I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 155: The [-]-year-old Kakashi is a useless burden

Chapter 155 Ten-year-old Kakashi is a useless burden
Jonin is used to support the show, and chunin is used to gain merit, but you can't choose weaklings to gain merit.

After all, a battlefield is a battlefield.

No matter how good our situation is, those who are not strong enough and have unclear minds will die on the battlefield.

For example, the Hyuga clan from before came with two jounin bodyguards to collect their merits.

In order to make good friends with the Hyuga family, Orochimaru protected this playboy in every possible way. It was not until the Konoha ninja army defeated the Kirigakure ninja army that the entire army collapsed, and he allowed the three-man team with two jounin to move freely.

Orochimaru never expected that the Hyuga clan would dare to intercept Kirigakure's retreating troops.

After the first ninja war, the textbooks of the ninja school all talked about the principle of not being restrained when returning to the master. Unfortunately, the Hyuga clan just didn't know it, and eventually he was buried in the chaotic battlefield, and even lost a white eye. .

As for the Hyuga branch who secretly exchanged his own eyes and tried his best to get back a white eye, it was said that he was questioned by the Zong family and received extremely severe punishment.

The relationship between Orochimaru and the Hyuga family has become a lot more tense because of this.

Therefore, being a leader is not that easy. Understanding everything about his subordinates carefully and allocating tasks and resources reasonably are major issues that Orochimaru must consider at all times.

He not only wants the right ninja to take on the right tasks, but also allows the strong to make enough contributions and gain enough merits and honors.

He must also be careful not to allocate too much to the strong, to avoid the situation where individual subordinates are too prominent, so as not to cause jealousy among his subordinates, and to maintain the balance of power and prestige among his subordinates.

At the same time, the balance between the Aburame, Inuzuka, Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Sarutobi, and Shimura families is also an issue that Orochimaru needs to seriously consider.

That's why Orochimaru is so busy, and the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is even busier, so busy that he doesn't even have time to do any specific work.

What made Orochimaru unhappy was that the Third Hokage actually made it difficult for him.

He sent Konoha's number one assassin, Konoha White Fang's son Ninja Hatake Kakashi, to the Country of Yu.

Not only that, the Third Hokage also hinted that Kakashi should try to get as many meritorious deeds as possible to prepare for the Third Hokage's exceptional promotion.

It really gives me a headache just thinking about it.

When Orochimaru was crossing the water country, for some reason, he suddenly remembered the difficulty in arranging Kakashi, so he specifically glanced at Kakashi Hatake.

At this time, Hatake Kakashi had just turned ten years old and was less than 1.4 meters tall. The little white-haired boy was running at full speed among the crowd.

In order to keep up with these senior chunin and jonin, he had tried his best. Even with his face covered, Orochimaru could see that his face was pale. It was obvious that his physical strength was insufficient, and he was relying on his will to hold on.

Unlike Jiraiya, Orochimaru doesn't like his subordinates to rely on willpower if they lack strength. He prefers subordinates who can complete tasks calmly and calmly.

Of course, a strong will is not a bad thing, but being strong and not knowing your own weight are two different things. Especially in collective tasks, insisting on carrying out tasks that are beyond your capabilities is irresponsible for the lives of your companions and is a major threat to the collective interests. threaten.

Orochimaru's negative impression of Hatake Kakashi suddenly deepened several times, and he decided to kick Kakashi back to Konoha Village after completing this task.

He would give Kakashi the credit, and there was no problem with the mission record, but if Kakashi wanted to be his subordinate, he couldn't even think about it.

The Third Hokage persisted to no avail!

The subordinates that Orochimaru wants are excellent ninjas who can provide him with strong support and become his wings.

Even if there is a ninja who is too powerful and can threaten him, Orochimaru is generous enough to accept him, and has the confidence to make him obey him wholeheartedly.

This is the self-confidence of Leng Jun Orochimaru.

Suddenly, a man appeared on the sea without any warning. He was wearing a nondescript gray-blue coat, without a ninja forehead protector, or a family crest. He greeted the arrival of Konoha ninjas with a smile.

Orochimaru smiled, this ninja was very appealing to him, and he was currently the one he hoped to conquer the most.

Uchiha Yu carefully observed the reinforcements composed of more than 300 Konoha ninjas, and quickly confirmed that there were 34 jounin, 271 senior chuunin wearing vests, and no genin.

He was very satisfied with the reinforcements brought by Orochimaru. With this group of elites, they could completely offset the Jōnin advantage of the Kirigakure ninjas.

And Orochimaru, who personally led the team, was definitely able to defeat Gotachibana Yagura, who was not yet a jinchuriki. Yuu Uchiha found that he had a 95% chance of winning this battle, and he immediately felt satisfied.

It’s been a long time since I fought such a confident battle. This feeling of being sure of victory is really great.

Orochimaru's golden snake eyes widened, and he caught Uchiha Yuzhi's proud smile, and saw the absolute confidence shining from the black pupils.

Although the two of them had only a few contacts, Orochimaru had a deep understanding of the Uchiha he admired and feared the most. Through these details, he understood that this guy was absolutely sure of the upcoming battle.

Orochimaru's heart skipped a beat, and his mind was filled with one question: Why?
In a battle between individual ninjas, as long as their strength is not vastly different, the first factor that determines the outcome is intelligence.

Enduring the battle between groups, the influence of intelligence as a factor directly rose to a decisive level.

Uchiha Yuu can be absolutely sure that a battle has not yet occurred, which only shows that he knows the intelligence of both the enemy and ourselves, so he can make accurate judgments.

So why?
Why doesn't Orochimaru know who the Fourth Mizukage is, but he, Yuu Uchiha, knows this key information?

Does this guy have an intelligence source in Kirigakure Village?

Orochimaru immediately ruled out this possibility, and then he buried his doubts deeply in his heart, smiled and said to Uchiha Yu who came up to greet him: "You actually came here to greet us, has there been any change?"

Uchiha Yuu exclaimed in surprise: "As expected of Lord Orochimaru, your guess is really accurate."

"The ninjas from Kirigakure Village have already set off. This ninja force only has 1500 ninjas, but it is led by the Fourth Mizukage. It also found ninjas from the Oniden family and ninjas from the Kaguya family."

Orochimaru asked curiously: "Did you see it with your own eyes? Who is the Fourth Mizukage?"

Uchiha Yu replied embarrassedly: "I didn't discover it, it was discovered by Miwa Masashi Sennin. She described the characteristics of the Fourth Mizukage to me. I am very sure that he is the disciple of the Third Mizukage - Gouju Ya." warehouse."

Orochimaru suddenly realized that if it was Goju Yagura, he could indeed confirm his identity just by looking at him from a distance.

He is clearly over thirty, but he looks like a teenager. The particularly conspicuous green hair and the flowers decorated on the hooked coral staff are all very obvious and unique features.

The characteristics of this Kage-level ninja are so unique that he has not been killed to this day, which proves that he is very strong.

Uchiha Yu asked slightly nervously: "Lord Orochimaru, can you deal with the Fourth Mizukage?"

Orochimaru replied: "Uchiha Yuu, although they are both Kage, the strength gap between them is very big. I will definitely not be able to defeat the Third Raikage, but Jutachi Yagura became the Fourth Mizukage, and he also Not my opponent."

"But..." Orochimaru looked at the pretentious Uchiha and said with a joking smile: "Do you have to help me deal with Oni Ouzuki and Kaguya Yoshi?"

"After all, it would be very difficult for me to deal with three Kage-level ninjas by myself."

Uchiha Yu smiled awkwardly and said, "You are making fun of me again."

He pretended to be nervous because he wanted to take advantage of the attention of the Konoha ninjas to get Orochimaru to tell him strategies to boost morale and take on more combat tasks.

As a result, Orochimaru was so shameless that he asked Uchiha Yu for help and roasted him on the fire.

[The little Uchiha fox is shameless, but he actually wants to use his face to take advantage of me? 】

[This snake is so shameless and really difficult to deal with. 】

After confirming that the other party is particularly cunning and shameless, the two of them stopped trying to hide themselves.

Orochimaru raised his right hand and extended his index finger, meaning: You have to be next.

Uchiha Yu smiled and nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

The terms were negotiated silently, and Orochimaru began to inquire about the details of the battle plan.

"Should we wait for a while before going there so that Kirigakure can be caught off guard?"

"No, I suggest Orochimaru-sama take the reinforcements and circle 20 kilometers south to capture the Kirigakure ninja team from the east."

"Can the Tiger troops withstand it from the front?" "Two and 10 minutes is no problem."

Orochimaru thought for a moment and agreed to the battle plan. He was very satisfied with Yuu Uchiha taking the initiative to take on the most difficult task.

"Then thank you to Troop Tiger for taking on the heavy responsibility."

"This is the honor of our Uchiha clan."

Orochimaru said nothing more. He turned around, waved his hand, and turned to the south with the Konoha ninja.

However, he actually deliberately left behind a chuunin, Hatake Kakashi.

Uchiha Yuu recognized this white-haired man at a glance.

When he noticed that Hatake Kakashi's face was as pale as paper and his calves were trembling, he felt as sick as if he had eaten feces.

[Damn stinky snake, why did you leave this burden on me? 】

[With him here, how can I use the Flying Thunder God technique to go back? 】

Of course, Uchiha Yu couldn't leave Kakashi where he was. The battle was about to start, and he couldn't let this guy waste time. He had no choice but to rush over, grab Kakashi by the back of the neck, and then run with all his strength.

Hatake Kakashi was already very tired. After someone grabbed his neck unexpectedly, his body was completely out of control. He was unable to make any struggling movements and could only let the other person carry him forward.

Kakashi soon discovered that this strange ninja ran extremely fast, at least three times as fast as himself.

Moreover, he continued to rush forward through the teleportation technique, and his speed became even faster. Due to the lack of reference objects, Kakashi could not accurately estimate the distance of each teleportation, but he guessed that the speed at this time might reach More than five times his own running speed.

Because the salty sea breeze brought by the high speed blew hard on Kakashi's face, making it difficult for him to breathe. Even if he could barely open his eyes, tears could not help but flow out.

This was a high speed that he had never experienced before, at least five times faster than his own.

Just by running, Hatake Kakashi clearly understood that the strength of this ninja far exceeded his own. The strong instinct of the ninja kicked in, and his unwillingness and grievance at being treated as a burden disappeared.

Uchiha Yu grabbed Kakashi Hatake's neck. For some reason, he could feel the change in this guy's mood through his blood flow.

However, Uchiha Yuu didn't care about Kakashi's thoughts. In his future plans, Kakashi did not exist.

As long as he lives, Hatake Kakashi will not get Obito's Sharingan, and will not be related to the Uchiha family.

Since there is no relationship, Uchiha Yu is unwilling to have any communication with Hatake Kakashi. He is actually a very lazy guy. Now that he has enough strength to stand on his own, he is unwilling to establish a relationship with a worthless person.

Back on the island, Uchiha Yu threw Kakashi to Uchiha Tadashi, the leader of the Boy Scouts, and said, "Take this guy and the children and retreat."

Only then did Kakashi react, and he began to resist fiercely: "No, I am a chuunin of Konoha. I cannot retreat, I want to fight!"

Uchiha Tadamichi put his hand on the head of Chunin, but found that he really couldn't suppress him. This child did have the strength of Chunin.

This made Tadamichi couldn't help but look up at Uchiha Yu and asked: "Brother Yu, this kid is really a chuunin. Do you really want to retreat with him?"


Uchiha Yu bent down, stared at Hatake Kakashi closely, and said coldly: "We are the Tiger Force of the Uchiha family, a combat force that pays the most attention to tactics and discipline."

"You may be stronger than my team members, but if you join the battle without training, you will only disrupt the Tiger Force's combat rhythm and become a fatal weakness that leads to our defeat."

"If you obey the order and retreat honestly, I will allow you to join the battle at the right time with the Boy Scouts and the Third Squadron. Otherwise, I will hypnotize you now and make you miss this battle completely."

Uchiha Yuu's unquestionable tone evoked the strong mentality of Hatake Kakashi on the way, and inexplicably made his heart settle down.

Kakashi gasped, stopped struggling and resisting, and responded softly: "Yes."

As the [-]rd Squadron, the Trash Can Logistics Squadron, and the underage Boy Scouts retreated as reserves, the [-]st and [-]nd Squadrons of the Tiger Force were also ready for battle.

At this time, the two squadrons have returned to full strength. The losses in the previous battle have been replaced by ninjas from the third squadron. The wounded have also been taken care of by the logistics squadron. It can be said that there is no burden and full combat power.

Uchiha Yu believed in the fighting will of these 178 ninjas. He simply introduced: "In this battle, our opponent is the fourth generation Mizukage of Kirigakure Village."

"set off!"

Uchiha Yuu took the lead, and the two squadrons spread out into battle formation. The two wings following him headed towards the direction from which the Kirigakure ninja came.

Without walking far, the Uchihas had already seen the junction of sea and sky, and the thick fog that represented the Kirigakure ninja was rolling in.

Toot, toot—

A loud copper whistle sounded, and Uchiha Yuu was not issuing an order, but asking the Uchihas of the Tiger Force if they were ready for battle.

beep, beep beep——

These were the questioning whistles sent by the two squadron leaders to their subordinates after Uchiha Yuu's inquiry.
Whoosh, whoosh—

Then the ten team captains followed the same procedure and asked the four teams they commanded.

Then the squad leaders each blew their whistles in response to confirm that their squads were ready for battle.

As the whistles were passed back and forth, the copper whistles on the sea rang out. The whistles sounded chaotic to outsiders, allowing Uchiha Yu to accurately grasp the situation of the Tiger Troops.

The whistle of the Tiger Force was carried far away, and even the Kirigakure ninjas heard it.

Some of the Kirigakure ninjas had experienced the battle four months ago, and some had experienced the battle three days ago. When they heard the sound of the copper whistle, their painful memories of defeat were brought back, and they couldn't help but become nervous.

They tried hard to suppress their nervousness by swallowing saliva and other methods.

But as the distance between the two sides quickly approached, the copper whistle became more and more harsh and complicated. The efforts of these Kirigakure ninjas failed, and their nervousness even began to infect the Kirigakure ninjas who had not experienced failure.

The Fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura's face was ashen, Kaguya Yoshi next to him had a solemn face, and the young Oni Tome Ozuki was even more stunned. They had never thought that the sharp whistle could have such a great deterrent effect.

The two sides had not yet formally contacted each other, but the morale of the Kirigakure ninjas was severely damaged by the whistle.

The fourth Mizukage, Goju Yagura, suddenly stopped and quickly formed seals with his hands, turning into a shadow, and a burst of extremely powerful chakra erupted from his body.

The Fourth Mizukage suddenly erupted, and the powerful chakra fluctuations shocked the minds of the Kirigakure ninjas, who finally got rid of the mental interference caused by the tiger troop's copper whistle.

Uchiha Yu in the distance couldn't help but said in surprise: "Huh? My sonic illusion... was dispelled."

"As expected of the Fourth Mizukage, he is very capable."

Goju Yagura's chakra was refined to an extremely terrifying level. The powerful chakra surrounded his slender body, exuding powerful pressure. He clasped his hands together and performed the prepared ninjutsu.

Water Escape·Big Water Burst

From Goju Yagura's mouth, a jet of water spurted out.

The farther away the water column was, the greater the volume of water became, and finally turned into a huge wave more than ten meters away.

The violent tsunami made a deafening roar, white foam was flying on the top of the waves, and the floods that covered the sky rushed towards the direction of the Tiger Troops like the end of the world.

When the Kirigakure ninjas saw their shadows showing off their might and creating a terrifying tsunami with just one ninjutsu, their morale suddenly exploded and they cheered in victory.

Of course, the Kirigakure ninjas are best at Water Release, and many of them have mastered Water Release and Big Explosion Water Rush. They cheered and walked behind the Fourth Mizukage, stood in a row, and performed ninjutsu at the same time.

One after another, not so huge waves, came first and merged into the huge waves, pushing the height of the tsunami higher and higher.

The cheers of the Kirigakure ninjas became even louder. They all felt that if this terrifying tsunami swept past, their enemies would be crushed to pieces by the huge waves.

(End of this chapter)

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