I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 198 Uchiha boy, you are different from all the ninjas in the ninja world

Chapter 198 Uchiha boy, you are different from all the ninjas in the ninja world
Uchiha Yuu smiled, and he felt Senju Tobirama's barely concealed worry and fear from his words.

So he asked: "Nidaime, do you have any requests?"

"You know, when I got the Hashirama Crystal before, I said I owed it to you. So please don't worry, I will agree to it as long as it's not too much of a request."

Senju Tobirama hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and said, "My eldest brother and I don't have many obsessions. Only Konoha Village is our biggest concern."

"I hope that you will do your best to protect Konoha Village and not let it be destroyed or decline."

Without any hesitation, Uchiha Yuu smiled and agreed: "Okay."

Senju Tobirama could tell that Uchiha Yuu's words came from the heart, and he finally felt relieved.

He will not be completely reassured. The Second Hokage is a guy who is so suspicious that he cannot be completely reassured. It is simply impossible for him to be completely reassured by Uchiha Yuu.

In the vast ninja world, the only person who can completely reassure Senju Tobirama is his eldest brother Senju Hashirama.

Senju Hashirama's strength is invincible in the ninja world. His idea is the general trend of the ninja world, so when he wants peace in the ninja world, the five major ninja villages will never break out in war. When he thinks that the tailed beasts can be balanced by dividing them equally, the tailed beasts will You can no longer live freely in the wild.

Senju Hashirama is the strongest, so he will never be forced by the situation.

And more importantly, Senju Hashirama has a clear mind. He is a person who can be consistent and see through at a glance. Tobirama knows every one of his thoughts, so of course he can be completely at ease.

His senses for Uchiha Yuu were already very good.

Therefore, Senju Tobirama took out a thick stack of records and began to share the latest research results with Uchiha Yu.

Through an experiment, he achieved two research goals.

After the Mudun crystal enters the human body, it will be completely dissociated into chakra, without even a trace of material residue being produced.

Therefore, the essence of the Wooden Crystal is the materialized Wooden Chakra. The name Uchiha Yu gave it can be said to be very accurate.

But how chakra materializes and how it forms stable crystals is beyond the scope of Senju Tobirama's understanding.

He helplessly said to Uchiha Yu: "I have no idea at all about these two questions you raised. I can only rely on you to research them yourself."

Uchiha Yu said angrily: "Nidaime, are you not interested?"

Senju Tobirama smiled awkwardly and said: "Haha, I am indeed more interested in specific applications. It is so boring to find out the root cause."

Again, studying this kind of work in unknown fields depends entirely on self-consciousness and can only be promoted through temptation and interest. Force can only have 100% counter-effects.

Uchiha Yuu was helpless. As long as Senju Tobirama was not interested in deeper truths, he had absolutely no way to force others to study it.

He can only let it go. After all, he is also a pragmatist, and it is enough if he can use it.

The reason why he raised those two questions was because of the habits he brought with him in his previous life. Only after breakthroughs are made in basic disciplines can breakthroughs in applied technology follow.

But if you think about it carefully, that's because Blue Star's technological level has gone beyond the scope of conventional physics and entered the microscopic realm, entering a realm that is completely contrary to common sense.

Indeed, we can only count on basic research to lead and applied technology to follow the breakthroughs.

But before Lao Ai came up with the theory of relativity, applied technology led basic research for thousands of years.

Today's ninja world can maintain rapid progress without seeking its roots.

Anyway, Senju Tobirama's time is unlimited, so let him do his own research. One day he will take the initiative to enter the field of basic research because his technology cannot make any progress.

Uchiha Yuu also had plenty of time, and he had enough patience to slowly wait for the results he expected.

So he smiled and asked: "What about the results of the research on my body?"

Senju Tobirama's expression became serious, and he said seriously: "Uchiha boy, after more than 100 experiments, I have completely confirmed one thing, that is, you are different from all the ninjas in the ninja world."

"Your body's tolerance for chakra is incredibly high. The chakra released by the Wood Release Crystal is so huge and absolutely destructive, but you can withstand it effortlessly."

"It's like chakra has no interaction with your body at all. Your body is just a storage container. But you can obviously refine and manipulate chakra. It's really incomprehensible."

After hearing Senju Tobirama's words, Uchiha Yuu's heart finally dropped back into his stomach.

[Very good, even Senju Tobijian’s direct experiment could not detect the natural energy in the meridians. My disguise was successful. I can do something boldly in the future. 】

But what Senju Tobirama said next shocked Yuu Uchiha.

"In addition, I found through comparison that the chakra in your body is also different."

Senju Tobirama took out the Hashirama crystal and continued: "Except for a small part of the chakra, the chakra in your body reacts more similarly to my brother's crystal."

Uchiha Yu frowned and said, "Can you tell me specifically where the abnormal behavior is?"

Senju Tobirama said in embarrassment: "It's hard for me to describe the difference in words. I can only make a comparison. If all chakras have a common centripetal point, then your and my elder brother's chakras are directed towards of itself.”

Uchiha Yu took a breath, he knew one thing, that is, Otsutsuki Kaguya once declared: All chakra belongs to her.

Kaguya did it, forcibly stripping everyone's chakra back to herself, and proved her words to be true with practical actions.

The chakras of Yu Uchiha and Hashirama Senju are completely different. Does this mean that their chakras no longer belong to Kaguya Otsutsuki for various reasons?

No wonder Uchiha Yuu was still slowly correcting something after the foundation building was completely completed, especially after he gave birth to the Wooden Release Chakra.

It seems that he is erasing the ownership of chakra in his body, changing the chakra from belonging to Otsutsuki Kaguya to belonging to himself.

Immortals cherish their lives and value their essence and purity. The ancients were sincere and would not be deceived by me.

It turns out that there is one last step in building the foundation, which is to cleanse one's own alien energy. When one regards chakra as a part of oneself, one can only eliminate the abnormality of chakra.

Uchiha Yuu immediately thought that he had eaten a lot of wood escape crystals recently during the experiment. Did it increase the amount of chakra that needed to be destroyed?
Fortunately it ended early.

Because Uchiha Yuu could fully understand, Senju Tobirama spoke in great detail. In addition, Uchiha Yuu's questions from time to time inspired Tobirama's inspiration, and the two of them talked for a long time.

Until a fragment of dirt fell from Senju Tobirama's face. Instead of returning to repair automatically, the fragment fell directly onto the table and quickly decomposed into dust under the gaze of the two men.

Uchiha Yu asked: "Nidaime, have you improved the art of reincarnation in the dirty land yourself?"

Qianju Tobirama nodded and replied: "Yes, the previous dirty earth body started to shed slag very early, which was really annoying, so I improved it slightly and extended the use period by a few days. It will fall apart."

Uchiha Yuu said sadly: "Instead, once it starts to fall apart, the time is up."

A smile suddenly broke out on Senju Tobirama's cold face, and he said, "The time has come just in time. I can go back to the Pure Land and have a good rest."

"I haven't rested since I was exposed by you. Except for the few days when I went to find Tsunade, I worked day and night. This is even harder than living after death."

"Fortunately, I have completed the work you gave me. You can study the remaining details yourself."

Uchiha Yuya smiled: "Hey, you, you won't have much time to rest, and I will soon pull you out to work. They are all dead anyway, no matter how tired you are, you will not be tired to death."

Senju Tobirama's face changed with fright, and he shouted softly: "Uchiha boy, if I don't bring you like this, what do you think I am? You can't let people die without being able to survive!"

If you are really repeatedly and continuously exposed to dirt, and then you are spurred by responsibility and have to work hard day and night, it will definitely be a torture worse than hell.

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "You are dead, so this matter is not decided by you, but by me, a living person. We will see each other again soon."

Senju Tobirama heard that Uchiha Yuu was indeed joking, so he relaxed, snorted coldly, and said: "Next time, prepare a good body for me, understand?" Uchiha Yuu He raised his thumb and said, "Don't worry, Nidaime, I will definitely help you regain your peak combat power next time, and I won't let you down."

But before Qian Shu Tojian could finish hearing this sentence, his whole body suddenly collapsed.

In just half a second, he turned into a puddle of fine dust. Even this dust continued to dissipate into the air, and soon a goat with a shriveled core like a mummy was revealed.

This goat as a sacrifice is also very magical. When Qianju Tojian's soul appears in the dirty earth body, this goat will completely disappear.

When the dirty earth body is in normal use, no matter how it is broken into pieces, this sheep cannot be found. It will automatically appear again until the dirty earth reincarnation technique ends and the dirty earth body collapses.

Maybe the goat is not just a sacrifice, but also a pledge of the soul. Only by appearing in the pure land on behalf of the soul can the law of life and death be deceived?

Who knows, even the developer of the Jutsu Reincarnation Technique, Senju Tobirama, can't figure out the specific reason.

Uchiha Yu silently collected the goat's body and the remaining dirt and garbage, and then sealed the room.

In the future, he will no longer be the second generation Hokage.

Because Uchiha Yuu feels more and more strongly about the winter solstice, this day will be his most critical step, and he needs to prepare wholeheartedly.

In the next period of time, any action he takes may involve some of his biggest secrets, and must not be seen by Senju Tobirama.

Otherwise, God knows what he will think.

Uchiha Yu has made up his mind that he will leave Konoha Village on the winter solstice, find a real no-man's land, and complete this step alone.

He didn't even plan to take Miwa Masayo with him, not because he didn't trust his Taoist monk, but because he was afraid that the danger would affect her.

During the last two breakthroughs in the foundation building period, Uchiha Yuu faced thundering scenes. If he took this most critical step out, he would not believe it if he said there was no danger.

In Uchiha Yuu's mind, the scene this time would probably be even bigger. All kinds of disasters might come in the form of a magnificent natural disaster, and it was impossible to estimate the safe distance.

Therefore, Masashi Miwa, please stop watching.

In the next few days, Uchiha Yu only performed one surgery to regenerate a severed limb. The rest of the time was spent looking inside, looking for the chakra erasure mechanism, trying to understand and control the related processes.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that the process of erasure continued in his mind, his search found nothing.

On December 12, he finally suspended this work and began to make full preparations to keep himself in the best condition.

For this reason, he even asked Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Ayumi not to disturb him for the time being.

But fate obviously didn't want him to pass smoothly, so an irresistible request appeared in front of him.

On the 16th, the ninja that surprised Uchiha Yu most suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was Xue Zhiying who had been away for two full months and had no news.

The ice escape ninja who suddenly appeared had a refreshing appearance and a calm demeanor, but the anxiety in his eyes could not be concealed.

Uchiha Yu asked: "You haven't sent me a message after being away for so long. Are the family affairs not going well?"

"Yes." Ying knelt down and explained softly: "The Snow Clan is very troublesome. The Fourth Mizukage has targeted the Snow Clan."

"The stupid Oniden clan and Kaguya clan actually believed the lies of the Fourth Generation. Most of Kirigakure Village united to surround and suppress our Snow clan."

Uchiha Yu asked: "A village encircles and suppresses a family. This is an irresistible trend. How do you deal with it?"

Ying replied calmly: "I gave up all the ninjas in the family and allowed them to fight the Kirigakure ninjas. Using their resistance as a cover, I secretly escaped with the children and women of the family."

Uchiha Yuu was stunned for a while before commenting: "There is nothing wrong with your strategy. It is a method that can preserve the blood of the Snow Clan to the greatest extent, but you should only take away the children."

"Women are easily swayed by their emotions. Once they take over, they will take unbelievable actions, which can easily lead to devastating results."

Ying lowered her head, with deep regret in her tone: "Master You, you are right. I did something wrong. A total of four women ignored my prohibition and escaped without permission to find their husbands. .”

"Obviously their husbands died heroically in battle, but they just believed in the Kirigakure ninja's lie that 'as long as they lead the way, everyone will have a way to live', and led the Kirigakure ninja to find the secret place of the Snow Clan."

Uchiha Yu was very surprised when he heard this, because there was not much sadness in Ying's tone, but full of exhaustion and helplessness. It was obvious that he had escaped this crisis.

Curious, he asked: "How did you escape the sneak attack of the Kirigakure ninja?"

Ying explained: "Thank you for the filthy earth body you gave me. I didn't need any rest at all, so I was able to spread the frost over a large enough range and discovered the Kirigakure ninjas who came to attack in advance."

"Furthermore, the body of dirty earth greatly increased my combat power. Those Kirigakure ninjas were eager to take credit. They only gathered 25 ninjas to grab the credit, so I killed them all."

"After that, I executed the four women who led the way, abandoned a few women who thought I was cruel, and took the children to hide everywhere..."

Uchiha Yu frowned and asked: "Why, after so long, Kirigakure Village still hasn't given up the pursuit? No, you can't hide now?"

Ying crossed her hands on the ground and bowed down. She said sadly: "I'm very sorry. Although I tried hard to solve the problem by myself, I have no choice now. The people of the tribe are also at the end of their rope. We must get help." your help."

Uchiha Yu was extremely embarrassed. He asked: "Can you leave them and come to Konoha Village to find me? Obviously the Snow Clan has not reached the last moment. Can't you wait a few more days? Even five days?"

Ying kowtowed again, and his posture changed to the humblest Tuxia seat, and he begged: "I really can't wait any longer. The craftsmen of the Ghost Lantern clan used the bones of the clan to create special ninja tools that can sense within a certain range." The bloodline of the Snow Clan.”

"Although I misled the Kirigakure ninjas before I left, they will definitely find the problem. There is no way for the children to hide for ten days."

"Please, this is what you promised me."

Uchiha Yu almost cursed out loud. Of course he promised Ying to protect his people, but he always thought he could wait.

Wait until this genocide storm has passed, and then go to the Kingdom of Water to search for the orphans of the Snow Clan who have been scattered, such as Bai's mother.

By taking these orphans away from the dangerous Water Country and finding a village to settle in the Fire Country, the conditions for protecting the Snow Clan from being exterminated can be fulfilled.

Who would have known that this filthy patriarch was so capable that he could actually organize a large-scale evacuation of women and children under such chaotic circumstances, and take them all out of the Hidden Mist Village and escape from the Kingdom of Water.

If it weren't for those four unlucky women, his mission could be said to have been successfully completed.

In the end, because it went so smoothly, the women started to get lucky, and then they were carried away by their emotions and exposed the family's secrets.

Because Ying rescued all the children and women together, now she has given the enemy the opportunity to eliminate the Snow Clan in one fell swoop. The situation is really very dangerous.

For Uchiha Yu, it is also the same danger.

It's not worth it to risk your life for an excellent researcher.

Just a few seconds ago, he had begun to think that he might as well give up on Ying.

After all, he is not the only smart genius. Yuu Uchiha has deceived Senju Tobirama, and Ying is not as important as he thought.

But his instincts stopped him.

Uchiha Yuu's intuition told him that he must fulfill his promise, otherwise he would be dead on the winter solstice.

He sighed deeply and asked, "Where did you hide the children of the Snow Clan?"

(End of this chapter)
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