I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 214 Nagato’s recovery means Hanzo’s death has come

Chapter 214 Nagato’s recovery means Hanzo’s death has come
Nagato already had a guess about this. After getting confirmation, he controlled the trembling of his hands and took the bowl.

But when he brought it to his mouth, he hesitated for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Xiaonan, let's take half for each of us, right?"

Konan shook her head resolutely and said, "I can't take this pill. Nagato, take it quickly."

When Nagato heard this, he became even more reluctant. What does it mean that Konan can't eat?
Seeing Nagato put down the bowl, Xiaonan knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Nagato, you know your body, and it can be said that any ordinary medicine has no effect."

"But the soup after the elixir is dissolved has such a good effect. Do you think this is an ordinary medicine?"

"Besides, this is medicine. It is an extraordinary medicine that I specially asked for for you. I am just an ordinary person with good talent and I am not sick. How can I take such extraordinary medicine?"

Konan put her forehead against Nagato's and asked in a low voice with a smile: "Nagato, do you think I will die if I take this medicine?"

"So, eat it quickly, don't waste a drop!"

Nagato no longer hesitated, and drank the full bowl of white soup in big gulps.

Xiaonan also used hot water and rinsed it twice in the bowl.

He also drank every drop of this dishwater.

As one fish egg was completely eaten, the heat in Nagato's stomach began to increase crazily.

Soon he realized what it meant to swallow a sun.

But this feeling was not uncomfortable. On the contrary, Nagato felt very comfortable.

This sun is the sun on the last day of winter, spreading infinite vitality to the long-dormant earth, completely stimulating Nagato's vitality.

The first thing Nagato felt was that his eyes were devouring the heat crazily, and because of temporary satisfaction, he let go of the demand for his chakra.

He felt an indescribable sense of relief, as if the fifty kilograms of weight he had been carrying for years were suddenly released.

The reduced chakra burden made all the cells in Nagato's body feel relaxed, and hundreds of megacells cheered at the same time.

All cells are recovering and developing like crazy.

The arms, which had been weakened for a long time, expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

My legs, which had been uncontrollable for a year, regained consciousness despite the tingling and itching, and quickly filled up.

Even if the rapidly expanding muscles split the skin, Nagato did not feel the slightest fear or pain, because these wounds were also healing quickly.

As for the physical feeling, it is even more obvious.

First, the breathing became strong and powerful, then the beating of the heart accelerated steadily, and then other internal organs also began to become active, and even made various strange sounds.

What surprised him the most was that his own bones joined in the carnival at the end, and the sound of Clark's voice kept ringing.

For the first time in his life, Nagato realized that not only his eyes were different, but his body, which had always been weak and sickly, was also extraordinary.

He has been weak since he was a child. His parents are both medical ninjas in Yuyin Village. Although their family conditions are considered good, they only have enough food and clothing.

He simply couldn't afford to buy a lot of supplements to get rid of his thin appearance.

After his parents were killed by Konoha ninjas, Nagato became an orphan and lived a life without enough food and clothing.

When his energy intake was insufficient, his body's strength became a huge burden. He began to fall ill frequently, but he was always able to recover when he was on the verge of death.

Nagato's illness made him a drag on the trio. Thanks to Yahiko and Konan's perseverance, he persisted until he was accepted as a disciple by Jiraiya.

But Jiraiya was a fool. After knowing that Nagato's eyes were reincarnation eyes, he didn't even think of Nagato's physical problems for three years and didn't provide him with adequate nutrition.

Simply eating enough could satisfy Nagato's heart, but it could not satisfy his body. It could only ensure that he would not get sick again.

But now, the powerful and abundant energy contained in the fish eggs entered Nagato's body. Even if [-]% of it was swallowed by the Samsara Eye, the remaining [-]% activated his body, bursting out with incredible vitality.

In just a few hours, the intense changes in Nagato's body stopped.

At the same time, he also changed from a skinny, bedridden leprosy patient to a strong young man with full muscles, rosy complexion and a well-proportioned figure.

Feeling that the heat flow was still flowing out continuously, supporting the strong vitality of the body, and quickly treating various hidden dangers left over the past year, Nagato's heart was filled with joy.

And he can already stand on the ground with his own legs and walk around easily, which makes Xiaonan extremely happy.

The two of them rummaged through the small house, treated the simple food they found as a feast, used boiled hot water as wine, and held a happy party.

The two discussed the future passionately, discussing revenge and rebuilding the Akatsuki organization.

But at dawn, when the fish eggs were completely digested, Nagato immediately felt uncomfortable. Then he covered his eyes with his hands and groaned in pain.

Konan was startled, and rushed over to support him, asking anxiously: "Nagato, what's wrong? What's wrong with your eyes?"

Nagato panted slightly, his face turned pale again, but his energy was still good, and he replied with a smile: "It's okay, it's just that the potency of the elixir was completely exhausted, and the eyes began to extract the chakra from my body again, which made me temporarily There was no reaction.”

"Actually, the pain has been reduced a lot, but I didn't feel the slightest discomfort that night. When the pain first came, I couldn't get used to it."

Konan didn't relax because of Nagato's explanation. She checked carefully and confirmed that there were no major problems with Nagato's body, such as muscle atrophy, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she remembered the precautions His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven had said.

So Konan relayed all these words to Nagato to reassure him.

"It doesn't matter. His Majesty said that even if the effect of the medicine has expired, you can recover a lot on your own and be able to bear the burden better."

"Before you reach adulthood, you may still gradually become weak, but it shouldn't be to the point where you can't take care of yourself."

"When you reach adulthood, the situation will be completely stable, and there will be no problems in the future."

Nagato nodded and said: "This person is right, and it is consistent with my feelings."

But then he couldn't help being stunned, and suddenly stared at Xiaonan closely and said, "I'm really sorry. How could I realize now that the biggest problem is not me, but you, Xiaonan."

"I want to know, who is this 'Your Majesty' in your mouth? Did he give you the elixir that turned into a bowl of soup?"

"And..." Nagato's voice revealed indescribable fear and worry, and he even choked up a bit unknowingly: "You, what terrible sacrifices did you make to get such a precious medicine?" cost?"

Konan was startled by Nagato's words, but then she felt inexplicable. What price did she pay?
It seems like nothing has been paid...

His Majesty the Emperor seems to require only faith and piety.

When Xiaonan thought of this, she suddenly felt extremely embarrassed and quickly said sorry to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven in her heart.

Then she immediately explained to Nagato: "I didn't pay any special price. At that time, I just told the Emperor of Heaven about the history and current situation of the Kingdom of Rain."

"Then I asked Him for a way to treat you. It took me a long time to figure out what was wrong with your body."

"Then I found a way to treat you, but the elixir couldn't be given to me. So after studying for a long time, the Emperor of Heaven came up with a way to solve this problem."

The more Nagato listened, the more frightened he became, and he quickly asked: "What then?"

Xiaonan continued: "Then I came back, prayed according to the method taught by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, and opened the door of giving. He gave me this elixir."

"In the end, I dissolved the elixir and gave it to you to drink."

The more Nagato heard it, the clearer it became that that mysterious existence was at fault.

According to the understanding of the already darkened Nagato, the other party cannot be a well-intentioned philanthropist. If he makes such an obviously loss-making transaction, there must be some kind of conspiracy hidden there.

Nagato took a deep breath and asked: "Xonan, can you not see this existence in the future?"

Xiaonan shook his head and replied: "I shouldn't be able to refuse. After all, His Majesty summoned him this time without my consent."

Yes, if you don't even have a chance to refuse, it's impossible to avoid it.

Nagato became even more worried, but he did get huge benefits, and he really couldn't find any problems.His eyes shone with vigilance, and he thought to himself: Is this God?I can't understand the logic of his behavior at all. It's really... too scary.

Nagato finally suggested: "It seems that I really can't refuse. Next time he summons you, tell me and I will try to see if I can find anything with my samsara eye."

Xiaonan said in embarrassment: "I don't know if it can be done, because the last time I felt it, it appeared directly in the divine court, and there was no warning at all before that."

Nagato said frustratedly: "Try your best, you can't do nothing."

Xiaonan nodded, smiled and said, "Okay, I will work hard."

"Anyway, you are much healthier than before. Meeting His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is a good thing so far."

Nagato couldn't help but cover his eyes again, rubbed them a little, and said with a wry smile: "You are right. Although it is still a bit hard, I am indeed much better."

As he spoke, he opened his eyes, clenched his hands into fists, and exerted great force. Feeling his own strength and the remaining amount of chakra in his body, he couldn't help but look happy.

Nagato said: "It seems that not only have I recovered my health, but my chakra has also increased a lot. I feel like I can fight again."

"Xiaonan, let's go gather our companions."

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"Well, it was very difficult for us after we were separated, and it must be difficult for our surviving companions as well."

Nagato said with a sad face: "When Yahiko was here, what he cared about most was our companions. He would try every means to help everyone live a good life. Now that Yahiko is gone, I will bear his responsibility."

"I will realize Yahiko's dream, take care of his companions, rebuild the Akatsuki organization, and ultimately I will realize his dream of peace in the ninja world."

Konan was moved by his words and nodded in agreement: "Okay, Nagato. Our lives were earned by Yahiko with all his efforts. For his dream, I am willing to give my own life."

Nagato gritted his teeth and said, "No, Xiaonan. You will not die. I will not allow you to die."

He pointed to his eyes and continued: "According to Teacher Jiraiya, this is the Rinnegan, one of the three major pupil techniques in the ninja world, and it is far above the Sharingan of the Uchiha family and the Byakugan of the Hyuga family. , the strongest pupil technique in the ninja world."

"Jiraiya-sensei said that these eyes are a gift from fate, so I am the son of destiny who can determine the future destiny of the ninja world..."

"I always thought that the child of destiny was Yahiko. Yahiko is always cheerful and optimistic, always positive, and always has a solution. That's why I concealed the power of these eyes and wanted to be the supporter behind Yahiko like you."

"But now it seems that I was wrong. I should not have handed over my responsibilities to Yahiko. I should have stood in front and protected you and Yahiko from the wind and rain."

"If I had come forward earlier, Yahiko might not have died."

As he spoke, Nagato fell to his knees on the ground without realizing it, with tears streaming down his face. He looked really embarrassed.

Konan walked behind Nagato, held his head in her arms distressedly, and comforted: "I can't blame you, Yahiko is as dazzling as the sun. You, me, and everyone are attracted to him. Establish the Akatsuki organization in Yuyin Village."

"Nagato, you are who you are, you are not Yahiko's replacement."

Nagato nodded and hummed.

He flicked the black pipe behind him, looked at the ground under his feet, and continued: "My health is much better now. As long as I don't use the heretic golem, I won't have any problems."

"And even with the reincarnation eye alone, I am confident that I can destroy all enemies, including Sansho Hanzo."

"Xiaonan, I won't let you die. I have absolute confidence in protecting you and everyone."

"So, gather your companions."

"We rebuild the Akatsuki organization, fight back to Amegakure Village, kill Hanzo, and eliminate the old and decadent Amegakure ninjas."

"Then rebuild a Hidden Rain Village that can protect order and the Kingdom of Rain."

Xiaonan felt Nagato's determination and confidence. She nodded and said, "Okay."

But the work of gathering companions of the Akatsuki organization could not be completed at all. Although a year had passed since the Konoha ninja and the Amegakure ninja jointly ambush the Akatsuki organization, the Amegakure ninjas were still searching tirelessly.

Xiao Nan's search for his companions only lasted less than a day when he was spotted by the Amegakure ninja, which triggered a battle.

She simply killed all the Amegakure ninjas who were following her, but the Country of Rain was the territory of Amegakure Village, and their deaths and the tasks they performed still exposed Konan's existence.

Therefore, Hanzo, who was severely injured by the heretic demon a year ago and finally recovered from his injuries, went out in person.

After hearing the news, Xiaonan immediately became nervous.

Konan is very powerful. She is Jiraiya's disciple, a genius of the self-created paper series of ninjutsu, and is a proper jounin in terms of strength.

But the Jonin cannot face Hanzo at all, because Hanzo is too powerful.

He is a top-level ninja known as "demigod" and the strongest among the shadow-level ninjas.

Hanzo has defeated the Sannin, including Jiraiya, many times, and even the title "Sannin of Konoha" was generously "given" by Hanzo.

During the Second Ninja War, Sansho Hanzo single-handedly led the Amegakure ninjas to drive out the Rain Country, including Konoha Village, Sunagakure Village, and Iwagakure Village.

Even now, he is still the strongest ninja in the hearts of most ninjas, bar none.

Konan, who was already a jonin, was easily captured by Hanzo in person and became a hostage who forced Yahiko to commit suicide.

As for Hanzo, he was also seriously injured by the psychic object of the Rinnangan guy in a face-to-face encounter. All the subordinates of the Akatsuki organization and Danzo's ANBU who were brought to encircle and suppress the Akatsuki organization were killed.

Hanzo has suffered many defeats in his life, but they were all strategic defeats due to being crushed by the Great Ninja Village.

In terms of ninja strength, Demigod Hanzo is considered the strongest by everyone. Even if he is surrounded by multiple Kage-level ninjas, as long as he can withstand his attack without being killed, it is the greatest success.

This is why the Konoha Sannin became famous in the ninja world.

He was seriously injured by Nagato's blow and was defeated for the first time in his life.

He is naturally grudged against the Akatsuki organization, and he doesn't want to get rid of it quickly. The purpose is to find Nagato and then kill Nagato in order to eliminate a serious problem in his heart.

Therefore, after hearing the information about the Akatsuki organization's activities, Hanzo immediately took action personally regardless of the fact that the information was not confirmed.

The undisputed No. 1 character in the Land of Rain, Demigod Hanzo’s movements are so influential.

The members of the Akatsuki organization who Xiaonan had tried every possible means to find suddenly knew the news about the resurgence of the Akatsuki organization, so they came out of their hiding places one by one and asked around for news.

In this way, members of the Akatsuki organization were exposed to Hanzo's sight.

The poisonous ninja was overjoyed, and he immediately decided to use a massacre to force out all the members of the Akatsuki organization, especially the young man named Nagato.

Demigod and Hanzo's actions were successful.

He captured more than 40 people who had slipped through the Akatsuki organization, but what shocked him was that these prisoners actually included several new members who had joined during the year.

Hanzo had to admit that he might have really made a big mistake, otherwise how could someone, and a young man, join a precarious rebel ninja organization even if he betrayed him.

Hanzo was once a young man, and he knew that such a situation would only occur if the young man's life was too bad, more terrifying and more desperate than going against Hanzo.

This bad situation is of course war. The war between Konoha Village, Sand Hidden Village and Iwagakure Village in the Country of Rain has made the people of the Country of Rain desperate.

Hanzo had to secretly decide that after killing Nagato, he must cheer up and protect the Rain Country seriously, and he could not continue to be so decadent.

But unfortunately, he didn't have a chance.

Just when Hanzo felt a warning in his heart and raised his head to look at the gate of Yuyin Village, a pair of samsara eyes occupied his entire field of vision.

Then the consciousness of Demigod and Hanzo fell into darkness.

Just like what happens in normal history, when Nagato recovered, it was Hanzo's death.

(End of this chapter)
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