I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 212: The name can really be heard in the dark

Chapter 212: The name can really be heard in the dark

As soon as these words came out, the three of them felt relaxed for a while, and they all unconsciously paid full attention to this great existence.

They are like students who have made mistakes and are interrogated by their parents about their recent studies. They are afraid that wrong answers will incur terrible punishments.

So every time I answer carefully, I rack my brains and think carefully.

Very energy consuming.

After the Q&A is over, everyone will naturally feel relaxed.

But their minds were offline, but their spirits were getting more and more tense.

Because they don't know how they got here, they are naturally worried about whether they can go back.

Even if they can go back, whether this great being will let them go is a big question.

All three ninjas knew that if a ninja captured a prisoner and asked for information, he would immediately silence him and rarely let him go.

Their lives are in the control of the other party, so they cannot help but be nervous.

Under the nervous gazes of the three people, Uchiha Yu spoke again: "You have provided me with information, and I will give you corresponding rewards. What do you want?"

"However, I do not have enough influence on the ninja world to directly interfere in the present world, so I cannot directly give rewards such as gold and jewelry."

"What you can get from me is knowledge, cultivation methods..." He looked at the chakra ball in his hand, and then said: "There are also chakra, natural energy, spiritual power, etc."

Uchiha Yu noticed that Mochi Zabuza and Yashamaru's eyes lit up, but Konan was indifferent and suddenly felt bad.

These deliberately stuffed rewards were the bait he set out to attract the three of them to contact him again.

If Xiaonan doesn't eat the bait, she won't actively cooperate next time and will still have to violently grab it, which is not okay.

Moreover, he, Uchiha Yu, brought these people out in order to drive them to work for him in the future, and the bait he paid must be enough to attract talents.

So what does Xiaonan want?

Uchiha Yu understood it in a flash, so he added: "Well, I am also good at healing. As long as the person is still alive, no matter what kind of injury, I can quickly heal it."

"Even if you die, you can be resurrected as long as you meet the harsh conditions."

At this moment, not only Xiaonan's eyes lit up, but the other two people were also surprised and happy.

The idea of ​​asking for something perfunctorily and then leaving immediately disappeared.

Momochi Zabuza asked in great surprise: "Great existence, what kind of chakra do I get? Do I mean it will be gone after just one use, or..."

Uchiha Yu responded: "It's your chakra capacity, not a consumable that can be used once."

Zabuza was overjoyed and bowed his head repeatedly: "Thank you so much, I want chakra, I am short of it the most now!"

Uchiha Yuu then crushed the chakra ball in his hand, then extracted a little chakra from his body, then reshaped it into a water release structure and threw it to Zabuza.

In fact, this chakra is very weak, and only such a weak structure can be transmitted to the person through the causal line.

There is not much chakra, but the effect of the water escape structure constructed is real, enough to stimulate the potential of the ninja's water escape chakra, allowing him to release his existing potential.

With the quality of Momochi Zabuza, he must be able to grow by [-]%.

He will be satisfied.

Zabuza was overjoyed to receive the reward, and disappeared from the Divine Court after receiving permission.

Seeing that he left so smoothly, Yashamaru also asked for a share of chakra, hurriedly asked for permission, and left immediately.

Uchiha Yu understood that they were really worried that he wouldn't be able to go back, so he let them go happily.

In the end, only Xiaonan was left. She bowed her head respectfully, and then asked hopefully: "Great being, can you heal others?"

Uchiha Yu knew who he wanted to treat, so he said: "Someone else, not you?"

Xiaonan said: "He is my best friend."

"At any time, whoever is treating the patient needs to have a detailed understanding of the situation."

Uchiha Yu said: "Now try your best to recall your friend, his illness and all the details."

"I have opened permission to present your memories here."

Sure enough, as Konan subconsciously thought of Nagato, Nagato's shadow appeared in the air, illusory, flickering and unstable.

Konan covered her mouth in surprise, but her eyes were fixed on Nagato in the sky. Her consciousness couldn't help but think of more details, enriching Nagato's image bit by bit.

Soon, Nagato's appearance was completely revealed.

He has gray hair, sunken cheeks, skinny bones, and slender limbs. He looks terminally ill at first glance.

No, not only that.

The most serious part of Nagato's body was his legs, which could no longer be described as slender, but had begun to shrink.

Uchiha Yu praised: "It seems that you and he are really very good friends, and you also care about him very much. You actually thought of so many details in a flash."

"But I have to say, it's not enough now. You should think more and be more specific, so that I can see what's wrong with his body?"

Xiao Nan saw the specific performance and received encouragement, so she became more convinced that this great being was kind.

She began to work hard, actively thinking about the details of Nagato's body, looking for which details in the picture were not in place, and where there were more details that could be added.

In the end, what appeared in the air was no longer a portrait, but a living Nagato.

Uchiha Yuu couldn't help but admire it.

The details were so perfect that he could tell at a glance that there were no old injuries on Nagato's body. All the problems stemmed from one problem - malnutrition.

Someone is secretly extracting Nagato's blood and vitality.

Otherwise, he had indeed been injured before, and it was quite serious, but for the Uzumaki clan, these injuries were just problems that could be solved by eating a good meal and sleeping.

The real problem that caused his paralysis was that during the recovery process, a large amount of chakra and blood were extracted from his body, and even a large amount of life force was directly extracted.

This caused damage to his foundation and greatly reduced his resilience.

And although the extraction had eased a lot, it never stopped, and Nagato's body was never able to recover.

Under the continuous blood loss, his body was in bad shape and his recovery ability was insufficient, so his body became worse.

This creates a vicious cycle.

After all, Nagato is the leader of the Uzumaki clan, the administrator of the Rinnegan chosen by Uchiha Madara. Even in such a difficult situation, his physical injuries were still healed.

But the delay was too long, and the body barely recovered, but the sequelae were severe.

Lesions formed during the healing process cannot be recovered and can only be dragged on.

Uchiha Yu naturally knew that there were three vampires who drained Nagato's life, the first was the Sacred Tree, and the second was the Samsara Eye.

The third one should be Uchiha Madara, who has been wearing a clarinet for a long time and persisted until Konoha 48 years before he died.

The solution to the problem is simple.

Pull out the pipe behind Nagato and it will be over.

But he probably would rather die.

Then we can only give Nagato a big supply so that he can be fully nourished and his body can recover quickly.

As long as his body becomes stronger, his resistance will increase exponentially.

Nagato, who has regained his health, will definitely be able to withstand the vampire's blood-sucking.

But how to do it?

He already had the stuff on hand, and the elixir was very suitable for Nagato's current situation.

It is not the elixir made by the Otsutsuki clan by kneading massive amounts of chakra, but three fish eggs made by purifying small fish from the underground river without diluting it.

The energy density of this thing is incredible.

Just one lick from Miwa Masashi will make her whole body feel uncomfortable and cause various body system disorders.

Even for Yuu Uchiha, it would take just one to make him go into trouble.

It's almost like poison.

But for Nagato, who has suffered such losses and whose life hangs on a thread, this is the magic medicine.

There was silence in the divine court.

Konan clasped his hands in his fists, his eyes full of hope and fear, switching back and forth between images of gods and Nagato.

Uchiha Yu turned the image of Nagato over and over, seemingly conducting the most detailed inspection, but in fact he was thinking about a question.

How to pass the fish eggs to Xiaonan while maintaining a strong character?
It's definitely not possible to send it directly.

It would be even worse to send a ninja there.

For God, this is too low, and completely inconsistent with His supposed loftiness.

Suddenly Uchiha Yu stopped and asked, "What's your name?" Konan was startled, and then quickly replied: "My name is Konan."

Uchiha Yu continued to ask: "Well, Xiaonan, would you like to change the reward?"

Konan suddenly felt weak all over and murmured: "Can't even a great being like you heal Nagato?"

"Of course it can be treated." Uchiha Yuu continued to speak at a fast pace and explained: "Nagato's physical problem is not a disease or an injury, but something that is extracting a large amount of his chakra and vitality."

"It's like he has a huge wound on his body that continues to bleed. Without blocking the wound, any treatment is meaningless."

Xiaonan's eyes lit up, and she immediately thought of the Heretic Golem, but soon her eyes dimmed again.

She knew that Nagato would never give up the Heretic Demon.

That was his only hope for revenge for Yahiko.

Konan felt very sorry, but she still asked: "Great being, may I ask if Nagato can be cured if it is not blocked?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "Yes, I have the elixir."

Xiaonan was surprised when he heard this answer.

She felt like her heart was about to jump out of her chest, and she could barely control herself from standing up.

Uchiha Yu continued: "But I am too far away from the ninja world now to pass it on to you. After all, you are not my believer..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Nan walked out of the audience and came to the royal road to kneel on the ground.

"I am willing to become your believer, please, please tell me how to believe in you!"


Xiaonan opened her eyes and found that she was still in the room, and the patter of rain continued outside.

She immediately found the only remaining clock and checked the time and found that only a few seconds had passed.

No, maybe in the Divine Court, there is no time consumed at all.

[Could it be that I was desperate for Nagato’s body and that’s why I had this dream? 】

almost at the same time.

In a house in Kirigakure Village, Momochi Zabuza opened his eyes.

On the wall of Sunagakure Village, Yashamaru, who was on duty, also opened his eyes.

They had no idea that they were having a dream, because they all felt that a magical chakra was transmitted into their bodies from the unknown.

The moment this chakra appeared, a mysterious technique was generated.

They were unable to react at all, and their bodies began to heat up slightly. The movement of chakra suddenly accelerated, and the running meridians also made subtle adjustments.

Some mysterious force specially marked this subtle adjustment, reminding them to pay attention to these details.

Then Zabuza and Yashamaru felt the growth of chakra, as if they bought a huge faucet from an unknown place, and the surging chakra was poured into their bodies.

There is no doubt that this is an illusion under the influence of genjutsu. The real source of chakra is their own cells, and the fine-tuning of spells and meridians can stimulate potential.

It can bring some uncontrolled cells under control, and can also activate cells that have not been fully exercised and have insufficient output to exert force.

According to each person's potential and exercise level, the total amount of chakra increases by 30% to 50%.

Momochi Zabuza and Yashamaru are both young talented ninjas with great potential in their respective villages. The potential released this time is close to 50%, saving at least two years of their growth time.

"The great existence...is actually real!" x2
The two people who were worried felt relieved in just a moment.

And they immediately put their doubts aside and begin to look forward to the next time they are summoned by the Great Being.

Yashamaru even began to worry that his eagerness to leave would make the great being dissatisfied and never call him again.

Ninja is a profession that requires you to race against time to grow.

Ninjas are cautious and suspicious, but they will never have long-term doubts and repeated verifications because they can't afford it.

When Uchiha Yuu proved his reward to Zabuza and Yashamaru, they no longer had any doubts.

On the contrary, when ninjas do not receive immediate benefits, their paranoia is not in vain.

The reward Xiaonan received could not be cashed in on the spot.

So she became suspicious after waking up and hesitated to try.

[Is it really not a dream? 】

[Can you really contact the great being by chanting his name? 】

[Could it be that I was under an illusion? 】

Xiaonan spent a long time checking it bit by bit.

Even after ruling out the possibility of illusion, she still couldn't make a decision.

Until Nagato groaned in pain.

Konan rushed over immediately and found that Nagato was having cramps again. The frighteningly thin muscles in his legs that were so thin and atrophied were twitching, causing the fragile bones to shake back and forth.

The long-term pain and suffering caused all the tendons in Nagato's legs to atrophy, and the cushioning protection between the bones and joints was lost.

Even a slight tremor caused by cramping of such a slender muscle can make the bones and joints make a caracara sound.

It sounds particularly penetrating.

Konan rushed forward, wrapped pieces of white paper around Nagato's legs, tightened them hard to suppress the twitching of the muscles, and fixed all the joints.

The shaking in the legs stopped, but the cramping in the muscles continued.

It was a convulsion caused by a lack of iron, zinc, calcium, or even a lack of all trace elements. It was the death struggle of muscle cells that were on the verge of death, betraying the subconscious mind of the brain.

How can the instinctive struggle of life be so easily suppressed?
After a long, long time, Nagato, who was all wet with water, finally stopped. He didn't know whether he fell asleep or passed out, but he stopped anyway.

Konan mustered up the courage to help the unconscious Nagato clean his body and change into clean clothes with tears in his eyes.

Then she washed the dirty clothes, dried them over the fire, and folded them.

After doing all this, this strong girl's whole body went limp, and she lay limply beside Nagato's bed.

Xiaonan cried silently, releasing her emotions in this way, but her tears had dried up and no more tears could be shed.

Finally, she made up her mind and walked out of the room.

Xiaonan came outside the house and walked into the rain without any hesitation. She knelt down in the mud and let the rain soak her whole body.

She murmured:

"The descendant of the red flame god king and the yellow earth god king."

"The supreme master of the dragon's great power."

"The emperor of Xiangfu Tianshenting who opened the way for the immortals in the ninja world."

"Your Majesty, the Great Emperor of Heaven, I pray for your attention and your favor!"

Xiao Nan whispered it over and over again, her voice getting louder and louder.

A giant spirit-like figure gradually emerged in her heart. As the figure became clearer and clearer, she also changed from fear and helplessness to peace of mind.

Soon, the chanting voice disappeared.

But in Xiaonan's heart, these words echoed more and more clearly, inspiring more and more clear directions, and were finally felt by Uchiha Yu, thousands of kilometers away.

Along with the chanting, there is also a faint golden thread of faith.

Uchiha Yuu reached out and took the third golden thread in his hand, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"It's finally here. The three-stage name can really be heard by me in the dark. It's really surprising."

"However, Xiaonan is so slow to decide. It seems she still doesn't trust me."

I have to say that I invested the most energy and resources into Xiaonan, but the feedback from Faith was the slowest and worst.

Speaking of which, the only problem with Konan is that the feedback is not timely enough, and he cannot immediately get the benefits of personal experience like Zabuza and Yashamaru.

But it would be nice to come.

When Xiaonan completes all the processes and gets the final benefits, her faith will surely be purer than that of the two young ninjas, and will be unparalleledly firm.

After all, the miracle of life and death being transformed into flesh and bones is a miracle engraved in the deepest soul of every intelligent creature that can understand death, and it absolutely belongs to the realm of God.

Why does Nagato call himself a god when he dares to meet people? It's not because he has mastered the art of reincarnation through the samsara eye, which has the ability to resurrect the dead.

No matter how strong his pure fighting ability is, he cannot regard himself as a god.

After all, he is not strong enough to be a god on earth, and then he can give the ninja world a cent.

(End of this chapter)
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