I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 244 Danzo, tell me what contribution you have made to Konoha Village

Chapter 244 Danzo, tell me what contribution you have made to Konoha Village

After Uchiha Yu saw the return of the Third Hokage, the golden Susanoo did not return immediately. Instead, he turned a corner, picked up a ninja from the woods, and then returned one step ahead.

The golden Susanoo knocked the ninja in his hand to the ground and threw it in front of Uchiha Fugaku. He was the elder of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Setsuna.

Uchiha Yuu said to Fugaku: "The elder you trust is a rare person. It is really shameful for Uchiha to escape from the battle."

Uchiha Setsuna's legs had been broken. He struggled to straighten his upper body, opened his mouth full of blood and shouted: "Uchiha Yuu, what I regret most now is that I didn't kill you in advance!"

Uchiha knew in an instant that he was doomed, and naturally started his final madness. With a pair of red eyes, he watched Uchiha Yu curse wildly.

Uchiha Yu ignored him, but turned his head and looked into the distance like everyone else. A new burst of pollen proved that a new ninja had entered.

Soon, the ninjas of the Snake Force were the first to become commotion. They intuitively sensed the threat, so they began to adjust their formation and change their target direction.

Seeing the reaction of the Snake Troop, Orochimaru and Uchiha Yu guessed the identity of the visitor. Of course, he was the Snake Troop's long-standing learning target and imaginary enemy.

A group of ninjas approached. Their formation was almost the same as that of the Snake Troops, but their movements were smoother, their actions were more determined, and their courage was more powerful.

Faced with the vigilance of the Snake Troops, these ninjas showed no concern and occupied a position that was advantageous to them.

This group of ninjas all wore Konoha forehead protectors, and all wore red Sharingan eyes, proving their identities without a doubt.

The Tiger Troop of the Uchiha Clan.

As soon as the tiger troops appeared on the scene, they obviously did not show any ferocious momentum. They even stood in their respective positions very casually and lazily, which made the snake troops on the opposite side, who had a rigorous momentum, tense up.

Their strength comes from the heart. It was accumulated by Uchiha Yu leading them to kill 3000 Kirigakure ninjas in one battle and defeating the Kirigakure army in another battle.

It was also established after they lost their leader Yuu Uchiha and independently became active in the Kingdom of Yu. They fought against various enemies of the Kirigakure ninja and Kumogakure ninja and were still invincible across the battlefield.

The momentum of the entire Tiger Troop is becoming more and more like that of real tigers, and they still reveal their unprovoked majesty despite their laziness and relaxation.

It is normal for the snake troops to be oppressed by the tiger troops.

But the Snake Troops were not soft persimmons. After shrinking their formation slightly, they vaguely assumed a posture of counterattack at any time.

They are like coiled snakes, hiding their sharpest and deadliest fangs while showing sharp aggression.

The nerves of the Tiger troops sensed the threat from the Snake troops, and they automatically made adjustments, giving up several key positions appropriately without irritating the opponent excessively.

In just a short moment, the two troops completed several confrontations in terms of momentum and formation, and finally formed a confrontation situation in which the Tiger troops were slightly superior.

Orochimaru was still very satisfied with the performance of the snake troops. Although they were at a disadvantage, they did not collapse. This was enough.

In the final analysis, the Snake Troop has only just been developed and has not yet formed a true military soul, let alone created a shocking record. It is almost helpless.

Orochimaru turned his head, looked at Uchiha Yu and smiled inexplicably, and asked: "Yu-kun, when did you recall the Tiger Force?"

Uchiha Yu calmly replied: "Just when I left the village and headed to the country of ghosts."

Orochimaru suddenly said: "So, you had already made a decision at that time?"

Uchiha Yu: "Of course, I was expecting something big to happen in the Land of Rain, so I stood up and resisted the death orders of our Uchiha clan leader and the Third Hokage."

"I know with absolute certainty that no matter how correct my decision is, or how wrong the Third Hokage's decision is, as long as I don't follow him, he will definitely attack me."

Orochimaru asked: "So you gave the order in advance to let the tiger troops sneak close to Konoha Village?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and replied: "That's right."

Uchiha Fugaku was stunned. He had no idea that the Tiger Force was in Konoha Village, nor did he know that this force was so elite and powerful.

He looked at Uchiha Yuu for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything.

What else is there to say now?

As a clan leader, he did not hear any news about such a large troop transfer, which proved that the entire family had abandoned him and that he, the clan leader, was no longer worthy of his name.

At this time, Uchiha Setsuna's curses continued, and the curses became even more unpleasant.

He had studied in the Konoha Prison. Ten years in prison had taught him a lot of bad habits, including all kinds of dirty words. After he was let go, he could do a lot of bad things.

Of course, this kind of Level 2 swear words has limited effect on Uchiha Yu. The ones he has experienced are at least as high as Level 10.

Setsuna's dirty talk was nothing more than sprinkling of water.

But the Uchihas of the Tiger Force couldn't stand it. They all glared at Uchiha Setsuna, and some even drew their weapons.

The changes in the Tiger Force made the Snake Force very nervous, and many ninjas took out their weapons.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Fortunately, Uchiha Yu raised his hand in time, and the strange movement in the tiger troop disappeared instantly, and he returned to a relaxed state, allowing the snake troop to relax as well.

Uchiha Yu blinked, opened his Sharingan, turned his head and glanced at Uchiha Setsuna lightly.

Then he asked: "Tell me, what shameful things have you done."

"Start with the most serious thing in your mind, and keep it short, so that you can almost finish it before the Third Hokage arrives."

Uchiha's eyes suddenly bulged, and the veins on his forehead swelled even higher. There was endless fear in his eyes, but he held it back and said nothing.

Uchiha Setsuna's performance surprised Uchiha Yu. He really didn't expect that he had used several times the power of his eyes, but was actually resisted by the other party's willpower.

Uchiha Yu closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he opened the three-ringed Mangekyō Sharingan. In Setsuna's desperate eyes, he looked at him again.

This time, Uchiha Setsuna's will was completely destroyed, turning him into a puppet-like existence.

Uchiha Setsuna opened his mouth blankly, and the first thing he said was Wang Bo: "I cooperated with Shimura Danzo and jointly killed the opponents of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan."

It was so shocking that even Uchiha Fugaku was stunned and didn't know what to say.

After a long while, he murmured: "This is impossible, how is this possible?"

"Is there anything impossible? I have suspected from the beginning that there are traitors within the family who are cooperating with the roots."

Uchiha Yu shook his head and continued: "The ninjas of the Uchiha clan have always been the best ninjas and have extremely strong fighting power."

"And most Uchiha ninjas serve in the security department and rarely leave the village. Normally, there shouldn't be any losses except during war times."

"But the information I saw in the family's treasure room shows that the probability of Uchiha death during peacetime is actually higher than during war."

"The most bizarre thing is that the vast majority of those who died were ninjas who had awakened the Sharingan, and almost all of them were ninjas who were in the same camp as the Uchiha Mirror."

"At that time, I targeted Elder Setsuna Uchiha based on the idea of ​​'whoever benefits the most will be the most suspect'."

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Uchiha Yu in disbelief: "You..."

Uchiha Yu answered Fugaku's unspoken question: "Yes, I deliberately went against Uchiha Setsuna."

"I just want to use his reaction to determine whether there is a linkage between him and the root reaction, so as to determine his identity."

"I, a genin, got into trouble with the family elders, and all the family allowances and various benefits were deducted. Of course, there is a very important reason. After all, I am not full."

Over there, Setsuna Uchiha was still chattering, and one shocking viciousness came out of his mouth one after another.

Withholding pensions, murdering enemies within the clan, and even selling family orphans, and then plundering the entire family's wealth, all these evil deeds are shocking.

Uchiha Setsuna is indeed a villain, and he is an elite villain who was sent to prison during the Second Hokage period and trained for ten years.

Many of the ninjas present had never heard of what he did, and they were all stunned and at a loss.

He thoroughly explained all the troubles within the Uchiha family. Uchiha Fugaku's face turned red with embarrassment, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.    It wasn’t just the Uchiha family that was embarrassed.

Because this bastard did many evil things that he couldn't do alone, so he often teamed up with Danzo.

When Genbe was stealing children in the village, Uchiha instantly stood guard for him.

Especially when he talked about human trafficking in the orphanage, Jiraiya's expression changed drastically and his eyes were filled with anger. Tsunade clenched her fists and stared at Setsuna, wishing to punch him to death.

The Konoha Sannin had never imagined that the interior of Konoha Village could be so dark.

Even Orochimaru, who claimed to be the one who went deep into the darkness, couldn't help but frown at this time. He didn't expect Danzo to be able to do so many disgusting things.

In fact, both Danzo Shimura and Setsuna Uchiha were once passionate young men.

At least during the period of the Second Hokage, although their personalities were slightly extreme, they did not have any bad intentions. All they thought about were the Uchiha clan and the Leaf Village.

But because one of them sank into prison, and the other believed that he had established roots in darkness, he had been in a dark environment for a long time, was infected by negative emotions, and unknowingly fell to this point.

Although they still say "everything is for the family" and "I am all for the Leaf Village", in actual actions they are robbing profits by any means, even at the expense of the interests of the family and the Leaf Village.

Uchiha Fugaku finally couldn't bear it anymore, and he shouted weakly: "That's enough, that's enough, tell him to shut up."

Uchiha Yu had never thought before that Uchiha had fallen to this point in an instant, and the anger in his heart was already on the verge of exploding. Hearing this, he responded coldly: "Okay."

With that said, Golden Susana stepped on Uchiha Setsuna's head, trampling the Uchiha elder into a meat pie.

Then Golden Susana used great force on his feet to crush the meat pie and rub it into the ground, completely leaving no bones.

The tragic way of death made everyone's hearts skip a beat, but they all felt very comfortable.

The wicked will die miserably.

But the guy who mastered the most powerful method of killing was so violent that it made everyone feel uneasy.

Uchiha Yu sighed and said: "Since Danzo is involved, let's call him here too."

Orochimaru chuckled and said, "Yu-kun, when did you prepare the flesh and blood sample?"

Uchiha Yu didn't answer Orochimaru. He created a shadow clone and carried a test tube to Setsuna Uchiha, who was completely hypnotized. He used the art of reincarnation in the dirty land and pulled Danzo Shimura out of the pure land.

Before Danzo Shimura opened his eyes, he screamed in horror: "Ah! I'm dead! How could I die? I haven't become Hokage yet!"

It was obvious that not only did this guy die without knowing anything about it, but he was frozen in the Pure Land directly after his death. He did not have the kind of treatment that the Senju Brothers had when they were able to exchange information.

But Danzo Shimura was a Kage-level ninja after all, and he soon realized that something was wrong with the situation and stopped making a fuss.

He stared at everyone around him with a sinister expression, and quickly focused his attention on Uchiha Yuu's shadow.

It wasn't that he discovered that this person was his murderous enemy, but that he recognized him as the "weakest" and lowest-status ninja present.

According to his habit, the next step is to try his best to control this person and gain the initiative for himself.

But the next moment, he saw a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan. Like Setsuna Uchiha, he fell into the deepest hypnosis and began to tell about the bad things he had done.

But what is incredible is that there is no vicious behavior in his story, that is, seeing which ninja is not pleasing to the eye, giving him a difficult task or the like.

This is very inconsistent with everyone's impression of "Ninja no Darkness".

The Sannin of Konoha looked at each other in confusion. Even Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Fugaku were confused. Everyone didn't know why.

Until Uchiha Yuu had an idea flash in his mind.

He clapped his hands to stop Shimura Danzo's ramblings, and changed his request: "Danzo, tell me what contribution you have made to Konoha Village."

Even in the deepest hypnosis, even if he was just a body of filthy earth, Shimura Danzo's face still turned rosy, and he could even hear a bit of pride in his words.

"I got rid of the biggest threat to Konoha Village, the Uchiha Mirror, and eliminated the biggest threat to Konoha Village from the evil Uchiha."

(Senju Tobirama is furious in the distance!)

"I used a few simple rumors to make the stupid idiot Hatake Sakumo commit suicide and maintain the Hokage's authority."

(Beside Senju Tobirama, Hatake Sakumo has white hair standing on end.)

"When I went to the Country of Whirlpool for rescue, I rushed back all the sealing technique materials, every bit of them. This greatly increased the strength of the sealing class and barrier class in Konoha Village."

(Senju Hashirama thought about what he mentioned before, that the rescue did not save a single Uzumaki clan member, and the face of this good old man also darkened.)

"It was me who presided over Hashirama's cell transplantation experiment and successfully obtained a wood escape seed, which gave Konoha Village hope to restore its glory."

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his cheek, and marveled: "It turns out that Danzo already knew that he succeeded. He actually hid it from me on purpose."

"It was I who joined forces with Hanzo to eliminate the newly-emerged 'Akatsuki' organization in the Land of Rain, and eliminated the possibility of the Ume Hidden Village rising and threatening the Leaf Village!"

Jiraiya's whole body felt like he was struck by lightning. He suddenly stood up and asked in a trembling voice, "What did you say?"

Shimura Danzo, who was deeply hypnotized, would not answer Jiraiya's questions. He was narrating his "accomplishments" to himself.

His "great achievements" are incomparable to those of Setsuna Uchiha.

The Qianju Tobirama who was eavesdropping from a distance was no longer angry, only left with the heartache of wanting to cry but no tears.

Danzo's achievements really drove the Second Hokage crazy. Every move hit the key points of Konoha Village, accurately dismantling the foundation of Konoha Village.

Konoha Village has been harmed by him for 20 years, but it has not been disintegrated and destroyed. It is really an explosion of luck, and amazing geniuses have emerged from generation to generation. They have used their lives and efforts to maintain the existence of Konoha Village.

"Danzo Shimura deserves to die!"

The Second Hokage's hands and feet trembled with hatred, and he said with a ferocious face: "He should die ten thousand times, die ten thousand times!"

"By the way, he is the reincarnated body of the dirty earth. This is really great..." Qianju Tobirama gritted his teeth and said: "I am really lucky to have developed the reincarnation of the dirty earth and can really make him die ten thousand times."

Even though Uchiha Yuu had expected what happened to Danzo, he felt really uncomfortable at this time.

The golden Susanoo turned his head, looked in one direction, and asked: "The Third Hokage—Sarutobi Hiruzen, how do you feel now?"

The Third Hokage stood up, but his face was hidden in the shadows. He defended dullly: "That was all Danzo did behind my back."

Uchiha Yuu continued to ask: "No, I'm asking, did you know everything afterwards?"

Sarutobi Hizan didn't answer.

This seemingly normal question is a trap in the current situation. The answer is "yes" or "don't know".

He knew Tobi Sarutobi Hiruzen, so why would he continue to indulge Shimura Danzo and let him do so many evil things?

If Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't know that the dignified Hokage knew nothing about what his subordinates were doing, what kind of Hokage would he be?

The ANBU ninjas of the Sarutobi clan standing behind them couldn't help but take a step back. This was the first time they heard these things, and everyone looked shocked.

Many of the ninjas were even frightened and subconsciously wanted to stay away from these two high-level officials of Konoha Village.

Uchiha Yu asked three more times in succession.

The Third Hokage and Mito Kadobu behind him had expressionless faces, but remained silent.

It wasn't until the fifth time that Mito Kadoyan couldn't help but say: "You are just a jounin, you are not qualified to ask the Hokage any questions."

Uchiha Yu narrowed his eyes and asked calmly: "Then who is qualified to ask? Is there a Jonin meeting?"

Mito Kadoen replied coldly: "The Hokage is the leader of Konoha Village, no one has the right to ask the Hokage!"

The Third Hokage did not speak, but his expression showed his attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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