I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 242 The circle I drew, only Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot leave.

Chapter 242 The circle I drew, only Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot leave.

As expected by the first and second generation Hokage, Susanoo, the seemingly more powerful red crow tengu, succumbed first.

The battle between Susanoo lasted very short, no more than 4 minutes at most, and Uchiha Fugaku felt powerless.

His chakra was nearly exhausted, the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan was even more depleted, and the stinging pain in his eyes turned into sharp pain like needles.

But the battle showed no sign of ending, and Uchiha Yuu was steadily gaining the upper hand. Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but secretly complain.

The red Crow Tengu is fully armed and indeed has a huge advantage, but its consumption is naturally twice that of the golden Susanoo.

When the battle couldn't end quickly, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't stand it anymore.

But he was very strange in his heart. Although the opponent was not equipped with armor or weapons, he was still a first-stage Susanoo with legs, and the consumption would not be less.

And it's not just the equipment that will increase consumption, Golden Susan's quick dodge and agile movements are also huge consumption.

Why can he persist?

Uchiha Fugaku thought for a moment, and finally removed the armor of Nodachi and Crow Tengu to relieve his own pressure.

The changes in the red Crow Tengu surprised everyone.

Jiraiya exerted slight force on his feet, and received feedback from Gamabunta. They were ready to fight. Jiraiya concentrated all the chakra into his right hand, and he used all his strength to suppress the aura of the barrier.

As for the gourd toad around him, Jiraiya didn't need to worry about it.

The aura concealment of the gourd toad is natural. As long as you carefully block Uchiha Yu's sight, you will not be discovered.

The Third Hokage was even more frightened. He summoned all those who could still move to his side to prepare for the situation.

Mito Kadenyan said: "Uchiha Fugaku can't hold on anymore, we have no chance of victory!"

"Hiruzen, retreat!"

"You can't retreat!" Uchiha was furious: "You absolutely can't retreat. Our Uchiha clan leader is still fighting. Why do you retreat?"

Mito Kadoyan didn't even look at him, and continued to persuade the Third Hokage: "Hiruzhan, our people have suffered too many losses. The key is that we have no chance of winning if we stay here and can only wait to die."

"The only chance is to return to Konoha Village, announce that Uchiha Yu has rebelled against the village, and then mobilize the power of Konoha, so that we can have enough power to defeat him."

Uchiha shouted angrily: "You are simply wishful thinking. Under Susanoo, no matter how many ninjas there are, it is meaningless. You are asking the ninjas of Konoha Village to die!"

The Third Hokage waved his hand casually, and two Anbu from the Sarutobi clan came up, took Uchiha Setsuna's arm, and pulled him away.

This guy who was known as a hawk struggled hard but never dared to resist, allowing two ANBU who were far less powerful than him to pull him away.

Sarutobi Hiruzen then said: "Uchiha Setsuna's words don't sound good, but he is right."

He looked at the two Susanoos who were still fighting, and said feebly: "Faced with such a power that is beyond the understanding of ninjas, even if we mobilize the power of the entire Konoha Village, we cannot fight against it."

Mito Menyan shook his head and said: "You underestimated the Leaf Village too much. Our failure this time was due to a mistake in intelligence, not the lack of strength of the Leaf Village."

"We also have the barrier class, the sealing class, hundreds of jounin, and most importantly, we also have...Kyuubi."

The Third Hokage murmured: "Kyuubi, but Kushina is..."

Mito Kadoyan sighed: "She is already 23 years old, and she has already shown sufficient combat effectiveness. Hiruzen, you are really too careful. I remember you were not like this before."

The Third Hokage was shocked and his face changed slightly, but he still had difficulty making up his mind and remained hesitant under the gaze of everyone.

When it comes to the foundation of Konoha Village, it is indeed difficult for Sarutobi Hiruzen to make an immediate decision. The decisive Sarutobi Hiruzen that Mito Kaden and Senju Tobirama know well is actually still there, but his identity has changed. He is no longer the jounin he once was.

As a jounin, Sarutobi Hiruzen is absolutely decisive in killing. Even if he sacrifices his own life, he will not hesitate at all.

More than ten years later in the original history, the Third Hokage also made a decision in a short period of time to sacrifice himself in exchange for Orochimaru's life in order to protect Konoha Village.

But if he were to change the entire Sarutobi clan, he would not be able to be decisive at all, let alone risk the fate of the entire Konoha Village.

He can only hesitate, hesitate again, and finally make a very unreasonable decision after repeated hesitation, and sometimes it is just a cruel decision.

For example, sending children who are ten or even under ten years old to the battlefield, because adult ninjas are maintaining the operation of Konoha Village, sending them to the battlefield may cause greater losses to Konoha Village.

But at this moment, the disarmed red Susanoo finally couldn't resist, and was punched twice in the heart by the golden Susanoo.

The strong vibration and chakra concussion made Uchiha Fugaku in the head area extremely painful. He vomited blood, fell backwards with Susanoo, and fell into a large forest.

Compared to Susanoo, the seemingly taller giant tree of 100 meters was very thin. It fell down in pieces during the impact, creating a large open space.

The battle scene between the Susano giants is therefore more clearly presented to everyone.

Everyone saw that the golden giant was beating the red Susan, just like a strong young man beating an old man who was slow to react.

Ah, also like a powerful warrior beating a dog.

It's really terrible.

The Third Hokage's expression changed drastically, and he finally made up his mind. He shouted: "Retreat, let's go back to Konoha Village!"

He decided to release the Jinchuuriki of Konoha Village and let her deal with this terrifying Uchiha ninja.

As for whether the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki would have any ambitions after knowing his strength clearly, he was still relieved.

After all, his disciple has already taken control of this little girl. The worst, the worst is to let Minato Namikaze become the Fourth Hokage.

Although I feel sorry for Orochimaru, the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki who can defeat Yu Chiha will not only be the strongest fighting force in Konoha Village, but she will also know that she is the strongest.

In this way, the person who has the closest relationship with the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki can only be the Hokage, otherwise it will be difficult to tie down that irritable little pepper.

The Third Hokage sighed: We still have to put the overall situation first, Orochimaru will understand him.

But even if he believed in Orochimaru again, the Third Hokage would not make any preparations, not to mention that this traitor had embarrassed him and forced him hard in the past few months.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen's thoughts went astray unknowingly, and he began to think about how to suppress or banish Orochimaru.

It's like Hatake Sakumo, who kept bouncing back and forth on the front line, but couldn't stop to establish a solid superior-subordinate relationship.

Or should Orochimaru be recalled to the village and arrange an extremely trivial job so that he would be busy and never have contact with other jounin?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes suddenly lit up. He thought of the boy he had picked up from the roots, the boy who had successfully transplanted wood escape cells.

Today he saw Mu Dun and Susanoo, reliving the frightening sense of oppression after 36 years, and his obsession with Mu Dun suddenly reached a new peak.

As long as you tell Orochimaru what happened today, he will be very, very interested, and then he can't help but start research.

He gave all the root boy, root research information, and even Uchiha Yu's body to Orochimaru, and asked him to study it thoroughly.

In this way, he would have enough time to arrange for Namikaze Minato to become famous on the battlefield, and then spread some rumors to damage Orochimaru's reputation, and everything would go smoothly.

The Third Hokage had conceived all the plans and couldn't help but feel satisfied. In this way, Konoha Village would be back on track.

Everything will return to its familiar state.

But what the Third Hokage didn't expect was that Uchiha Yuu was not fully engaged in the battle at this time. Half of his attention was focused on his main target.

When the Third Hokage led his people to retreat, Uchiha Yu discovered it immediately.

He dropped Uchiha Fugaku without hesitation, ignored the red Susanoo who was beaten full of cracks and was about to collapse, and controlled the golden Susanoo to jump high and land directly on the retreat route of the Third Hokage.

At this moment, everyone present was stunned.

What is even more unexpected is that the golden Susanoo clasped his hands together and suddenly launched the Wind Release with the scale of a natural disaster.

Pieces of wind blades shaped like a crescent moon and as big as a building flew out from between the hands of the golden Susanoo with the storm, and stuck to the scalps of the ninjas, clearing large areas of the forest, exposing the retreating defeated soldiers. . Uchiha Yu finished the ninjutsu and then said with a sneer: "The Third Hokage, you are the one who started this incident. How can you just walk away?"

"When I conquer everyone, I will naturally have a good 'talk' with you, and I will never let you go back to the village to do anything."

As he spoke, Susan shook his right hand by his ear, and the powerful senjutsu chakra turned into a long energy bar, and then used this long energy bar to draw a large circle on the ground.

This circle encompasses the entire battlefield, almost identical to the scope of the previous barrier.

Uchiha Yu said with murderous intent: "The circle I drew, you can enter or exit!"

"Especially you, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, if you dare to step out of this circle, I will drop everything and chase you to death!"

"Don't even think about sneaking away, I'll prepare the alarm."

The golden Susan clapped his hands again, and the powerful Wood Release Chakra was injected into the earth. Along the traces of the circle he drew, strange balsa trees sprouted and grew rapidly.

After these long and slender trees grew to tens of meters high, the trunks were overwhelmed and bent downward, causing the huge flower bones on the treetops to hang down.

"These are alarm flowers and trees. Whoever dares to cross the border will cause the flowers and trees to react, making loud noises and spewing massive amounts of pollen."

"The amount of pollen is so large and its spread is so wide that it is absolutely impossible to avoid it based on your ability."

"As long as you are contaminated with pollen, you can no longer hide it, and I will hunt down those who are contaminated with pollen at all costs until death."

The golden Susanoo was talking eloquently, and the dozens of ANBU ninjas all had pale faces.

Mito Katoen and Sarutobi Hiruzen also had gloomy expressions on their faces, but they didn't dare to retort to Uchiha Yuu.

Uchiha Yuu completely proved his strength in a very short battle.

Because his fists were so big that no one could bear them, his words were unquestionably persuasive.

Even though Golden Susano left after saying this, no one of the dozens of ninjas dared to move, let alone try to get close to the alarm flower tree.

They even surrounded the Third Hokage and quietly moved back to avoid fatal accidents.


Uchiha Yu's brief departure gave Uchiha Fugaku a chance to breathe, but his condition did not improve, but instead became weaker.

For an ordinary Mangekyō Sharingan, Susanoo's burden is absolutely unbearable, far exceeding the Mangekyō's exclusive pupil technique.

After all, along the way, they used negative emotions to stimulate their nerves and stimulate the Yin chakra to impact the Sharingan, thereby upgrading the Sharingan.

An upgrade operation like the Sharingan is a self-inflicted injury that greatly damages one's vitality and consumes a large amount of potential. Except for the protagonist, a magical creature with infinite potential, no one can avoid physical harm.

Although the Sharingan will feed back to the body after it is upgraded, it is far from enough to make up for the previous losses.

By the time the Mangekyō Sharingan awakens, the body will no longer be able to support the overly powerful eyes.

This is like a peach tree as thick as a thumb, but growing two peaches as big as papayas. Naturally, these two peaches are precarious.

It will fall off at any time if left alone, let alone go through the turmoil of battle.

Uchiha Fugaku's face was covered with blood and tears, and his vision was blurred.

The stinging pain in both eyes has developed to severe pain, as if someone had stabbed it hard with a red-hot Senbon. It can be said that the pain penetrates into the brain.

But such severe pain inspired Uchiha Fugaku's ferocious nature.

Since awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan, he has seen the words on the family secret stone tablet and knows that without his brothers, he has reached the end of his strength.

As a result, most of Uchiha Fugaku's ambitions dissipated. At that time, he was elected as the clan leader, and his whole heart was involuntarily devoted to the family business.

From then on, the ninja who was as famous as "Konoha White Fang", Uchiha Fugaku, known as "Evil Eyes", disappeared, and was replaced by an extremely conservative and fearful clan leader.

All these changes were not only the reason for the dissipation of his ambition, but also the over-investment in his family, and the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique Tenjo Ritsun that he could not adapt to.

This pupil technique, which Uchiha Fugaku understood as "seeing the future", allowed him to often see images of the future.

After several verifications, he regarded these pictures as his standards and never dared to go beyond them again.

This also led to his behavior becoming more and more conservative and self-contained, gradually becoming what he is today.

Perhaps it was because the time was short and the symptoms did not penetrate deep into the bone marrow. After Uchiha Fugaku suffered a heavy blow, he actually awakened the bloody nature in his bones.

The red Susanoo stood up, the whites of Uchiha Fugaku's eyes were completely bloodshot, and although the pattern of the Sharingan was blurred, it rotated faster.

With the powerful infusion of chakra and eye power, the red Susanoo re-wears the Crow Tengu armor, and the Nodachi appears in his hand again.

The red Crow Tengu relied on the armor with enhanced defense, without any defense, and pounced on the golden Susanoo with all its strength, launching the most violent sweep.

Uchiha Yuu jumped up high and easily dodged the attack.

But he didn't expect that after the red Crow Tengu slashed, he dropped the Nodachi in his hand, rushed forward, and hugged the golden Susanoo.

Uchiha Yuu reacted very quickly. The moment before he was hugged, he raised his hands in the air without being completely restrained. Then he hit him hard with two elbows, which directly shattered the nose and mask of the Crow Tengu. .

But Uchiha Fugaku's embrace became even more forceful, and the waist of the golden Susana shrank in size, and even dense ice cracks appeared.

Seeing that his immobilization was effective, Uchiha Fugaku shouted: "Jiraiya!!"

At this time, Gama Bunta appeared behind the golden Susanoo, and its head was level with Susanoo's chest. Jiraiya, who was standing on Bunta's head, looked completely level with Uchiha Yuu inside the Susanoo.

Jiraiya grinned widely and said, "Well done, Fugaku-senpai!"

"Let's see mine next!"

As he spoke, Jiraiya suddenly pushed his right hand forward, and the dense runes in his palm expanded on Susanoo's chest.

Enchantment·Toad Lao Lao

The barrier unfolded.

In the ninja world, there is one type of jutsu that stands above all other jutsus. No matter it is ninjutsu, senjutsu, or even the divine jutsu of the Otsutsuki clan, they cannot resist the effect of the sealing technique.

Although it is extremely difficult to perform the sealing technique, and the preliminary preparation work is also very exaggerated, as long as it is successfully launched, the sealing technique will show absolute priority.

The barrier is an upgraded version of the sealing technique.

Susanoo's energy was not able to stop the sealing technique. As the runes invaded, Uchiha Yu felt a huge pulling force.

That is the drag force of time and space, powerful and irresistible.

In the next moment, Uchiha Yu disappeared from Susanoo's body and appeared inexplicably in a small space. Under his feet was a green viscous liquid that exuded a disturbing and disgusting smell.

Uchiha Yu stood in the air and did not fall into the liquid. He looked around the surrounding environment and quickly determined that this was the internal barrier of the gourd toad.

"It seems that Jiraiya didn't follow him in." Uchiha Yu scratched his chin and quickly guessed Jiraiya's thoughts: "He doesn't have the confidence to defeat me, so he might as well trap me in this barrier and bring me back We’ll take care of it slowly when we get to Mt. Miaomu.”

"Perhaps, his plan is to simply trap me for ten days and a half, until I am extremely hungry, thirsty and weak, and then release him so that the toads can attack me?"

Uchiha Yu nodded repeatedly and praised: "I have to say that Jiraiya is very capable, his timing is accurate, and his plans are very smart and practical."

"The only problem is that I am not my true body, but my shadow clone."

"Haha, I'm really curious, how will the main body hit this Jiraiya?"

(End of this chapter)

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