I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 197 All things cannot escape the constraints of Jing Ze’s law

Chapter 197 All things cannot escape the constraints of Jing Ze’s law
The branches growing out of the floor twisted, grew rapidly, and soon became entangled with each other, completely blocking the hole in the floor.

Then the branches began to merge with each other, the tender green leaves fell quickly, and in just a few seconds, the holes in the floor were completely gone.

Uchiha Itachi nodded with satisfaction, ignored Tsunade who was almost crazy, opened the door and walked out.

"Nidaime-sama, I'll wait for you outside."

"it is good."

Tsunade couldn't care less about being angry at this time. She pointed at the floor and said to Senju Tobirama: "Second Grandpa, this, here, is the Wood Release!"

Senju Tobirama nodded and said, "I understand, but now you have to eat."

Tsunade was anxious and couldn't care less about eating. She said anxiously: "Oh, what are you going to eat? He is from the Uchiha family. Uchiha has mastered Wood Release, Wood Release!"

"I don't even have it! Why!"

"Because of his talent, his hard work, and his ten years of unremitting efforts."

Senju Tobirama stood up, stretched out his hand to pull Tsunade back to the table, and said: "But now, the first thing you need is to eat, and eating is more important than Mudun."

"Ask while you eat. No matter what the question is, I will answer you."

After being pushed to sit in front of the table, Tsunade smelled the aroma of food. She finally felt hungry after not eating for a whole day.

She didn't feel hungry when she didn't feel it, but the moment she felt it, Tsunade understood what Senju Tobirama said, that eating was more important than wood escape.

It is indeed very important.

So she asked while eating, and Senju Tobirama patiently answered every question she had.

When Tsunade had eaten and drank enough, she also basically understood Uchiha Yuu's situation.

She couldn't help but said: "Second Grandpa, do you admire Uchiha Yu?"

Senju Tobirama replied: "That's true."

Tsunade asked tentatively: "Do you want him to become Hokage?"

Tobirama denied it simply: "No."

Tsunade was confused: "But don't you like him very much?"

Senju Tobirama replied seriously: "Tsunade, I don't like Uchiha Yu. He is too smart, and he does not regard Konoha Village as his home. For him, Konoha Village is only safe and comfortable. residence.”

"But he is currently the only ninja who has the will and the strength to make Konoha Village a better place, so I must appreciate him very much."

The words "must" and "extremely" have a forced meaning. In fact, it was the Second Hokage hinting to Tsunade that Yuya Uchiha has the ability to make Konoha Village worse.

Unfortunately, Tsunade didn't hear it. She scratched her head and asked doubtfully: "The only one? Isn't this wrong?"

"I heard that Orochimaru did a good job. He is recognized as the candidate for the Fourth Hokage. Isn't he good at it?"

Qianju Tobirama shook his head and said with absolute certainty: "He can't do it."

Tsunade's eyes widened when she heard this, and she asked in disbelief: "Why?"

Tobirama smiled helplessly and couldn't help but look down on his granddaughter like an excellent student looking at a poor student. He said lightly: "You don't understand even if I tell you, so don't ask."


[I really want to beat Grandpa Second. He is in a state of filth now, so there is no problem if he is broken, right? 】



"Although my strength is not at its peak now, can you really beat me?"


With her mind completely penetrated and her intelligence completely crushed, Tsunade lay on the table dejectedly, crying silently in her heart and complaining...

Senju Tobirama glanced at her and said, "Are you complaining about why Grandpa isn't resurrected?"

Tsunade's mind went blank: "..."

The second generation Hokage suddenly laughed. Being with Uchiha Yuu, fighting wits is certainly fun, but it will be really tiring after a long time, so this kind of intelligence crushing feels really good.

Tsunade said unconvinced: "Jiraiya has a disciple named Namikaze Minato. I think he has a very good character, strength and brain. Can't he also become a ninja who can make Konoha Village a better place?"

Senju Tobirama nodded and said: "I know Namikaze Minato, and I learned his specific information through Uchiha Yu's investigation. He is one of the three candidates for the Fourth Hokage identified by Uchiha Yu."

Then he said seriously: "My judgment is that even Namikaze Minato can't do it."

But this time Senju Tobirama explained seriously. He said to Tsunade: "Namikaze Minato is very good, but he is still too young. The most terrible thing is that his teacher Jiraiya is too bad and he is basically cut off." His path to Hokage."

"If Orochimaru becomes the Fourth Hokage, the Fifth Hokage will be more likely to fall into Orochimaru's disciples."

"Unless Sarutobi Hiruzen has a wrong idea and forces Namikaze Minato to replace Orochimaru as the Fourth Hokage, he will have no chance to become Hokage with Jiraiya as an unreliable teacher."

Tsunade gritted her teeth and asked: "Second Grandpa, why can't Namikaze Minato replace Orochimaru as the Fourth Hokage and lead Konoha Village to become a better place?"

Senju Tobirama replied: "Because Namikaze Minato is just one person, he does not have enough powerful subordinates, there is no reliable family behind him, there are no classmates with deep feelings around him, and his students have no time to grow."

"Namikaze Minato is indeed very strong, but no matter how hard a person works when managing Konoha Village, it will be useless. He will only be bullied to death by Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage."

Tsunade gritted her teeth and retorted: "Sarutobi-sensei, he wouldn't do that, that's not what he is..."

Senju Tobirama stretched out his hand to stop Tsunade's defense, and said decisively: "Tsunade, what kind of person Sarutobi Hiruzen is, I know better than you."

"If I were not a dead person, it would be even worse for the Leaf Village for the dead to interfere with the living. Do you think Sarutobi Hiruzen, Mito Kadoen and Koharu Koharu can still be in power?"

"The three of them don't even have a chance to live... Humph!"

Tsunade didn't dare to speak for her teacher anymore. She discovered another problem and asked: "Second grandfather, where is Danzo? You didn't even mention his name just now."

"He is dead."


"Tsunade, even if you are wandering outside, you cannot completely ignore the news about Konoha Village. That is your home. You will go back one day."

Tsunade stopped talking and lowered her head in silence.

Senju Tobirama no longer talked about her, but stretched out his hand to touch Tsunade's blond hair. His voice became softer and he asked softly: "Little Tsunade, big brother asked me to ask you, how are you doing these years?" ?”

Hearing Tobirama's gentle inquiry, and then hearing the grandpa's relayed inquiry, Tsunade's eyes turned red again, but she had vented her emotions several times today, and this time she held back her tears.

She raised her head and said with a smile: "I am living a good life. I no longer have to worry about tasks and treatment. I can gamble happily every day and drink to my heart's content."

"I'm so happy."

Senju Tobirama looked at Tsunade's smile that was uglier than crying, and felt so painful that he could no longer speak.


Uchiha Yuu didn't particularly care about what Senju Tobirama and Tsunade would say, because he could guess it.

It's not that Senju Tobirama is too simple, but that Tsunade's temper is too straightforward and her wisdom is limited, so she can't carry too much complicated information. It's not good to say too much.

Therefore, Senju Tobirama could introduce the situation of Konoha Village, explain his attitude, leak some information about Uchiha Yu, and finally ask Tsunade to keep an eye on him.

On the one hand, it is to find a limit for yourself. Regardless of the effect, it is better than nothing.

On the other hand, it made Tsunade start paying attention to Konoha Village and slowly brought her back to Konoha Village.

Tsunade has been wandering outside for too long, and her connection with Konoha Village will inevitably decline in the eyes of outsiders, and the deterrence the village brings to her will also decline.

As the best medical ninja in the ninja world, there will always be people who covet Tsunade's skills and people.

As long as Tsunade's communication with the village becomes closer, even if she does not return to Konoha Village in the end, her safety factor will be greatly increased.

However, Uchiha Yu was a little troubled by the fact that the connection between Tsunade and Konoha Village was him.

Women are too troublesome, so cats are better.

A gentle talking cat is better.

[Ah, I kind of miss my pear jam. 】

Uchiha Yu kept waiting until dawn. He stood on the tallest building in Tanshu Street as he was used to, facing the east and absorbing the purple energy of the morning sun, making the purple energy in the Purple Mansion even richer.When the morning sun was rising, Qianju Tobirama came to him and asked, "What were you doing just now?"

Uchiha smiled and replied: "It's a secret, at least it's still a secret for now."

Senju Tobirama shook his head, knowing that this was because the trust between the two parties was not enough, and Uchiha Yuu was not strong enough, so he had to keep a lot of secrets.

He didn't dwell on this, and stretched out his hand to Uchiha Yuu with an emerald green water drop pendant, and said, "I give this to you as a thank you gift."

Uchiha Yu took it in surprise. He raised it to his eyes without any politeness at all, and carefully observed the Wooden Crystal with the help of the light of the morning sun.

It is actually purer than the crystallization of the roots of the sacred tree, and its activity is even stronger. There is no comparison at all. It is not on the same level at all.

He said with emotion: "It is truly worthy of being the creation of the First Hokage. It is truly amazing."

"This thing is too valuable and exceeds the value of everything I did today. Is there anything else you need me to do, Nidaime?"

Qianju Tobirama said: "We don't have it for now. If it's not enough, you can owe it first. Anyway, this is not the cooperation between you and me."

Uchiha Yu nodded and silently put away the Hashirama crystal.

This thing is too active, so it is not suitable for him to use, at least it cannot be swallowed.

Uchiha Yuu is very clear about his body. He now maintains a wonderful balance and works hard to eliminate the last bit of abnormality in the chakra.

At this moment, the winter solstice is not far away. We must not add a large amount of strong activity, otherwise God knows what major problems will arise when a systemic imbalance occurs.

The most important thing is that his opportunity for a major breakthrough is likely to miss the winter solstice, which is intuitively locked. This is something he cannot accept in any case.

Senju Tobirama saw Uchiha Yuu put away the Hashirama Crystal and said, "Let's go back to Konoha Village. It's time for me to work hard to fulfill the work I promised."

Uchiha Yu asked: "Tsunade-senpai doesn't plan to return to Konoha Village?"

Senju Tobirama said: "Tsunade doesn't want to go back, let her go. She is already an adult. As long as she can ensure safety and feels happy, let her go."

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "Yes, thanks to the efforts of the First Generation and you, Tsunade-senpai does not owe Konoha Village, on the contrary, Konoha Village owes Tsunade-senpai."

"At least I owe the position of Hokage."

"Hey, you kid has a dark heart."

"You said that the village owed Tsunade, but the way you proposed to repay the debt was to let Tsunade work for the Leaf Village?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, then Uchiha Yu put his hand on Senju Tobirama's shoulder, activated the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and disappeared instantly.

Until then, Tsunade with twin ponytails appeared silently on the roof. She stood where the two people were standing, looked up at the orange sun, and murmured: "Hokage?"

"Narutoki's dream, and Dan's dream as well, are all of them wanting to be Hokage."

"I seem to be qualified to compete..."

"Forget it, this has nothing to do with me."

In the end, Tsunade shook her head, jumped off the roof and disappeared among the houses on Tanshu Street.

The legend of the big fat sheep in the casino still lives on.


A few days later, Uchiha Yu once again dealt with a Jonin who had regenerated his severed limbs. After sending the crying and laughing Jonin away, he returned to his home.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the exhausted Senju Tobirama. Not only was he mentally exhausted, but the cracks in his filthy earth body were also becoming more and more serious.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but frown and asked: "Nidaime-sama, what have you been doing these past few days, and why have you ended up like this?"

Qianju Tobirama said coldly: "You kid, knowingly asked, haven't I just been working on wood escape crystals these past few days? This is caused by the injuries I suffered when an accident occurred in the experiment."

He held up the hexagonal wood escape crystal and said angrily: "This thing is the condensation of wood escape chakra, but I found that it contains special information, which makes this wood escape chakra have a very high level of characteristics. "

"Just the small amount of Wood Release chakra leaked caused my dirty earth body to lose a lot of chakra, which greatly reduced my time."

Senju Tobirama asked: "I heard Miwa Masashi say that you used a wood escape crystal. How did you use it?"

Uchiha Yu raised his hand and made a gesture of chewing sugar cane.


Senju Tobirama was finally shocked and lost his composure. He asked in disbelief: "How could you eat it? How could you not die after eating it?"

"No! I have to check your body carefully. I have to see what's so special about your body that you can actually eat the Wood Release Crystal."

"Obviously even the body of filthy earth can't bear it."

Uchiha Yuu was stunned and quickly asked: "Wait a minute, Nidaime, what you just said is very interesting. Can you tell me how you caused the experimental accident? And how did you let the chakra of the wood escape crystal leak? from?"

This time Senju Tobirama was silent. What surprised Uchiha Yuu the most was that the Second Hokage actually made a gesture of chewing sugar cane.

"You also eat?"

"Yes, otherwise how could that little leakage cause me major harm?"

"Ha, I understand. Mudun chakra leaks from the stomach, so the damage to the dirty earth body is so serious."


"Why did you think of eating it?"

"There is no other way. I have tried every method. Even if it is ground into powder, this thing can stably restrain the wood escape chakra without causing any leakage."

"I tried all the methods I could, but there was really no other way, so I tried swallowing a little powder to see the effect."

"It turns out that this thing is for eating, but it is definitely not for people to eat."

Senju Tobirama stared at Uchiha Yuu with piercing eyes, and said word by word: "Uchiha boy, you actually ate one of these things, there is definitely something wrong with your body!"

"Let me check it. I promise you will never get hurt. I will be very careful and gentle."

When Senju Tobirama said these words, his eyes glowed with a faint green light, and Uchiha Yuna didn't believe a single word.

He gave a loud "bah" and said: "Don't even think about it, Nidaime, just give up on this idea. I just... bah bah."

"It's absolutely impossible to check the body anyway!"

As the saying goes, all things cannot escape the law of Jingze.

People are so awkward. They say they don't want it, but their bodies are often very honest.

Uchiha Yu still took the initiative to get on the experimental platform. He really wanted to understand his body. Only by knowing what is special about him would the road ahead be easier.

As a first-generation immortal cultivator without the inheritance of Taoism, he had no ready-made path to follow. He had to explore everything by himself, and often had to gamble.

Gambling always requires capital. For the future, Uchiha Yu can only bet everything he has now.

Fortunately, Senju Tobirama was really careful and did not choose violent experiments such as dissection. Of course, this kind of experiment was meaningless.

According to Senju Tobirama, that is: "With the permanent exception of sealing techniques, only living beings can circulate chakra. Even to store chakra, you have to rely on something with vitality."

"For example, the seeds of certain plants and the bones of animals."

He raised the wood escape crystal in his hand and said: "This crystal-like thing itself has activated vitality and is not a real mineral crystal."

"That's why I don't know how to dissect, and I never study dead people."

Senju Tobirama asked Uchiha Yuu to eat a small amount of Mudun crystal, and used various methods and instruments to observe the changes of Mudun chakra in Yu's body.

After several days of continuous research, he looked at the data recorded in the research and looked at Uchiha Yuu with increasingly strange eyes.

Finally, he couldn't help but said: "Uchiha boy, you are really a monster."

"Among the people I have met in my life, only my elder brother Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, who obtained the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, can compare with your current body."

"In the future, you will definitely become..., no, you will definitely be able to surpass the level of both of them and become the undisputed 'strongest' in the ninja world."

 It's the end of the month and I finally squeezed out a chapter.

  Add a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)
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