I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 153: A genius’s fatal blow turns the sea into an ice field

Chapter 153: A genius’ fatal blow turns the sea into an ice field

Uchiha Yuu was not able to rescue all the Uchiha brothers. He also picked up six corpses during the impact.

Hand-to-hand melee combat is the most dangerous battle in any world. No matter what advantages you have, casualties cannot be avoided.

Uchiha Yuu didn't feel too sad. He put away the bodies of his subordinates and checked the entire battlefield again. After confirming that no Uchiha was missing, he threw the kunai in his hand.

This kunai is engraved with his unique Flying Thunder God mark. It is not a Yin-Yang diagram, nor a Bagua diagram, and certainly not the Uchiha family emblem, but four words - Tao follows nature.

This is a wonderful result. Uchiha Yu's research on the Flying Thunder God's seal mark, the final seal formation pattern is a one to four long pattern.

There was no way to change it into a Bagua diagram or a Yin-Yang diagram. After looking left and right, he found that as long as he added a few strokes, it happened to be the four words "Tao Fa Zi Zi" in cursive script.

It was too obvious, this was a hint given to him by Heaven.

Don't tell me that you are superstitious. I have already become an immortal. There is no need to worship gods or anything else, but you have to recognize the great truth.

So Tao followed nature and became his mark of the Flying Thunder God.

The kunai turned into lightning and flew out. Miwa Masashi disappeared with the help of flames. He was the only Uchiha on the battlefield. Uchiha Yuu completely relaxed and finally had the mood to appreciate the ice crystal that Ying had created by draining all her chakra. Behemoth.

The freezing of the sea continued. As more and more seawater condensed, the layers of accumulated ice crystals began to rise upwards. The ice crystals around Ying's body turned into hideous monster heads.

The abstract head, which is entirely composed of icy thorns, is as thick and spiny as a porcupine, and its empty and indifferent pupils shine with endless cold light.

The violent fluctuations of chakra suddenly calmed down. The giant monster's claws stretched out from under the sea and slapped heavily on the sea, followed closely by another huge claw.

As the monster continued to struggle and exert strength, clusters of sword-like backs emerged from the sea, followed by a long dragon tail and stocky and heavy hind legs.

When this nearly 50-meter-long ferocious beast stood on the sea, endless ice mist spurted out from both sides of its body, eventually condensing into a pair of ice crystal wings with a wingspan of more than [-] meters.

Crystal clear ice crystals make up the monster's body, and every inch of its body surface is made up of layers of sharp ice thorns.

There are no internal organs or bones under the transparent ice crystals, only ice emanating from the spine of the body, which makes one's scalp numb just by looking at it.

This thing is definitely the natural enemy of people with trypophobia.

The Kirigakure ninjas opened their mouths wide and stared at this crystal ferocious beast in stunned silence. They couldn't help but doubt whether their ninja career was really on the right track?
Even the ninjas of the Snow Clan could not speak a word. They had never thought that their clan leader had such power and ninjutsu.

The seeds of pride have been planted in the hearts of these black and straight ninjas, and maybe one day they will sprout and grow vigorously, guiding them to become a new generation of powerful ninjas.

The giant monster spread its wings that covered the sky, flicked its tail slightly, and set off endless strong winds, mixed with countless frost blades, pouring in all directions like a tsunami.

The dazzling ice blue is so dazzling that people can't look directly at it, but the sharp frost blade quietly softens into round hail.

The Kirigakure ninja and the Snow Clan ninja were caught off guard. They had no way to dodge and were beaten all over their heads. They were blown into the air by the strong wind, and then fell heavily into the sea.

Some smart ninjas understood that this was Ying helping them leave the battlefield and preventing them from becoming cannon fodder after being involved in the battle.

So they began to shout loudly, calling on their companions to flee the battlefield and give Master Ying room to fight.

The sea is the home ground of Kirigakure ninjas, and their methods of escaping are endless.

Some ninjas transformed into various giant fishes and submerged into the sea water and quickly disappeared.

Some ninjas dived into the sea in a daze, relying on ninjutsu to maintain underwater breathing, and swam to the deep seabed with their hands before moving in a direction they felt was safe.

Most of the Kirigakure ninjas still cooperated to perform the Kirigakure technique, creating a large area of ​​thick fog on the sea, and then ran away into the thick fog.

Uchiha Yuu did not stop these guys from escaping. There were too many of them, and it was impossible for him to kill them alone.

Besides, his goal is just to ensure that one person dies here, so why bother causing too many killings.

The ice-crystal white dragon sprayed ice, snow and cold wind crazily. The sea surface under Uchiha Yuu's feet was gradually freezing. His idea of ​​oiling the soles of his feet began to waver unconsciously.

I really want to kill this guy head-on. Fighting such a big ice crystal creation should be very enjoyable.

He shook his head and sighed: "I know that it is very dangerous to fight a genius without killing him with one blow. He really aroused my competitive spirit."

"The mental monkey is so lively, it will be very troublesome to deal with it when we go back."

Uchiha Yuu is not too worried about this genius strengthening Kirigakure Village, because he does not have enough time or enough achievements to accumulate prestige, and cannot convince Kirigakure Village to follow his ideas.

But he believed that such a genius could make big moves when alone.

Now there is indeed a big commotion.

Uchiha Yu looked at the ice crystal beast carefully again and praised: "This thing is much better-looking than the clay dragon."

"With such a small amount of chakra, you can create such a magnificent ice escape creation. I must admit that you are a true genius."

Ying manipulated the dragon to lower its head and looked at Uchiha Yuu coldly, indifferent to his praise. In the cold and hollow dragon eyes, there was only endless anger and murderous intent.

Ying has completely sealed herself off. Now he can't hear the outside world at all and can't speak.

Uchiha Yuu didn't know the situation, but he could feel the murderous intent from the opponent, as well as the determination to break the boat.

Finally, he gave up the idea of ​​having fun.

The enemy drained all the cells out of his body like a desperate effort. The result was indeed very strong combat power, but it also meant that he was not far from death.

Why fight with a genius who has exceeded his own limits and whose combat power is at its peak?
When a genius is desperate to fight for his life, the best way to deal with it is not to fight with all his strength, but to ignore him and stay away from him.

After this desperate genius has exhausted all his strength and life, come back and touch his body.

No matter how talented he was when he was alive, wouldn't he be just a corpse after he died?

The ice-crystal white dragon opened its mouth full of ice, and all the chakra in its body converged toward the mouth. A blue ice ball gathered, exuding terrifying chakra fluctuations and an extreme cold that made the blood all over the body coagulate.

Uchiha Yu no longer hesitated, activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and disappeared in front of Ying.

Ying suddenly lost her attack target. Is the sudden disappearance of the enemy a cover-up?Is it an illusion?Or the clone technique, instant body technique, shadow clone technique?

There is no target, but the ninjutsu that has accumulated chakra to its peak cannot be stopped. He must release the ninjutsu, even if it can only be fired at the empty sea.

Fortunately, this ninjutsu does not require aiming. Its attack range is extremely huge. As long as the enemy is within it, it will definitely be killed by this jutsu.

Ying didn't hesitate too much and immediately activated her strongest ninjutsu.
Ice Escape·Frozen Polar Region
The ice crystal-colored light emitted by the blue ice ball in the dragon's mouth suddenly dimmed, the biting cold suddenly burst out, and a dazzling beam of light burst out at the sea surface.

Along the trajectory of the beam, a beautiful ice path appeared in the air, and amidst the crisp sound of ice cracking, ice dust like stardust fell like mist.

The blue beam seemed to move forward slowly, but in fact it hit the sea instantly.

On the sea surface where the beam hit, the sea water seemed to be hit hard by a meteorite, causing waves to rise into the sky, violent air currents erupting, and terrifying shock waves setting off wild waves on the sea.

But the shock wave was accompanied by terrifying extreme cold, and the violent waves raised by the shock wave were frozen directly before they could fall, forming a vivid three-dimensional picture of waves and waves.

The shock wave turned into a howling wind hundreds of meters away. The extremely cold wind roared shrilly, freezing everything in its path.

After this storm, everything changed.

The sea froze, the clouds in the sky froze, the moisture in the air froze, and even the wind suddenly disappeared.

The sea within sight turned into an ice field, everything was frozen, and everything was covered with a layer of icy blue, reflecting crystal light in the sun.

At this time, the ice slag condensed by the moisture in the air was falling one after another, and the white clouds in the sky were also falling visible to the naked eye due to the condensation.Above the vast sea, a circular man-made ice sheet with a radius of 1200 meters unexpectedly appeared. The scope was staggeringly large.

This is a true man-made disaster.

Uchiha Yu held his own kunai, stood on the edge of the ice, and gently broke the ice on his legs.

He looked at the ice field in front of him and said with emotion: "My dear, you are really an amazing guy. The attack range of this ninjutsu exceeds that of most tailed beasts' Tailed Beast Jade."

"One and Two Tails should be ashamed when they see the scene created by human ninjas."

"Unfortunately, this is also a fatal blow from a genius."

Miwa Masayo, who was channeled, heard this and asked doubtfully: "You said he is dead, nya?"

Uchiha Yu pointed at the ice crystal white dragon in the distance and said: "It's dead, all the chakra fluctuations have disappeared. You see, that huge ice crystal creation is collapsing and disintegrating."

Miwa Masashi used his claws to set up a tent in front of his eyes, and looked carefully, just in time to see the huge dragon head fall, smashing countless ice dust on the ice field.

The civet cat said in surprise: "It's really dead, meow."

"Why did he create such a big ice crystal creation, meow? But he used other ninjutsu to launch an attack and then disintegrated. Isn't this a waste?"

Uchiha Yu denied Miwa Masayo's statement: "He did not waste it, or in other words, all the wasted chakra was necessary and meaningful."

"For me, his ideas are of great reference value."

As we all know, ninjas extract chakra from their cells.

Life itself has many restrictions and locks, and it is impossible to squeeze out all the chakra in the cells at once like a machine.

Even if you want to go all out, destructively squeeze the cells, and directly squeeze the cells to death, it still requires a process and takes a long time.

So Ying adopted an ingenious method. He first extracted the chakra and used it to create a giant ninjutsu to shape a huge chakra creation with a loose structure.

The function of this ice crystal white dragon is not a battle puppet, but a chakra reservoir to accumulate the chakra that Ying continues to extract.

When the chakra in his body was completely drained, and even when the body cells had begun to die, he decomposed the ice crystal dragon and put all the accumulated chakra into the final ninjutsu.

Ying succeeded.

He successfully performed a giant ninjutsu far beyond his own ninja level and created an ice field on the sea.

This is a real ice sheet that freezes even the 40-meter-deep seabed. It is not an iceberg that drifts with the waves without a foundation. It even lasts throughout the summer without melting and disappearing.

Uchiha Yuu and Miwa Masashi set foot on the ice field and walked towards the remains of the giant beast in the center of the ice field. They looked at the various terrifying scenes frozen along the way and felt the increasingly terrifying low temperature. The two immortals kept commenting on Ying. improve.

When he got closer to 500 meters, Uchiha Yu could no longer bear the cold under his feet. He had to take out thick wood and tie it to his feet to insulate him from the low temperature.

After tying the thick planks, Uchiha Yu sighed: "If I hadn't run far enough and was frozen by ninjutsu at this position, I'm afraid my life would be in danger."

Mashiwa Mashiha created a cloud of white mist, and then scattered it with his paws, having a great time playing.

Hearing Uchiha Yuu's emotion, she looked at her man with suspicion and asked, "Are you sure this temperature can kill you?"

Uchiha Yu thought for a while and replied: "It is still possible. With such a low temperature, there is at least a 1% chance of inducing cardiopulmonary embolism. This is a real fatal threat."

Cihuamao: "..."

She was so used to it that she was too lazy to argue with this guy.

Not to mention the probability of inducing cardiopulmonary embolism, is it even 1%? What happens even if it does?

Uchiha Yuu is not an ordinary person. His body's self-healing ability is so terrible that cutting a hole in his heart is not considered a fatal injury.

With such an inhuman physique, what the hell kind of blood vessel embolism could kill him?
A severe stroke is a cerebral thrombosis, which will cause him to be disabled for a short period of time.

However, when Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi walked to Ying's body, they gasped together, and then their teeth chattered because of the cold air at the same time.

They saw dry ice, which was continuing to condense and grow in size, growing upwards on the ice like window grilles.

This means the temperature is below -78.5 degrees.

Uchiha Yu whispered to Miwa Masashi: "You must not touch the ice with your skin, and try not to even touch your hair. You may be frozen directly."

The civet cat nodded repeatedly and put its paws under its body in fear. Suddenly she asked: "Yu, why is there still a water cat here?"

Uchiha Yuu followed the direction of the civet cat and looked over. He was so scared that his body stiffened. He pointed at a small puddle on the ice and stammered: "This, this, this is liquefied air? "

The clear liquid in the shallow puddles is filled with small bubbles. Is it... boiling?
Using the natural energy of the wind spirit, Uchiha Yu gently captured the gas released from a burst bubble and brought it to his nose to smell it. There was no smell at all.

But Uchiha Yu felt itchy in his nasal cavity, and soon felt that his brain became refreshed, and his thinking relieved the drowsiness that had just persisted.

"It is indeed pure oxygen. No wonder I find it difficult to breathe here. It turns out that the oxygen has liquefied and the oxygen content in the air is so low that it is hypoxic."

The slightly boiling liquid oxygen means that the ambient temperature here is -183 degrees.

Uchiha Yu sighed and said: "After all, I still underestimate the power of this ninjutsu. If I am directly hit by this jutsu, my life will really be in danger."

Miwa Masashi asked: "Can this jutsukage-level ninja be used?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "Impossible, this is beyond the scope of Kage level."

Ying's last ninjutsu is the undisputed strongest in today's ninja world.

Including Uchiha Madara, who is old and dying, Nagato, who is still recovering from a weak body, and the so-called perfect Jinchuriki Brübi, they are all unable to exert this level of power due to various reasons.

Uchiha Yu even felt that if Nagato, who was at his peak 20 years later, was directly hit by this technique, he would die without any room for struggle.

"Fortunately, I mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique and jumped out of the attack range of this technique." Uchiha Yuu said with a smile: "This genius ninja of the Snow Clan did not achieve his goal, but accidentally killed many Kiri. Hidden ninja."

Although Ying reminded the Kirigakure ninjas to retreat, there were always people who were lucky enough to hide under the sandy rocks on the seabed, or in dense seaweed jungles.

These great minds were frozen in the sea ice at this moment. The low temperature made them fall into coma, and slowly died from suffocation.

No one could save them. The frozen position of these Kirigakure ninjas was too close to the bottom of the sea. No one could dig through the 40-meter-thick ice before they died.

"I'm going to collect some of this guy's flesh and blood, and then we'll join up with the tiger troops to see what surprises the enemy has at their starting point."

"What do you want with other people's flesh and blood?"

"When I master the filthy land reincarnation in the future, I will recruit this guy to serve me. Such a rare talent cannot be wasted in the pure land."

"I remember you said that if you want to gain true wisdom through reincarnation in the dirt, you must release enough authority to allow the resurrected soul to be fully free. This is the enemy you forced to death. Resurrection is really useful. Meow ?”

"How can it be useless?"

"Everyone has desires and needs, even dead people are no exception."

Uchiha Yuu thought about a future in which the Snow Clan would be completely wiped out, and then thought about a future in which he would control the Uchiha Clan and be very, very rich.

He said proudly: "If you have money, you will be a ghost. If you don't have money, you will be a ghost. He will be obedient and serve me."

(End of this chapter)

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