I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 196: Make Tsunade-hime cry like a little girl

Chapter 196 Make Tsunade-hime cry like a little girl (True · Title Party)
Qianju Tobirama frowned and said: "Being immersed in fear all the time will harm people's internal organs and endocrine system."

"Although for little Tsunade, this kind of injury can be easily cured when she wakes up, but let her calm down."

Uchiha Yu said: "Okay."

After saying that, he took a step closer, put his index finger on the diamond pattern on Tsunade's eyebrows, and the magatama in his eyes rotated rapidly, using the powerful pupil power as a weapon, directly into Tsunade's mind, and using the pupil power to construct a The complex structure of the technique established a spiritual resonance with her.

At the same time, Yuu Uchiha followed the way he suppressed the heart-shaped riot, vibrating the Dantian, transmitting the soul bell to Tsunade's mind, causing the resonance of the eye power technique, and forcibly suppressed her fear.

After losing her sense of fear, Tsunade immediately got rid of the trouble of hemophobia and immediately regained consciousness.

It's just that Tsunade gambled in excitement for half the night last night, and then drank all night long in anger because she lost all her money. She was already mentally exhausted to the point where she was close to her limit.

Now, after being tortured by hemophobia and suffering mental injuries from forcible suppression, when she regained consciousness, Tsunade's mental power was nearly exhausted.

Tsunade was drowsy and reluctantly opened her eyes, but what she saw was her second grandfather.

She thought she was still dreaming, but she even dreamed of her relatives. She instantly remembered the miserable life of the past ten years. Tsunade, filled with sadness, hugged Senju Tobirama and sobbed like a little girl. started to cry.

When Tsunade cried, Uchiha Yu began to think about when to give her a hint, forgetting the fact that there was an Uchiha ninja present when she cried.

If Tsunade keeps such an embarrassing thing in mind, she will definitely find ways to take revenge. With her status and background, this matter will never end.

Fortunately, Tsunade didn't cry for long as she fell into a deep sleep.

Senju Tobirama picked up his granddaughter and walked towards the direction of Tanshu Street where he came from.

Looking at Uchiha Yuu, he asked: "You have absolutely no way to solve this hemophobia. Are you going to let little Tsunade run around with the disease like this?"

Uchiha Yu thought about it carefully and replied: "She can only solve it completely by herself, but I still have temporary solutions."

Qian Shu Feijian was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly asked: "What is the method and how to operate it specifically?"

Uchiha Yu pointed at his eyes and said: "Use Sharingan Genjutsu. I can give the strongest hint that all the blood Tsunade sees is not blood. Since blood cannot be seen, it will naturally not induce Hemophobia.”

Senju Tobirama couldn't help but asked curiously: "What do you plan to let Tsunade see so that she will not think of blood?"

Uchiha Yu thought carefully. Blood is one of the most terrifying memory triggers for humans. Seeing blood will naturally associate it with injury and death.

Even among normal people who have never experienced death, a considerable proportion of people suffer from symptoms of haemorrhage.

Therefore, if you want to overcome the fear of blood, you need stronger sensory stimulation, and it must be a stimulation that can bring strong positive intensity.

Suddenly, a scene from a movie in his previous life appeared in his mind. The villain in the movie was Maja Fake Man. He had a beautiful assistant who lost his legs, but was able to perform amazing kicking skills with blade prosthetics.

But the strongest scene in the movie is the final climax, when the protagonist changes the signal frequency band and the powerful people are shot in the head.

The gorgeous fireworks and headshots are obviously a carnival of blood, but they can make people not feel the slightest cruelty and blood.

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "Fireworks and flowers, I will let Tsunade see the splattering blood as gorgeous fireworks, and the flowing blood as colorful and blooming flowers."

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers and showed his fantasy scene to Senju Tobirama. Even a cold-blooded guy like the Second Hokage was fascinated by it for a moment.

Senju Tobirama was very satisfied with this effect, so he agreed to Uchiha Yu's temporary treatment method.

Back at Tanshu Street, Yuu Uchiha and Tobirama Senju found Tsunade's room and put her in place without alerting anyone.

At this time, Senju Tobirama thought of another question, and he asked: "Uchiha boy, how long can the illusion suggestion you cast last?"

This is also a problem. If the time is too short, Tsunade will have to receive hint reinforcement regularly, which will be very troublesome. Tsunade's temper may not be able to persist.

Even if Tsunade persists, this regular treatment will solidify Tsunade's whereabouts and become a huge flaw that threatens her life.

Uchiha Yu also knew this question. He smiled and replied: "Don't worry, Nidaime, I only need to cast a suggestion once, which is enough to last for several years. As long as it is not triggered frequently, there will be no problem even for ten years."

Qian Shu Feijian felt reassured when he heard this, and then he was horrified.

Ten years, the illusion of the Sharingan can last for ten years on a Kage-level ninja. What is the concept?
This means that Yuu Uchiha's level of genjutsu is extremely high, and it also means that his Sharingan ability is extremely domineering, enough to suppress Kage-level ninjas.

Isn't this the power that only the Mangekyō Sharingan can possess?
Senju Tobirama couldn't help but look up at Uchiha Yuu again. In the end, he was sure that this guy was really not far away from awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan. Otherwise, he wouldn't have such a powerful illusion, even exclusive to the Mangekyō Sharingan. ability.

But the strange thing is that Uchiha Yu has had similar illusion abilities for a long time. It is supposed that he should have awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan long ago, and should not maintain the status quo as stably as now.

Senju Tobirama thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to let it go. The matter was not urgent enough to make an immediate decision.

Although he is dead and whether he can move is in the hands of others, he can leave the matter to Tsunade and let her take care of this Uchiha Yuu.


Tsunade suddenly opened her eyes. She found that she was lying in a comfortable bed. She did not have the headache and nausea symptoms that are typical after a hangover. Instead, she felt relaxed and full of energy.

She sat up, touched her forehead gently, and slowly recalled that she seemed to have seen her second grandfather, but it had been 20 years since his death.

Tsunade used both hands to comb her blond hair back, revealing her charming and fair face, and sighed: "Seeing the Second Grandpa, it was indeed a dream."


The paper door of the room was opened, and Senju Tobirama, who heard the movement inside, stepped in.

His appearance caused Tsunade's brain to fail instantly. After a few minutes of lag, Tsunade, who had her hands in her blond hair, suddenly messed up her hair, then lay down on her side and pulled up the quilt to cover her.

She murmured: "I saw the second grandpa again. Is it really still a dream?"

"No wonder I still feel like I have a headache after drinking so much wine. It turns out I was in a dream."

"Sleep a little longer, I should really wake up when I wake up."

"Haha, why do I keep dreaming about my second grandfather? Do I have to stop drinking temporarily?"


Although the second generation Hokage dotes on Tsunade, he is not as gentle and gentle as the first generation Hokage. Seeing Tsunade retracting into the bed pretending to be dead, he walked forward without hesitation and turned the bed upside down. .

Tsunade was thrown to the ground without any defense, and fell on her back like an ordinary person. She did not show the qualities that a ninja should have at all.

Qianju Tobirama asked coldly: "How is it? Are you awake now?"

"It hurts, it hurts..." Tsunade, who covered her face and cried out in pain, suddenly closed her mouth. She raised her head and looked at the Second Hokage blankly. After a long time, she trembled and asked, "Second Grandpa, is it you?" ?"

Senju Tobirama replied with a cold face: "It's me, why don't you come to your senses quickly?"

Hearing this distant and unfamiliar voice, Tsunade woke up from her confusion, and her alertness as a ninja gradually returned.

Then she discovered various abnormalities such as the cracks on Senju Tobirama's body and the pure black eyes.

As a former high-ranking official of Konoha Village and the last heir of the Hand Hand Clan, Tsunade's knowledge of ninjutsu is undoubtedly rich, and she quickly understood that this was the effect of reincarnation in the dirty land.

She immediately became alert and assumed a combat stance.

The art of reincarnation in the dirty earth is a forbidden art developed by Senju Tobirama. People who are resurrected by this art cannot maintain absolute freedom, but have to obey the orders of the caster like puppets.Tsunade could not have imagined that the second grandfather in front of her might be controlled by the enemy and come close to her with some purpose, so she was naturally on guard.

Qianju Tobirama sighed, but also relaxed a lot, and said: "Well, if I really want to deal with you, you will be finished already if you only think of being alert now."

"Get up, wash up, and tidy up. It's time for dinner."

Tsunade curled her lips, seemingly reluctant, but in fact she started to put on her clothes happily.

She even sat in front of the dressing table and put effort into dressing herself up. The slightly raised corners of her mouth showed her happiness.

But when Tsunade came to the restaurant and saw Yu Uchiha sitting with Tobirama Senju, discussing the issue intensely, she felt like she was dreaming again.

[Second Grandpa is actually so close to an Uchiha ninja. Is it because I am blind, or is the world already broken? 】

But Tsunade quickly thought of another possibility. This Uchiha ninja was the one who intercepted her, so he was also likely to be the caster of the Earth Reincarnation Technique.

It might even be the enemy controlling Senju Tobirama!

Thinking of this, Tsunade's hair stood on end, because she remembered that this was the guy who knocked her down with a blood sea genjutsu. He knew that he was suffering from hemophobia.

Fear made her extremely nervous, and powerful chakra suddenly burst out, and her extremely supple ponytails were driven by the wind of chakra, rising into the sky and making a roar.

Tsunade asked sharply, "Who are you?"

Qianju Tobirama reached out and pressed lightly, suppressing the dining table that almost flew up. At the same time, he also suppressed the table full of exquisite food to avoid food waste.

Uchiha Yu was amazed: "It turns out that the Senju clan has such a good foundation, and such a large amount of chakra is really enviable."

Then, before Tsunade punched him, he used the chakra scalpel condensed in his left hand and cut his right wrist open.

After experiencing the last lesson that Miwa Masashi wanted to drink blood but failed, Uchiha Yu knew that he must have a way to cut his own skin.

Otherwise, when self-healing cannot solve the problem and treatment is necessary, it will be very embarrassing to face skin that cannot be cut.

To this end, he took great pains to develop his own chakra scalpel by referring to the chakra scalpel in medical ninjutsu and the water release and water break wave of Senju Tobirama.

Unlike the scalpel in medical ninjutsu, Uchiha Yu's scalpel is incredibly violent.

If it is cut into an ordinary ninja, it will not show the damage of cutting. Instead, it will be like a high-pressure water cannon penetrating the human body, turning the opponent into pieces of flesh and blood.

When cutting into Uchiha Yuu himself, it would break open the tough skin and cause sustained damage for a period of time, preventing the wound from healing immediately.

So, after the knife went down, blood spattered on Uchiha Yu's wrist and spurted out more than one meter away.

The speed of Tsunade, who was ready to attack, was far inferior to that of Yuu Uchiha, and she had no time to stop his movements.

When Tsunade saw the chakra scalpel cutting into the skin, she had already imagined the blood splattering. Her heart tightened subconsciously, and the muscles all over her body suddenly tensed up. The surging chakra suddenly dissipated, and she fell into a panic of hemophobia. Prelude.

[It’s over, they are indeed enemies.To target my hemophobic weakness in such a despicable manner, who leaked my information?Or is it... their arrangement? 】

Thinking of this, Tsunade didn't know why, but a strong sense of grievance came to her heart, and tears welled up in her green eyes involuntarily.

She cried like a little girl again.

But the next moment, Tsunade realized that something was wrong. She did not see blood. What sprayed out from the wound on the Uchiha ninja's arm turned out to be small, but extremely dazzling... fireworks?
What's flowing on the arms and dripping on the ground is not blood, but tender green grass and more gorgeous flowers.

Both spectacles were colorful and beautiful. The strong visual beauty dissipated her knowledge of blood, and her fear disappeared.

The hemophobia did not attack, and the body's strength recovered instantly, but the extremely shocked Tsunade still slumped on the ground, letting big tears flow down her cheeks.

Senju Tobirama frowned and asked: "Uchiha boy, is your illusion good? Why is little Tsunade still acting so miserable?"

Uchiha Yuu was also a little confused. He scratched his head and said: "It shouldn't be. Isn't the visual impact enough? But if the fireworks effect is enhanced, the impact on the field of vision will be too great, and it will become a weakness in itself. ah."

"That's not right. Tsunade's behavior is different from that in the morning. She might... Oops!"

Before Uchiha Yuu could finish speaking, Tsunade had already rushed forward and aimed a hard punch at his head, but he raised his left hand to catch it.

Although Tsunade did not use powerful chakra in this attack, nor did she use a strange power technique, the Senju clan's natural strength still exerted great power.

Uchiha Yuu was not Jiraiya. Even if it happened in a hurry, he blocked the attack but failed to save the floor under his feet.

This hotel was a standard Japanese-style building. The floor was just a thin layer of wood. The floor shattered and he was knocked down.

It was precisely because of this punch that Uchiha Yuu's temper was brought out. His eyes instantly turned into Sharingan, and his eyes became as sharp as knives.

The fierce murderous intent shot directly from Uchiha Yu's eyes to Tsunade's eyes. Because no genjutsu was used, Tsunade felt his murderous intent more intuitively.

Seeing these eyes, Tsunade's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and she couldn't hit the second punch no matter what.

Uchiha Yuu just climbed up from the floor with his Sharingan, and then looked at Senju Tobirama silently, waiting for his treatment.

Senju Tobirama felt slightly relieved and said coldly to Tsunade: "Apologise!"

Tsunade looked back at him and protested: "Second Grandpa..."

This 30-year-old blonde beauty's coquettish voice is extremely soft, not as strong as before.

But Qian Shu Feijian remained unmoved and said coldly: "Obviously he is a stronger and more proud person than you, and he reached out to help you, but you actually attack others regardless of good or evil. What makes you become so evil?" No distinction?"

"Hiruzhan has really spoiled you. You don't even understand the basics of good and bad and the situation. You actually punched someone who is more powerful than you. Do you want to die?"

"Lower your head, put down your flashy pride, and apologize to me sincerely!"

Tsunade didn't dare to speak anymore. She was not a fool. It was just that as Tsunade-hime of Konoha Village, she was overly pampered by the whole village. Moreover, there was Jiraiya, a Kage-level ninja's licking dog, which made her The eyes were blinded.

Senju Tobirama's scolding finally made Tsunade understand the situation clearly, and her smart mind began to work. Then she knew that she had made a big mistake that could kill her.

If it weren't for the existence of Senju Tobirama, he would probably be controlled by genjutsu again, and then die inexplicably at the hands of this unknown Uchiha.

Tsunade's murderous aura that could only be fed by the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood confirmed that the other party would not hold back and would not care about the Leaf Village and the Senju clan.

She no longer dared to be willful, she lowered her head honestly and said loudly: "I'm sorry, I was so rude just now. Please forgive me no matter what!"

Uchiha Yu was satisfied with Senju Tobirama's attitude in solving the problem, but was a little surprised by Tsunade's attitude of apologizing. This was quite different from the Tsunade he knew.

However, in the plot, Tsunade is already 50 years old when she appears on the scene. No matter how young she looks on the surface, her inner character is definitely very different from what she was in her early 30s.

Uchiha Yu did not show his surprise, but looked at Senju Tobirama and said: "Nidaime, for your sake and for Tsunade-senpai's attitude, this matter ends here. "

After saying that, he stamped his foot on the floor, and fresh branches and leaves immediately grew on the broken wooden board.

Tsunade, who was a little dissatisfied with his words, was dumbfounded when she saw this scene. She pointed at the branches and said stumblingly: "Mu, wood escape!"

(End of this chapter)
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