I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 175 It’s time for Danzo to retire from the stage of life

Chapter 175 It’s time for Danzo to retire from the stage of life

When the little black man asked his four questions, he naturally got no answers.

There is no answer to these questions. No matter how you explain it, it will seem to be getting darker and darker.

Then the third Hokage's face was like a dyeing shop, with colorful expressions switching back and forth, and the ferocious momentum became higher and higher, beating everyone present crazily like a violent wave.

Sarutobi Hiruzen showed his power, making everyone present extremely convinced that he was indeed the strongest ninja in Konoha Village and even in the ninja world.

The Konoha ninjas were all frightened, and no one dared to look at Naruto again.

The ANBU ninjas who were outflanking were the worst. After hearing the four heart-breaking questions, they all became at a loss.

Even the secret commander in charge of the operation stayed where he was and did not dare to attack.

If he really beats this dark mysterious man to death, will he be accused of murder and silence? You can't even open your mouth to tell!

After the Third Hokage's momentum exploded crazily, they were so frightened that their hands and feet became weak. They swallowed secretly and did not dare to make any move anymore.

The little black man is the shadow clone left by Uchiha Yu. He habitually uses transformation techniques to disguise himself as the most classic mysterious villain in his mind, just to confuse the analysis of the Third Hokage and the ninjas in his faction.

He was not pretending to be from another village, but a secret member of the Senju clan. After awakening the Wood Release, he came to demonstrate to the Third Hokage.

Although Tsunade is the only one left in the Senju clan in Konoha Village, the bloodline of the Senju clan has not died out.

In the near future, Konohamaru Sarutobi, the grandson of the Third Hokage, has a little girl named Moe Huang among his playmates. As a civilian ninja without any surname, he awakened the Wood Release in the more distant future.

The naturally awakened Wood Release is the strongest proof that a ninja belongs to the Senju lineage, which is even more clear than the surname Senju.

The existence of this little girl is ironclad evidence, enough to prove that Senju's bloodline has been scattered among the civilians of Konoha Village, and is perfectly integrated with Konoha Village, and can no longer be distinguished.

Uchiha Yu believed that this was Senju Hashirama's strategy, because this plan was a conspiracy that could not be solved even if everyone knew about it.

The continuation of the Senju clan has been absolutely guaranteed. There is no need to leave a few more ninjas responsible for surveillance, let alone a secret authority.

That's superfluous and stupid.

But from the perspective of those who believe in conspiracy theories, this is not the case. They will definitely suspect that the Thousand Hands clan has left some secret means, and therefore become suspicious.

Maybe Hiruzen Sarutobi wouldn't take it to heart, but Danzo Shimura would never let go of this clue, and his attention would be greatly drawn into it.

Competing against a conspiracy that is impossible to crack, you cannot win in any case. You can only make more mistakes and make more mistakes, and the greater the losses.

In this way, it will be much less difficult and troublesome for Uchiha Yu to kill Shimura Danzo.

The Third Hokage was furious. His majestic momentum dominated the whole scene. The suppressed Konoha ninjas were trembling with fear, but Uchiha Yuu didn't care at all.

Because Uchiha Yu himself is already an out-and-out shadow-level powerhouse, and his shadow clone is not in any danger to his life. How could he be suppressed by the momentum of the third generation?

Under the fierce glare of the Third Hokage, he put away his smiling expression and said seriously: "Sarutobi Hiruzen, it seems that you cannot answer these four questions."

"Forget it, I don't expect you to answer today, so that's it for today."

"But you have to remember, I will keep an eye on you secretly, don't let me find any evidence."

After saying that, the shadow clone disbanded on its own, turned into white smoke with a bang, and dissipated with the wind.

"Shadow Clone Technique!" Koharu said bitterly after sleeping, "He is indeed a Konoha ninja."

She turned to the Third Hokage and said, "Hiruzhan, you don't need to pay attention to what he said. You are the Third Hokage designated by your teacher, and you are also the best Hokage."

Mito Kadoyan echoed: "Koharu is right. We have all seen your efforts in the past 20 years. You have done a good job. You don't need to care about the enemy's evaluation."

The Third Hokage had calmed down at this time, and he sighed: "Well, what he said makes sense. I don't have the genius of the teacher, and I can't lead everyone to defeat the enemy 'easily', so Konoha Village was besieged by the enemy. .”

"We sacrificed so many ninjas, I was 'at fault'..."

After returning to bed, Koharu and Mito Kadoren began to persuade each other. It took a lot of words to get Sarutobi Hiruzen to "re" cheer up, and began to issue orders to direct the Konoha ninjas to destroy the wood escape forest, and reiterated the gag order.

Everything seems to have passed, but everything seems different.

At least Nara Shikamine's eyes became extremely dark when no one was paying attention.

But he was very cautious, and even his old friend, the chief of the mountain clan, didn't notice anything unusual.


Uchiha Yu returned home with Miwa Masashi and happily prepared a lot of delicious food.

Especially the fresh East China Sea octopus legs and dried small fish from the barrier lake that they had just retrieved. The two immortals devoured the food, and their mouths were full of oil.

When he was full and full, Uchiha Yu was suddenly startled, and then burst into laughter.

"My shadow clone is actually more arrogant than me. It actually fooled the Third Hokage and the others. It's really interesting."

Miwa Masayo was so full that she was lying on her back on the floor, purring with satisfaction.

Hearing Uchiha Yu's words, she was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Yu, the shadow clone you left in the woods is so powerful, nya?"

Uchiha Yu replied with a hint of confusion: "Maybe it's because I don't have to worry about death that the arrogance in my nature is exposed more?"

"But I'm not that arrogant by nature, I can't say."

"In short, tonight's action was perfect. My Zifu world gained great vitality. I also obtained the Wood Release Blood Succession Limit, mastered the most lethal ninjutsu, and finally used some small skills to It distracted the attention of the Third Hokage Group."

Uchiha Yu paused and said seriously: "Next, it is time for Danzo to withdraw from the stage of life."

Miwa Masashi agreed: "Yes, this guy is so annoying, nya. He always jumps out to do some disgusting bad things. Find the right opportunity to kill him, and everyone will be very happy."

"Yu, shall we attack him the next time he leaves the Leaf Village, nya?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said, "No, after what happened just now, I changed my mind."

"I'm going to take action in Konoha Village, right here in this village, and send him to the Pure Land."

"By the way, create an extremely real evidence, and use his death to prove that there is a ninja that does not exist, a powerful wood escape ninja."

"Yu, do you want to prepare the vest again?"


"But you already have two vests, and you only used Meow once. Is it really necessary to prepare another Meow?"

"Well, I don't know either, but the more vests the better..."

"You're not even sure Meow!"

"Oh, it doesn't take much trouble anyway. I just need to make some disguises when I do something. A little bit of effort will give me a back-up, no loss at all."


A few days later, Danzo Shimura came back disgraced. He successfully assassinated the commander of the Iwagakure Ninja, but after he killed the person, he realized that the person was not the real commander, but a substitute ninja.

He mistakenly killed the enemy's stand-in, which resulted in Shimura Danzo being completely exposed. He was chased by the Iwagakure ninja for thousands of miles. All the root ninjas he brought there died, and he was the only one who returned to the Leaf Village.

But the most serious problem was not the loss of the root, but the fact that Danzo Shimura had just killed someone and proudly sent out a signal of success, causing the Konoha ninjas to launch a full-scale attack.The Konoha ninjas who were full of luck attacked the Iwagakure ninjas who were waiting for them, and the result was naturally conceivable.

This huge defeat wiped out all the capital accumulated in the past few months.

If the Iwagakure ninjas were not good at attacking and their four-tailed jinchūriki were desperately held back by Jiraiya, the losses of the Konoha ninjas would probably have increased several times.

The subsequent development of the situation was also very dangerous. Under the leadership of Jiraiya, the Konoha ninjas made huge sacrifices to defeat the Iwagakure ninjas and retain the last bit of land control in the Land of Rain.

Fortunately, there are still Sunagakure ninjas in the Land of Rain, which have a strong containment effect. In addition, the Kumogakure ninjas have held back the main force of the Iwagakure ninjas, resulting in the Iwagakure ninjas being unable to launch a full-scale attack, and this was avoided. The flames of war once again reached the territory of the Land of Fire.

Such a heavy loss naturally requires accountability. The frontline commander was dismissed from his post angrily, and Danzo Shimura was ordered to reflect at home.

The Third Hokage's prestige once again suffered a major loss, because all senior officials understood that Shimura Danzo would not be truly punished.

Hokage's unfair treatment is not intolerable in peacetime. After all, everyone only loses a little money and is occasionally disgusted by Danzo.

But in times of war, this is unacceptable. After all, what everyone loses is their own lives.

The Third Hokage himself has not noticed it yet, but this is already the third time he has fallen into the same mistake. The way the ninjas below look at the Third Hokage has changed.

The weight of respect is getting lower and lower, the proportion of doubt and doubt is increasing, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's throne begins to shake.

However, the achievements of Orochimaru and Jiraiya forced the Konoha ninjas to suppress their anger and maintain the surface respect. This also prevented the Third Hokage from being able to detect the crisis in time and continued to run on the road to death.


On the ninth day after Uchiha Yu mastered Wood Release, he finally discovered Shimura Danzo in the root secret base.

With a loud bang, Shimura Danzo slammed the document on the desk and roared: "The roots have suffered heavy losses, and we must replenish our combat power immediately. Hand over the people to me, I don't want to listen to your reasons!"

The ninja who was scolded by him was an old man with white hair and beard. He was not afraid of Shimura Danzo at all. He even protested with a louder voice: "So what if the root losses are heavy? Doesn't it mean that our Shimura family's losses are small?"

"Danzo!! You were just lucky enough to become the disciple of the Second Hokage, and then you had the opportunity to display your talents! But look what you have done? You have suffered repeated losses at the root, and you have been beaten again and again. You have drained the blood of the Shimura family by removing the ninja from the family!"

"The interests of the Leaf Village are higher than the interests of the family. My power has brought huge benefits to the Shimura family. The Shimura family must pay loyalty to the Leaf Village. There is no room for bargaining!"

Uchiha Yuu listened in stunned silence, but he did not expect that Danzo Shimura had such a side.

He actually really did his best for the good of Konoye Village, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice his family's interests for the sake of Konoye Village.

And he also sincerely believes that he is the best candidate for Hokage. As long as he becomes Hokage, everything will be fine for Konoha Village.

Shimura Danzo finally convinced his elders and forcibly removed two jounin and twenty chuunin from the Shimura family to join the root.

This is simply killing the Shimura family, because there are only three jounin left in the Shimura family at this time, and the last jounin that Danzo does not want is the aging Shimura old man.

The old man's face turned pale with anger, and before he left, he roared: "Just go your own way. If you have the ability, you can drag me into the roots of this old bone, so that the Shimura family will not even have a jounin, and let the Shimura family perish!"

But Danzo Shimura was indifferent to this. His will was firm and unshakable. After old man Shimura left, he recruited subordinates and continued to arrange the work of expanding manpower.

The root ninja who received the order couldn't help but ask: "Danzo-sama, will the Yamanaka family and the Aburame family still give people to me?"

When questioned, Shimura Danzo showed murderous intent and asked viciously: "Why, these two families dare to disobey the Hokage's order?"

"This is the Hokage's order. Do they want to be exterminated?"

The Root Ninja was trembling, but he persisted and asked: "Sir, these two families already have dozens of ninjas joining the Roots. Can't we remove people from other families?"

Shimura Danzo said disdainfully: "Humph, my roots are in an elite organization, not just any random ninja can join."

"Most of the elite ninjas can be trained by themselves and do not need to be supplemented from the outside. However, ninjas who can take the lead can only be removed from the ninja family."

"The ninjas of the Inuzuka family are too stupid, the ninjas of the Akimichi family are too stupid, and the ninjas of the Nara family are too slippery. Only the ninjas of the Yamanaka family and the Aburame family are the most suitable for our roots. If not them, who would we look for?"


"If they still dare to make excuses to refuse, tell them that our Shimura family has sacrificed as many as 230 ninjas for the sake of our roots. Their two families combined are less than half of this number. Let's see how they can refuse."

"Yes! Danzo-sama!"

[Steel-like loyalty, a mind like shit, and a mysterious confidence, this is the real Danzo Shimura. 】

[I finally understand how scary pig teammates can be. 】

[No, Shimura Danzo is Sarutobi Hiruzen's pig teammate, but he is the pig leader of Konoha Village. It's terrible. 】

[The Uchiha family is my chosen nest, and Konoha Village is the environment that protects the nest. He cannot be left to continue to cause harm to Konoha Village. 】

[It’s better to choose a day than to hit it. Since you encounter it today, let’s do it. 】

Uchiha Yu suppressed the murderous intention and waited for a suitable time.

In fact, he couldn't tell when the right time was. Maybe it would be when Danzo Shimura was alone, or maybe it would be at dawn soon. In short, it would be an opportunity that could make him feel comfortable.

Uchiha Yuu just melted into the earth, less than ten meters away from Shimura Danzo, quietly listening to Shimura Danzo's impassioned tone, making disgusting and cruel plans one after another.

His murderous intention became firmer little by little, but his murderous intention became quiet and condensed little by little. From the beginning to the end, there was no trace of murderous intent.

As time passed, Yu Uchiha unknowingly sank into the emptiness, without any surprise, joy, anger or fear, just like the quiet night sky, watching everything in peace and tranquility, but not being noticed by everything.

Danzo Shimura's fingers trembled slightly, and he suddenly stopped talking, which surprised the root ninja opposite him, but the strict discipline made him remain silent and wait quietly for Danzo.

Shimura Danzo stretched out his hand to rub his covered right eye, looked at his surroundings in confusion, and murmured: "It's strange, I clearly felt that there was some danger brewing, why did it slowly disappear again?"

Uchiha Yuu, who entered the state of the moonlit night sky, clearly heard Danzo's soliloquy, but he did not express any emotions, but looked at him calmly and continued to wait for the right time.

Shimura Danzo was very busy with his work. He quickly put aside his uncertainty and started working wholeheartedly, arranging one by one the insidious moves against the Konoha family. Even he was so embarrassed that he did not forget to arrange manpower. Strengthen surveillance of the Hyuga and Uchiha clans.

"The surveillance of wealthy families must not be relaxed. These wealthy families are parasites on Konoha. We must always be vigilant about everything they do."

"Manpower is tight now and needs to be carefully arranged. We can no longer be as casual as before."

"It's okay for the Hyuga clan. The ninjas of the Hyuga branch are all slaves. There is no need to care at all. We only need to develop a few more branch ninjas to target every clan ninja."

"The key point is still the Uchiha clan. Not only the ninjas of the direct family must be watched, but also the ninjas of the collateral families. This family is inherently evil, and a freak will appear at any time."

"Uchiha Yuu...stop for a moment. He just made a big fuss with us, so it's not suitable to stare at him for the time being."

After hearing his name, Uchiha Yuu's state in the bright moonlit night sky inevitably fluctuated, and his thoughts were like microwaves on the water, creating a few ripples.

[It turns out that taking advantage of those who make trouble is a common principle in all the worlds. Even a pervert like Shimura Danzo did not consciously give in to me, haha. 】

His thoughts suddenly rose and disappeared, and he quickly returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

When dawn came, Shimura Danzo finally finished handling the recruitment matters. He rubbed his covered right eye again, closed his eyes and rested for a few minutes, then got up and left his office.

Uchiha Yuu's heart moved, and he had a clear feeling.

【The time is coming soon! 】

 The last update was added recently, it’s gone, it’s completely gone.
(End of this chapter)

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