I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 179 At Uchiha Itachi’s first birthday party

Chapter 179 At Uchiha Itachi’s first birthday party

Uchiha Madara sat on his throne, quietly closing his eyes and concentrating.

In this way, he reduces his own activity, reduces the chakra and life force extracted from the outside demons, and reduces the burden on Nagato.

Sitting is a more painful punishment than jailing, but Uchiha Madara can only endure it bitterly. Everything is for the Infinite Tsukuyomi Plan, and he must persist until the executor is born.

"Master Spot."

Black Zetsu carefully woke up Uchiha Madara, and then handed over a piece of white paper.

Uchiha Madara's eyes were slightly opened, and the red light of Sharingan was as sharp as a knife. All the negative emotions caused by sitting idle turned into sharp dagger-like eyes, piercing Black Zetsu's eyes fiercely.

Hei Jue immediately fell into immense pain, his entire body turned into darkness, and he lay on the ground twisting and struggling. Only the hand holding the white paper maintained its original shape.

But looking at the violent trembling, it was obvious that he was just holding on.

After venting a little emotion, Uchiha Madara regained his senses. He reached out to take the white paper with an expressionless face and began to read carefully word by word.

After a long time, Black Zetsu got rid of the mental pain and regained his human form. He stood obediently behind Uchiha Madara, quietly waiting for Uchiha Madara to read.

Uchiha Madara finally finished reading. He exhaled and said, "You suggest adding another candidate, Uchiha Yu."

"Yes, Madam Madara."

"I remember you mentioned this name to me, and I also remember that he did not meet the conditions for awakening the Mangekyo Sharingan, so I excluded him from the list."

"You said that his strength is beyond the scope of the normal three-magatama Sharingan, so you want to add him back?"

"Yes, yes, Madara-sama."

"Hei Jue, you have grown your brain, and you are so confident that you dare to veto my decision."

"I will stop monitoring Yuu Uchiha immediately and..."

Uchiha Madara suddenly raised his hand and stopped Black Zetsu's words. He smiled and said: "It's good to have independent judgment, and you are right. The three Magatama Sharingan is both a powerful assistance and a powerful restriction. It’s not that easy to break through.”

"Just follow your ideas and monitor Yu Chiha."

"Yes! Madara-sama."

"But you have to remember who the point is?"

"It's Uchiha Obito, I remember it very clearly, Madara-sama."

"Very well, that's it."

Uchiha Madara closed his eyes again and re-entered the state of sitting, slowly losing his perception of the outside world.

Hei Jue didn't show any signs of neglect. After bowing seriously, he quietly retreated.

After he left, Uchiha Madara suddenly opened his eyes, and his Sharingan eyes, as red as blood, were filled with clarity and no negative emotions at all.

He murmured: "It seems that Black Jue is really reliable. It seems that I can trust it more."

After thinking silently for a long time, Uchiha Madara finally decided: "I can't relax. Although it is the product of my soul, unless I die, I can only believe in myself."

"After all, even Hashirama can't be trusted, let alone one who is a part of me."

"Hashirama, the new era of ninja world you created is getting worse and worse. More and more people are dying. Everything is developing in the worst direction."

"Haha, now I have also changed my dream. I no longer want to unify the ninja world and completely eliminate war. I want to destroy this decayed world and create a new new world."

"Hashirama, if you were still alive, you would still be standing opposite me, trying to stop me, right..."

Uchiha Madara's voice gradually became lower, and his consciousness really fell into silence this time.

Hei Jue left the underground cave and arrived dozens of miles away. Then he looked up to the sky and roared: "Ouch——!"

"Damn Uchiha Madara, damn it!"

"How can it still cause me so much pain even though I don't have the Samsara Eye?"

"Asshole, a mere mortal ninja actually treats me like a dog. I want to kill him, I must kill him!"

"Yes! As long as the plan goes well, he will definitely become a sacrifice for his mother to escape from trouble. When the time comes, I must let him know what despair is and what real high-level power is!"

"Uchiha Madara will definitely die in extreme pain, he will!"

Black Zetsu was like a stray wild dog, venting his pain and helplessness with roars, encouraging his spirit with future revenge, and walking busily in the direction of Konoha Village.

He wanted to arrange the surveillance of Uchiha Yu according to the plan agreed by Uchiha Madara.

At the last moment, before turning Uchiha Madara into a sacrifice, Black Zetsu had to faithfully execute every one of his orders.

Everything is for Mother!


June 44, Konoha 6, the fifth day after the roots were destroyed.

Uchiha Fugaku held a banquet at home to celebrate the first birthday of his eldest son Uchiha Itachi, and invited all the prominent figures in the family, including of course all the jounin.

Compared with attending Uchiha Itachi's full moon party in July last year, Uchiha Yu's position can be said to have changed significantly.

The last time he was a little transparent member of the Uchiha family, he could only sit in the corner of the yard. Fortunately, he had good interpersonal relationships and enjoyed the delicious food of the patriarch's family through his younger brother Uchiha Shigenobu.

That time, he had a great meal.

But today Uchiha Yu's status is very different. He is a Jonin, the founder and commander of the Tiger Force, and the monster who wiped out 3000 Kirigakure ninjas in one battle.

Even though Uchiha Fugaku was wary of him in every possible way, the due etiquette and treatment could not be compromised in the slightest.

Uchiha Yuu sat steadily in the main hall, and he didn't know what Uchiha Fugaku was thinking. He actually let Uchiha Yuu sit in the No. 1 position below the six elders, sitting at the very end. In a conspicuous position, it became the object of attention for the whole family.

Maybe he wanted to use the aristocratic rules of upper-class families to make Uchiha Yu feel ashamed and never dare to compete with him again?

Uchiha Yuu didn't care about Uchiha Fugaku's thoughts. Although he was still very afraid of Uchiha Fugaku's possible Mangekyō Sharingan, now he had completely seen through Uchiha Fugaku's extremely contradictory character and was extremely sure that as long as he didn't break through him The bottom line is that Fugaku cannot make any substantive decisions.

I don't know if it is the influence of the Mangekyo Sharingan, but Uchiha Fugaku's difficulty in choosing can be said to be a terminal illness that can no longer be cured.

Since ascending to the throne of the Uchiha family patriarch, every decision he made was pushed by others. The Third Hokage, Uchiha Setsuna, and Uchiha Shitai all once pushed Fugaku to make decisions that were beneficial to them.

Of course Uchiha Yuu also did similar things through Uchiha Shinyin.

The most influential ninjutsu and tactics study meeting in the Uchiha family today was forcibly implemented by Uchiha Nobuyin who killed first and then played.

The person in Konoha Village who had the greatest influence on Uchiha Fugaku was Shimura Danzo, whom Fugaku hated the most.

I don't know how many times, Danzo acted forcefully, and then used the name of the Third Hokage to force Uchiha Fugaku to accept and admit it.

When Shimura Danzo died, the happiest person was Uchiha Fugaku. At the banquet, he frequently raised his glass and toasted to everyone, drinking very happily and happily.

The members of the Uchiha family were also very happy. The senior members of the family drank happily, including Setsuna Uchiha, who always had a cold face, and drank happily.

In this cheerful atmosphere, Uchiha Yu was the only one who didn't drink. He raised his glass every time, but after putting it down, he didn't take a sip.

It's not that Yuu Uchiha doesn't drink, but he doesn't like the taste of sake. In addition, the atmosphere of the party is the neon spirit hysteria that he hates most. Naturally, he can't get up to drink at all, so he just doesn't drink at all.

What Uchiha Yu hates the most about banquets is that they are not enjoyable to eat. Each dish is only a small plate, and the table can be cleared in a few seconds.

The serving maid could only serve the dishes again and again. She was annoyed, and Uchiha Yuu was even more annoyed.

As Uchiha Mikoto left with Uchiha Itachi, the elders and jounin of the Uchiha family let go. They quickly got drunk and started dancing with wine glasses in their hands.

Uchiha Yu was even more unhappy. If it weren't for the fact that leaving on the spot was one of Uchiha Fugaku's bottom lines, he would have slipped away long ago.

Oddly enough, Uchiha Fugaku's bottom line was complicated and changeable. It was not his bottom line that his family's ninjas were killed, but leaving his banquet without saying goodbye was his bottom line!
It was difficult for Uchiha Yuu to understand, but that didn't stop him from grasping Uchiha Fugaku's bottom line through testing.In fact, there are only two, Fugaku's family and the hierarchy of clan members.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Fugaku was actually a supporter of the Hyuga family system.

Now is not the time for direct conflict. For the sake of his brothers in the study club and the two elders who support him, Uchiha Yu can only endure the noise, hunger and irritability patiently.

Slowly, Uchiha Yu found that he seemed to be withdrawn from the real world. The drunkards' crazy dance without moral integrity, the old men's noisy singing, and the busy waiters coming and going. Everything slowly became weightless.

It's an amazing feeling, but it's not fuzzy in any way.

Uchiha Yu could clearly see every detail in the main hall, and could hear every byte when dozens of people were talking nonsense, but everything was like a breeze blowing over the hills, and it had no impact on him at all.

He felt like the moon in the night sky, watching all the changes in the ninja world without any waves, and then leaving it all behind without any care.

This should still be the state of the night sky, but the degree of meticulousness is more powerful, and it can even be maintained in a noisy environment.

In the state of the bright moon and night sky, Uchiha Yu's body changes are accelerating. The natural energy of the Five Spirits and the Five Escape Chakras are accelerating, and changes are taking place that he cannot detect yet.

Uchiha Yu finally sensed the next stage of immortality. This new stage was brewing and was even about to happen.

But there was something wrong with her body that blocked all the changes.

Because the new stage cannot tolerate any flaws, the body is solving the problem through continuous changes. Once the problem is solved, it will naturally enter the new stage.

[Finally, I have an idea. I don’t know if the next stage will be golden elixir or something else. 】

"Uchiha Yuu! You're such a spoiler!"

Suddenly Uchiha suddenly came in front of him, broke Uchiha's state of leisurely moonlit night sky with a loud shout, and pulled him back to the noisy world.

The noise and the smell of alcohol that could not be ignored made Uchiha Yu frown. He looked at the drunken Uchiha Setsuna and softly said one word: "Get out!"

Uchiha Yu's voice was so small that even the maid next to him didn't hear it, but the sound waves were perfectly controlled by him and accurately exploded next to Uchiha Setsuna's ear bones, forming a binaural blast.

Uchiha felt as if he had been punched in the ears. His eyes rolled upwards, he lost consciousness and balance, and lay straight back.

The Uchiha family is worthy of being a ninja family. Uchiha Yuu was so secretive that someone actually discovered Uchiha Setsuna's abnormality and determined that he was not drunk but had an accident.

At least three Uchiha ninjas helped Uchiha Setsuna, and from the direction in which he fell, they judged that this matter had something to do with Uchiha Yu.

The three ninjas glared at Uchiha Yuu, and one of them shouted angrily: "Who are you, how dare you attack Elder Setsuna?"

Uchiha Yuu's status was not as good as Uchiha Setsuna's, so he had to cover up his actions.

But the Uchiha ninja who opened his mouth to reprimand him was just a chuunin. Even if he was a chuunin from a direct family, his status was far inferior to that of Yuu Uchiha.

So in full view of everyone, a big cock stuck in the chuunin's face, sending him flying high and falling heavily in the center of the main hall.

The crazy atmosphere was interrupted, the singing, dancing, and drinking old men all stopped, and Uchiha Yu suddenly felt much better.

I don't know why, but he suddenly felt like drinking, so he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Then he commented with disgust: "Tsk, the sake really doesn't taste good."

This sentence was like a signal, and the atmosphere in the main hall instantly became tense. Everyone sat back in their seats, but everyone's eyes also shifted from Uchiha Yuu to Uchiha Fugaku. Let's see what he says.

Only Uchiha Ryunosuke and Uchiha Yuichiro looked at Uchiha Yu with doubtful eyes, as if they were asking: You were the one who said you should keep a low profile and bide your time, why did you suddenly have a conflict with Setsuna Uchiha?

Uchiha Yu could only comfort the elders under his command with his eyes, telling them not to stand up and just watch quietly.

Of course he didn't want to stand up so early, but drinking would cause trouble. Even if his enemies drank, bad things would happen.

Uchiha suddenly got drunk and lost control. On this occasion where the whole clan was present, he directly attacked Uchiha Yuu, which forced both of them to have no way out.

Setsuna Uchiha may not have thought it through, but Yuu Uchiha figured it out in an instant, and he absolutely could not back down.

His goal is to overthrow Fugaku Uchiha and become the next head of the Uchiha family.

The first step to achieve the goal is to build a new mountain in the Uchiha family. Uchiha Yuu knows very well that if he wants his mountain to be stable, he must not be timid in some situations.

For example, Setsuna Uchiha personally took action and hit Yuu Uchiha in front of the family ninjas. This was a moment that must not be cowardly.

Even if he offends Uchiha Fugaku, Setsuna must be beaten back severely.

Why Uchiha Fugaku's power and prestige are so low is not because he is too timid in front of outsiders, which causes the ninjas of the Uchiha family to be generally unconvinced.

Uchiha Fugaku sat in his seat, looked at the scene in the field, pinched the persimmon out of habit, pointed the target at Uchiha Yu, and asked: "Yu, you are too unruly, you are a junior ninja, How can you attack Elder Setsuna?"

"Are there any rules about respecting superiors and inferiors?"

Uchiha Yu smiled slightly and pouted back unceremoniously: "The clan leader talks about superiority and inferiority, but is that reasonable?"

"In your rules of superiority and inferiority, did Elder Setsuna get drunk and bully me, and I can only bear it?"

Uchiha Fugaku was a little embarrassed and was a little dissatisfied with Uchiha Setsuna, but he was even more dissatisfied with Uchiha Yu for daring to refute him in public.

So Fugaku said displeasedly: "Elder Setsuna is indeed drunk, so you should let him go. He will naturally apologize to you when he wakes up. How can you do it directly?"

Uchiha Yu sneered and retorted: "Clan leader, you lied so casually, no wonder you can't be the leader of the Uchiha family."

Uchiha Fugaku was furious. He stood up and shouted angrily: "What are you talking about?"

"Nonsense? Patriarch, you don't know what kind of person Elder Setsuna is? Will he apologize? He will only slap his nose in the face!"

Uchiha Yu pointed at Uchiha Fugaku and said loudly: "No matter what happens to you, clan leader, you always just want to fool the others in a big way. If you can't fool them, you will join the strong and suppress the weak."

"Outside of the family, you follow Danzo for three generations to suppress the clan members. Within the family, you lead the elders to bully us young people, and you help the direct line to bully the collateral lines."

"You have never been fair, and you are even more unreasonable. I have long been unhappy with you!"

Uchiha Fugaku's face and nose were crooked due to the rebuke, but he found that he was completely unable to refute the other party's words. He was so angry that he slammed the table and shouted: "You bastard!"

Uchiha Yuu didn't flinch, and slapped the table and shouted: "You idiot! What can you do to me?"

Fugaku was furious, stood up, pointed at Uchiha Yu, opened his mouth and shouted: "I want..."

He suddenly got stuck.

Yes, what can he do to Uchiha Yu?
Sending Uchiha Yuu to the battlefield?

Impossible. Uchiha Fugaku and the Third Hokage agreed to keep Uchiha Yu in cold storage. It was impossible for him to disobey the Hokage's order.

Deduct Uchiha Yu's family benefits?

Pull him down, Uchiha Yu is a sideline, there are no benefits to be deducted after becoming a ninja.

Send Uchiha Yu to prison?

Anyone who contradicts the clan leader will be imprisoned. All clan members who can speak out will object. Even if Uchiha wakes up in an instant, he will object.

After all, it was Setsuna Uchiha who contradicted the clan leader the most.


Uchiha Yu only has the title of Jonin and has no position that can be removed.

Reflecting behind closed doors?

Although it doesn't sound painful or itchy, it's all it takes.

Uchiha Yu accepted the punishment. He walked out of the main hall with a big smile, said "no more than that" and walked away.

Uchiha Fugaku was furious in the main hall, but he could only be helpless and furious.

(End of this chapter)

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