I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 195 The root of gambling addiction is the first Hokage Tehashirama

Chapter 195 The root of gambling addiction is the first Hokage Senju Hashirama

Not only did Uchiha Shisui possess the will of fire, but he was also very successfully trained by Uchiha Yuu, making him somewhat like Senju Tobirama.

As long as Uchiha Shisui is properly arranged, the Uchiha family can once again establish contact with the position of Hokage, which will become an opportunity for the complete integration of Konoha Village and the Uchiha family.

Uchiha Yuu didn't believe that Senju Tobirama could not be tempted.

The two of them had their own thoughts and walked quickly through the forest in silence. On the contrary, the two-tailed tanuki cat was leisurely and contentedly lying on Uchiha Yuu's shoulder.

She worked hard to swing her two tails, practicing her ability to control her tails in the wind.

Yuu Uchiha and Tobirama Senju were very fast and ran to Yuno Kuni overnight. Starting from the hot spring street, they checked all the way and quickly confirmed that Tsunade was not in Yuno Kuni.

Then they spent two days traveling all over the Country of Fields, the Country of Iron, the Country of Taki, and the Country of Grass.

In the end, the two of them looked at the thick red clouds in front of them and shook their heads at the same time. There was no need to go to the Country of Rain. It was already completely destroyed and there would be no room for casinos to survive.

Uchiha Yuu sighed and said, "It seems it's in Tanshu Street in the south of Kawa no Kuni."

"This is really far away."

Hearing Uchiha Yu's complaint, Senju Tobirama said: "Boy, give me a new body, and I can take you directly back to Konoha Village."

Uchiha Yuu slowly turned his head, looked at him with wide eyes, and asked in disbelief: "Did you carve the Flying Thunder God's mark on my house?"

Senju Tobirama crossed his arms, raised his chin slightly with contentment, looked down at the shocked Uchiha Yuu, and said lightly:

Uchiha Yu put his head in his hands and wailed: "It's over, it's over now!"

Thousand Hands Tobirama asked doubtfully: "Didn't I just secretly carve the mark of the Flying Thunder God? How about this?"

Miwa Masashi smiled and replied: "Nidaime, you should have told me in advance, nya, that house has his own mark of the Flying Thunder God, nya. Both of your marks are there. If they are so far away, they will interfere with each other, nya. .”

Senju Tobirama was shocked when he heard this. He looked at the civet cat and asked, "Uchiha Yuu also knows how to fly the Thunder God Technique?"

Miwa Masashi nodded calmly and said, "That's true, nya."

"Have you read the Book of Sealings?"

"No meow?"

"Then how did he learn the art of Flying Thunder God?"

Miwa Masashi said matter-of-factly: "It was developed by Yuu himself."

Senju Tobirama said in surprise: "It's amazing that I developed it myself."

"It's not that great." Uchiha Yuu had calmed down his emotions, sighed and rubbed Miwa Masayo's head, and said: "I can re-develop the Flying Thunder God Technique, and speaking of it, you have the greatest contribution."

Qianju Tobirama was so strange that he couldn't help but laugh: "I have the greatest credit, how is this possible?"

Uchiha Yu explained: "It is true. You successfully developed the Flying Thunder God Technique, which proves that this technique can be developed. This gives me more confidence."

"Then you also explained to many people that this technique was developed based on the psychic technique and the sealing technique."

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "The clues are so clear, how can I still not know how to develop them?"

"I have Miwa Masashi who can channel and counter-channel psychics. I have also specially learned the sealing technique. It is a matter of course that I can successfully develop it."

"So in the development of the Flying Thunder God Technique, your contribution is definitely the first."

Senju Tobirama smiled proudly; "Okay, that's really good."

Uchiha Yu said angrily: "Don't laugh, we can't go back to Konoha Village directly now, we can only count on Miwa Masayo to slowly turn around."

Senju Tobirama asked in surprise: "Masayo Miwa can also fly the thunder god technique?"

Miwa Masato said with his eyes closed: "I can't meow. It's because I can't do it that we have the chance to return to Konoha Village quickly."

Suddenly, the civet cat shouted: "I sensed the source of the fire, Meow, Yu, I'll go back first, and I'll cast reverse psychic meow on you right away."

Uchiha Yu nodded, popped up a ball of flame, and said: "I'll wait for you."

Miwa Masayo stretched out his claws and aimed at the flames, which instantly expanded into a large fireball with a diameter of half a meter. Then he jumped into the flames and disappeared.

Senju Tobirama was extremely surprised. He didn't feel the fluctuation of chakra at all during this process, and he didn't even feel the fluctuation of senjutsu chakra.

He hesitated and asked, "Is this magic?"

Uchiha Yu thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, but it is different from ordinary senjutsu. It feels like the instinctive senjutsu of Miwa Masayo Sage."

"I don't know if it relies on instinctive use and only consumes natural energy. It will not produce any fluctuations in chakra."

Thousand Hands Tobijian sighed: "It's really a magical magic."

He had seen the celestial arts of Thousand Arms Pillar, and the real Thousand Arms that was unleashed was as majestic as a miracle.

The magic of Sanwa Yasushi is silent, but the magic is equally astonishing.

Soon, Uchiha Yu turned into a ball of white smoke and was reverse-channeled back to Konoha Village.

After waiting for a full quarter of an hour, he returned again and said with a dismayed face: "You are really good at it. You actually carved it on the beam, making it difficult for me to find it."

"Oh, it's true. I forgot to ask before I left. Otherwise, it would have been shoveled away in a few minutes."

Back in Konoha Village, Uchiha Yu and Senju Tobirama had to hurry up, otherwise they might not be able to stop Tsunade, so they set off immediately.

Miwa Masato expressed that she would not go. She said: "It's boring for you to keep rushing. I would rather stay at home."

Uchiha Yu had no choice but to set off alone with Senju Tobirama.

Because he had detoured most of the ninja world, Senju Tobirama's body was almost exhausted, so most of the time he could only let Uchiha Yuu carry him on his back.

Fortunately, he has been insisting on physical training since he established the foundation. His physical fitness has already exceeded the limits of humans and ninjas, and he has no pressure under the burden of Senju Tobirama.

In fact, the weight of Tobirama Tobirama is not even comparable to any weight carried by Uchiha Yuu, and his running speed is still so fast.

After driving all day and night, they saw the sign of Tushu Street at dawn.

Uchiha Yu took advantage of the last moment before the casino was over and easily obtained information about the "Big Fat Sheep", and was even mercilessly ridiculed by the casino guard.

"Hahaha, idiot, you came late, and the big fat sheep lost all his money in the middle of the night!"

Uchiha Yu's expression was indeed a bit ugly. He glared fiercely and sent these gangsters with knife tattoos into the nightmare of exams, letting them enjoy a study and exam with unlimited time.

Although in reality they will only sleep for one hour, if they cannot study hard and pass the exam, they will experience up to 30 years of hard study.

But how can a good student work as a doorman in a casino? At the very least, he must work as a croupier.

As soon as these gangsters lay down, they groaned in pain because of the horrible nightmare. They curled up into balls one by one, trembling all over, and shouted indistinctly: "That's enough, no more, I can't stand it anymore, help." , I don’t want it anymore, I really can’t do it anymore…”

It must be said that these intermittent sleep talks have a suffocating power of misunderstanding.

The way Senju Tobirama looked at Uchiha Yuu was wrong.

But driven by curiosity, the Second Hokage still asked, what happened to these gangsters?
After learning that the content of the hallucination nightmare was a mathematics class, he started learning from addition and subtraction until he could pass the exams of solid geometry and linear algebra.

Senju Tobirama couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

He was an out-and-out genius, but he had six idiot disciples.

When teaching mathematics, he had a deep experience of the pain and torture that mathematics would cause to his disciples, and the degree of backlash that would be caused to him if he could not teach it.

After the class, the seven masters and disciples all wanted to die.

Recalling the painful memories, Senju Tobirama couldn't help but admire: "The illusion you developed is so perfect. It can not only punish them, but also allow them to learn useful knowledge." "The most important thing is, You can prevent yourself from getting hurt."

Uchiha Yu asked in surprise: "Second Hokage-sama, aren't your disciples pretty good? Are they going to suffer... pain in teaching?"

Senju Tobirama sneered: "Do you think Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others are all good students? Maybe they are barely geniuses in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and combat."

“But when it comes to studying, alas—!”

The long sigh made Uchiha Yu feel the pain of Senju Tobirama, and he said: "When I get back, I will give this jutsu to you. Although you don't have the Sharingan, with your ability, you can change it to a regular genjutsu. There won’t be any problem.”

"Okay, I owe you a ninjutsu!"

While they were talking, the two came to a hotel. This was the place where the casino owner arranged for Tsunade, the "big fat sheep", after she lost all her money.

I have to say that this casino owner is quite nice.

However, if you dig deeper, you will find that this is an experience of blood and tears.

According to the information obtained by Uchiha Yu, Tsunade has a very bad temper and is extremely hot-tempered. She will fight against her creditors if she disagrees with her.

If the bones in his body were broken after being beaten, she would heal them and then beat them again.

In the past year, after she lost all her money several times, she went on a rampage in the casino because she had no money for accommodation. She not only beat the casino owner to pieces, but even demolished the house.

This is completely different from Tsunade-sama at the beginning of the plot.

At that time, Tsunade knew how to cheat, eat the King's meal, refuse to pay back the money she owed, and pretend to be soft to get rid of her creditors, but she no longer beat creditors and casino owners.

Maybe it's because he's older and has gained experience in being sober, so he naturally restrains his temper. Maybe it's because he has Kato Shizune with him, so he has to restrain his temper.

In short, Tsunade is very scary now.

The big fat sheep's reputation spread like wildfire because of his inability to lose when gambling. No matter how dangerous it was, the casino would not refuse his entry.

Money attracts people's hearts. It is so easy to make money from big fat sheep, so there is an endless stream of people risking their lives.

After hearing this information, Senju Tobirama covered her face helplessly, not daring to say anything.

The Senju clan was completely disgraced, but is it no wonder Tsunade is so embarrassed?

Obviously not. The root of the problem of gambling addiction is undoubtedly Senju Hashirama, the first Hokage. What can Senju Tobirama do?

In the hotel room, there was a young woman with a hot figure, her long golden hair hanging casually on her back, reflecting the dazzling light under the light.

She sat with her legs side by side on the tatami, her upper body leaning on the wine table where cups and plates were scattered, her right elbow resting on the table, her pretty face turned rose red due to drunkenness on her wrist, and her left hand holding a bottle of white porcelain sake.

The delicate facial contours, exquisite facial features, curved willow eyebrows are full of anger, the drunken eyes are like a clear water shrouded in mist, filled with all kinds of charm, and the lips are as delicate as rose petals.

The woman raised the bottle, raised her slender jade neck slightly, and drank half of the bottle of sake in one gulp.

The raised slender hands and the raised swan neck all highlight the softness of the woman, and at the same time, the strong contrast makes the majesty of the chest appear even more turbulent.

In the corner of the tatami, discarded a pair of black high heels and a green coat with the word "Gamble" written on the back.

This most beautiful woman in the ninja world is none other than Tsunade Hime, the number one medical ninja in the ninja world and one of the three ninjas of Konoha Village.

She was not sleeping at this time, and was still on the last leg of her all-night drinking session.

Suddenly, Tsunade felt a strong murderous aura, and the target was clearly pointed at her. The murderous aura was bone-cold and penetrated deep into the bone marrow and soul, making Tsunade feel like she was in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, as if she had fallen into hell.

Being targeted in such a terrifying manner, Tsunade's pores opened in an instant, and the wine she had drunk for half the night turned into sweat and immediately turned into sweat. She was sweating all over her body and exuded a strong smell of wine, but she had already woken up from the wine.

Tsunade was extremely horrified. She could not imagine how many people this ninja had killed to possess such terrifying murderous intent, but she knew that she could never fight the enemy indoors, or even fight in Tanshu Street.

So Tsunade dropped the wine glass and flask, used the teleportation technique to disappear indoors, and ran towards the wilderness on the roof.

Under the morning light, Tsunade kept looking back and could not see any pursuers at all, but the cold and biting murderous intention was like a gangrene attached to the bones, tightly wrapping around her without abating at all.

He turned out to be a powerful Kage-level ninja.

Could it be that some bastard from the Ninja Village came here to assassinate Tsunade because he was worried that Tsunade would return to Konoha Village and strengthen Konoha Village's war potential?

This doesn't make sense. She left the Leaf Village before the last battle ended. What bastard is so heartless? Doesn't this force Tsunade to return to the Leaf Village?
Tsunade thought about her hemophobia, and her heart suddenly became heavy, and she began to seriously consider whether it would be better to just run away and go back to Konoha Village.

Although the Third Hokage will nag, and although the current Konoha Village makes Tsunade feel more uncomfortable, at least her life will not be in danger.

Just as Tsunade was hesitating about her next move, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her. The terrifying murderous aura suddenly broke out from his body and locked onto Tsunade.

Tsunade stopped. Chakra surged throughout her body, concentrating on her arms and legs, especially on her fists. She raised her hands and used the soles of her feet to charge.

At this moment, the ninja who was blocking Tsunade raised his head and looked at her. A pair of three magatama sharingan eyes suddenly occupied Tsunade's entire field of vision.

"Sharingan! No, it's a genjutsu!"

Tsunade didn't hesitate at all, nor was she in a hurry to release the genjutsu, but instead punched the ground with all her strength.

Ninja Technique·Monster Power Technique

The white and tender fist hit the ground hard, causing the ground to crack instantly and sink into a bowl-shaped pit, and then the entire ground shattered inch by inch.

With the pit as the center, spiderweb-like cracks extended out, reaching hundreds of meters away!

Due to the shattering of the ground, Uchiha Yuu had to jump high to avoid the terrifying vibrations from the ground.

Just in mid-air, he saw the spectacle of the earth shattering. The corners of his eyes beat wildly involuntarily, and he thought to himself:
[If I were hit directly by this punch, would I be killed? 】

[No, but serious injuries are definitely inevitable, and they must be injuries caused by comminuted bone fractures, and the speed of self-healing will certainly not be fast. 】

[This would be very passive. 】

[Tsk, maybe after the breakthrough, I have to consider ways to strengthen my bones and internal organs. 】

Uchiha Yuu gently turned over in the air, and then landed gently and delicately on Tsunade's left side, only 20 meters away from Tsunade.

He turned his head relaxedly and said to Senju Tobirama: "Nidaime, you do it next."

Senju Tobirama frowned, stared at Tsunade tightly, and asked, "What's wrong with her?"

At this time, Tsunade no longer had the brave and heroic appearance of breaking the earth with her fist. She hugged her shoulders and sat down on the ground, curling up into a ball and shivering.

Even Tsunade's eyes were straight, completely out of focus, and she was even deaf to the sounds of the outside world, looking so weak, pitiful and helpless.

It was as if the big hole in the ground was made by someone else to threaten her.

Senju Tobirama asked again: "Uchiha boy, what did you just do?"

Uchiha Yu raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice: "According to the information I have, Tsunade is suffering from anemia, which is a mental illness that she got when Kato Dan died."

"I just used Sharingan's genjutsu to make Tsunade see the plasma all over the floor."

"But... to be honest, I really didn't expect that Tsunade's hemophobia would be so serious."

Senju Tobirama walked over and examined Tsunade carefully, but found that he had no idea what to do.

So he turned around and asked: "I'm not good at medical ninjutsu. I can only treat physical injuries. I lack awareness of diseases in the mental field. What can you do?"

Only then did Uchiha Yu approach and said, "We, the Uchiha clan, do still have some means in the spiritual field, but they can only solve the mental damage caused by enemy attacks."

"There is no way to treat a mental illness like this caused by its own reasons. We can only hope that she can figure it out on her own and muster the courage to overcome her fear."

"After all, scaring yourself is the scariest thing."

(End of this chapter)
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