I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 180 Uchiha Fugaku does have the Mangekyō Sharingan, but it’s not all a good thing

Chapter 180 Uchiha Fugaku does have the Mangekyō Sharingan, but it’s not all a good thing
The farce at the birthday party ruined Uchiha Fugaku's good mood, and also uncovered the cover-up he had tried so hard to cover up on the family's wounds, displaying the Uchiha family's plight to the entire family.

Prior to this, the suppression of the Uchiha family by the Third Hokage and his family was mainly focused on policy, and the damage was only limited to ninjas.

Moreover, the ninjas of the Uchiha family have not clearly felt the persecution from Konoha Village because there are not enough outstanding cases of victimization.

For example, the Uchihas sent to the Land of Rain and the Land of Yu were mobilized together with thousands of Konoha ninjas.The members of the Study Club, who were almost wiped out in the Land of Rain, also died on the battlefield together with nearly two thousand Konoha ninjas.

Data is the best way to explain the problem.

In the first ninja war, the battle loss ratio of Uchiha family ninjas was one-tenth of the overall battle loss ratio of Konoha ninjas, which matched the strong strength of Uchiha ninjas.

But starting from the late stage of the Second Ninja War, the proportion of Uchiha family ninjas' battle losses increased rapidly.

In the Third Ninja War, Uchiha's battle losses were the same as the overall battle losses of Konoha ninjas, or even slightly higher.

When the Uchiha ninjas are still strong, such a battle loss ratio is abnormal.

But except for thoughtful people like Uchiha Yuu, as well as clan leaders and elders who can get the overall data, ordinary Uchiha ninjas feel unhappy at most, but cannot find the problem.

But they are not blind either.

Uchiha Fugaku's absolute obedience to the Third Hokage and his obedience to Shimura Danzo were all seen by the Uchiha ninjas.

Uchiha are proud, and even the Uchiha ninjas from the side line are also proud. When they see the clan leader acting like this, they are naturally very angry.

Because information is not communicated and because of the silent majority, the Uchiha ninjas do not know that they are actually the majority who are dissatisfied with Uchiha Fugaku.

Due to the natural fear of superiors, coupled with the fact that they can still live a good life, and there is no leader who speaks on their behalf, the Uchiha ninjas hide their dissatisfaction with the clan leader deeply in their hearts.

Until, Uchiha Yu publicly attacked him at the banquet, and the clan leader became furious, but the final punishment was only to be banned for a month.

Most of the Uchiha ninjas realized: It turns out that I am not the only one who is dissatisfied with the clan leader, and the clan leader is so soft.


Uchiha Yuu was punished, and he hid in his small yard in confinement, practicing petting cats, making tea with delicious food, and living a happy life.

Especially at that farce-like banquet, he also understood the principle of "taking tranquility amidst the noise", which further strengthened his state of the bright moon and night sky, and the speed of solving problems in his body was significantly accelerated.

So Uchiha Yu took advantage of the punishment of confinement, closed the door of his small courtyard, and began a month-long retreat, wholeheartedly advancing the progress of his cultivation.

In addition to practicing, he taught Miwa Masayo how to learn the state of the bright moon in the night sky. They all believed that this state of practice was a perfect match for the cat fairy's method of howling the moon. If they could be combined, it would definitely speed up the progress of the civet cat's practice.

Yuu Uchiha also had to study the Wooden Release Ninjutsu, ponder over the three basic training techniques summarized in the Tiger Force, and solve various problems and errors in them.

In short, even though he was in solitary confinement, Uchiha Yu felt that he didn't have enough time and lived a fulfilling life every day without feeling punished at all.

It took seven days for Uchiha Yu to complete the basic training methods, which he named: the Hundred Refining Body Training Method, the Circular Refining Method, and the Meditation Soul Refining Method.

The three exercises target the body, chakra and mental strength respectively. By practicing them step by step in sequence, you can be ready to absorb natural energy and step into the path of immortality.

Of course, the technique is definitely not perfect, but Uchiha Yuu's cognitive level has reached this point. Next, he should find a real genius, discover problems through his practice, and make final improvements by solving problems.

Therefore, if you want to continue to improve it, you need Uchiha Shisui's participation.

Although Uchiha Yuu was confined, there was no problem for Shisui to sneak in quietly. No Uchiha would talk about this to the clan leader.

But when Uchiha Yuu wanted to ask Miwa Masayo to inform the old man Uchiha Shinyin and younger brother Shisui, someone sent him a request to meet first.

Orochimaru is back.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help being surprised. He had already guessed that after Danzo Shimura's death, the Third Hokage would withdraw his men from the front lines and come back to help him. The most likely candidates would be his disciples.

In particular, Orochimaru is the most likely, because he is not only very popular and can make up for the loss of prestige of the Third Hokage, but he is also not shy about dirty work and can take on Danzo's work.

But what Uchiha Yuu didn't expect was that Orochimaru came back too fast. He was the commander of the front line of Yu Country. He had so many tasks in his hands, how could he be handed over in just a few days?
Uchiha Yu put away the letter written to Shisui and began to prepare food for the evening meeting with Orochimaru, because Orochimaru wrote in the letter sent by the psychic snake that he would visit during dinner time.

Out of politeness and etiquette, Uchiha Yu had to prepare a decent meal to entertain him.

[Tea is a must, but what dishes should be prepared? 】

[Orochimaru is still not a human being?If he is already a white phosphorous snake, would it be more to his liking to prepare the famous dish "Three Calls"? 】


[Forget it, I can’t stand his meow. 】


While Uchiha Yuu was worrying about what dish to prepare for Orochimaru, the Uchiha clan leader was worried that he didn't know what to do.

After Shimura Danzo died, Uchiha Fugaku was only happy for a few hours before he was tricked by the Third Hokage.

At the Jonin meeting, Uchiha Fugaku was surprised to find that he was isolated from the entire village's ninja clan.

After such a bad thing happened, all the ninja clan, including the Hyuga family, continued to support the Third Hokage.

The only people who opposed the Third Hokage were Uchiha Fugaku and a few useless civilian jounin.

This incident made people in the family unstable, so Uchiha Fugaku thought of taking the opportunity of his eldest son's first birthday to hold a banquet to boost the morale of the family and increase his own prestige.

As a result, Uchiha Setsuna became drunk and provoked Uchiha Yuu, whom he disliked, which actually caused Uchiha Yu to suddenly fight back. Not only was Uchiha Setsuna knocked down by unknown means, but his youngest son was also knocked out half of his body. mouth teeth.

The crazy Uchiha Yuu even refused to obey the clan leader and yelled at Uchiha Fugaku who spoke to mediate. The two bastards ruined a good banquet.

The terrible thing is that Uchiha Fugaku discovered that after this incident, the tribe showed obvious disobedience to him, openly or covertly resisting every one of his orders.

Even in the highly disciplined security department, Uchiha Fugaku, as the minister, felt obvious resistance. His majesty was almost completely wiped out, and he could only rely on the inertia of the system to barely operate.

At the same time, the third generation of Hokage also showed a completely different side from before. He was very harsh on the Uchiha family, no less than the dead Shimura Danzo, which made Uchiha Fugaku panic.

During these six or seven days, Uchiha Fugaku felt trapped both internally and externally, and his days became more and more difficult.

Suddenly he remembered what Yuu Uchiha, whom Setsuna Uchiha was hostile to and looked down upon by him, said last year:
"The Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo are basically two sides of the same coin. Both of them are hostile to our Uchiha family. They are just trying to cooperate with each other."

When he said this at that time, he had sneered and dismissed it, but now the performance of the third Hokage after Danzo's death proved that it was an extremely correct judgment.

Uchiha Yuu was still an 18-year-old boy last year, and he actually saw people and things more accurately than himself and all the elders. This really made Uchiha Fugaku feel ashamed.

Whether you feel ashamed or regretful, life has to go on.

But whenever Uchiha Fugaku thinks about the future, his mind goes blank.

Somehow, he remembered Uchiha Yu's words again: "The most important ability of a clan leader, a leader, even the captain of a small team, is not leadership, but foresight."

"Without foresight, the stronger the leadership, the faster it can lead everyone to a dead end."

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but punch his desk, and he roared in a low voice: "Asshole, I am the most foresighted clan leader!"

His eyes were scarlet, and the three magatama rotated rapidly, and after a blur, they turned into a three-wheeled pinwheel pattern with holes. This is the Mangekyō Sharingan.Just as Uchiha Yu has always been afraid of the possibility, Uchiha Fugaku does have the Mangekyō Sharingan, and it is a pair of super powerful eyes that can foresee the future.

As the Mangekyo Sharingan slowly rotated, Uchiha Fugaku's consciousness gradually fell into an illusion. It was a future illusion deduced from the unique pupil technique of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Tenjo Ritsun.

Sharingan Tenjo Ritsun does not actually control the power of time, but relies on current information to deduce the future.

Uchiha Fugaku can add any elements at will, such as people and behaviors, to deduce different futures.

During the last war, Uchiha Fugaku relied on this technique to kill all directions on the battlefield, earning the name "Evil Eye" and even being as famous as Konoha White Fang.

During the war, he established absolute trust in his pupil technique Tenjo Ritsun, which also laid the root of his later indecision.

When the war ended, Uchiha Yu became the patriarch of the Uchiha family. What he faced was no longer a clear enemy, but a political opponent who was indistinguishable from ourselves.

He only relied on the Uchiha family, but he faced the uncontestable Konoha Village and Fire Country.

Uchiha Fugaku does not have the qualities for political struggle, especially he does not understand that in internal political struggles, any enemy can be divided and any one of his own is unstable.

When he still deduced the future from the perspective of war, he was shocked to find that he was at an absolute disadvantage. Not only was the enemy he faced too powerful to resist, but none of his allies were reliable.

In addition, Uchiha Fugaku's bottom line is too high and he does not want to damage the interests of the Leaf Village. After becoming Shimura Danzo's biggest weapon against him, no matter how powerful the eye technique is, it will be in vain.

After all, there were too many restrictions, which meant that the deduced future could only be bad and worse. Uchiha Fugaku could only choose the "least worst" one he deduced.

As time went by, Uchiha Fugaku suffered from difficulty in choosing, and it was an incurable kind.

But this time the results were very different. With the addition of Yuu Uchiha's factors and the removal of Danzo Shimura's factors, the future of the Uchiha family actually experienced a major turn for the better.

Although he was still struggling, Uchiha Fugaku saw for the first time a future in which Konoha Village was not destroyed and the Uchiha family was not exterminated.

The excited Fugaku made different choices again and again, and deduced different futures again and again. Until his eyes were in unbearable pain and black and red blood tears flowed out, he reluctantly stopped the operation of the pupil technique.

Uchiha Fugaku sighed deeply, picked up the hand towel that had been prepared, wiped the blood and tears clean, and then said to himself: "It turns out that Uchiha Yuu, who I ignored, is the key to saving the family. It turns out that the study club exists. It is the foundation of the family’s strength, but I made a mistake.”

"It seems that I have to be more tolerant of Uchiha Yu. Although I hate him, I have to be patient for the sake of the Uchiha family."

"Hahaha, what's so hard to bear? I can even bear it, Danzo Shimura, not to mention he's just a rude junior."

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly ordered loudly: "Come here!"

An Uchiha ninja suddenly appeared in front of Fugaku, knelt on one knee and said: "Master, what are your orders?"

"You go and convey my order to Uchiha Yu: seven days of confinement is enough, and the punishment of confinement will be lifted from now on."


"In addition, tell Uchiha Yu that tomorrow he will take over the Ninjutsu and Tactics Study Club and let him serve as the president. You can make requests to me for any needs."

The Uchiha ninja was stunned. As Uchiha Fugaku's absolute confidant, he certainly knew how much the clan leader hated Uchiha Yu.

Even before dark, the clan leader was still complaining that Yuu Uchiha was unruly, disrespectful, and disrespectful of himself as the clan leader.

Why did the clan leader entrust Uchiha Yu with important responsibilities after a few hours?
The Ninjutsu and Tactics Study Club is an important organization of the Uchiha clan, second only to the Security Department in importance. The president of the study club can be said to be No. 1 under the clan leader.

It is precisely because of such importance that the position of president remains vacant until now, and no faction can take it.

The Uchiha ninja was stunned. He was stunned for a while before he recovered, and he accepted the order in fear: "Yes, Mr. Patriarch, I will be there right away."

Of course, Uchiha Fugaku understood how unexpected his decision was. He fully understood the shock of his confidants, and did not blame him for his daze. He nodded and said: "Go ahead."


The clan leader's confidant ninja did not dare to delay and rushed to Uchiha Yu's courtyard as quickly as possible. Then he saw Uchiha Yu wearing an apron and preparing ingredients with the tabby cat.

Uchiha Yu said in surprise: "The confinement has been lifted? What did the clan leader think, and why was it lifted?"

He wiped his hands on his apron and continued to ask: "The patriarch's order must be more than this to allow you to run so late. What else is there?"

The Uchiha ninja woke up with a start and quickly replied: "Ah, and I will appoint you as the president of the family study club. You will take over the management of the study club tomorrow."

"Ah? When did the patriarch become so grand?"

"Also, the patriarch said that if you have any needs, you can ask him and he will try his best to satisfy them."

Uchiha Yuu was really shocked now. How could Uchiha Fugaku change so drastically and give him so many benefits and benefits? Will he still have the nerve to overthrow him in the future?
Uchiha Yuu spent three seconds thinking, and then he was very sure: It's a good idea.

He is very self-conscious and has already played politics. There is no need for such extravagant things as integrity and shame.

According to Uchiha Yuu's belief, integrity is also very important, but you only need to ensure absolute integrity to the bottom layer, and only they are worthy of being treated with sincerity.

As for the upper echelons of the family, the upper echelons of Konoha, and the rentier class, telling them about integrity is a waste of emotions, and there is also a very big risk of backstabbing.

For these political animals, it is most appropriate and safest to focus on interests.

Regarding the clan leader's sudden overture, Uchiha Yu really couldn't figure out why it suddenly appeared, but he had to accept it.

With the help of Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch, it seems that the process of overthrowing him can be accelerated a lot. Maybe Konoha will be able to push him down in 47 years and let him have children in peace.

Uchiha Yu showed a smile on his face and happily accepted the clan leader's kindness. He even took out a delicate snack and presented it to the Uchiha ninja who sent the message, and sent him away happily.

Miwa Masayo jumped onto Uchiha Yuu's shoulder and asked: "Clan Chief Fugaku has given you such great benefits. You have achieved all your goals in the Uchiha family, but you still want to meet Orochimaru, nya?"

Uchiha Yu looked at the back of the Uchiha ninja who was retreating, smiled and replied: "Of course I want to see you."

"Rika-chan, Chief Fugaku and I cannot be allies. Instead, we can be allies with Lord Orochimaru."

Miwa Masayo asked strangely: "Why meow? Obviously Clan Chief Fugaku and you are from the same clan, meow. It was natural for him to look down on you before, but it's not okay for him to value you so much now, meow?"

Uchiha Yu sighed: "Definitely not."

"Look at the clan leader's confidant ninja today. His eyes are full of doubts and confusion. It proves that the clan leader's turn suddenly happened today, and even his confidants were not mentally prepared."

"Although I have no way of knowing how the clan leader made his decision, he certainly did not make it based on interests. This is a sign of instability."

"If I become an ally with the clan leader, no one can guarantee that he will not change his attitude again without any warning. Then wouldn't I be betrayed by him?"

"So meow?"

"So it is more reliable to be an ally with Lord Orochimaru."

Uchiha Yu smiled and looked at the corner of the courtyard and asked, "You think so?"

Orochimaru's figure appeared in the corner from shallow to dark, and said with a smile: "I am very happy to be considered reliable by Uchiha Yu."

(End of this chapter)

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