I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 210 In this divine court, I am the ancient god who has revived from the ancient times.

Chapter 210 In this divine court, I am the ancient god who has revived from the ancient times.
As for Uchiha Yuu's plagiarized words, Miwa Masashi was just talking nonsense again. She only cared about how the other party flew.

The raccoon cat jumped up and almost fell off Uchiha Yuu's shoulders. He hurriedly grabbed the clothes and asked close to his ear: "Yu, tell me quickly, how did you fly?"

"Hey, it's the effect of 'personality'. When I condense the golden elixir, I become transcendent of this world. I am no longer bound by the gravity rules of the ninja world and can fly naturally."

"Look, I'm flying vertically."

Of course Miwa Masato didn't understand the difference between flying. She asked in confusion: "What's wrong with flying vertically, nya?"

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "Because gods fly upright and supermen fly on their stomachs."

"You're saying something you don't understand again, meow."

"Haha, I used to think it was because of different habits, but now I know."

"Flying on the stomach is because the pilot relies on his own body as a carrier to fly, so he needs to minimize the windward surface, so that the resistance is minimal when lying on the stomach."

"And the reason why I am standing upright like this is because flying relies on this inner world."

Uchiha Yu changed the edge of the inner world, dyeing its outer wall with a golden halo, and showed the image to Miwa Masashi.

The civet cat's eyes shone brightly, especially at the seal of rules that was floating around him, and he couldn't help but stretch out his paws to scratch it.

Of course, the faint seal of rules is just a shadow projected, and the claws must not be able to touch it.

Miwa Masato even jumped out and ran to the outside of the inner world. He looked at the golden inner world and walked around it several times in amazement.

It wasn't until his curiosity was satisfied that the raccoon cat returned to Uchiha Yu's shoulder and said with emotion: "I feel like this is your golden cat cat? What a beautiful cat!"

Uchiha Yuu replied: "Yes and no."

"The inner world is the result of the projection of my golden elixir to the outside world. Within the scope of the inner world, through the seal of rules on the golden elixir, I can slightly overwhelm the basic laws of the ninja world, giving me an extremely huge advantage."

Miwa Masayo didn't realize how powerful he was, and praised him repeatedly: "It's so awesome, nya."

"I really want meow."

Uchiha Yu encouraged: "Rika-chan, you will also have the golden elixir one day, and you will also have the inner world!"

"Really meow?"

"Really, we are all on the path of immortality. No matter how different the early routes are, as long as we persist in purifying natural energy and adapting to the path of natural energy, we will definitely be able to form a golden elixir!"

"I'll work hard, nya!"

The conversation with Miwa Masashi made Uchiha Yu feel the reality, and standing in the real material world and receiving feedback from the familiar world rules also greatly strengthened his world view.

But developing the inner world and using it to interact with the ninja world also unknowingly modified Uchiha Yuu's world view.

Because he had gained huge benefits and had a huge advantage, the modification of the world view did not have destructive consequences, but was happily accepted by Uchiha Yu.

It's like discovering a game bug while playing a game. If the equipment that you have worked hard to accumulate in the game is destroyed, then the player will definitely be heartbroken and will never play again.

But what if this game bug actually allows players to kill monsters beyond their levels and gain huge amounts of experience and super drops...

Which player would be heartbroken?

Players will only be secretly happy and invest their energy crazily.

So, Uchiha Yuu too.

He happily accepted the new world view and was very happy about it.


After solving the worldview problem and resting for a while, Uchiha Yu returned to Konoha Village with Miwa Masashi.

The only thing he has to deal with next is the problem of Zifu World, which will not cause any huge disturbance.

In this case, of course he must return to Konoha Village where living conditions are better.

You know, he hasn't slept for a whole week.

Moreover, during these seven days, he was too busy with water and rice to work on his teeth. He relied solely on natural energy and past reserves to hold on.

Uchiha Yu began to miss the various delicacies at home.

But Miwa Masayo was still more interested in the golden elixir. While the shit-sweeper was cooking, he kept asking all kinds of questions.

"Yu, how big is the real golden elixir?"

"I don't know. The golden elixir is in my dantian. There is no reference in my dantian, so I don't know how big it is."

"Yu, how did the golden elixir appear in the first place, nya?"

"I don't know either. When the golden elixir appeared, I didn't notice any process. I didn't even know what the first law was."

"What will you do if you don't know the first law, meow?"

"There's no other way. When I'm full, I start trying a little bit. Then I understand a few rules. I'll find them soon."

When a person is very hungry, what is the fastest thing to eat?

Of course, boil water and add instant noodles, and the firefighters agreed.

Uchiha Yuu left a large bucket of water and filled a bucket of instant noodles.

Not only did he buy up all the instant noodles in all the stores near his home, he also threw in 42 eggs and 7 pounds of vegetables.

While boiling water, he also took the time to cut nearly 20 kilograms of meat, marinate it and then grill it.

After taking two mouthfuls of instant noodles, he removed ten skewers of meat, and then ate the noodles again. Uchiha Yuu ate with great joy and was extremely happy.

Miwa Masashi was dumbfounded and completely forgot about the golden elixir. She asked calmly: "Yu, don't you really dislike instant noodles?"


Uchiha Yu swallowed the noodles and meat in his mouth and replied with a smile: "I can't help it, I'm hungry."

"This person, as long as he is very hungry, he will taste delicious no matter what."

After eating and drinking quickly, Uchiha Yuu completely relaxed. Without cleaning up the mess, he lay down on the bamboo couch in the yard and fell asleep.

Miwa Masashi heard Uchiha Yu's snoring for the first time. It was different from the earth-shattering snoring of ordinary people. His snoring was thin and continuous, and it was not even possible to tell whether it was exhalation or inhalation.

And although Uchiha Yuu's purring was small, it could shake the tabby cat's heart, making her whole body feel numb, and the hair on the tip of her tail ruffled involuntarily.

But it didn't feel uncomfortable at all. On the contrary, Miwa Masayo felt very comfortable.

She licked her nose, walked over, lay on Uchiha Yu's chest, buried her head and paws in her belly, hugged him with her tail, and fell asleep.

Late at night on the second day of the winter solstice, the clear sky brought an extremely low temperature, and the dew in the second half of the night was extremely heavy.

But in Uchiha Yu's small courtyard, the invisible world boundary divided the space, prevented the dew from condensing, and blocked the bone-chilling chill.

As Uchiha Yuu's sleep gradually deepened, his body gradually heated up, even heating the entire courtyard.

Miwa Masato, who likes warm environments, slept particularly comfortably.

In fact, only his body was sleeping, and his mind was still busy.

In the past seven days, the five heart shapes have accumulated too much mental energy and suppressed indescribable huge emotions.

Especially after gaining faith and before faith was given to Xin Yuan, they, Xiaoke and Goldfish all received a lot of benefits, greatly increasing their respective powers.

Now, if Yu Uchiha continues to suppress it, it will be extremely difficult to implement it.

Fortunately, after Uchiha Yuu ate and drank enough, his strength increased even more, and the golden elixir was not given in vain.

Now that the golden sun of the elixir hangs high in the sky, all that is needed to suppress the heart shape is the sunshine, and there is no longer the hassle of vibrating the dantian to form a cleansing bell.

With Uchiha Yuu's efforts, the spleen pig, lung civet, kidney Kun, and liver clam were stripped of their excess mental power and returned to their original appearance.

Xiao Ke, the cave octopus, is the timid one. He has already obediently hidden himself in the cracks of the North Sea and remained motionless.The Goldfish River God was the most cunning. He spent a lot of divine power to open up a large river on the earth and hid in it.

Although he didn't know what the stitched river god was planning, as long as he didn't jump out to look for trouble, Uchiha Yu couldn't care about him for a while.

Because, Xin Yuan was watching him eagerly.

Faith was given to the monkey, the vest character was attached to it, Yu Uchiha personally guided him, and the residents of the city of thousands of rivers worshiped him fervently. All these conditions came together, and the monkey finally underwent a qualitative transformation.

The Heart Monkey does not show the form of a silverback gorilla, but the body of a monkey as tall and tall as a pine tree.

With his back against the bright sun, Uchiha Yu slowly approached Antoro, and sighed in surprise: "Did you learn from my memory and find the original appearance of the Great Sage?"

Xin Yuan grinned and replied with a smile: "Yes, the appearance of the Great Sage is what I like best."

Uchiha Yuu was horrified in his heart, but nothing showed on his face. He said calmly: "Since I like the appearance of the Great Sage, why not use the image of the Monkey King when he was making a fuss in the sky?"

"Wearing chain-locked golden armor, walking on lotus silk shoes, and wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on your head, how handsome would you be?"

Xin Yuan shook his head and replied: "With my current strength, I am not even as good as one of his monkey demons. Of course I am not worthy of using such a handsome image."

"If I could replace you, complete the golden elixir road for you, and achieve the great perfection of the ninja world, maybe I would change to look like the Monkey King."

Uchiha Yu smiled and sneered.

He said coldly: "It's just a heart shape, not even a serious inner demon, but you are very confident."

Xin Yuan also put away his smile, but said somewhat helplessly: "Actually, I don't want to, but you gave me so much power of faith, what can I do?"

Uchiha Yuu was stunned, cast suspicious eyes on the other four hearts, and asked: "When did you awaken to your self-awareness?"

Xin Yuan sneered, stretched out his monkey paw and pointed at the river on the ground, and said: "Since you brought this so-called evil god in, I have an independent consciousness."

"You thought He was a god from ancient times, but when He woke me up, it was revealed that He is not a serious God, but a collection of negative emotions in the collective consciousness of ancient people."

"I don't know who he is. If he were to be classified by force, he would probably be regarded as an extraterrestrial demon?"

"After the demons and evil gods in the ancient ninja world were crushed by the Otsutsuki clan, the gods who were on the verge of despair were taken advantage of by the demons from outside the territory. They forcibly bonded the remains of several gods, combined with natural energy and negative spiritual energy, and finally formed Some kind of rules are the spirit of nature.”

Facing the talkative Heart Monkey, Uchiha Yu could no longer maintain his calmness. He reached out and rubbed his forehead to relieve the headache.

After sighing deeply, he said to Xin Yuan: "You were so kind enough to tell me his details?"

Xin Yuan said indifferently: "The dispute between you and me is an internal conflict. He and we are in conflict between ourselves and the enemy. I am not stupid and can distinguish between internal and external conflicts."

"If I lose to you, I won't be completely eliminated. At most, I will continue to be your subordinate."

"If one day you become successful and can absolutely control us and need help, I believe you will give me my independent will again."

Anzuru stared at Uchiha Yu and said solemnly: "If I defeat you, I will do the same, instead of completely annihilating you, the main body."

Uchiha Yu's fighting spirit boiled up. He put away his calm and gentle face, revealing his most bellicose and crazy side, and looked at Animaru with a wild smile.

"Hahaha, if that's the case, let's fight!"

Looking at the crazy and bellicose Uchiha Yu, Anzuru also showed his fangs and laughed ferociously.

"Hehehe, you are indeed the subject. How can you be a good person if you can give birth to such a monkey like me?"

The terrifying upright ape and the fanged ferocious macaque fought together like crazy beasts.

In the war that takes place in the Zifu world, mental strength and mental state are fundamental.

Inner Monkey has sharp teeth and claws, and Uchiha Yu can even pull out steel swords and spears at will. In the end, those weapons are just the condensation of their respective mental powers.

The key to victory or defeat lies in whether each of them has a stable understanding of themselves, whether they can stabilize their own state after being hurt, and whether they can maintain their attacking state.

Just like Anzuru complained, because the forced belief was exposed in advance, it was no match for Uchiha Yuu.

Although he made a desperate struggle, he was still knocked down by the subject.

Uchiha Yu skillfully stripped off the extra spirit of the Heart Monkey and suppressed it into its original golden monkey form.

After obtaining the five heart-shaped fragments, Zifu World received a great tonic, and its spiritual origin became obviously much thicker.

Then, his attention turned to the river and the river god hidden in it.

Yuu Uchiha, who formed the golden elixir, has greatly increased his control over the world of the Purple Mansion. With just a thought, the earth flips over and long rivers stop flowing.

The golden sun is shining in the sky, shining its fierce light on the rivers broken into lakes, drying them into land one by one.

In the end, all the river water was dried, and the river god could no longer hide himself in the water, so he was captured alive.

This time, Uchiha Yu didn't give him a chance to speak, and directly crushed him with his supreme mental power. The debris was scattered into the white clouds above the sky, and was then suppressed by the huge seal formation that formed instantly.

After doing all this, Uchiha Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said with emotion: "It is indeed an extraterrestrial demon. Even if it is crushed into crumbs, its origin will be destroyed."

"It should be said that the origin of the extraterrestrial demon is originally broken and chaotic. No matter how much it is crushed, it cannot cause its demise."

"No wonder it was able to glue together the remains of more than a dozen gods. The chaos reached the extreme, but a new order was born, creating a seemingly stable consciousness."

"Ah, Bai Yun, who suppressed the demon in this way, seems to have some strange ability."

Uchiha Yuu was surprised to find that after being completely crushed, the demon lost consciousness and lost the idea of ​​concealing itself, completely freeing the instinct of chaos and infection.

In just such a moment, the seal was infected by chaos, resulting in several chaotic errors, causing the sealing array to no longer be perfect.

Uchiha Yuu was shocked. At this moment, he understood that the extraterrestrial devil could not just be left alone, otherwise it would unknowingly cause greater hidden dangers.

Just like my five heart shapes, they were infected by Him unconsciously and gave rise to independent consciousness.

After thinking for a long time, Uchiha Yu finally thought of a good idea.

The biggest target of chaos is order, but order itself is also the biggest enemy of chaos.

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "So I have to let Him be used, and use the order under my control to suppress the chaos of the demon, so that I can truly destroy Him."

"So, how do I use this thing?"

Uchiha Yu looked at the white clouds floating in the sky and the ruins of palaces built on top of the white clouds, and fell into deep thought.


The volcanic eruption in Kawa no Kuni caused quite a stir, but it was quickly overtaken by the battle between Konohagakure and Sunagakure.

Sunagakure Village gathered three shadow-level ninjas and over 17000 Sunagakure ninjas, and launched an attack on nearly [-] Konoha ninjas.

Chiyo, Ebizo and Hayakura, relying on their own strength advantages, took the initiative on the battlefield, defeated Konoha successively, and finally had to take a big step to withdraw from the country of Kawakawa.

As a last resort, Orochimaru, the second deputy leader of Konoha Village and the second captain of the Jonin class, went to the south alone and took on the responsibility of counterattack.

The Third Hokage took the opportunity to regain all power, and the Uchiha family, which fully supported Orochimaru, fell into an extremely embarrassing situation.

Uchiha Yuu had no idea about this. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to transforming the world of Zifu, trying every means to combine the inner demon's ability with the world to form a function that could operate stably.

At the same time, he also has to study the Ape Mask and figure out what the core rules of his golden elixir are, so he has no time to worry about the "little things" of Konoha Village.

The New Year of Konoha 45 has arrived, and the entire month of January has quietly passed away amid the war that broke out between Kumogakure ninjas and Konoha ninjas.

Then came February, which was still cold.

When spring came in March, Yuu Uchiha used his concentration to achieve great results.

After he was immersed in the world of Zifu, he appeared directly on the golden dragon chair. He opened his eyes slightly and looked down. There were 28 people lined up in front of him.

These empty seats are arranged on both sides of the royal road in front, with 14 seats on each side. Seven seats are divided into groups and face the seats on the opposite side of the road.

With the help of the fundamental laws of the extraterrestrial demons and golden elixirs, and after realizing the most critical functions, the divine court that had been conceived for a long time was finally built.

Yuu Uchiha solemnly declared: "I am the 'Celestial Emperor', the ancient god who has been sleeping from the unknown age of mythology to this day. I will rebuild the divine court in the age of mythology!"

(End of this chapter)
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