I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 154 The total value of the weapons seized is 13 billion1500

Chapter 154 The total value of seized weapons is 13 billion taels
It is very difficult to obtain Ying's flesh and blood.

Although the ice crystal white dragon he used was just a showpiece, he needed to deceive Yuu Uchiha at the beginning. At the same time, in order to be able to support his huge body and prevent it from collapsing in the process of accumulating chakra, the dragon's head and The strength of the supporting frame is absolutely excellent.

When it was first taking shape, Uchiha Yuko attacked the ice crystals around Guoying with all his strength.

Although he could fight, it was very difficult, and the speed of destruction could not match the speed of ice crystal condensation, so he had to give up.

Now Uchiha Yu naturally knows that he has been deceived. This ice crystal dragon is generally a super discharge capacitor, a foaming flower stand, and has no actual combat effectiveness at all.

Only the head part that wraps Ying's body is actually as hard as ice crystals.

Fortunately, Miwa Masayo's Immortal Technique, Pure White Claws, has both cutting and high-temperature properties. With her help, she finally dug out a passage that only allowed one arm to penetrate.

Uchiha Yu carefully obtained a sufficient amount of flesh and blood, then placed two punch marks burning with golden flames on Ying's body, making up the number of nine punches, then ignited the body and quickly burned it into a handful of ashes.

He even controlled the wind spirit to carefully check the white ashes to ensure that there were no missing treasures, and then left the ice field with Miwa Masashi.

When Uchiha found the starting point of the Kirigakure ninjas, the Tiger troops who retreated early had already wiped out all the Kirigakure ninjas and occupied this uninhabited island.

After inspection, the Uchihas discovered that there were six large warehouses buried deep underground on the island, which were filled with supplies such as grain, military food pills, raw blood pills, hemostatic bandages, and gauze.

The most numerous weapons and equipment were counted. In one of the large warehouses, 2 ninja swords and 16.5 kunai were counted. As for smaller shurikens, senbon and the like, it was impossible to count.

Uchiha Yu's smiling face blossomed, and he asked jokingly: "You have to have a number even if you can't calculate it, right?"

Uchiha Tadamichi flipped through a stack of records in his hand and replied: "Now we can only say that we have counted 15500 boxes of shurikens and 9800 boxes of Senbon."

Uchiha Yuu looked at the large wooden box that was half a man tall and accepted that it couldn't be counted.

The kunai and ninja swords are large enough and valuable enough, so they are equipped with special kunai clips and ninja sword holders. Ten pieces are packaged together, and the quantity in each box is fixed, so it is easy to count.

But there were no numbers of shurikens and senbons. Not only were there no fixed quantities in the bundles, but they were even more uncertain after being placed in the box. The Uchihas in the Tiger Force were unable to count them.

Uchiha Yu asked again: "Have you found the detonating talisman?"

Zhongdao curled his lips and replied: "Yes, but there are only 227, which is not enough for each of us to share one."

Uchiha Yu said regretfully: "Well, it's not incomprehensible. There are almost no ninjas who are good at fire escape in Kirigakure Village, and the ability to make detonating talismans is about zero. These are estimated to be purchased from other ninja villages, and there can be two hundred of them. It’s already very good.”

After looking around all six underground warehouses, Uchiha Yuu and everyone burst into laughter when they saw the mountains of supplies.

Because it is during the war, the value of weapons is quite high, and the prices of these weapons are also quite amazing.

According to Cat Castle's quotation, the unit price of the Ninja Sword has risen to 11500 taels, and the unit price of the kunai is 1600 taels.

Shuriken cast in large quantities are very cheap, with a unit price of only 145 taels, while senbons are even cheaper, one is worth 20 taels, and three shurikens can buy a bowl of ramen.

It is estimated based on the average number of shurikens per box of 300 and senbons of 750 per box.

The total value of these weapons is 13 billion taels.

That's almost 37.5 Asma.

"Get rich, get rich."

Uchiha Yuu only roughly calculated the value of the weapon, and the happiness brought by the huge number instantly overflowed.

Even if it is a fraction of less than [-] million, it is more than what I have spent on the Tiger Force in the past few months. The Uchiha Family Revitalization Fund can be said to have doubled.

Moreover, there are six large underground warehouses here. Weapons are only filled into two warehouses. There are also four warehouses for baggage, grain, and medicine.

Although except for medicines, other materials are not as valuable as weapons, they cannot be underestimated.

Uchiha Yu estimated that if all the harvest this time was sold, the total value should exceed 25 billion taels. Kirigakure Village's financial balance for two years would not reach this figure.

Murder and arson gold belt ah.

He made a profit, but Wuyin Village definitely suffered a huge loss.

After the last thought emerged, Uchiha Yu's smile slowly disappeared, and he began to urge the tiger troops to speed up the collection and transportation.

He also asked Masashi Miwa to go back to the Cat Castle and mobilize the ninja cats to help carry it, and he asked the ninja cats to move the supplies directly to the Cat Castle.

Uchiha Yu even said: "Move all the things here first, and then slowly count the quantities. The money can be settled in a few months."

The ninja cat Hina, who is the guard of Karakura Tunnel, was also brought in to help. This talkative ninja cat heard Uchiha Yu's words and laughed and said: "Master Yu, why are you so generous today?"

Uchiha Yuu smiled and replied: "This batch of weapons is too large. Cat Castle will definitely not have the money to settle it directly. Of course, it will take a few months to wait."

He looked at the little tabby cat squatting next to Miwa Masashi, carefully recording the transportation quantity on the scroll, and asked for confirmation: "Am I right, Tanita Cat?"

Little Lihua Gutian Cat carefully wrote down the latest number of boxes, and then replied in a sweet voice: "Yes, meow, the money in the cat castle is not enough, meow, my mother-in-law only has meow..."

Covering her sister's mouth, Miwa Masashi lectured: "Idiot, meow, how much is the secret of Cat Castle? Didn't Granny Cat tell you not to say meow to others?"

The little civet cat's big eyes were full of clear stupidity. She thought for a while before replying: "It seems that my mother-in-law said meow, so I won't tell you meow."

The stunned Hina smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't ask for a specific number at first, nya."

He looked at Little Lihua again and muttered: "Sister Gutian Cat is so stupid, can't she make a mistake in accounting?"

The voice of this mean-mouthed ninja cat was quite loud. Naturally, it was heard by Miwa Masashi. She shouted unceremoniously: "It's not like you idiots. You all fight and bicker all day long. You can't even add or subtract more than ten." The law is not good."

"Grandma Cat had no other choice, so she asked Gutian Cat to help settle the accounts. She is only two years old!"

Hina's head shrank from being scolded, and Tou quickly ran away carrying the box.

Ninja cats such as Hina and Tianhui are also four years old, only one month younger than Miwa Masashi, but they have been bullied by Miwa Masashi since childhood.

Even among the ninja cats of their generation, Miwa Masashi is not the oldest ninja cat, but he is the undisputed eldest sister.

When the big civet cat roars, the young ninja cats will subconsciously shrink their necks and tuck their tails, and then speed up their work.

Obviously, the ninja cats have long formed a bloodline suppression of the younger brothers by the civet cat sister.

After driving away the talkative Hina, Miwa Masato asked curiously: "Yu, you seem to be very anxious this time, nya."

Uchiha Yu replied: "I saw the warehouse on this island. It is old and has a huge inventory. This is not a temporary warehouse, but a warehouse that has been used for at least 20 years."

"Coupled with the Ninja Village-level inventory in the warehouse, I can conclude that this is by no means a temporary warehouse to supply supplies for 500 ninjas, but a strategic warehouse to support the operations of the entire Kirigakure Village."

"No wonder there are so many weapons and weapons. It turns out that they are the reserves of the entire Kirigakure Village."

"Hey, such an important warehouse, even if we kill all the Kirigakure ninja guards, we can't keep it secret. Kirigakure Village must have a warning mechanism for regular contact. As long as the time is up, the fourth generation Mizukage of Kirigakure Village will You’ll know something is wrong.”

"Then they will come to rescue meow in a big way?"

"Of course, I don't know how much it cost to buy so many things. If you knew that a thief had entered your warehouse, wouldn't you get angry?"

Uchiha Yu exaggeratedly covered his heart and joked: "If I were the Fourth Mizukage, I would definitely feel heartbroken when I heard something happened to this warehouse."

"So we're going to do some quick action?"

"Yes, if the Kirigakure ninjas attack in large numbers, especially if the Fourth Mizukage leads the team, the Tiger troops and I will have no choice but to run away." Yuu Uchiha looked at the lively moving scene, He lamented: "I entered Baoshan but couldn't empty it. It's my turn to feel heartbroken."

Masayo Miwa was amused by the shit-sweeper, making her laugh.


Uchiha Yu's guess was good. Due to time constraints for Ying's attack, he directly arranged for him to assemble at the frontline storage base where Kirigakure Village had been for many years.

After the Kirigakure ninjas were armed, they directly launched an attack on the tiger troops. During the whole process, no one thought of doing anything to cover up.

This is caused by the inertia of their thinking.

This island has become the storage base of Kirigakure Village for 20 years. There has never been any danger, and no enemy has even come close to 500 kilometers away.

For a whole generation, after two wars, there was not a single danger in the storage base.

After a long period of peace and quiet, the work of the guards was naturally not taken seriously. This island did not even know when it became a place of exile for losers in the internal fighting in Kirigakure Village.

Those ninja children who were almost exterminated, as well as politicians who failed in the struggle but luckily survived, are members of the warehouse guard force.

When the Uchihas of the Tiger Force retreated from the battle and followed the direction of the Kirigakure ninja's movement as planned, the guarding ninja did not sound the alarm.

When the battle broke out, the Uchiha were surprised to find that among the guarding Kirigakure ninjas, there were actually 60-year-old ninjas, and there was more than one.

Among the Kirigakure ninjas, apart from the old men, there are also children in their teens and a half, and there are even children between 6 and 8 years old, who are younger than the boy scouts of the Tiger Troop.

Of course, such Kirigakure ninjas have little fighting power. The third squadron of the Tiger Force sent two detachments and simply launched a charge to wipe out the guards.

The Uchiha didn't even kill a few people, but captured most of them.

But Yuya Uchiha guessed one thing wrong, that is, the management chaos of Kirigakure Village was beyond imagination. Such an important warehouse was occupied by him for three days, and Kirigakure Village was not aware of it.

It wasn't until those Kirigakure ninjas who escaped from the battlefield, especially the ninjas of the Snow clan, detoured back to Kirigakure Village, and the Fourth Mizukage specially sent ANBU to investigate, that the ANBU discovered that there was something wrong with the island.

You know, this island is only 400 kilometers away from Kirigakure Village in a straight line, within the territory of the Kingdom of Water, and on the patrol path of Kirigakure ninjas.

Uchiha Yuu couldn't imagine that the fourth Mizukage of Kirigakure Village would be furious to death after learning the information.


Goji Yagura was very lucky. He was lucky that he was young enough. Even if his veins bulged from anger, he did not suffer from a serious illness such as cerebral hemorrhage.

In other words, when you are angry, your eyes will turn black and your head will feel swollen.

However, after Master Yuan learned the news, he continued to drink tea with a normal expression, without trembling his fingers.

He is an old guy from the first Mizukage era. In the continuous decline of Kirigakure Village, he encountered many crazy events. His heart has been as strong as a rock and cannot be shaken by the eight winds.

He took two sips of tea and comforted the Fourth Mizukage: "Yondaime, please don't be angry. This is just a small matter."

Goji Yagura sat down with a wry smile, and said with a bit of complaint: "Master Yuanshi, you are really calm. This is our old warehouse, with a loss of more than one billion taels."

"The most important thing is that there are also losses to Ying and the Snow clan. Alas, maybe I should go with them."

Hearing the fourth generation talking about Ying, Master Yuan finally couldn't help but sigh: "It's such a pity for Ying. It's such a pity. I never expected that something would happen to him."

Goju Yagura said with sadness and confusion: "The Snow Clan led by Ying, their combined ninjutsu is definitely not worse than the demolition troops in my impression, how could they be defeated and wiped out in one fell swoop?"

"Is it that Konoha Village's tiger troops are too strong, or is our Kirigakure Village lagging too far behind?"

Master Yuan said: "Probably all of them."

Goji Yagura was silent for a while, but still made up his mind. He said: "We can't let others deal with the Tiger Troops. Their power is too dangerous and they pose too great a threat to our Kirigakure Village. I want to Go and see for yourself. If I had the chance, I would just kill them."

Master Yuan asked: "Fourth Generation Master, who do you plan to take with you?"

Goju Yagura replied: "I will bring Terumi Jounin, Kaguya Yoshijounin, Oniden Ouzuki Jounin, and..."

After thinking for a long time, Goju Yagura smiled bitterly and said: "I really have no one to choose from. Kirigakure Village is really losing its talents now."

Genshi nodded and said: "Yes, so the 'Seven Ninja Swordsmen' plan is imminent. I hope that through this plan, a group of outstanding jounin can be selected from the vast number of Kirigakure ninjas."

Then, Genshi said with a smile: "But I have good news. The seal of the three-tailed Jinchuuriki has been initially successful. We have the first Jinchuuriki, and the Fourth Generation can take him with us."

Goji Yagura was overjoyed and asked happily: "The jinchuriki experiment was successful? Who is the new jinchuriki?"

Genshi replied cheerfully: "The jinchuriki is Onishi Kyohei Jonin, but the seal is not completely successful. Onishi Kyohei can use the chakra of the three tails, but he cannot unlock the power of the three tails."

Goju Yagura said happily: "Okay, okay, great. Being able to use the chakra of the tailed beast is enough. At least it can allow the Jonin to exert great power. It may be stronger than me in terms of attack power." .”

Genshi nodded and said: "Yondaime, your thinking is too exaggerated. The ninjutsu performed by Onishi Kyohei is not powerful enough, but he can use unlimited ninjutsu, so he should be able to help you."

Goji Yagura frowned slightly, then relaxed, and said with a smile: "I was too impatient, but now I can help, so I will take them and the ANBU to check the situation."

"Konoha's tiger troops penetrated hundreds of kilometers into the Kingdom of Water, and it was as if they were in an uninhabited land. If they cannot be taught a profound lesson, the great sea and natural moat that Kirigakure Village is proud of will cease to exist."

"If the tiger troops escape intact, the Konoha ninjas will invade the Kingdom of Water unscrupulously, and Kirigakure Village will never have peace."

Genshi stood up and agreed: "The Fourth Mizukage-sama is right. Our Kirigakure Village has been in decline for so many years, but it can still be one of the five major ninja villages in the ninja world. The biggest advantage is the sea and the natural moat. This is protection. There must be no problems with our last line of defense.”

"Yondaime-sama, even if it means paying a huge price, even if it means paying the life of Jinchuuriki Onishi Kyohei, we must destroy the Konoha ninja and make them tremble in fear when they think of the sea."

While the Kirigakure Village was actively mobilizing, Orochimaru, the commander of the Konoha Ninja Army, had already completed small-scale mobilization and was about to enter the Kingdom of Water with reinforcements.

After receiving Uchiha Yu's request for help two days ago, Orochimaru immediately judged that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to severely damage Kirigakure Village, even a better opportunity than Kubota Village four months ago.

The Tiger troops were attacked by Kirigakure ninjas. Not only did these Uchiha defeat the enemy, they also counterattacked into the Kingdom of Water and occupied an important island.

This is something Kirigakure Village cannot tolerate. As long as Kirigakure Village still has some strength, it will use all its strength to launch a counterattack in an attempt to eliminate the Tiger Troops within the Kingdom of Water.

Orochimaru very much agrees with Uchiha Yu's analysis. The fact that Kirigakure Village can organize an external attack means that they have identified the Fourth Mizukage.

Although Orochimaru still doesn't know who the Fourth Mizukage is, he knows that the Fourth Mizukage will definitely appear on the battlefield to encircle and suppress the tiger troops.

As long as we can seize the opportunity and kill the Fourth Mizukage, who was selected after four months of internal fighting in Kirigakure Village, the situation in Kirigakure Village will completely collapse.

Even if Mizukage cannot be killed, as long as he is seriously injured, Kirigakure Village will be in decline for at least two years.

This is a lot of merit.

Unlike Uchiha Yuu, who achieved meritorious service and received only verbal benefits, Orochimaru received meritorious service, and the benefits were real. It was even possible for several of his subordinates to be promoted to Jonin.

But the feat that was about to be achieved also made Orochimaru difficult.

The talent of Kirigakure Village was withering, and the Fourth Mizukage couldn't even pick out four powerful Jonin.

What bothers Orochimaru is that he has more than 60 jounin and more than a thousand senior chuunin under his command. Who should he take to the land of water?

(End of this chapter)

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