I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 178 The soul of the second Hokage is the property of the Six Paths Sage. This is not accepta

Chapter 178 The soul of the Second Hokage is the property of the Sage of Six Paths. This is not acceptable.
The Thousand Hands Gate is not alive.

Yuu Uchiha returned home from the Root Chamber through the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and immediately used a captured experimenter to perform the Jutsu of Reincarnation in the Earth, channeling Senju Tobirama out of the Pure Land.

Then he used the sealing technique to restrain him in the basement of his home, and then he responded to the summons of the Third Hokage and ran to the root.

Utu Tobirama's complexion is pale and dull, and his face and body are covered with cracks that are constantly cracking and gradually merging. The speed of cracking now exceeds the speed of fusion.

Uchiha Yu saw that the scum was starting to fall off his body, and then he said, "You don't have much time."

The fusion speed of the dirty soil cannot keep up with the speed of erosion and damage of the Yang World, which means that the body, vitality and chakra of the sacrifice will be exhausted.

Uchiha Yu felt a little regretful. If he had known that ordinary people were so fragile, he should have chosen a root ninja.

But after a second thought, he rationally gave up the idea.

As the developer of the Jutsu Reincarnation Technique, Senju Tobirama has a deep understanding of this technique. If the power of the sacrifice was not too weak, which prevented him from even extracting basic chakra, he might have been able to break free just after being resurrected.

The Second Hokage Senju Tobirama is not a good person. If he breaks free from control and regains his freedom, there is no telling what he will do.

Although its existence time is very limited, this kind of weak Senju Tobirama is the best until he can find a new nest that is concealed and safe enough and can withstand the trouble.

Anyway, I still have several prisoners of ordinary researchers on my hands, which is enough to consume them for a while.

Don't be afraid if you run out. At this time during the war, there are all kinds of villains everywhere, and you can easily capture a large group of them.

Uchiha Yu was able to return to Konoha Village from the Country of Yu safely because he was a jounin among ninjas, and the only ones who could cause him trouble were hostile ninjas.

It would be extremely normal for an ordinary person to die seven or eight times while traveling through Tang Country.

Although the Ninja World War is only a battle between ninjas, and large-scale attacks that destroy the lives of ordinary people like the Land of Rain are indeed rare, it does not mean that it has no impact on ordinary people at the bottom.

Ninjas carry out large-scale wars, but they also earn bonuses for performing tasks. This money can only be paid by the daimyo of the five major countries.

These big names don't know how to produce themselves, and their money is obtained from taxes on ordinary people.

The cost of war is huge, and the daimyo will only increase taxes and increase more taxes.

Because of the soaring prices, the daimyo and nobles did not want to live a hard life, so they had no choice but to make the farmers and small businessmen below suffer.

What's even worse is that although prices are soaring, farmers can't sell their grain at a high price. The daimyo only wants money but not stuff, so they can only sell the grain to merchants at low prices in exchange for money, and then pay taxes that have increased more than ten times.

All things considered, the burden on farmers has increased nearly a hundred times, and bankruptcy is a natural thing.

When grassroots workers go bankrupt on a large scale, they will transform from producers into destroyers, and bandits will appear all over the land.

And they are endlessly killing and suppressing them.

In fact, they are also very pitiful. Uchiha Yu is full of sympathy for the farmers who get rid of the tax burden and rely on production activities to support themselves, but they are not willing to use weapons for those who suddenly adapt to killing and indulge in violence.

In short, in this messy ninja world, there will never be a shortage of low-quality dirt sacrifices.

Senju Tobirama looked at Uchiha Yuu intently. He had very complicated feelings about this Uchiha boy.

There is no madness that is unique to the Uchiha family that Tobirama is familiar with, nor is there the visible loyalty and innocence of the Uchiha mirror, nor is there any respect for the Hokage of Konoha Village.

Senju Tobirama first met Uchiha Yuu a few hours ago, but through Sharingan mapping, he saw Uchiha Yuu's perspective in the Jonin meeting.

At first, his focus was on the issues discussed in the meeting. His hatred for Danzo Shimura was itching, and he wanted to pull this idiot out of the Pure Land and beat him to death again to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

Soon Senju Tobirama discovered that this idiot disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen had changed his mind.

He was so brave and responsible 20 years ago, but today he has not only become a chatterbox, but also shirks responsibilities in and out of his words, and his time-delaying tactics are endless.

If he had been like this back then, he would never have been chosen to be the third Hokage.

Of course Danzo Shimura can't do it. If Senju Tobirama went back to 20 years ago, he would be beaten to death. Would he still want to be Hokage?
Go dream.

He also saw Koharu and Mito Kadoyan who were sleeping together today, and they turned into trash like household dogs.

Only Akimichi Takafeng, who was sitting in the crowd, was as steady and honest as before. Unfortunately, a simple and non-aggressive ninja was not suitable to be the Hokage.

Uchiha Mirror, what a pity. If he had been good at the beginning, he would have been the most suitable candidate for Hokage.

From the Uchiha mirror, Senju Tobirama thought of the Uchiha boy who channeled him. He gradually focused on the changes in perspective reflected in the picture, and felt the change in Uchiha Yuu's mentality and his feelings towards the ninjas present. manner.

Senju Tobirama unexpectedly discovered that Uchiha Yuu was full of hostility and contempt for Uchiha Setsuna, full of disdain and vigilance towards Fugaku, who should be the leader of the Uchiha clan, and a critical attitude towards Uchiha Yumi, who was also an elder.

The most interesting thing is that when he looked at Uchiha Ryunosuke and Uchiha Yuichiro, his perspective was from a downward perspective, and his attitude was that of a superior to a subordinate.

The feedback from these two elders turned out to be obedience and respect, which surprised Senju Tobirama. Obviously this boy was very unusual, and he had to re-examine everything related to this boy.

Then he discovered that Uchiha Yuu was an unusually transparent young man. He could understand all the words of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and expressed great disdain. He despised the Jonin who could not go to the front line but was dictating, but he respected Yuu Yu. Every ordinary Konoha villager who arrived.

For some reason, Senju Tobirama suddenly felt that this Uchiha boy was a better candidate for Hokage than Uchiha Kagami.

The reason is that people are more likely to die than others.

Uchiha Mirror is obviously a good candidate, but compared with this boy, he seems to be less intelligent and too innocent and childish.

But what excited Senju Tobirama the most was that after Uchiha Yu returned from the meeting, he discussed with him new application methods and development details of ninjutsu.During the discussion, their thoughts were in sync, their thinking rhythms matched, they inspired each other, and they quickly completed the framework design of the ninjutsu.

That kind of collision of ideas, that kind of peer-to-peer exchange of wisdom, and the sense of accomplishment in developing ninjutsu all made Senju Tobirama enjoy it to the extreme and gave him great spiritual satisfaction.

Compared to this Uchiha boy, his brother, who could only clap his hands roughly and use chakra to crush everything, was just a pure brain waste, and I felt disgusted just thinking about it.

As his body disintegrated, Senju Tobirama knew that his time to return to the human world was over. Before disappearing, he said his last words: "If only you were not an Uchiha."

Uchiha Yu responded with a smile: "Uchiha is pretty good, at least a little better than Senju whose last name has been completely annihilated."

With just one sentence, Qianju Tojian was completely defeated, and his face became even darker.

Uchiha laughed uncontrollably, and the second Hokage's face turned even darker, with a pair of dark eyes that could almost spit out fire.

Neither of them spoke after that, and the filthy earth continued to disintegrate and disappear until Senju Tobirama completely returned to the pure land.

Uchiha Yu looked at the filthy remnants on the ground, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with unclear meaning: "We will meet often in the future, the Second Hokage-sama."

"After all, you are so smart and your ability to develop ninjutsu is unparalleled in the world. You are the best resource in the ninja world."

After being silent for a while, Uchiha Yu started to clean up. It was very difficult to clean up the dirt and debris all over the floor.

If you are not careful when cleaning, it will be everywhere. The things floating in the air will not come down, which will make people feel emotional.

Uchiha Yu patiently packed it up, sealed it tightly in a garbage bag, and then left the basement.

At night, he couldn't help but complain to Miwa Masashi: "It's not convenient to be reincarnated in dirty soil. There's always garbage everywhere."

Miwa Masayo laughed so much that she fell down, but she knew Uchiha Yuu very well, so she directly asked: "Yuu, you must not dislike the art of reincarnation in dirty soil because you are dirty, nya. Tell me, why nya?"

Uchiha Yu said seriously: "The key thing that bothers me is the ownership of the soul."

"Senju Tobirama's soul is in the Pure Land. From a certain point of view, the second generation and the first generation are the private property of the Six Paths Sage."

"To be honest, my attitude towards Otsutsuki Hagoromo is not friendly. He can even be regarded as one of my imaginary enemies in the future."

"If I don't find a way to change the ownership, maybe one day he will kill everyone for me, and I will lose everything."

Miwa Masayo's eyes flickered, and he said with the same hatred: "We have to find ways to prevent Meow, but he is the Six Paths Immortal Meow, and he lives in the Pure Land. How can we compete with him..."

Suddenly the civet cat's eyes lit up, she jumped up and shouted: "Yu." "What's wrong?"

"I remember you said, Meow, there are spiritual creatures living in the Zifu world, right Meow?"

"Yes, the cave octopus Xiao Ke is the mutated soul of the root ninja, and there is also the red goldfish incarnation of the river god...I understand what you mean."

"Whether it's a mutated soul or an incarnation of a god, they are all souls."

"That's right, Meow, you can find a way to snatch them all into Zifu, Meow."

"Yes, that's right. Take the first and second generations, as well as White Fang and the leader of the Snow Clan, into my Zi Mansion and let them be my... divine envoys."

"What is a divine messenger, meow?"

"I established the Yunshang Divine Court in Zifu, and the envoys sent by the Divine Court are the divine envoys."

Miwa Masayo's attention immediately changed, and she said with bright eyes: "Yunshang Shenting, it sounds so powerful, I really want to see what it's like, nya."

Uchiha Yu rubbed his chin and said with a smile: "There will be a chance, there will definitely be a chance."


The jounin meeting ended, the jonins dispersed, and the downsized Konoha Big Three of F4 gathered in the Hokage's office and once again started a closed-door meeting.

Mito Kaden asked: "Hiruzen, why do you want to announce the time of your resignation? You can't resign. Who can become Hokage if you resign!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked helplessly and dissatisfied: "Yan, why are you so slow?"

"What Danzo Shimura did has aroused public outrage. As Hokage, I have no way to get rid of leadership responsibilities. If I don't make it clear that I resign today, I will be voted down by the angry Jonin immediately, and I will become the first person to be impeached on the spot. The Hokage who steps down."

He glanced at Mito Kado and Koharu, and then said: "In that case, your Hokage assistant will not be able to keep it, and we will lose all our power."

After turning to bed, Koharu asked: "What you said, Hiruzen, is very reasonable, and what you did is also very correct, but the question is, what should we do next to make the Jonin feel at ease?"

The Third Hokage replied confidently: "This matter is not difficult to handle. I will immediately transfer Orochimaru back and let him be my deputy to take over the mess left by Danzo. I will also let the Jonin see that I Preparations are already being made for his abdication.”

"This will make them feel at ease. Coupled with the efforts I made today, the jonins will be divided into several camps. They should no longer be able to bypass me and hold jounin meetings on their own."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression became extremely serious, with a bit of fear in his eyes.

He subconsciously lowered his voice and said slowly: "The biggest and most urgent problem we are currently facing is not this. It is to find the murderer of Danzo, kill him, and solve this threat from the source."

"The ninja who awakened the Mudun Blood Succession Limit..."

Mito Kadoyan and Koharu, who had gone to bed, both shuddered, a chill rising from behind, making the back of their heads feel cold.

Shimura Danzo's strength is far superior to the two of them, and his character is extremely suspicious, cautious, and insidious. He acts with tough methods and never trusts others.

Shimura Danzo's character is recognized as the most survivable character. As a result, Danzo was killed in his lair, and even his entire base was killed.

This was a forceful intrusion into the Roots, killing this mysterious department that was more mysterious and more heavily guarded than the ANBU, and finally killed Danzo Shimura.

They had checked the scene and found only traces of Wood Release. Danzo Shimura did not leave any traces of battle. His Vacuum Series Wind Release Ninjutsu was not used, and the Psychic Ninja Beast did not appear.

Danzo Shimura was killed instantly.

This is where the two of them feared. Danzo Shimura was instantly killed when someone saw him, but what about him?

The Third Hokage was also frightened, but his thoughts were different from the other two.

Sarutobi Hiruzen inspected the battlefield more carefully. Through various details, he could confirm that Shimura Danzo died in a sneak attack due to carelessness.

Therefore, the focus of his fear is not the opponent's strength, but the opponent's identity and understanding of Konoha.

Being able to sneak attack Shimura Danzo's hand at the root, the Wooden Ninja's understanding of the Leaf Village is very exaggerated. At least he knows the specific location of the top-secret root chamber.

The Third Hokage guessed that the Wooden Ninja must have learned the information about the Wooden Experiment and then launched a retaliatory action. This means that he also had an intelligence source at the root.

This is very unbelievable. In the opinion of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the root's review and control of internal personnel are too strict, and even seriously damage his own combat effectiveness.

But apart from the fact that there was a traitor at the root, he could not think of any reason to explain why Danzo was attacked.

The Wooden Ninja's sneak attack on Shimura Danzo was so perfect that it could not have been accomplished without absolutely detailed and true information.

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen suspected that the Wooden ninja was a villager of Konoha Village, or even a working ninja of Konoha Village. He or his parents were even members of the Senju clan.

After the Third Hokage explained his concerns, Koharu covered his mouth with both hands while Mito Kadoren stuffed his right thumb into his mouth. Only in this way could they suppress their screams.

Could it be that the death of Danzo Shimura was actually the Senju clan's protest against the human experiments on Wood Release?

It's so reasonable.

Mito Monobu bit his thumb until blood dripped, and suddenly shouted: "Seal it, a sealing order must be issued, and the villagers cannot know the specific situation!"

Xiaochun also screamed when she went to bed: "Yes, it must be kept secret!"

They all know that if the information on this matter is fully disclosed, the legitimacy of the Third Hokage will be widely questioned, and the situation of the two of them can only be even worse.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked off the extinguished pipe and said helplessly: "I have already issued the gag order, but you should know how effective the gag order will be."

"There were really too many people who saw it with their own eyes this time. Even ordinary villagers saw the scene where the Mudun tree lifted up the ground and couldn't seal it."

"If we don't deal with the Wooden Ninja, he will cause big troubles again and again. The hush-hush order can only have the opposite effect and make the Ninjas and villagers think we have a guilty conscience."

Mito Kadoyan finally heard the dissatisfaction in Hiruzen Sarutobi's words. He woke up in time, so he took a deep breath and said slowly: "Hiruzhan, what do you say? I will listen to you. "

The Third Hokage nodded with satisfaction and said to Mito Kaden: "When Orochimaru comes back, Konoha's daily work and Danzo's work will be handed over to him. I will concentrate on war-related affairs. And you will be responsible for tracking down. The identity of this Wooden ninja will be investigated one by one starting from the list of Konoha ninjas."

Koharu was stunned when she went to bed, and she retorted: "Hiruzhan, there are more than [-] ninjas in Konoha now, and we don't have the ability to investigate them all..."

"Koharu!" Hiruzen Sarutobi interrupted her and said sternly: "This is a critical moment, and you should change your sloppy living habits!"

"Besides, you don't need to check [-] ninjas."

Mito Kadoyan nodded and said: "I understand, first of all, there is no need to check the [-] ninjas on the front line. They cannot come all the way back to do these two major things."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with satisfaction: "That's right. Of these more than 2 ninjas, we only need to check on a few ninjas who have returned from missions."

"In addition, there is no need to check the ninjas of the ninja clan, nor the old ninjas who became famous before the teacher resigned. You should focus on the first-generation civilian ninjas who have no surnames and no family trees, as well as the younger ninjas of the previous generation who married commoners. .”

Sarutobi Hiruzen paused, and finally emphasized: "Especially civilian ninjas who have outstanding performance, large amounts of chakra, and have mastered ninjutsu that should not be mastered."

Mito Kadoyan and Koharu, who were transferred to the dormitory, bowed their heads and accepted the order: "Yes!"

 Think about it, think about it

  Looking at the chapter I just coded.

  Finally decided to add one last update.

  After sending them all, I continued to type with my hands empty.

  The next update will definitely have to wait several days.

  I hope I can save up a chapter by the end of the month. Please vote for me at the end of the month.
(End of this chapter)

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