I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 213 The Difficult Start of the Shenting Organization

Chapter 213 The Difficult Start of the Shenting Organization

Uchiha Yu suddenly laughed and asked the confused Miwa Masato: "Rika-chan, do you think... after Nagato recovers, will he also believe in me?"

Miwa Masashi tilted his head and said, "I don't know, nya, and I don't know Nagato."

"But if you don't hurry up, meow, people may be disappointed and ignore you, meow."

"Oh, yes! Rika-chan is right."

Seeing that the golden thread of faith was unstable, Uchiha Yu naturally did not care about expressing his feelings, so he quickly connected the thread of faith and reversely input the power of the Southern Fire Spirit God to stabilize his faith.

Xiaonan, who was kneeling in the rain and chanting repeatedly, felt as her body gradually became colder, so did her heart.

Doubt grows like a weed.

[Does the Emperor of Heaven really exist? 】

[Sure enough, was it me who was dreaming? 】

[Should I continue? 】

[We can't go on any longer. If I fall ill, no one will be able to take care of Nagato. 】

At this moment, Xiaonan felt a power burst out from deep inside.

This power was so warm that it instantly dispelled the coldness in her body and injected infinite enthusiasm into her soul.

As a ninja, Konan clearly sensed that this was not chakra, but the effect was so powerful that it brought tears to her eyes.

Along with the injection of this power, a grand and distant sound was also transmitted to her heart.

"I heard your voice, but I didn't see your piety."

"But as a believer who guides me through destiny, I am willing to give you another chance."

"Xiaonan, are you willing to believe me?"

Xiaonan still had the slightest doubt at this time.

She bowed to the ground without hesitation, and said piously and gratefully: "I am willing to believe in you, your great Majesty the Emperor of Heaven!"

Uchiha Yu, who was thousands of miles away, instantly felt that the thread of faith became thicker and brighter, and became even more tenacious.

Finally, the basic conditions for the grant were met.

"Very good, I have felt your piety, you can pray for my blessing."

Without any hesitation or hesitation, or even saying "Thank you, Emperor", Xiaonan began to recite the honorable name designed by Uchiha Yuu for herself.

Uchiha Yu suddenly felt very speechless.

There is really a big problem with this girl’s piety.

Fortunately, he is not a true god, but an immortal who used Shinto to establish a secret organization, otherwise this girl would have suffered.

Moreover, even among true immortals, there are many who are petty.

No, most of the immortals are petty, and even the leader of the immortals takes the lead.

The Jade Emperor was able to prevent a country from raining for three years because his tribute was overthrown.

Manjusri Bodhisattva turned into a mortal and gave advice to the king, deliberately irritating people, and ended up being soaked in water for three days.

This Bodhisattva backhandedly let his mount kill the king, occupied the country and the queen, and resurrected the king's body after being soaked in water for three years.

The intensity and variety of revenge taken by the gods and bodhisattvas is absolutely eye-opening.

Essentially, it's because Uchiha Yu still sees himself as a human being, while the real gods and bodhisattvas are higher-order beings. They see humans just like humans see ants.

If you were bitten by an ant, wouldn't you just crush the ant?
If an ant hole is right in front of you and there happens to be a half-drunk cup of tea at hand, would you pour half a cup of water into the hole?
Non-my family, its heart must be different.

As Xiaonan chanted and Uchiha Yuga added amplification and feedback, the thread of faith gradually expanded and became stronger.

But Xiaonan's faith was indeed not enough. With no choice, Uchiha Yu could only use more divine power to fill the gap.

After spending nearly a hundred times of divine power, the thread of faith finally reached the level of affecting space.

The illusory vortex of light appeared in front of Uchiha Yu and Konan at the same time. As the vortex rotated, the space was opened up under the joint action of the power of faith and divine power.

Uchiha Yu transformed into a giant hand of light, picked up a small fish egg, and stuffed it through the light door.

After the fish eggs fell into Konan's hands, Uchiha Yuu, who wanted to immediately close the huge consumption of the gift whirlpool, suddenly found that the consumption had dropped exponentially.

The power of faith from Xiao Nan exploded like a flood, suddenly increasing almost tenfold. '

The increase at the other end was tenfold, causing Uchiha Yuu's consumption to be reduced by a hundredfold.

Naturally, he was in no hurry to close the vortex.

Instead, he told Xiao Nan more than a dozen precautions on taking fish eggs, especially warning her not to try it on her own.

"You and Nagato have different life levels. This elixir is a much-needed tonic for Nagato, but it is a fatal poison for you."

"It's not that the elixir is poisonous, it's that your life level is too low and you can't afford this huge benefit."

Xiaonan murmured for a while, but couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, the great Emperor of Heaven, can this pill cure Nagato?"

Uchiha Yuu: "..."

His Majesty the Emperor, who was choked by Xiaonan's distrust and felt his head hurt, waited for ten seconds before answering: "There is no medicine in the world that can cure all diseases."

"In the final analysis, he was still too greedy. He took advantage of the power beyond his ability regardless of reality, and caused huge harm to himself."

"If he refuses to let go, this pill can only ensure that he regains consciousness. At most, he can take care of himself, but it is impossible to walk as fast as flying."

Finally, Uchiha Yu said angrily: "Just take care of yourself."

After saying that, he cut off the connection to the vortex of faith.

After Uchiha Yu cut off contact, he was still aggrieved and even turned red with anger.

Seeing the angry look of the shovel officer, Miwa Masashi quickly came over and pressed her hands with her little paws, comforting her: "Don't be angry, she is just worried about her family."

Uchiha Yu nodded, then shook his head: "I know she cares about her family, but I still can't help but be angry."

In the 19 years since time travel, he has always been cautious and reserved, rarely taking the initiative to contact others with kindness.

The first time was with my little raccoon cat, the second time was with Uchiha Shisui, and the third time was this time.

As a result, Uchiha Yuu was separated by a world, and once again experienced the discomfort of a hot face pressed against a cold butt.

Even though the opposite person was Xiaonan, who was the best candidate to monitor the Akatsuki organization and Nagato in the future, he still made a decision: no longer contact her proactively.

If Xiaonan didn't repay it tenfold or a hundredfold with his faith, he would just give up and regard it as a failed investment.

What is Yuu Uchiha's status now? Who in the world cannot invest? There is no need to treat Konan specially.

Although he had made a decision, the grievance he felt could not be eliminated for a while. He suddenly found that he understood why the gods of all walks of life were so petty.

He couldn't help but said angrily: "I finally understand why gods are so petty. Faced with such believers every day, no matter how patient they are, they are worn away."

"You are already on the verge of an explosion. If you are provoked again, no matter how trivial it is, you may be punished in a horrific and outrageous way."

Suddenly, Uchiha Yu had a new understanding: "The human heart is the divine heart, and the divine heart is also selfish. The hearts of all are the hearts of heaven, so the hearts of heaven are ruthless."

The civet cat was confused when she heard this sentence. She asked: "What does this mean?"

Uchiha Yu turned his head and looked at Masashi Miwa with a half-smile. The kitten blushed and lowered his head.

She said calmly: "I understand, Meow. Even if you explain it, I can't understand Meow. Then just tell me what's the use, Meow."

Uchiha Yuu saw Miwa Masayo's extremely cute appearance, and couldn't help but pick up the tabby cat, lowered his head and buried his face in the kitten's soft long hair, and inhaled hard. The strong cat scent was intoxicating.

Uchiha inhaled and inhaled proudly. His cat was a cat sage. There was no peculiar smell all over his body. Instead, he had a fresh fragrance full of vitality. It couldn't be more perfect.

The depressed and angry mood suddenly disappeared.

In this terrible world, only cats can save me.

He was intoxicated by sucking the cat, but Masato Miwa felt itchy and couldn't stand it, and couldn't help but let out a painful laugh of "meow, meow, meow."In the end, the tabby cat, which couldn't bear the itching, gave the shoveler seventeen or eighteen strokes, which finally made Uchiha Yuu wake up from his addiction.

Miwa Masashi jumped on his head, first carefully rubbed the red forehead she had slapped, and then ordered "viciously": "You have received the reward, tell me quickly!"

Uchiha Yu felt refreshed at this time and replied happily: "Actually, I just understand that as the number of matters handled increases, there will always be such unsatisfactory things."

"Although I want to pretend to be a god, I can never directly face the prayers of believers by myself. Because I am a human being, I cannot be absolutely fair and just, let alone have endless patience, and I will definitely make a big mistake."

"Then you want to find an agent?"

"Occasionally, an emergency needs to be dealt with. It's no problem to find a divine envoy to act as an agent. How can we leave daily affairs to an agent? Big trouble will happen."

"The authority of the gods belongs to themselves, but faith is contained in these inconspicuous things. If you find someone to deal with it, faith will inevitably be lost."

"Although I don't need the power of faith or divine power, the operation of the divine court system I established requires consumption."

"This won't work, that won't work either, what should I do?"

"I want to create a divine power server that will serve as the operation center of the Divine Court system and take charge of the daily operations of all faiths."

Yuu Uchiha took out the Animusu mask, looked at the countless threads of faith on it, and continued: "The divine power server manages faith through such a tool of faith, so that neither I nor Antarctica have to directly interface with faith. You will no longer be affected by your faith.”

"I won't be impatient, and the heart shape won't produce an independent will that shouldn't be there."

Miwa Masashi jumped back on his shoulders and asked curiously: "Divine server, how to make this?"

Uchiha Yu thought for a while and replied: "I think we can get another god and use the god's remains to make a server."

"Because gods are born to do this, even the dead gods' remains have the same characteristics, so they can be easily made into the server I need."

Miwa Masashi shook his head and said, "I feel bad, nya."

Uchiha Yu was extremely surprised and quickly asked: "What do you think is wrong with Rika-chan?"

Li Huamao explained: "I remember what you said, the foundation of the Divine Court contains many kinds of things, including some kind of demon extracted from the goldfish river god."

"Isn't that thing very dangerous?"

Uchiha Yuu slapped his head and said: "Yes! The extraterrestrial devil, the ultimate representative of chaos."

"You are so smart, Lihua Jiang. You are absolutely right. Something as important as the server cannot be made using divine bones."

"Gods are highly ordered products that operate in accordance with the laws of heaven and earth. They are naturally easily contaminated by the chaos of the demon. Once a server made of divine bones comes into contact with the elements of the demon, the consequences will be disastrous."

Miwa Masayo burst into laughter at the praise, and happily jumped up and down on Uchiha Yuu's shoulder.

But next, Ci Huamao doesn't know what to use to make a divine server. The problem still has to be solved by Uchiha Yu.

Because the tendency of the universe itself is to increase entropy, the chaos that is an important manifestation of entropy increase has no solution.

Uchiha Yuu's method to deal with the demon was to build a large system and use a continuously operating system to create a small environment of order. In other words, he used a method of locally creating an entropy-reducing environment to solve the chaos caused by the demon.

But adding a new system to this already successful system is too difficult, no less than trying to build a mountain of shit.

The best way is to start from scratch and don't touch the original system.

If the site is re-selected and a new building is built, the material can be divine bones, but the address factor has also become a problem that needs to be solved first.

Moreover, we have to find a way to create a special insurance system to protect the operation of the system.

Because the new system cannot exist in the world of Zifu, there is no personal care by oneself, and problems cannot be discovered in time. It is easy for small mistakes to accumulate into big ones, and eventually develop out of control.

The more he thought about it, the more trouble he became. Uchiha Yu felt that his head was filled with lawsuits and he couldn't figure it out at all.

So he simply put these things behind him and didn't think about it anymore.

The crises that Uchiha Yu considers are all likely to occur in the very distant future. His current state is still on the rise, and various problems have not even appeared.

Just put it down and wait, it'll be fine.

And as the old saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning.

The two things of hunting the gods and searching the server must wait for the tail of the gods to be found, or for Loulan to start the process of destroying the country.

Only when you have such a clear opportunity can you really start taking action.

Everything is unclear now. Even if Uchiha wants to prepare for a rainy day, there is no way to design an action plan based on guesswork without intelligence.

He said to Miwa Masashi: "It's been a long time since I've cooked real food. Let's start making Buddha Jumping Over the Wall today, right?"

Miwa Masayo was overjoyed when she heard this. She was far more innocent and free-spirited than Uchiha Yu. She immediately forgot about all the problems and got busy happily, helping the shit shovel prepare various ingredients.


Xiaonan held the fish eggs tightly in her hands and quickly ran back to the room.

Not caring that she was soaked all over, she followed the instructions given by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven and used a bowl of water to melt the fish eggs into a bowl of thick white catkins soup.

Thinking of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor's lengthy emphasis, Xiaonan Ren restrained his habit of taking a sip first and fed the white soup into Nagato's mouth with a spoon.

Comatose people rely on instinct to eat and drink, and instinct continues to fade as humans grow, making swallowing very difficult.

Moreover, humans do not have the instinct to chew. When in a coma, they can only eat liquid food, and they can easily choke.

Xiaonan feeds Nagato, which is very difficult and time-consuming every time.

This time is no exception.

It took several minutes for Nagato to swallow the two spoonfuls of white soup, and more than half of it was spilled. Xiaonan felt extremely distressed.

But then, a miracle happened.

Nagato suddenly opened his eyes, and then his mind regained consciousness. Looking at the embarrassed Konan, he asked: "Konan, how did you end up like this?"

"Change your clothes quickly, or you will catch a cold."

Hearing the familiar voice of Nagato, Konan's pupils trembled, and the action of scooping soup stopped stiffly. He raised his head little by little and looked at Nagato who had regained consciousness.

The first thing she noticed was that Nagato, whose face was as pale as paper, actually had a healthy color.

The next second, Xiaonan's tears flowed down uncontrollably, but an orchid-like smile bloomed on her face.

She smiled like a flower, but she didn't know what to say when she opened her mouth. After a long time, she said, "Nagato, you're awake."

After Konan spoke, Nagato also smiled and replied: "Well, I'm awake."

"Thank you for taking care of me for so long."

Nagato was originally full of questions and doubts, but after seeing Konan who was smiling and crying, he couldn't say anything.

He is a boy with delicate emotions and delicate nerves.

After being betrayed, losing his friend, and suffering from illness for a year, Nagato's heart was full of resentment and resentment, but his feelings for Konan did not change at all.

And in the past year, every time Nagato was in pain, Konan was always by his side, trying his best to help him and comfort him.

Naturally, he also knew how hard Xiaonan had worked. When facing this last companion, he only had infinite tenderness and gratitude in his heart, and his overwhelming resentment and resentment were temporarily suppressed.

He would never be angry with Xiaonan, let alone speak harshly to Xiaonan, or even say something harsher.

What's more, he feels really much better now. There is warmth in his stomach, and streams of heat are constantly flowing out. No matter where it goes in the body, it becomes warm.

After the warm heat arrived, the pain in his body, limbs and bones subsided, and Nagato's spirit became stronger.

Naturally, he felt better and better.

He was very curious about the changes in his body and noticed that no matter how excited Xiaonan was, her hand held the bowl steadily and refused to relax at all.

Nagato waited until Xiaonan's mood stabilized, and then asked: "Xonan, what good food did you give me? I feel much better now."

When Konan heard Nagato's words, it was as if she was suddenly reminded. She quickly raised the bowl in her hand and handed it to Nagato.

He said in a panic: "Nagato, hurry up, hurry up, drink this bowl of soup, don't waste any of it."

"Over time, the medicinal properties of the elixir will be lost!"

(End of this chapter)
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