I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 116: The winning rate is only 85, I feel really uneasy

Chapter 116: The winning rate is only 85%, I feel really uneasy

Uchiha Yu followed the drainage channel, walked under the mountain, and walked to the end of the drainage channel. He found that there was a hot spring swamp. There were several gurgling hot springs. The air was filled with water vapor everywhere, exuding... Strong smell of sulfur.

Obviously, no holes can be made here.

Without even using senjutsu to detect it, Yuu Uchiha knew that this was a location with abundant water veins. Drilling holes here would only lead to large sulfur hot springs. Judging from the concentration of sulfur smell in the air, it might be poisonous.

Changed direction and continued looking for a suitable location.

But the name Yunokuni is very real. There are hot springs everywhere in this country. For this reason, this country with flat land has a serious lack of farmland.

The village of Kubota was built on a mountain. The land on the mountain is actually the best farmland, so it has gathered into a rare large village with a population of tens of thousands.

Unfortunately, this is all in the past. When a hundred Konoha teams were stationed before, all the villagers here were driven away in order to prevent spies from lurking and to prevent these villagers from dying in the aftermath of the battle.

Ninja battles do have less impact on civilians, but when a village unfortunately becomes a battlefield, no one will care about the interests of civilians.

It's okay to be like the Konoha ninjas. They will expel the villagers, but they will not kill people indiscriminately, nor will they rob civilians of their property.

The ninjas in the other four great ninja villages are also okay. Except for some perverts in Kirigakure Village, they don't kill people indiscriminately, but things like taking advantage of others are very common.

As for the small ninja villages such as Caoyin Village, Yuyin Village, Tangyin Village, and Yueyin Village, their ninjas are relatively bad. Robbery and murder are very common.They will take the initiative to attack for money, rob the village even if it is not a battlefield, and even massacre the village.

During the war, the five major powers focused their attention on each other, and no one maintained the basic order. It was almost impossible to find the perpetrators of similar massacres, and in the end they had no choice but to let it go.

Uchiha Yu didn't like this, but as long as it didn't happen in front of his eyes, he wouldn't feel anything.

He still has some identification with the Uchiha family, but his attitude towards Konoha Village is just to covet the safety, prosperity and resources of the village. He has no feeling for the ninja world, and of course he has no empathy.

Now that the village has been emptied, he just feels lucky enough that he doesn't have to deal with the troublesome task of driving people away from their homes.

After walking around the mountain in eight directions, Uchiha smiled. He found a suitable location for drilling in the southwest. Not only did there not be any underground water veins, there was even a large underground space. He didn't know where it was. Cave or volcanic pore.

But the sensory analysis based on the feedback from natural energy shows that as long as the 300-meter thickness of the surface is opened, it can be connected to an underground space of unknown size.

Uchiha chuckled: "It's good here, it's great. Although I don't know how big it is, what is certain is that even all the ninjas in Kirigakure Village will not be able to fill this underground space with water escape."

"The only way is to block the hole I dug, and then I will make it more difficult for them."

Uchiha Yu smiled and moved his hands on the earth. The natural energy of the earth spirit surged out, and the earth instantly liquefied and became as smooth as a mirror.

He closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling the information underground through natural energy, extending the scope of the liquefied earth downwards until he touched an empty space.

Uchiha Yuu had no control over the liquefied earth. After touching the hole, the liquefied rock soil surged into the ground like a waterfall, and soon a large vortex appeared on the ground.

When the round hole on the ground was big enough, Uchiha Yu even dived underground himself, following the flowing rocks downwards, softening the rocks along the way to expand the diameter of the hole, eliminating turning corners, and building the cave into a straight cylindrical shape as much as possible.He kept going down until he was nearly 600 meters away, when his feet suddenly became empty and he almost fell. It turned out that a huge underground space had been opened.

This space is very strange. It is very large but the highest point is less than 12 meters. Moreover, the space structure is not a hall-like structure, but consists of more than 30 winding caves of various sizes.There are so many caves, but there are no ups and downs. They extend in a flat ray shape into the distance. I don't know how far away.

Uchiha Yuu didn't care where these caves were connected to. He just muttered: "Strange caves."

After confirming that the underground space was large enough, he started to turn back, spiraling upward little by little, continuously expanding the diameter of the vertical cave along the way.

By the time Uchiha Yu returned to the ground, the cave behind him had expanded into a huge sinkhole with a diameter of more than 350 meters, which definitely exceeded the limit that the Kirigakure ninja could block.

But how could Uchiha set the difficulty level for the Kirigakure ninja in such a straightforward manner? If people knew they had to give up at a glance, it wouldn't be considered too difficult.

With a wicked smile on his face, he manipulated the rocks to grow stalagmites like he was digging traps for his companions when he was a child. The stalagmites connected with each other and expanded to both sides, sealing the huge hole bit by bit, and finally disguised it as a bowl. A mouth-shaped depression.

In fact, the bottom is hollow and supported by six stalagmites. The structure is not solid at all.

A crack is left in the center of the depression. The structure around the crack is particularly thin. It will collapse as soon as the water depth reaches half a meter, and the thin crack will turn into a large oval hole.

As the water level continues to rise, new collapses will occur when the water reaches two and six meters, eventually expanding the hole to 350 meters, turning it into a sinkhole that makes people despair.

This is a sinkhole that can accommodate an aircraft carrier that can accommodate Taka-chan and fall directly into it. Uchiha Yu can completely imagine how desperate the Kirigakure ninjas who worked hard to seal the cave will be when they see the sinkhole after the complete collapse.

After the disguise was completed, Uchiha Yu checked again and again to confirm that there were no flaws, and then left happily.

Returning to Kubota Village, Uchiha Nobushige found him and reported on the progress in all aspects, as well as the results of the round-up and investigation of Kirigakure ninjas.

Uchiha Yu nodded and confirmed: "Kill them all?"

Uchiha Nobushige looked a little ugly, shook his head and said: "We didn't kill them, they all committed suicide."

"Brother Yuu, why do so many of us feel so exhausted, and why can't we stop these Kirigakure ninjas from committing suicide in the end?"

"Isn't it said that the Sharingan is the strongest blood successor?"

Uchiha Yu patted him on the shoulder and said: "Fighting not only depends on ability, but also on experience and reaction to battle. You are all on the battlefield for the first time, and you have basically zero combat experience. Can you defeat all these Kirigakure ninjas?" Forced to death is already a reflection of your strength."

"The Kirigakure Village is known as the Bloody Mist. The ninja training retains a lot of traditions from the Warring States Period. The training process is very cruel, and the ninjas trained are naturally cruel and cold. They are not only cruel to their enemies, but also to their comrades and even to themselves. His cruelty, killing his teammates when the situation went wrong, and committing suicide when there was no hope of escape were all subconscious and natural behaviors."

"So, it's normal that you can't catch the Kirigakure ninja alive. As long as you kill them all and don't let any of them escape, that's enough."

"Yes, I understand, Brother Yu."

"Well, work harder and try to finish all the work tonight and go to bed early."

Uchiha Yuu said: "We were able to catch seven Kirigakure ninjas today. This density shows that their main force is close enough. It will only take one day at most, and we will face the real enemy."

"We are not afraid!"

"I am afraid!"

Uchiha Yu's voice was so loud that Uchiha Shigenobu trembled in fright and quickly stood up straight.

"I'm afraid that you will die needlessly in battle, that you will fail due to negligence, that when you return to the village, your families will be given corpses instead of living people!"

Uchiha Yu stretched out his hands, clamped Uchiha Nobushige's face, and said seriously: "Tell everyone to be serious. You can't be proud, you can't underestimate the enemy, and you can't be timid or afraid of the enemy. Do you understand?"

Uchiha Nobushige was infected by Uchiha Yu's emotions, and suddenly felt that the unreal barrier between himself and the war had been broken. His heart became nervous involuntarily, but he was not overly nervous.

He stood solemnly and promised Uchiha Yu: "I'm going to tell everyone right now and make everyone take it seriously!"


Uchiha Yu watched Nobushige leave with a smile on his lips.

[Very good, the illusion technique has made some progress. 】

People's joys and sorrows are always incompatible with each other. How could Yuu Uchiha's feelings about the war be conveyed to his brother Nobushige?
Of course illusion plays a role in this.

With the help of the previous trusting relationship between the two, as well as various hints and seeds, and through increasingly sophisticated illusions, Uchiha Yu successfully mapped his mentality into Uchiha Nobushige's mind with the help of illusions.

And this is still a seed of illusion. It is communicable. At least within the scope of the Tiger Army, it can be transmitted to each other through the eyes, and it is transmitted repeatedly, cross-reinforcing each other, and forming a mentality that is most suitable for novices in war.Uchiha Yuu has made the last preparation for the war. His confidence in victory has increased to 85%, and the rest can only be fought on the battlefield.

As a commander, it was a pity that he could not start the battle after confirming victory.


Kubota Village is less than 80 kilometers away from the coast. The reason why the Kirigakure ninjas have not arrived yet is because the coastline here has complex terrain and numerous reefs, which is not conducive for Kirigakure's fleet to approach.

The landing point chosen by the Kirigakure fleet is a beach in the north, about 350 kilometers away. Not only does it have no rocks, the sand is thick enough to build a plank road to transport supplies directly from the ship.

But when it's not a large-scale operation, the Kirigakure ninjas don't need to be hindered by logistics. They can land from anywhere.

Because of this, even though Kumogakure and Konoha fought jointly for two months, they were not able to eliminate the Kirigakure ninjas in the entire country of Yu. They were like Xiao Qiang, unable to kill them all no matter how hard they tried.

As the Konoha Ninja Army rallied to deal with the Kirigakure Ninja Army's attack, the Kirigakure Ninja's infiltration and reconnaissance became more active, and they could be found anywhere in Yu no Kuni.

When the Tiger Troops arrived at Kubota Village, they were discovered by the Kirigakure ninjas who had infiltrated the village. Information about the Uchiha's preparations for large-scale war was quickly passed on to the senior Kirigakure ninjas.

Now that the information on the first line of defense set up by Orochimaru has been obtained by the Kirigakure ninjas, they can naturally see that Kubota is the key to this battle.

It may even determine the ownership of Tang Country.

If they arrive within one day and occupy Kubota Village within half a day, they can then overwhelmingly defeat Orochimaru and directly occupy Yuquan City, an important place on the border between the Country of Fire and the Country of Yu.

Oni Deng Sakuyue nodded at Tangquan City again and said: "By taking this place, leaving only a few ninjas can withstand the counterattack of Konoha ninjas, and we can turn back to deal with Kumogakure Village."

"But the best case scenario is that the Hidden Cloud Village saw the disastrous defeat of Konoha Village and had slight friction with us on the surface, but actually secretly attacked Konoha ninjas and secretly took advantage of the Fire Country."

Kaguya Ren laughed loudly and said, "What does Orochimaru think? He actually adjusted the strength of key positions today, and reduced it from 300 to 100. Has this stinky snake given up on the front line?"

"It's not impossible. After all, there are not many ninjas in Konoha. They have transferred more than 2000 to defend Kumogakure. The gap is even bigger. If you retreat as far as possible, you can shorten the distance from the Land of Fire and make it easier to get to Konoha. reinforcements and supplies.”

"So we have to take action as soon as possible and capture the entire Kingdom of Yu in one fell swoop before the support from Konoha Village arrives!"

"In that case, let me take the lead." Kaguya Ren said excitedly, "Such a critical point should be conquered by the strong backbone of the Kaguya family."

Before Ghost Light Sakuyue could speak, Ling from the Snow Clan said coldly: "Oh, the Kaguya Clan is really amazing. They even attack a place with 100 people. Should we wait until Tangquan City faces Orochimaru? But you don’t dare to do it?”

"What did you say?"

"I said: You bully the weak and fear the strong."

"Bastard sissy, I'll kill you right now!"

"Haha, stupid, is this the case?"

Kaguya Renqi was furious, but he really didn't dare to attack Ling, not because he was good-looking, but because this person was the second best ice escape ninja in the Snow Clan, second only to the Third Mizukage. He mastered the ice crystal magic mirror and other ninjas. Shu is a very difficult guy to deal with.

Ghost Deng Shuoyue was not angry, on the contrary, he was very grateful to Ling for taking the initiative to take over Kaguya Ren's anger, which gave him the redundancy to turn things around.

"Okay, this is just the first battle against the Leaf Village, let others take part."

Oni Deng Sakuyue handed Kaguya Ren the steps: "There is no reason to play your trump card at the beginning of the war. Now that you have used it and you are hungry, what will you do if you encounter a really strong enemy later?"

He pointed at the representatives of the young ninja clan who did not dare to interrupt, and asked jokingly: "Are they allowed to challenge Orochimaru, the leader of the three ninjas?"

Kaguya Ren has an impulsive and irritable personality due to the limit of blood inheritance, but he still knows what is good and gets the ladder from Ghost Light Sakuzuki, so he just said like a donkey: "Okay, I will listen to you this time, next time When I meet Orochimaru, he can only be my prey!"

Ling Mei's eyes turned around and she said disdainfully: "Okay, as long as you can beat Orochimaru, I won't fight with you."

The relationship between the three giants eased, and the atmosphere in the command room immediately became relaxed. After a while, the ninjas even started to enjoy dinner while talking and laughing.

As time goes by, the shadow of the mysterious figure on the sea gradually fades.

Moreover, from the time the Kirigakure Ninja Army landed to the present, the war has progressed very smoothly, and they have seen the dawn of staged victory, which makes everyone feel good.

But this good mood completely disappeared by night.

"The third Mizukage was attacked and seriously injured?"

"Six of the ANBU directly under the Mizukage were killed in battle!"

"The Mizukage building was damaged and 37 ninjas died!"

Kaguya Ren asked: "Who did it? Have you killed him?"

The ninja who reported the news replied: "I don't know, we, we didn't catch the enemy. All the ninjas who saw the enemy were either killed on the spot or lost their memory."

The shocked Ghost Deng Shuoyue did not recover easily. He immediately waved to call two ninjas, pointed at the ninja who reported the news and ordered: "Lock him up. No one can see him until the end of the battle!"

Then he looked at all the other jounin, and asked with a sullen face and murderous intent: "Everyone here knows the gag order, right?"

"We understand!"

"Don't worry, for the sake of the morale of the ninja army, we will never talk nonsense."

Ling said: "We must end this battle as soon as possible. No matter how hard we block it, the information will slowly leak out. By then, morale will drop and the war will be difficult to fight."

"I said before that I would use 200 people to attack Kubota Village when tomorrow comes. To be on the safe side, I suggest adding 300 people to ensure that we can capture it in one go."

Gui Deng Shuo Yue nodded in agreement: "What you said makes sense, just do it."

Kaguya Ren suggested: "Then why don't we send out ninjas now? Maybe we can catch the Konoha ninjas off guard?"

Ghost Deng Shuoyue immediately shook his head: "Absolutely not. The ninja team below know that they will launch an attack tomorrow, but they have no idea how many people we have sent, so sending more people will make no difference to them."

"Only changing the time will make them realize that we have changed our plans. We cannot let them know."

Kaguya Ren said dullly: "I understand."

Kirigakure Village's Blood Mist Policy not only cultivated Kirigakure ninjas who were particularly cruel, but also developed Kirigakure ninjas who especially liked to defeat superiors.

Just like what Mencius said to King Qi Xuan: If the king regards his ministers as his hands and feet, then his ministers will regard him as his heart; if the king regards his ministers as dogs and horses, then his ministers will regard him as his fellow countrymen; if his ministers regard his ministers as earth and mustard, then his ministers will regard him as such. foe.

As long as jun is changed to village in the last sentence of this paragraph, it will perfectly fit the situation of Kirigakure Village.

When Kirigakure Village treats Kirigakure ninjas as human beings, cruelly exploiting them in peacetime, and consuming them at will during wartime, Kirigakure ninjas are naturally full of hatred for Kirigakure Village.

When the situation in Kirigakure Village is stable, the senior ninjas can suppress the dissatisfaction of the lower class, but when the situation becomes turbulent, the lower ninjas will take the opportunity to resist.

Although they can't defeat high-level ninjas, they will take the opportunity to escape and become free wave ninjas, who can still collapse the situation of Kirigakure Village.

(End of this chapter)

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