I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 194 Tobirama, who came out again, personally confirmed: Shimura Danzo killed well!

Chapter 194 Tobirama, who came out again, personally confirmed: Shimura Danzo killed well!

After sending away the fourth limb regenerator, everything will be fine. At least no one will bother Uchiha Yu for seven days, and he can do some things of his own.

Two months later, Senju Tobirama opened his eyes again. After confirming that he had enough chakra, he immediately formed a seal to release the control of the reincarnation of the dirty land and gained absolute freedom.

After that, the Second Hokage let go of his hands and feet and began to move. After a while, he complained dissatisfiedly: "Uchiha boy, brat, what's going on? Why do you have so little chakra?"

"Did you kid get a bandit as a sacrifice? This is too shabby."

Uchiha Yuu looked at the second-generation Hokage who was turning against his guests, and he was glad that the White Zetsu sacrifice for Ying was not seen by him, otherwise this sinister guy would definitely find a way to let him use it.

Senju Tobirama finally stopped complaining and asked, "Where is the ice escape ninja from last time?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "He is still in Kirigakure Village. The Snow Clan seems to be in big trouble, so I am not in a hurry to channel him back."

The Second Hokage nodded and said, "You have a conscience. Tell me, what do you want me to do if I come out this time?"

Uchiha Yu took out a green crystal and said, "This time, I'm asking you to help me analyze this..."

The moment Senju Tobirama saw the crystal, he exclaimed: "Wooden Crystal! Such a big piece!"

Obviously, this is not the first time Senju Tobirama has seen him.

Uchiha Yu asked: "Have you ever seen this kind of crystal?"

Senju Tobirama asked at the same time: "Where did you get it?"

The two of them were stunned at the same time. Uchiha Yu reacted faster, raised his hand and said: "Let's ask and answer."

Qianju Tobijian nodded and said, "Okay, I'll answer first. I've seen this kind of crystal. It's not this big, and it's not hexagonal, but in the shape of a drop."

Uchiha Yuu said: "I would venture to guess that the drop-shaped crystal you have seen was condensed from the first generation, right?"

When Senju Tobirama heard Uchiha Yu's guess, he was stunned for a while, then nodded and said: "You guessed it right, it was condensed from under my elder brother's skin."

He pointed to the position of his heart and added: "It was from this position that there was a big bulge. We were all frightened at the time and thought that my eldest brother was seriously ill."

Then he looked at Uchiha Yu and asked: "Can such a big wood escape crystal in your hand be taken out of a human body?"

Uchiha Yuchu's crystal is as thick as a five-year-old child's arm, and its length reaches 36 centimeters. If this thing grew from the human body...

Bah, even if it were poked in, people would be stabbed to death.

Uchiha Yu replied honestly: "Of course not, I discovered an underground cave in the Country of Yu. Deep in the cave, there is a huge dome cave supported by tree roots. This was dug out from the tree roots. .”

Qianju Tobirama frowned and murmured: "...The huge tree roots and wood escape crystals...are interesting."

"I am very interested in this job, so I took it. In addition, I also have a task here that I need you to complete."

Uchiha Yu didn't expect that the Second Hokage would release a mission, so he quickly asked: "What mission is it?"

Senju Tobirama said: "Actually, my elder brother asked me to take you to take me to see... Tsunade's condition. As you said, Tsunade left Konoha Village for many years and hasn't come back. Big brother is very worried about her."

"Besides, I also want to know why she left Konoha Village."

Uchiha Yuu scratched his head and said: "It is very troublesome to find Tsunade. This lady travels all over the world. Wherever there are casinos and izakayas, there is a possibility of her, but it is only possible. .”

"However, if you ask Tsunade why she left Konoha Village, I can tell you directly."

"what is the reason?"

"What other reason could there be? I'm just sad."

"My brother is dead, my lover is dead, and all my relatives are dead. The most terrible thing is that the closest relative died under mysterious circumstances, and she is not allowed to investigate. It's really heartbreaking."

The expression of the Second Hokage remained unchanged, but his temperament suddenly turned cold, and a murderous aura surged out of him like a cold wind.

The twin-tailed Miwa Masato jumped off Uchiha Yuu's shoulder with excitement, licked his lips without saying anything, and walked away with cat steps.

The second-generation Hokage, whose white hair was slightly waving, asked in a cold voice: "Did you die in a strange way? Who died in a strange way? How did you die in a strange way?"

"Uchiha boy, tell me..."

Facing Senju Tobirama's murderous aura, Uchiha Yuu seemed to be calm and said calmly: "Okay, but I can't describe the specific details. After all, I don't have the chance to see it with my own eyes."

"That was all about the last war. At that time, our Konoha Village was besieged by four major ninja villages at the same time. The battle situation was very ugly, and the battle was extremely difficult, so the students from the ninja school graduated early and joined the battlefield. …”


The floor under Senju Tobirama's feet suddenly broke, and the crisp cracking sound interrupted Uchiha Yu's narration.Realizing that he had lost his composure, Tobirama took a deep breath and waved his hand for Yu to continue.

In fact, Uchiha Yu had already expected that as long as the matters in Konoha Village were explained in detail, the first two generations of Hokage would definitely not be able to accept it. His pause was to leave time for the second generation to relax.

Seeing Senju Tobirama calm down, he continued speaking.

"At that time, Senju Naoki was also a member of the front line. He had been a genin for two years after graduating and was assigned to his teacher Orochimaru's team. The situation was much better than other students under ten years old. Normally, Nothing should happen.”

"But under Orochimaru's care, the rope tree accidentally fell into the detonating charm trap and was killed. It is really incredible."

Senju Tobirama knew Orochimaru and knew that he was a powerful and knowledgeable jounin.Being able to hide Orochimaru's detonating talisman trap requires more than just high production level.

The ninja who made the trap must know Orochimaru very well and be familiar with his habit of detecting the battlefield environment. Only with targeted arrangements can he hide it from his eyes.

Even so, the trap can only hide Orochimaru from a certain distance, and it is impossible to threaten Orochimaru himself.

In other words, the ninja who made the trap specifically targeted Orochimaru, but his target was the rope tree that Orochimaru was guarding.

Therefore, the ninja who made the trap was most likely a ninja from the Leaf Village.

Qianju Tobirama laughed angrily and asked, "What else is there? Keep talking."

"After Naoki's death, Tsunade proposed that medical ninjas be assigned to the team, and vigorously promoted this matter despite everyone's opposition."

"In the process, she met Kato Danjonin, and the two quickly developed into a romantic relationship."

"Unfortunately, during a subsequent mission, the jounin team composed of the two of them and the Kimoku Kotō jonin was attacked. Kato Danjonin died of serious injuries due to ruptured internal organs."

"It is said that Tsunade had a big quarrel with his teacher, the Third Hokage, and then left the Leaf Village and never came back."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Yu found that Senju Tobirama was mumbling something. When he listened carefully, it was him who was mumbling: "The dead cannot interfere with the living, the dead cannot interfere with the living,..."

It seemed that the second generation was really murderous and was just using this as an excuse to restrain himself.

But Senju Tobirama is not essentially a good person, let alone a rule-abiding person. He should still be thinking about the interests of Konoha Village.

If the Third Hokage died unexpectedly during the war, even if Orochimaru was here, Konoha Village would have experienced a great chaos. If the chaos spread to the front line, whether it could even survive would be a question.

In the heart of the Second Hokage, a true politician, personal grudges are far less important than political interests. His biggest and most important political interest is the continuation of Konoha Village.

It can only be said that the Third Hokage's luck is indeed good.

The Second Hokage is not a pushover person. He rarely uses words to convince others.

What Senju Tobirama is best at is using policies and interests to restrain others, such as using the interests of the Security Department to control the Uchiha clan.

In addition, he is also good at using the blade to silence others, such as Uchiha Izuna who fell under the flying thunder god.If it were a time of peace, Senju Tobirama would never hesitate. Instead, he would immediately get up and go to Hiruzen Sarutobi to inquire about the specific situation. The most likely possibility is that the whole village of Konoha will mourn tomorrow, and the fourth generation of Hokage will be welcomed the day after tomorrow. .

After a while, the Second Hokage said slowly: "Uchiha Yuu, I'm feeling restless right now and can't work for the time being. You take me to Tsunade first, and I can take some time to relax."

Uchiha Yu naturally agreed wholeheartedly.

He found Masashi Miwa and asked her to inform Yaeko and tell Uchiha Shisui that she would rest tomorrow morning.

After that, Uchiha Yu took Miwa Masayo and Senju Tobirama and slipped out of Konoha Village through the loopholes in the barrier of Konoha Village.

When passing through the barrier, Senju Tobirama became angry again. He told Uchiha Yu that as long as it was properly maintained, there should be no loopholes here even after 20 years.

Uchiha Yu asked curiously: "Nidaime, as far as I know, Konoha Village has a full-time barrier team. Is there a big problem with their maintenance?"

After a brief inspection, Senju Tobirama shook his head and said, "This is not a maintenance problem. Someone made changes to the barrier and dug a gap deliberately."

"This is man-made destruction."

Uchiha Yu understood, it was the root.

As the department responsible for handling dark affairs in the Third Hokage Group, they cannot guarantee that every time they go out to perform a mission, they will go according to plan. When encountering an emergency mission, it will be too late to apply for a cover-up mission, so they need such a hidden passage.

In particular, Danzo Shimura was very ambitious. He needed access channels that could circumvent the surveillance of the Third Hokage. It was not surprising that he could use the power given by the Third Hokage to open some additional channels.

The person who performed this task was probably the most knowledgeable Orochimaru, and he would habitually dig a few more passages as his own secret passages.

After practical operation, Shimura Danzo also mastered this technique and drilled many holes on his own.

The Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo, and Orochimaru all knew that there were holes in the barrier, but they didn't know how many there were.Unknowingly, for their own convenience, the higher-ups of Konoha Village dug holes in the barrier of Konoha Village, making it what it is today.

The barrier, which was originally designed to only allow one door opening, was completely destroyed and even reached the point of collapse.

So much so that a full-time enchantment class had to be set up to ensure the existence and operation of the enchantment by increasing maintenance efforts.

In the past 20 years, Konoha Village's prosperity has more than doubled, but the number of accumulated problems is even more shocking.

Senju Tobirama is the second-generation Hokage. He is also the most politically savvy among the three Hokage, and he is the one who knows Konoha Village best. Every system and most functional departments of Konoha Village were designed by him personally.

Just through the contact with the leopard in the tube, Senju Tobirama was able to estimate the situation of Konoha Village at best. After thinking for more than ten minutes, he asked: "Uchiha boy, how many ANBU are there now?" Are you here?"

Uchiha Yu looked at him in surprise, and then replied helplessly: "Second Hokage-sama, the number of ANBU is the secret of Konoha Village. As a guarded Uchiha clan, it is absolutely impossible for me to know."

Qianju Feijian snorted coldly and retorted: "That's nonsense. Of course I'm sure of it when I ask you."

"Of course I know that the Uchiha clan is being targeted, but just because you are the most closely watched by the ANBU, you should also be the ones who know the ANBU best."

Uchiha Yuu said helplessly: "Nidaime, you imagine that the Uchiha family is too powerful. Even the patriarch and elders of our family don't know..."

Senju Tobirama said impatiently: "Of course I know they don't know, but I also know, you must know!"

Uchiha Yuu: "..."

Senju Tobirama's eyes were like daggers, shooting out through his black eyes, staring at him, making Uchiha Yu feel uncomfortable, and finally he could only lower his head and admit:
"Well, I do."

Uchiha Yuu said: "There are now 550 to 650 ANBU people. They are now distributed on all battlefields and throughout the Land of Fire, undertaking dangerous intelligence and assassination missions. The specific number changes every day, but it is roughly maintained at this Within the quantity range.”

Senju Tobirama murmured: "Is it increased nine times? In other words, Hiruzen's prestige is less than one-tenth of mine. How can he do so poorly?"

Uchiha Yu curled his lips and said: "Actually, that's not all. There is also the root of Shimura Danzo's establishment in the village. It belongs to the ANBU in name, but is actually his private army."

Senju Tobirama asked in confusion: "The roots, Danzo's private army, why do you say that?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "Looking at the organizational form, the root members are not selected from Konoha ninjas, but children recruited from orphanages and ninja clans, plus orphans from outside. After strict brainwashing, they become members who only obey the group. The perfect tool for hiding orders."

Senju Tobirama was furious: "Shimura Danzo is creating a village within a village. What does he want to do? Is he going to rebel?"

Uchiha Yu raised his hands and said: "Then I don't know, because he is already dead. He was killed by a wood escape ninja, and his roots were also severely damaged."

Senju Tobirama was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yuu Uchiha and asked: "A wood type ninja killed Danzo?"

Uchiha Yu looked at Senju Tobirama without fear and said: "Yes, in the secret Wooden Human Body Laboratory at the root, Danzo was killed by Wooden Ninjutsu, and dozens of others were killed at the same time. researchers and more than 200 root ninjas."

After Senju Tobirama heard this, he silently withdrew his gaze and said bitterly: "The wooden escape human experiment must be a living experiment... Danzo should be killed."

The two of them stopped talking and just walked on in silence.

After a long time, the Second Hokage suddenly whispered: "Good kill."

Then he stopped talking.

In the past 50 years in the ninja world, Senju Tobirama can be said to be at the pinnacle of intelligence. Even Orochimaru can only perform better in scientific research, and is obviously far behind in other aspects.

He saw the Wood Release Crystal that Yuu Uchiha took out today, and listened to Yuu Uchiha's narration without deliberately concealing it. Naturally, he was able to determine who killed Danzo Shimura.

After thinking carefully, Senju Tobirama found that he had no reason to say that Uchiha Yu had killed the wrong person.

Although he could not understand why Sarutobi Hiruzen indulged Shimura Danzo, Danzo's behavior would undoubtedly cause great harm to the Leaf Village and was a complete betrayal of the Leaf Village.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen, who indulged Danzo, was incompetent in Tobirama's mind, and he could not even be ruled out as the third Hokage being suspected of seeking personal gain.

Since Shimura Danzo's guilt is certain, then Uchiha Yu is right to kill Danzo.

Senju Tobirama did not consider the problem of program errors, nor did he argue that it should be the Hokage's right to kill Danzo. After all, the third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, had indulged Danzo for almost 20 years, which was equivalent to giving up his own power.

After thinking for a long time, he had to admit that killing Danzo would be the best result for Konoha Village if Uchiha Yu and others were guilty.

So Senju Tobirama whispered: Good kill, indicating that he knew it was Uchiha Yu who did it, and agreed to endorse him for killing Danzo.

After Uchiha Yu heard this, he naturally smiled slightly.

In the future, his academy of immortality will only be led by Senju Tobirama, the master of forbidden arts.

Although Ice Release Ninja Ying is also good, she cannot compare with the Second Hokage. After all, this person has developed a scroll full of forbidden techniques.

Senju Tobirama's ability to develop without being restricted by any rules is really important for the study of immortality that explores the unknown.

Since I want to use Senju Tojian as the main research and development force, of course I have to solve Senju Tojian's mentality problem to prevent others from being unable to work because they feel uncomfortable.

After all, when it comes to research and development, whether the researcher is working hard or not depends entirely on the researcher's own consciousness, and there is no way to check it.

Of course, in Uchiha Yu's plan, he is still a few steps away from defeating Senju Tobirama.

The top priority is to find Tsunade first, solve the task handed over by the first Hokage, and appease the second-generation Hokage's manic heart.

Then he would look for an opportunity to recommend Uchiha Shisui to the calm-minded Second Hokage.

Shisui was his most regretful disciple, the grandson of Uchiha Kagami, and at least he wouldn't refuse it directly.

As long as the two of them establish a close connection, there will be no problem at all.

(End of this chapter)
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