I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 177: Everything is on the normal track again, right?

Chapter 177 Everything is back on track, right?

Uchiha Yu moved very quickly, emptying the secret room almost without any discernment.

First of all, Uchiha Yu firmly believes that everything here is a treasure, and there is no need to divide them carefully.

As a high-level executive who has been in power for more than 20 years, Shimura Danzo must have had countless money and treasures. The treasures that he can collect in this secret room and put together with Hashirama's cells are definitely priceless treasures.

Secondly, Uchiha Yu knew that he didn't have much time, and the third Hokage would arrive soon.

As a high-ranking official in Konoha Village, Danzo Shimura will definitely be monitored in the village, and his location and life status will be constantly confirmed. There will never be a situation where a person has been dead for several days without being discovered.

This is a key piece of knowledge that the third Kazekage of Sunagakure Village taught the entire ninja world at the cost of his own life and the beginning of the Third Ninja War.

So he had to be fast, otherwise he would be blocked by Hiruzen Sarutobi and lose a lot of loot in vain.

Moreover, Uchiha Yuu also wanted to add another obstacle to Sarutobi Hiruzen, so that he could not suppress the reappearance of Mu Dun through simple operations and gag orders as he did a few days ago.

He has done so many things, Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation must take a hit.

In order to achieve this goal, he gave up many pairs of Sharingan, including one pair of the Three Magatama Sharingan.


Today was a sunny day, and the sun spread its warm rays to the earth, but it soon turned into a scorching heat wave, making everyone who went out curse and hide in the shade of trees as much as possible.

The Third Hokage was preoccupied. He stood in front of the window of the Hokage's office and smoked. Behind him were Mito Kado and Koharu. They were all waiting for Shimura Danzo to convene a high-level meeting of Konoha F4.

Mito Kadoyan was a little irritated by the waiting, and he couldn't help complaining: "What's wrong with this guy Danzo? Why isn't he here yet?"

Koharu also frowned when she went to bed. She guessed with some worry: "Shimura Danzo is indeed often late, but today he was late for too long. Is there something unexpected that delayed him?"

Mito Kadoyan disagreed, and said: "Tsk, what kind of emergency can be so urgent that it has a higher priority than our meeting?"

"If it was such an urgent matter, how could we not know about it?"

After going to bed, Koharu felt that this was very reasonable, so he stopped explaining to Danzo and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen silently.

The Third Hokage took a puff of cigarette, sighed and said helplessly: "Wait a little longer, the reappearance of the wood escape must be kept secret. If I can't explain it to the ANBU, Danzo may not pay much attention to it."

"He just came back last night. There are indeed a lot of various things going on. Let's wait a little longer."

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door. Someone rushed over desperately, and the ANBU sentries along the way did not stop them.

This shocked the three senior executives and knew that something big must have happened.

Sure enough, the person who pushed open the office door and broke in was a Sarutobi family ninja from the sealing class. He looked panicked and even said with fear: "Sir Hokage, Shimura Danzo's life data has returned to zero. !!”

The Third Hokage's pipe fell to the ground with a clatter. Mito Kadoyan and Koharu Koharu stood up. They couldn't believe this information.

For a moment, the Hokage's office was extremely quiet except for the gasps of the sealing class ninjas.

Mobilize, urgently mobilize.

Although Shimura Danzo lost to Chiyo, Ebizo and the Third Kazekage of Sunagakure Village, and also lost to the rising star Loess of Iwagakure Village, he was indeed an out-and-out Kage-level ninja.

Danzo was surrounded by a large number of root ninjas. During the war, Konoha Village was also heavily defended. He actually lost his heartbeat in the village!

Being able to assassinate Danzo in Konoha Village, how powerful will the enemy be?

Or maybe this person's familiarity with Konoha Village is unexpected?

Was it even a certain family in the village who did this?
(Uchiha Fugaku: It’s slander, it’s empty talk!)
In short, we need to mobilize people first so that we have enough strength to deal with possible powerful enemies, and secondly we take the opportunity to confirm where the top ninjas from each family are.

Fortunately, none of the mobilized ninjas were absent. It was probably not a family in the village causing trouble.

Uchiha Yuu mingled among the crowd, looking at the more than 200 jonin around him, secretly amazed at the strength of Konoha Village.

The Third Hokage, wearing a battle attire with additional armor, simply stated the reason for the summons, and then with a wave of his hand, he led the Jonin to the secret base at the root.

When everyone approached the remote forest in the northeast of the village, Uchiha Yuu felt the wood escape creation he left behind, and then he quietly released the seal he had set, allowing the wood escape ninjutsu that had been activated to explode normally.

Suddenly there were ups and downs as big as the sea, and the shaking of the earth was so violent that a group of jounin had to use various means to maintain their balance.

Suddenly, an extremely thick tree root tore through the earth and arched out from the deep underground. New shoots sprouted from the roots one after another.

The new shoots quickly grew taller and thicker, spreading out more branches and leaves, and quickly turned into a big tree that covered the sky and the sun.

At the same time, more tree roots arched out of the ground, stretched out one after another, and grew dense leaves, forming a huge and cool shade.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the lonely grove turned into a dense forest.

The Konoha ninjas were all dumbfounded. They were all stunned, with their mouths wide open and unable to close at all.

They were all Jōnin, how could they not recognize that this was the legendary Wood Release, and it was a Wood Release Ninjutsu that could crush them.

Everyone's face turned red with excitement.

The Third Hokage was filled with misery. He cursed that damn Wooden Ninja in his heart, and now he couldn't hide it anymore.

Another Wooden ninja appeared in the ninja world, but this ninja stood on the opposite side of Naruto.

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly realized that the foundation of his power seemed to be less stable.

Something must be done to divert people's attention!
Mito Kadoyan received Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes, and he immediately shouted: "Quick, hurry up and save people, that's the root base, and it's full of Konoha's ninjas!"

The experienced Jonin quickly recovered and then quickly rushed to the location where the big tree sprouted. A huge hole was exposed there, and someone could even be vaguely seen underground.

After seeing the specific scene, the Konoha Jonin who were rushing at the front suddenly stopped in unison. They even stopped their companions behind them to prevent them from rushing down.

The scene underground is so weird.

A man was hung on a thick tree trunk, and blood gathered into a pool at his feet. However, more of the blood came from a huge pile of corpses next to it. At least hundreds of corpses wearing white coats were piled into a pile. up a hill.

Blood that had become thick and black was flowing continuously from the mountain of corpses, making even the jonins who had been killed for a long time feel their scalps numb.

"Look, everyone, look over there, is that a child?"

On the other side of the mountain of corpses, the corpses of children were neatly placed one after another. Under their bodies were flat tree trunks, and their bodies were carefully covered with white cloth.

But part of these children's bodies were deliberately exposed, and the strange flesh that was closely combined with flesh and plants was particularly conspicuous against the white cloth.

No, it's glaring.

Some Jonin's teeth were already chattering. They were all the elites of Konoha Village. It was impossible for a real fool to get into the rank of Jonin.

The corpses dressed by researchers were piled up unceremoniously, while the corpses of children with strange deformities were carefully placed. Combined with the large jars and various instruments, operating tables and other equipment on the floor, the situation was very clear.

This is a laboratory for human experiments on wood escape, or in vivo experiments on living children.

Someone discovered this place. This person was very angry. This person was more powerful and killed everyone who participated in the experiment. This person even used the wood escape ninjutsu.There is no doubt that this was done by a ninja who had awakened to the limits of the Wood Release Blood Succession. He discovered that someone was doing such cruel Wood Release human experiments, and rushed into the laboratory in anger, killing everyone crazily.

Reasonable, too reasonable.

But all the Jonin took a breath of cold air, this is the root base, and the one who broke through the root base was the Wood Release Ninja.

The Mudun ninja and the Leaf Village are facing each other, what should they do?
Soon, someone recognized that the hanging body was Shimura Danzo, and then discovered that 13 children had survived, and the jounin became more and more excited.

When the jounin discovered a specimen jar with the label "Senju Hashirama" from the ruins, a sharingan eye, and more flesh and blood specimens of sacrificed Konoha heroes, their anger could no longer be overcome. Contained.

People have empathy and imagination. When jounin see their seniors being treated like this, they will naturally think: I will be treated like this after my death, right?

A consensus formed - Shimura Danzo deserves to die!
It's a pity that Shimura Danzo is dead, and he died quite miserably.

The Jonin's anger had no one to vent their anger on, so they naturally turned their finger on the Third Hokage.

The prestige accumulated by the Third Hokage for 20 years has not yet collapsed, and the angry eyes of the Jonin have not yet looked directly at Sarutobi Hiruzen, but the peripheral vision of more than 200 pairs of eyes still made Sarutobi Hiruzen tremble.

The sadness he felt when he saw Danzo Shimura's tragic death had long since disappeared, replaced by anger that he had left him such a horrific mess.

Damn Shimura Danzo!
However, as the root ruins were cleared, more and more shady things were exposed. Especially after a secret underground cemetery was discovered, the emotions at the scene got out of control.

A large number of young ninja corpses were exhumed. Only the corpses that had not completely decomposed included all the ninja clan members, not to mention more corpses that had rotted into bones.

At least hundreds of Jonin were digging with tears, and their eyes were redder than the Sharingan of the Uchiha family. Finally, someone glared directly at the Third Hokage and growled: "Hokage-sama, do you know these things? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen was so flustered that he could almost jump out of his chest. He shook his head desperately and denied that he knew anything about it. He even cried bitterly and denounced the villain Danzo for doing such a evil deed without telling him.

"I'm guilty! I didn't protect the children in the village. I didn't discover Danzo's evil deeds in time. I'm guilty!"

The superb performance slightly eased the emotions of the Jonin, and finally no one shouted the words "The Third Hokage abdicates" on the spot, otherwise the Third Hokage would have no choice but to abdicate on the spot.

But such a big thing obviously couldn't just go away. That afternoon, a Jonin meeting that had not been held for a long time was held.

There was no need for the Hokage to convene and organize, the Jonin organized themselves.

During the war, the number of Jounin in Konoha has increased to nearly 500, and there are only more than 200 Jounin left in Konoha Village. However, when they are completely consistent, they can also pull down the Hokage.

However, time is very magical. In just six hours, the special being among jonin got rid of the influence of emotions and changed his mind.

The heads of the ninja clan and the leaders of the Konoha village departments are all jounin who hold actual power. Their political nature overwhelms their own humanity, and they quickly exchange interests with the third generation Hokage and quickly reach an agreement.

At the Jonin meeting in the afternoon, the Third Hokage made the most profound self-examination, severely criticized Shimura Danzo's ugly behavior, and proposed a plan to completely liquidate the roots and the Shimura family.

The Third Hokage impassionedly declared that he was also guilty, but for the victory of Konoha Village and the ninjas fighting on the front line, he had to continue to serve as Hokage.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke about his excitement, he burst into tears and said with choked eyes: "As the Hokage, I failed to discover Danzo's problem in time, which caused such serious harm to the Leaf Village. My crime is unforgivable. .”

"Although I cannot immediately put down the Hokage hat because of the war, I know that I have committed an unforgivable crime. Once the war ends or eases, I will immediately step down as Hokage and hand everything over to the Fourth Hokage!"

After making the promise to abdicate at the end of the war, with the cooperation of the privileged Jonin, the Jonin Council passed the vote of trust in the Third Hokage, and finally passed this major crisis.

At the end of the meeting, Uchiha Yu followed the cursing clan leader and left the venue together with the Uchiha elders.

Yes, the Third Hokage made an exchange of interests with almost all the ninja clan leaders, but bypassed the Uchiha family and left Uchiha Fugaku in the air.

The Uchiha family has more than thirty jounin, but there are only 14 jounin in the village, including Uchiha Yu.

After the Third Hokage had made an exchange of interests with everyone, he naturally did not need to care about the Uchiha family.And when the vote came, everyone gave a vote of confidence. Only the Uchiha family ninja expressed opposition, which made Uchiha appear to be out of tune with everyone.

Although the Third Hokage gave up huge benefits, his exquisite political manipulation completely destroyed the jounin's common hatred.

Most jounin found that their clan leader or department leader was not of the same mind as them, and the Uchiha family was different from everyone else. Suspicion and distrust immediately diluted the hatred.

Even the dissatisfaction with the Third Hokage was replaced by dissatisfaction with the clan leader and leadership, and the idea of ​​letting the Third Hokage step down could no longer be thought of.

Uchiha Fugaku was deeply hurt, and Uchiha Setsuna was even more angry and yelled, but no matter how he looked at it, he was incompetently furious.

Everything is back on track.


Uchiha Yu said hello to Elders Uchiha Yuichiro and Uchiha Ryunosuke, and then returned to his home.

After entering the house, he took off his shoes, greeted Masashi Miwa, hugged her affectionately, and took out a small dried fish of his to comfort the cat.

Then Uchiha Yuu entered his basement with a cup of hot tea. When he opened the door, he saw a dark face.

It's not that his face is dark, it's that this person's expression is too bad, so his face looks dark.

Uchiha Yuu turned a blind eye to this person's bad mood. He formed a seal with his hands to release the Sharingan Shadow Transformation Technique that reflected what he saw and heard in the basement, and then asked with a smile: "How is it?"

"Hmph, this illusion of transmutation is interesting. Was it you who developed it?"

"Huh? You actually said this. Hey, now that you mention this, I'm going to get excited."

"This technique is actually very imperfect. Currently it can only display what I see and hear. It cannot be applied to other ninjas. It also has a large distance limit."

"You want to use it for other ninjas, and you want to break through the distance limit...You kid, you actually want to use this technique on the battlefield?"

"That's right. As expected of you. The original purpose of developing this technique was to be used by frontline ninjas. This way, we can get rid of the multi-layered ninja legion structure, achieve seamless connection between the frontline and the headquarters, and be more suitable for ninja combat. The way."

"That makes sense. It seems that you have a lot of battlefield experience, so it's pretty good. Well, let me think about it. If you want other ninjas who don't have the Sharingan to use it, you can consider using the Yin Escape Use chakra to simulate the operation of the Sharingan..."

"Oh oh oh oh, great, it turns out you can still do this..."

Uchiha Yu excitedly took out his notebook and wrote down the ideas proposed by the other party one by one. While recording, he made preliminary arrangements and plans, and added his own inspiration, which was a huge gain.

The more Yu Chiha discussed with this person, the happier and more excited he became. Unknowingly, more than an hour passed, and the framework of a new technique was perfectly formed.

I don't know when, only the rustling sound of writing was left in the basement. It was Uchiha Yu who was checking some key data. The time for inspiration to burst out was very precious, and he had to try his best to complete as much work as possible.

When Uchiha Yu stopped writing, the man opposite him sighed deeply and said sadly: "It would be great if you could have been born 20 years earlier."

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "It's not too late to be born 19 years ago. It's never too late for me."

"It's different, it's different for Konoha Village. You can no longer be Hokage now."

"Haha, Orochimaru, the disciple of the Third Hokage, is the most suitable and outstanding successor to Hokage. I will not mess with it."

"But I think you are the most suitable candidate for the Fourth Hokage..."

"Okay, I helped you see the current situation of Konoha Village, and you helped me improve my ninjutsu. We don't owe each other, and don't try to trick me with your words."

"Besides, you don't have much time, Senju Tobirama-sama."

(End of this chapter)

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