I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 176 As long as there are not two pillars, killing Danzo is like killing a dog

Chapter 176 As long as it’s not the second pillar, killing Danzo is like killing a dog
Uchiha Yu followed Shimura Danzo in the soil and came to a vast secret room.

He looked through the soil and saw rows of sealed jars. Each jar contained a child. There were boys and girls among them. They all had their eyes closed and relied on breathing tubes to maintain weak breathing.

Uchiha Yu discovered that these children were more or less exuding fluctuations of Wooden Chakra, but the fluctuations were very unstable.

Most of the children's lives are on the verge of deformation. Some children have bark growing on their bodies, and some children's limbs have even turned into branches.

Uchiha Yu instantly understood what this place was for.

[Wood Escape Human Experiment! 】

There are many researchers in white coats in the laboratory. They are busy going back and forth, and from time to time they will gather together to discuss something quietly.

When they saw Shimura Danzo coming in, they immediately stood at attention and bowed.

Shimura Danzo didn't even look at these researchers. His eyes passed over each jar and he asked coldly: "How is the experiment going?"

The leading experimenter replied tremblingly: "Danzo-sama, according to Orochimaru-sama's plan, we successfully integrated Hashirama's cells into the flesh and blood of the experimental subject, which also significantly increased the survival time of the experimental subject, but..."

Shimura Danzo interrupted him unceremoniously and asked: "But it hasn't been successful yet, right?"

The leading experimenter was so frightened that he trembled all over and replied tremblingly: "No, I'm very sorry."

With a bang, all the teeth in the experimenter's mouth were knocked out. He lay on the ground in pain, with blood flowing down.

"After Orochimaru left, you didn't even make any new progress for seven months. You are really a bunch of waste. I will give you one last chance. If there is no plan to surpass Orochimaru within a month, or give me A satisfying finished product, you know the consequences.”

After saying that, Danzo Shimura did not stop here. He walked straight through the laboratory and entered a secret room deep in the laboratory.

This secret room was actually wrapped in steel plates, which rendered Uchiha Yuutiling's earth-bending ability to see through the earth ineffective.

He had no choice but to use the protection of the earth to walk around the door of the secret room and take a look at Danzo as he opened the door.

Uchiha Yu, who possesses the Sharingan, saw clearly what was inside the secret room in an instant. He saw many small jars with soaked flesh, flesh or organs inside, and there were labels on the jars.

The first thing Uchiha Yu recognized was naturally the Sharingan. There were at least sixteen and a half pairs of Sharingan, among which there were actually three pairs of three magatama, and one Sharingan that was obviously wrong.

As Danzo Shimura closed the door to the secret room, he could see nothing.

Uchiha Yuu had only one thought in his mind: the time has come.

Because he saw a label in the jar in the secret room that said "Senju Hashirama", and the two sides of the jar were "Senju Hashirama" and "Hatake Sakumo".

One of the important reasons why Uchiha Yuu left the roots undamaged and tolerated Danzo alive was to find the flesh and blood samples of Senju Tobirama to prepare for the reincarnation of the dirty land.

He didn't find Senju Tobirama in the cemetery. Under the extremely luxuriously decorated tombstone was a fake corpse. Because it was severely decomposed, Uchiha Yu couldn't tell who it was.

But he could clearly confirm that it was not the flesh and blood of the Senju clan, so it was definitely not Senju Tobirama.

Today, he finally reached the limit of his patience and decided that even if he didn't want the blood and flesh samples, he had to kill Danzo Shimura.

As a result, Shimura Danzo actually took him and found what he wanted most.

This is the truest will of God!

【If God does not take it, he will be blamed for it! 】

[God’s will has made it clear that if I don’t kill Shimura Danzo here and now, he will definitely be despised by God. 】

The moment the door to the secret room closed, the moment the lead researcher stood up, glared at the others, opened his toothless mouth and cursed, a small sapling penetrated the wall of the laboratory.

Mudun·The Birth of the Tree Realm
A sapling penetrates the walls, floors, and ceilings of the laboratory, twisting and growing, expanding its body coverage while rapidly thickening and expanding, limiting the enemy's range of activities.

The trees first covered the secret room door and the laboratory door, blocking all gaps including the vents, and then started killing the living people in the laboratory.

These stupid researchers did not realize the danger at first. They even picked up tools and instruments in surprise, trying to find which "experimental subject" had awakened Mudun.

Only when the tree trunks entangled several of them and strangled them into a bloody mist did these guys realize that these branches were not the results of their own experiments, but the enemy's means of attack.

They naturally thought of the Senju clan, and even thought of their own blasphemy against Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, so they began to scream and run away wildly.

But it was already too late. There was not much room for movement in the laboratory. Dozens of researchers were quickly caught by tree branches and strangled one by one.

Uchiha Yu did not choose to forgive. The crimes they committed made him feel sick, and he no longer had the patience to screen.

His greatest kindness is to let them die happily, instead of torturing them hard, so that they can understand what it means to die not well, and then die happily.

His true mercy will only be given to the children in the jar, who are the most pitiful and innocent lives.

After careful inspection, Uchiha Yu determined that out of the 83 children in the jar, only 11 were not eroded deeply. After being suppressed, Hashirama's cells did not have time to penetrate deep into the children's internal organs.

As the master of Wood Release, Uchiha Yuu can use Wood Release chakra to attract Hashirama cells and induce these flesh and blood monsters to leave the child's body.

But only 11 children who were not severely eroded can survive, and the other 72 children have no hope of survival.

He sighed, activated Thunder Release to tear his wrist, released some blood, and began to seduce.

Under the powerful hypnosis, the children all fell into a deep sleep and had sweet dreams.

When Hashirama's cells detached, the pain of tearing flesh and blood did not awaken the children's sweet dreams. Some children left the world with a smile, and some healed their torn wounds with a smile.

But there was one child who was very special. The Hashirama cells in his body were unmoved. They were not tempted by Uchiha Yu's blood full of Wooden Chakra and stayed quietly in his body.

This surprised Uchiha Yu, which meant that Hashirama's cells had merged with the child's cells.Because the fusion caused the cell's essence to change, it was no longer a complete columnar cell.

In other words, Hashirama's cell fusion experiment led by Anbu succeeded in this boy.

Uchiha Yu's first thought was to take this child away and train him to be his subordinate.But he soon realized that he didn't have a suitable place for the child.

The Uchiha family has not yet mastered it. Even if it succeeds, it will not be their own private land. The consciousness of the Uchiha family will still be greater than their own.

The barrier lake and Cat Castle can be regarded as their own caves. In fact, they are protected by the Ninja Cat Clan and do not have complete independence.

Neither of these places allow overly sensitive people to live, otherwise there is a risk of leaking intelligence.

[After all is said and done, I still have to build a third cave, a secret shelter that belongs entirely to me in the plan. 】

[This child is probably Yamato, with the right age and strength, but I can't accept him because I don't have a real base. It's a pity. 】

[Hmph, I can only temporarily take advantage of the Third Hokage. 】

[Hey, in fact, he won't get much benefit. After all, this kid is too young. By the time he grows up enough to use it, it should be the age of the Fourth Hokage. 】

[Forget it, there is nothing wrong with him being in Konoha Village. The growth of Konoha Village can better protect the Uchiha family. 】Although he kept explaining in his mind and resolving his emotions, Uchiha Yu's irritation was still difficult to suppress.

This boy is a rare talent and an extremely precious research material. Even if he cannot get it due to his own reasons, he is still ready to spread evil fire towards Shimura Danzo.

After all, everything is Shimura Danzo's fault!
Uchiha Yuu emptied the wooden escape laboratory very quickly. Even if he didn't use all his strength, it only took him 47 seconds to kill everyone, but it took him 4 minutes to free the children.

Now the laboratory has been divided into two halves by wooden rafts. One half contains the remains of the 12 surviving children and other children, and the other half is filled with the corpses of the experimenters and the roots of layers of wooden branches. .

Uchiha Yuu slightly disguised himself and moved more than half of the branches to the position of one of the jars, making the scene appear to be an experimental subject awakening the wood escape out of control, causing a tragic accident.

He didn't do it very carefully, because he only needed Shimura Danzo to be in a trance. It only took a moment and everything would be over.

After waiting for another 6 minutes, Shimura Danzo didn't know what he was doing inside and never came out.

Because someone knocked on the door of the laboratory 4 minutes ago, Uchiha Yu had to go on a killing spree.

At this moment, the secret base at the root has been completely sealed by the roots, and the branches are spreading in all directions, dividing the ninjas at the root into secret rooms, and then strangulating them one by one.

Yuu Uchiha has extremely strong control over Wood Release. He is somewhat similar to Senju Hashirama. He can control the trees created by Wood Release at will without using any Wood Release related ninjutsu.

Genbu has been hit hard in the war recently, and the quality of ninjas has dropped drastically. Especially the elite ninjas of the ninja clan have not been replenished, and their combat effectiveness is quite weak.

Such weak root ninjas are able to run rampant in Konoha Village entirely because of the authority of the Third Hokage. It can even be said that every action they take is consuming the prestige that the Third Hokage has worked hard to accumulate.

When they faced a Wooden ninja who was not worried about being exposed and just killed wantonly, they naturally lost the arrogance that was rampant in the Leaf Village. They were captured by branches one by one, and then either strangled into meat paste or impaled. Into a bleeding sack.

Uchiha Yu didn't even give them any chance to call the police, and killed most of the root ninjas in the underground base. The rest was to search room by room, leaving no one alive.

The strange thing is that Shimura Danzo did not appear, he did not even realize that his roots were completely slaughtered, and he did not know what he was doing in the secret room.

Uchiha Yuya was very patient, standing quietly in the middle of the completely jungle-like laboratory, waiting for Shimura Danzo to appear.

He is not like Er Zhu, who not only passively chooses the battlefield and the enemy at the mercy of others, but also waits for the enemy to make the final preparation before fighting the enemy.

Uchiha Yuu has no ninja or samurai spirit. When it comes to killing people, he only cares about the results and never pays attention to the process.

If I die, I live, that is victory.

Therefore, Uchiha Yuu stood behind layers of sheltered wooden rafts, and was even more covered by heavy branches and leaves. Anyway, the branches all over the house were his eyes and ears, so there was no need to reveal his eyes.

After waiting for another ten minutes, when the sunrise was over, and when Uchiha Yuu began to wonder if Miwa Masayo was in a hurry, the door to the secret room opened.

Shimura Danzo walked out of the secret room while adjusting the bandage on his right eye, and then he was stunned.

"What happened!"

"Come on!!"

"Is everyone dead?"

Danzo Shimura, who was shouting, looked panicked, but in fact he was on full alert. His chakra was running to the limit. As he walked out step by step, the muscles in his whole body were tensed to the limit, and he could strike back at any time. .

Just like this, he carefully walked through the most dangerous doorway. Danzo Shimura mentioned that his mental state had naturally declined, but he still did not suffer any attacks.

He finally let down his guard and began to carefully check the surrounding environment. His eyes naturally followed the tree trunks placed by Uchiha Yu and moved to the most concentrated glass jar.

Danzo Shimura recognized it at a glance. The broken glass exploded from the inside out. His head buzzed as he thought of a surprising possibility.

At this moment, the branch that Shimura Danzo had just turned around suddenly erupted. From the branch that was only as thick as a thumb, a sharp wooden wedge with the thickness of an arm grew out, and unexpectedly inserted into the back of Shimura Danzo's head.

The moment the wooden wedge penetrated the skull, at least 40 spikes grew explosively like a hedgehog, instantly growing into the shape of a mace in Danzo's mind.

Sure enough, with absolute superiority of intelligence and powerful enough means, killing Danzo Shimura would be as easy as killing a dog without making any mental calculations.

The overgrown wooden thorn instantly destroyed Danzo's brain and created strong intracranial pressure, which directly opened Danzo's skull.

One of the spikes, under the control of Uchiha Yu, accurately blocked the acupuncture point of the right eye, preventing intracranial pressure from being released toward the right eye, and protecting the eye that had been hidden under the bandage.

At this time, Shimura Danzo was dead, or his body was still alive, but his brain no longer existed. The brain plasma and brain tissue were splashed everywhere as the skull was opened, accompanied by strong pressure.

The body that lost control of the central nervous system began its final instinctive struggle. As the body died, seal traps and mechanisms were triggered one after another.

Poison, fire escape, thunder escape, fire oil, insects, Danzo's ordinary body can actually contain so many traps, which really opened Yuchiha's eyes.

At the same time, he also despised Shimura Danzo more and more. He spent so much effort and did so many deceptive things just to disgust people after death. He was really out of his mind.

With so much energy devoted to improving his own strength, he will definitely be able to take further steps and not be at the bottom among Kage-level ninjas.

Now that he had made so many messy things, the final result was just that his body was completely mangled, and even his head was corroded by some kind of venom, making it look pitted and unrecognizable.

Uchiha Yu patiently waited until everything was over, then manipulated the branches to inspect Danzo's body.

The first was the right eye that was carefully protected. Uchiha Yu took it over and inspected it carefully, and after impacting it with his own pupil power, he confirmed through the strong pupil power of the feedback that it was indeed a Mangekyō Sharingan.

Shimura Danzo has the Mangekyo Sharingan in his hand and placed it in his eye socket. Just this one thing, he has a way to die.

This is not the same thing as the two Magatama Sharingan sent by Obito. The Mangekyo without blindness is the strategic weapon of the Uchiha family and can be called the lifeblood of the Uchiha family.

What's even more terrible is, where did Danzo get these eyes?Who did he kill to gouge out his eyes?
In fact, there are not many objects to doubt. The Mangekyou Sharingan must be a ninja from the Uchiha family, and this ninja must be the most outstanding Uchiha.

The most important thing is that he must have died in an unknown way, so that the unknown Mangekyō Sharingan appeared.

Looking forward 30 years from today, there is only one person who meets these three conditions, Uchiha Kagami, Uchiha Shisui's grandfather.

Good guy, there is another Kaleidoscope Uchiha who loves Konoha. Since Uchiha Madara, the Uchiha family has only a few Kaleidoscopes in total. Except for Obito, all of them love Konoha Village.

Wait, Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Sasuke both seemed to "come to their senses" in the end. They either died fighting for Konoha Village or devoted themselves to Konoha Village.

The Uchiha family founded the Leaf Village and sacrificed everything for the Leaf Village. Even if they were brutally persecuted, they could only scream a few times. Even if they were exterminated, the outstanding Uchiha ninjas would still sacrifice themselves for the Leaf Village. .

Uchiha family, why not change their name to the Sacrifice family?

While thinking wildly, Uchiha Yu quickly collected the loot.

Then he broke into the last secret room, locked the door of the secret room, and then swept away all the jars and jars.

There were not only flesh and blood specimens in the secret room, but also various scrolls, several very expensive-looking weapons, and a lot of money.

I didn’t mention that I had to move them all away and leave nothing behind.

(End of this chapter)

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