I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 174: Four heart-breaking questions about the third Hokage

Chapter 174: Four Heartbreaking Questions to the Third Hokage

"Woodun, the tree world is born!"

Because he possesses the magical power of [Zha Lei], even if it is not activated, it still has an impact on Uchiha Yu's soft drink, making the low-pitched moan extremely powerful and penetrating.

The sound of soft drinking instantly suppressed the remaining flames on the scorched earth, and blew up countless sparks from the charred carbon powder, sweeping across the entire scorched earth like a wave of reprieve.

Behind this wave of Mars, the earth undulated like a sponge, and the continuous waves of earth wiped out all the Mars one after another.

Just after the world fell into complete darkness, a dull loud noise erupted from the ground.

Boom - rumbling - click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click -

The sound of the ground rolling, the wood twisting, and the plants growing wildly all mixed together to create a noise that made people crazy.

Especially the infrasound waves from the shaking of the earth made Miwa Masayo very uncomfortable. She covered her triangular ears tightly and stared at the land in front of her in stunned silence.


A thick trunk of a big tree broke through the ground and soared majestically into the sky. As the soil and gravel fell one after another, the branches and leaves of the big tree could not wait to unfold.

The next second, countless thick trees rose from the ground. The branches that broke out of the ground soared into the sky at a dizzying speed, stretching their branches and leaves at an extremely fast speed, and even had a very fierce fight with each other. conflict.

In just ten seconds, this scorched wasteland seemed to have spanned a hundred years. Giant trees stood on the ground, forming a virgin forest covering hundreds of meters.

Thousands of giant trees surrounded by three people are tightly next to each other. The same thick roots and branches are intertwined with each other. They spread out to cover the sky and the sun, completely blocking the sky and the earth.

Uchiha Yu stood on the roots of the tree. Under the canopy, everything he could see was completely blocked by the trunk, branches, leaves, and roots.

He sighed with emotion: "It's such an amazing technique. It really deserves the name of 'Tree Realm'. It really cuts out a whole new world."

Miwa Masashi was completely stunned at this time. She was not frightened by the size of the trees, but by Uchiha Yu's efficient chakra usage.

Uchiha Yu uses the natural energy in his meridians to squeeze the cells of his body to extract chakra, and then uses ninjutsu.Because he was separated by a layer, his chakra control was naturally weaker, but through hard training, he made up for this to an extent that others could not see.

But when performing ninjutsu, the conversion efficiency of chakra is indeed much worse than that of others.

But today, the powerful Jutsu of the Tree Realm has transformed the Wooden Chakra into a Ninjutsu effect at an almost one-to-one ratio.

This was obviously far beyond Uchiha Yuu's expectations. His habitual output of chakra was seriously exceeded. As a result, the tree realm that was expected to cover a hundred meters suddenly expanded to nearly 300 meters, including himself and Miwa Masashi. Shrouded in.

Fortunately, the ninjutsu was still under the control of Uchiha Yu, and he also had enough mental power and delicate control to control the movement of every branch, so the tragedy of his own jutsu not beating him did not happen.

Uchiha Yuu looked around the surrounding environment, reaching out to control the branches and trunks to move as he pleased, sometimes like a spear and halberd stabbing violently, sometimes like a strange snake and python entangled, sometimes like a porcupine suddenly exploding its thorns, and it was a great time. Huh.

After playing for several minutes, he estimated that the ANBU ninja was almost here, so he reluctantly stopped and said with emotion again: "I finally have a powerful enough ninjutsu."

Miwa Masayo finally recovered, and she recognized the power of this technique.

Especially when she saw Uchiha Yuu freely controlling the trees, her eyes shone with excitement. She nodded repeatedly and praised: "It is indeed the first Hokage's technique to overwhelm the ninja world. It is so powerful."

Suddenly, the cihuamao was startled, looked up at his scavenger, and asked in disbelief: "Yu, your Wood Release is derived from the Wood Release Chakra Crystal, but where did you learn the tree realm descent from?" Dan, isn’t this Konoha’s forbidden technique, nya?”

"No need to learn."

Uchiha Yu said matter-of-factly: "There is no need to learn this technique at all, and it is impossible to learn it."

"As long as there is enough Wood Release Chakra, Tree Realm Birth can be displayed naturally."

Miwa Masashi was stunned for a while and murmured: "So that's it."

Uchiha Yu also nodded and said: "Well, that's it. Because it's natural, it's very powerful."

He hugged the tabby cat tightly and said with a smile: "The ANBU ninjas are here, it's time for us to leave."

"Meow, I really want to see their expressions, it will be very interesting, meow."

"Haha, Rika-chan, the root ninjas, they all wear masks, and their expressions can't be seen."

"But the Third Hokage always wears no mask. His expression must be more interesting, nya."

"You're right, you will see it in the future. After all, I will show it to him at the right time."

"Huh? Grrrrrrrr, that's so fun, nya. A ninja from the Uchiha family used the Tree Realm in front of the Konoha ninjas. The Third Hokage's mind will definitely go crazy, nya."



There are no weak ANBU ninjas, and the weakest ninjas among them are also very powerful. They are either particularly senior chunin or particularly talented chunin.

This means that they are all very knowledgeable. Seeing this forest of obviously distinctive large trees, the three ANBU ninjas immediately realized: this is Wood Release.

The ANBU captain stretched out his hand to stop his two subordinates. He said in a sullen voice: "Boodoo, you go back now and report to the Third Hokage, just say...you wait first."

The ANBU captain jumped forward, cautiously came to the big tree, cut off a branch with his ninja sword, and after careful inspection, returned to his two subordinates.

He handed the branch to his subordinate, and then said: "Give this to the Third Hokage, and then just say that we are here to guard, and there is no need to say anything else."

The Anbu ninja buzzard wears a mask. The bird-shaped lines on the mask are extremely simple, and you can't tell it's a buzzard no matter how you look at it.

He took the branch with both hands, glanced at the cross section, his whole body was agitated, and he immediately replied: "Yes, I will go back at full speed."

"Remember, you have to ensure that the Third Hokage is the first to see this branch, and no one else can."

"I understand, Captain, I understand."

The buzzard took out a bandage from his arms and wrapped the broken section of the branch carefully, then picked up the branch and left quickly.

The ANBU captain then said to another subordinate: "霜, let's stay on guard here."

"Yes, Captain."

But before leaving, Wu couldn't help but stop and asked in a low voice: "Captain, are we in big trouble?"

The ANBU captain sighed deeply and replied: "Yes, it's a very, very big trouble."

"This is Wood Release..."

Konoha Village, Hokage Office.

"This is Wooden Dungeon!!!"

The third Hokage's voice was as loud as a thunderbolt, making the ears of Anbu and Mito Kaden buzzing, but it was definitely not as violent as the shock that came from their hearts after they understood the last two words.

Wood escape, how could it be wood escape?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's hands were trembling. The branch in his hand only weighed 20 kilograms, which was less than 1% of the weight of the golden hoop he was good at using.

But it was like he was holding a terrifying giant weighing [-] kilograms, and even his whole body was overwhelmed.

The cross-section of the branch is smooth, showing the superb knife skills of the cutter, but the most frightening thing is that this branch has no annual rings at all, and its growth rate is exactly the same from the inside to the outside, without experiencing any seasonal changes.

No branch can grow to a diameter of 25 centimeters in one year under natural conditions.

Therefore, this branch must be the product of unnatural circumstances, and all Konoha ninjas can only think of one name - Wood Release.

Not only was the Third Hokage shocked, Mito Kaden who came to report the situation, as well as the ANBU in the four corners of the office were also extremely shocked. These four ANBU even revealed themselves. This was a major mistake that was never allowed.

However, this is Wood Escape.The Third Hokage was worthy of being a Hokage. He quickly controlled his chaotic thoughts and asked: "How many are there and where are they?"

"There are at least a thousand big trees, all there, all in the Valley of the End."

The Third Hokage stood up quickly. Even if the documents he valued so much were picked up by the wind and fluttered to the ground, he seemed not to see them and walked directly to the door of the office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes became firm and sharp, and he said crisply: "Let's go and take a look."

The ANBU ninjas and Mito Kadoyan both lowered their heads and said, "Yes, Hokage-sama."

Then they followed the Third Hokage and left the Hokage's office together.

After they went out, four ANBU ninjas sneaked into the office. They closed the door, then stood in the four corners of the office, quietly hiding their figures.

The ANBU ninjas turned a blind eye to the documents scattered on the floor, and supervised each other to prevent one of them from secretly watching or picking them up.

ANBU ninjas are not qualified to read the documents on the Third Hokage's desk. Once they read them, they can be deemed to involve leaking secrets, which is an undisputed capital crime.

Although that piece of paper was probably just a promotion approval, it was just a regular document for a genin without any meritorious service and only enough mission records to survive five years and be promoted to chuunin according to the rules.

The Third Hokage hurried to the Valley of the End with a few ninjas. On the way, they also met the head of Ino Shikacho and Koharu who had moved to bed. Except for Danzo Shimura who was out on a mission, the core team of the Third Hokage had already gathered.

When he was still a few kilometers away from his destination, Nara Shikamine exclaimed "Huh?"

He saw the crown of the big tree and quickly calculated the height of the tree in his mind. Before being shocked by the height of 120 meters, he guessed in advance that the reason for such a tall tree was probably the power of Wood Release, so he always remained calm. The leader of the Nara clan was so shocked that he lost his voice.

Under the concerned gazes of his two old partners, Nara Shikamine shook his head solemnly, indicating to them not to ask, they would know immediately.

Soon a group of high-level officials from Konoha Village arrived in front of the woods, and two ANBU ninjas who stayed behind immediately came up to them and reported to the Third Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked: "Have you discovered anything?"

The ANBU captain knelt down on one knee and replied respectfully: "Hokage-sama, we found no enemies here, only a few footprints."

The Third Hokage said in surprise: "Oh, footprints? There are actually footprints... take me to see them."

"Yes, Hokage-sama, please come to me."

Soon everyone came to the place where Uchiha Yuu stood last. On the thick tree roots, a pair of footprints were clear and deep.

The Third Hokage had not participated in front-line activities for at least ten years, and his ninja-related skills were inevitably a bit unfamiliar. It took him several minutes to confirm that the footprints belonged to a ninja, with a height between 185 cm and 190 cm.

Surprisingly, except for these footprints, there are no traces left around.

The top management of Konoha all had the feeling that this person could clearly clean up all the traces, but he deliberately left such a pair of footprints to demonstrate to Konoha Village.

Mito Kadoyan said bitterly: "How arrogant."

When he went to bed, Xiaochun also nodded gloomily, but did not speak. Instead, he carefully observed the surroundings, trying to find any clues.

While everyone was observing the footprints carefully, Nara Shikamine raised his head, looked around, and silently calculated various data on the surrounding terrain in his mind.

He soon confirmed that this mysterious and powerful ninja was standing here and performing the ninjutsu.

The huge trees were obviously created by ninjutsu, and the terrain was completely destroyed, leaving no trace of their arrival.

But he left without leaving any trace. He was obviously a very powerful ninja.

The Third Hokage carefully checked the surrounding environment and found nothing.

By drilling into Konoha, the ninjas determined that these trees were indeed the creations of Mudun, so everyone was in a very bad mood.

Although this mysterious ninja's actions were not outright hostility, the hostility towards Konoha was very clear and even filled with resentment.

The Konohagakure family has a great cause and is the strongest ninja village in the ninja world. The resentment of a mere ninja is nothing at all, even a Kage-level ninja.

Chiyo and Ebizo of Sunagakure Village hated Konoha so much that they could only swallow their anger and hold it in.Despite their talk of revenge, their actual actions were to huddle in Sunagakure Village and refuse to go out without a large number of ninjas following them.

After all, they were still afraid of being targeted by Konoha ninjas and then being targeted and eliminated with force.

This situation is similar in Kirigakure and Iwagakure. Only the situation in Kumogakure is better because there are so many reckless ninjas in this group of ninjas.

The style of the Kumogakure ninja is direct revenge, either killing the enemy or being killed himself, and rarely leaving any traces behind.

It is completely different from the Konoha Village after Konoha 48 years. The backbone of Konoha Village in Konoha 44 years has not been interrupted, and the core top management only lost Konoha White Fang and Tsunade. The third generation of Hokage has never been afraid of any challenge.

But if the power used by this enemy is Wood Release, the situation is completely different.

As the core of power in Konoha Village, the ninjas in the Third Hokage system all know that the founders of Konoha Village are the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of the Second and Third Hokage, today's Konohagakure only knows that the Senju clan is the most important and the first Hokage is invincible in the world, but it does not know the contribution of the Uchiha clan and Uchiha Madara.

But excessive publicity has caused a problem that was not a problem in the first place, that is, the boundary between the Senju clan and the Mudun blood succession has been mythologized, and is bound to the inheritance of the Hokage of Konoha Village.

If a ninja with the surname Senju and mastering the Wood Release Ninjutsu steps forward and becomes an enemy of the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen's power base will be shaken.

Even the loyal Inokacho would doubt him from the bottom of his heart, not to mention peripheral families like Inuzuka and Aburame, who would only silently draw a clear line with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As for the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan, they will definitely jump out with joy and happily demolish the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage was silent for a long time, and finally ordered: "Collect relevant evidence and burn this forest. Everyone must keep it secret today."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Just when all the ninjas accepted the order in unison, a faint voice came from the canopy of the tree: "Ah~~, is this a guilty conscience? You don't dare to announce the information about Mu Dun's appearance."

The ANBU captain shook his hands and threw a row of shurikens, and at the same time shouted angrily: "Who?"

Several other ANBU also rushed forward and outflanked them in a crescent moon formation.

The three patriarchs of the Ino Shikacho, Mito Katoen and Koharu Kagawa gathered around the Third Hokage, guarding the Hokage firmly and getting ready for the battle.

A dark figure jumped down from the tree crown, easily dodged the shuriken attack, stood firmly on the tree trunk, looked up at the Third Hokage, and met the eyes of the "strongest Hokage in history".

The little black man had strong chakra fluctuations all over his body, and he was obviously using a transformation technique to make a crude but effective disguise. He grinned, revealing a mouth full of white teeth, and asked with a smile: "The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen... I have I have four questions for you."

"Ever since you became Hokage, the Leaf Village has been surrounded and attacked. Do you deserve the trust of your teacher Senju Tobirama?"

"The last member of the Senju clan, the Senju Nōshu, died inexplicably. Are you worthy of the First Hokage, Senju Hashirama?"

"Tsunade's lover, Kato Dan, the last prospective son-in-law of the Senju clan, died in the same mysterious way as Naoki. Can you trust your disciple Tsunade?"

"Finally, are you really the 'strongest Hokage in history'?"

Four questions, each of them so sharp.

You don't even need to give any answer, as long as you ask a question, it is a torture of Sarutobi Hiruzen's soul.

When the Third Hokage heard the first question, his face instantly turned as pale as paper.

Hearing the second question, his face turned livid, the third question turned his face as black as the bottom of a pot, and upon hearing the last question, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face suddenly turned as red as blood.

The strongest Hokage in history...

When the publicity plan was finalized, I obviously felt very happy. Why did I feel so ashamed when someone called me out?

(End of this chapter)

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