsunade's face suddenly darkened, but Orochimaru kept smiling, but his eyes were slightly cold.

Tsunade spoke first: "Jiraiya, you are still so naive. Although I am here, I will not stop anyone from attacking Sarutobi-sensei."

Orochimaru smiled and said, "Me too."

Jiraiya was shocked. He looked at his two classmates in disbelief and murmured, "Why?"

"Why?" Tsunade saw Jiraiya's surprised look, and her heart was very complicated, but she still said: "For grandma's grievance, for the death of the rope tree, for the death of Dan, if you don't know anything, Just shut up!”

"Jiraiya, if you side with the Third Hokage, I will knock you down so you don't get in the way!"

Orochimaru still smiled and said, "Me too."

He turned his head 180 degrees, looked at the broken trunk of a big tree, and said, "I am the teacher of Rope Tree, and he died right in front of my eyes."

"I watched him step into a trap that I couldn't find, and I watched him get blown up alive. The death of Naoki was no worse for me than Tsunade."

"Sarutobi-sensei, you know that, right?"

The Third Hokage walked out of the shadow of the tree trunk, still wearing the battle armor, but there were no ninjas surrounding him behind him.

Orochimaru's dissatisfaction worsened, and he even complained disdainfully: "Sarutobi-sensei, just a shadow clone is very boring."

The shadow clone of the Third Hokage ignored Orochimaru's complaints and asked: "Orochimaru, I don't remember that I allowed you to return to Konoha Village. Why did you show up?"

"No, teacher, you allow it."

Orochimaru smiled and replied: "You gave me permission before I set off."

The Third Hokage was not angry, but looked at him in disbelief: "You..."

Orochimaru's snake eyes narrowed into slits as he smiled.

He clapped happily and praised the Third Hokage: "You guessed it right! I have completed the task. The Sunagakure ninjas have fully returned to the Kingdom of Wind, and the Konoha ninjas have fully occupied the southern region of the Kingdom of Kawakawa."

"The mission is completed. Of course, we must return to Konoha Village in time to submit the mission."

The Third Hokage frowned and said, "Then why didn't you wait for me in the village instead of coming here secretly?"

"You misunderstood. A certain Uchiha promised me to go back to the village and meet him, and he would help me complete the final procedure to become Hokage."

Orochimaru said exaggeratedly: "Becoming Hokage, this is the dream of the rope tree, I can't wait to do it."

"But the guy who promised me has never arrived, so I came here to find Yu Uchiha."

"I'm surprised to see you."

The Shadow Clone of the Third Hokage looked at Susanoo and asked: "Uchiha Yu, I thought you were murdering me because of my actions. It turns out that you wanted to kill me from the beginning. It's really So ambitious."

Uchiha Yu didn't have a good expression. He looked at the shadow clone of the Third Hokage and snorted coldly: "It's really boring. What can a mere shadow clone have to say? Let's let the real person do the talking."

After saying that, the golden Susanoo smashed the third Hokage's shadow clone with a punch, then flew into the air and flew towards the woods not far away.

However, he turned back halfway. After all, the Third Hokage was not Shimura Danzo.

Even if he loses to Uchiha Yu, even if his disciples are hostile to him, Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Hokage, will not choose to escape.

He took Mito Kadoyan and the remaining ANBU ninjas and walked towards the location where the Konoha Sannin and the golden Susanoo were confronting each other.

When the situation was irreversible, Hiruzen Sarutobi stood up without hesitation and faced the "enemy" proactively, just like he did 20 years ago.

It’s just that this time there are a little more enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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