I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 211 The best way to show off is to pay tribute to various classics

Chapter 211 The best way to show off is to pay tribute to various classics
Momochi Zabuza slowly opened his eyes. He had been on full alert for several minutes before this. After confirming many things with his eyes closed, he reluctantly opened his eyes.

At this moment, a grand, distant and somewhat ethereal voice spoke.

"Yes, your quality is the strongest."

Taodi will not be cut again: "..."

Shocked by the terrifying sound, his body was shaking like chaff. This made Zabuza feel deeply embarrassed and at the same time gave up the urge to attack violently.

He followed the sound and saw a god, yes it was a god.

He wears a crown on his head and a green robe, with a five-clawed golden dragon hovering above him.

Momochi Zabuza noticed that under the cover of the jade algae composed of 12 jade bars on the front and back of the crown, the face of the god could not be seen clearly at all, but he could feel the supreme majesty and solemnity.

Feeling his legs trembling, he understood that if it weren't for Zhang Chang's case in front of him, he might not be holding the case with both hands at this time, but he would have fallen to the ground and could not kneel down.

Zabuza was frightened, and quickly looked down, seeing the blue robe worn by the god, and his eyes were involuntarily attracted to the five-clawed golden dragon.

Suddenly the dragon glanced at him coldly with his eyes. Zabuza was so frightened that his hair stood on end and he didn't dare to look at him anymore.

The dragon on the clothes is actually alive...

As expected of a god.

Momochi Zabuza suddenly felt strange, why did he let the other party think that he was a god?

He did not dare to look at the other party directly, and secretly looked at the stalwart figure with the corner of his eyes, and then nodded in his heart to confirm the other party's identity.

【so big!He must be a god! 】

Although Zabuza is only 11 years old, he officially became a Kirigakure ninja two years ago, and he has a very experienced vision and experience.

Even if he only glanced at the other person with his peripheral vision, even if the other person was sitting there, he could confirm that the other person's height was definitely over six meters, maybe even seven meters.

Just his knees are higher than himself.

No matter how courageous Zabuza was, he couldn't help but feel fear at this moment, and he carefully withdrew his gaze, not daring to look again.


Regarding the establishment of the divine court, Uchiha Yuu did not decide from the beginning.

As his research on the golden elixir progressed, he gradually understood the core principles of his own golden elixir.

It’s actually the law of cause and effect!
No wonder he could see the line of cause and effect as soon as he achieved something.

But Uchiha Yu couldn't understand at all why the law of cause and effect would become his core foundation. He always thought it was the law of natural energy of the five spirits, or the law of fate.

Because of his cultivation, he has deeply studied the natural energy of the five spirits and has a very complete grasp of it. Even every breakthrough in the foundation period is closely related to it, and it seems to be a matter of course that it becomes the core law.

Because of his active intervention after the age of 18, he changed the fate of many people, including Uchiha Shisui and Shinichi (Obito's teammate) in Konoha Village, Cat Yu in Cat Castle, and 17 ninja cats who mastered senjutsu chakra.

He also killed many ninjas from other villages, such as thousands of Kirigakure ninjas from Kirigakure Village, Ei, Onishi Kyohei, the three-tailed jinchuriki, and several ninjas from Sunagakure Village.

After changing the fate of so many people, it is very reasonable to use fate as the core law.

The result is that the law of cause and effect successfully takes over the core.

As the research on the use of extraterrestrial demons progressed, and as the core laws of the golden elixir and the abilities of the demons cooperated more and more closely, he finally knew the reason.

In fact, Uchiha Yuu's interference in fate is not strong. The changes in Shisui and Shinichi's fate are only brewing. It is not yet known whether there will be a change.

The Kirigakure ninja and Sunagakure ninja were killed by him, but they had already joined the Third Ninja War, and death was most likely their original fate. The only thing that changed was that they died in the hands of different people.

From this point of view, his interference in destiny has not produced enough changes, but the causal relationships he established in the war are really many, and he has involved enough changes in the Uchiha family.

The three cultivation methods he developed and disseminated have an impact so huge that it is hard to estimate. He has planted so many "causes" and he clearly knows how many original "effects" he has changed.

Yuu Uchiha regarded cause and effect as the core principle of the golden elixir, which now seems to be a matter of course.

When he figured this out, it was already mid-February. Since then, the construction of Shenting has been on the right track, and the construction speed has accelerated significantly.

The research on the golden elixir has achieved great results with the help of the construction of the divine court. With the information revealed by these results, Uchiha Yuu is sure that the golden elixir avenue is not something that can be achieved by just sitting at home and making progress safely.

As Yuu Uchiha successfully imprinted the three laws of seasons, life, and war, the natural energy and the three treasures of spirit and spirit extracted by the second expansion of the golden elixir reached the limit that Yuu Uchiha could bear.

Uchiha Yuu's natural energy accumulated over the years has been integrated into the golden elixir, and there are no longer conditions that can support the growth of the golden elixir.

If you push yourself to the limit, a lot of trouble will naturally arise.

When Uchiha Yuu was evacuated and fell into a state of malaise, because the meridians were empty, the chakra in the cells showed a tendency to reverse osmosis again.

However, the second expansion of the golden elixir was due to insufficient support from the core law seal, and it took quite a while to stabilize again.

That crisis was really unforgettable for Uchiha Yuu.

Obviously, the golden elixir avenue is not a simple accumulation. It requires Uchiha Yu to invest enough time and energy to continuously strengthen his understanding of the laws, polish his own three treasures of spirit, energy, and spirit, and accumulate sufficient natural energy.

These three needs cannot be solved by being a homebody.

Uchiha Yu must mix things up, explore the deep secrets of the ninja world, and even obtain the artifacts of the Six Paths Sage for research, in order to quickly increase his understanding of the laws.

To polish the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit, Uchiha Yu needs to obtain stable supplies to support his persistent practice.

As for accumulating natural energy, he needs a holy place that is safe and stable enough, and where the concentration of natural energy is dense enough.

Meeting all of this requires resources, manpower, and an organization that is completely under his control.

The construction of the Shenting organization was subsequently put on the agenda.

Today, the hardware construction of Shenting is completed, and it is time to recruit people to join Shenting.

The Divine Court combines the extraterrestrial demons and the law of cause and effect, and has the ability to connect with the owner's cause-and-effect person and pull his soul into the seat.

After Uchiha Yuu subdued Animaru, he connected the power of faith and divine authority to the Divine Court, and used this as a turning point to inject it into Animaru.

Using the demon's instinctive desire for the power of faith, he pulled the demon's instinct to create a larger gap, inserted more sealing techniques and illusion structures, and made part of the demon into an illusory divine kingdom.

Finally, the illusory divine kingdom is projected out and covers the divine court, creating an unparalleled sacred feeling.

The demon's illusions are truly astonishing. Even Uchiha Yuu, the designer and builder, sat on the dragon chair and observed carefully, unable to detect any flaw in the sanctity.

Such a divine court is definitely more than enough to bluff people.

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "Then who should I choose as my first 'subordinates'?"

He opened his eyes and looked towards the line of cause and effect. At this time, in his eyes, the worlds of Shenting and Zifu disappeared, leaving only a dark void.

Countless lines of cause and effect radiate from itself, extending into the void, connecting to individual intelligent beings, including ninjas, ordinary people, children, daimyo of the Kingdom of Kawa, and even ninja beasts.

Uchiha Yuu began to pick and choose among them.

First of all, he doesn’t want people who don’t understand the causal relationship at all. He doesn’t like things that are purely based on luck and have no understanding at all.

Secondly, don’t let those who obviously have big problems with their character potential, for example, Old Man Shinyin is too old, and Uchiha Obito is too unreliable.

Finally, if you are already the leader of a party and your mentality is not suitable for being a subordinate, for example, if Orochimaru pulls you in, just wait for him to betray you.

He doesn't even want the members of the Tiger Force, otherwise it would be like repeating themselves.

Although so many candidates have been deducted, there are still many optional targets. Fortunately, Uchiha Yu himself is no longer a mortal.

He processed information very quickly and quickly selected three targets.

Uchiha Yu stretched out his hand, picked out three causal threads and pinched them on his fingertips. Then the golden elixir radiated light all over the sky, and the tall and majestic divine court shook.

The connection of the thread of cause and effect is locked, and the huge power of the golden elixir drives the soul-catching ability of the demon outside the territory. Three souls are instantly extracted from different places in the ninja world into the divine court.

The souls fell into one of the seats according to their respective characteristics. After receiving the infusion of divine power, the souls expanded and returned to their original images.

But as soon as the three people appeared, they were like noodles, slumping directly onto the table where they were present, and then they became motionless.

They all fell into a coma.

Uchiha Yu took a breath and couldn't help but said: "It's too heavy, my hand is too heavy, it's over, it won't crush it to death, right?"

After an emergency inspection, he confirmed that none of the three people's lives were in danger, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The three souls have indeed suffered a lot of damage, but with the infusion of divine power, they are getting better quickly, and they will wake up in a while... right?There was no way, the series of operations for absorbing the soul were too complicated, and it was Yuu Uchiha's first time doing it. Without any experience to refer to, mistakes were always inevitable.

And in order to ensure the success rate of grabbing, he subconsciously focused on the target.

The damage suffered by the three souls was really serious, and even with the infusion of divine power to recover, they would not be able to wake up for a while.

Seeing their miserable faces, Uchiha Yuya couldn't help but feel guilty, and said apologetically: "As the first captured test subjects, I really wronged you."

"Don't worry, I will try my best to compensate you three in the future."

As Zabuza Momochi wakes up, he begins his first performance.


At this time, a "嘤咛" sound came from the opposite right side, attracting Zabuza's attention and eyes. There, a girl with blue hair covered her head and sat up.

Xiaonan was in a daze, feeling that her head hurt so much that she had to press it hard with both hands to slightly relieve the pain.

The headache prevented her from concentrating, and she seemed groggy.

After panting for a while, she finally couldn't help but moan in pain, and then she murmured and asked, "Where is this and why am I here?"

Zabuza stared at the girl opposite him closely.

He was surprised to find that he could tell at a glance that the other person was 16 or 7 years old, and he could even see the other person's expressions and micro-expressions.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't clearly see the other person's appearance.

No, not so.

Probably, I saw it, but then I forgot about it.

Zabuza was secretly surprised.

This should be an illusion effect, but what kind of illusion can achieve this?
The three Magatama Sharingan of the Uchiha family in Konohagakure doesn't work either.

Otherwise, why has Kirigakure Village persisted until now?

Then he looked around and found that there was a blond boy to his right, and his face was also unclear.

Yashamaru was awakened by the sentence "Your qualities are the best."

As an ANBU ninja of Sunagakure Village, he was far more cautious than Zabuza. He lay prone to explore the surrounding environment and confirm the number of people around him and relevant information.

He even waited until the blue-haired woman opposite woke up before quietly sitting up straight with him.

Yashamaru was not as bold as Zabuza, so he stood up respectfully and gave a standard greeting.

"Great being, what do you want to do?"

His question drew both Konan and Zabuza's attention to the high platform.

Tamamo shook slightly, the giant nodded slightly, and then a loud voice resounded in everyone's heart.

"I just woke up from a deep sleep and wanted to know what the world has become, so I came to you to ask."

The giant hand raised, pointed at Xiaonan, and said: "You are from Yuzhi County, so you should have a lot of information about the transportation hub."

Then he pointed at Momochi Zabuza and said, "You are from an overseas vassal country, and your business is very developed."

Finally, he pointed at Yashamaru and said, "You are from Central County, so you should know the most information. To what generation has the King of Humans been passed down?"

The three people were stunned and looked at each other. They had no idea what the other person was talking about?
In fact, these words are all made up. They are the background of the ninja world in the ancient mythological era that Uchiha Yu carefully fabricated based on the clues discovered over the years and the Yanhuang mythology system.

On the high platform, wearing a crowned uniform is Uchiha Yuu.

And here is the world of Zifu, above the white clouds, the newly restored main hall of Shenting.

The entire Shenting building is based on the structure of the Weiyang Palace of the Han Dynasty. All building materials are white jade, sapphire, corundum and jade, and decorated with pearls, agate, gold and coral.

The purple air is the veil, and the white mist is the tent.

Qiongxiang is lingering, and auspicious mist is colorful.

The Yaotai is colorful and the treasure pavilion is dense.

Everything is based on the description of heaven in "Journey to the West".

His behavioral patterns also reference the Lord God and Mr. Fool.

It makes sense that a classic can become a classic.

A man needs clothes, and a horse needs a saddle.

The god Uchiha Yuu has a low status and shallow divine power. He cannot make people feel his majesty with his own existence.

Especially if he wants to pretend to be a divine emperor like the Emperor of Heaven, he can only rely on such external objects.

But I have to say, the effect is still good.

After Konan, Zabuza, and Yashamaru were captured, they all acted fearfully, without any hint of the unruly nature of ninjas.

Even if he talks nonsense, he does not dare to question it at all, but understands it carefully and explains it carefully.

Yashamaru was the first to answer: "Great being, I, my home is now called the Country of Wind, not the Central County."

"Changed its name to the Country of Wind? Strange. How could Central County, with ancient forests stretching for tens of thousands of miles, be called the Country of Wind?"

Yashamaru replied dumbfounded: "Our country of wind is a desert..."

Uchiha Yuu glanced at him lightly and continued to talk nonsense: "The desert... is incredible. Has it been uprooted by some existence?"

"So what's the situation over there?"

Momochi Zabuza froze under the gaze and quickly replied: "Our place is the Kingdom of Water, managed by the Daimyo Kazu and the Kirigakure Village."

As his eyes shifted, Xiaonan quickly replied: "We are the Kingdom of Rain, ruled by the Hidden Rain Village."

When his eyes returned again, Yashamaru immediately replied: "We are the daimyo and the management of Sunagakure Village."

Uchiha Yu pretended to be emotional and said: "The world has changed, how long have I slept?"

He was silent for a while, and then ordered: "Let's all talk about what we know. Let me also know what has become of this world?"

"By the way, what is the name of this world now?"

Zabuza replied: "The great existence is now called the ninja world, which is the world of ninjas."

"What is a ninja?"

Zabuza is a standard fighting sect with poor cultural and knowledge levels, and he immediately got stuck.

Yashamaru then replied: "Great existence, since the Six Paths Sage established the Ninja Sect thousands of years ago and spread the power of Chakra, the ninjas eventually became the masters of Chakra, and also ruled the world by the way, and even changed their name to the Ninja World."


Uchiha Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed a wisp of chakra from the three people. He mixed it in the palm of his hand, pretending to observe carefully, and then said with a slight surprise: "This seems to be the power of the Otsutsuki clan. It is the invasion of this place by the Otsutsuki clan." A world of one side?”

"Is the ninja world now a desert?"

Facing Uchiha Yu's inquiry, Yashamaru shook his head and replied: "No, great existence, except for the great desert of the Kingdom of Wind, the current ninja world is still full of vitality, especially the center of the ninja world, the Kingdom of Fire. ."

Uchiha Yuu stretched out his hand, projected a map of the ninja world over the royal road, and asked: "Where is the Land of Fire?"

The three people immediately reached out and pointed out, and highlighted the existence of Konoha Village.

Uchiha Yuu secretly laughed in his heart, but he pretended to be very good on the surface.

The entire communication process is actually paving the way to help the three people adapt to this sudden change, become familiar with the surrounding environment, and become familiar with communicating with themselves.

The exchange lasted for a long time, until the three of them looked tired, and Uchiha Yu took the initiative to end the conversation.

"Very good, I have a preliminary understanding of the 'ninja world'. I don't have much time, so let's call it a day."

(End of this chapter)
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