I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 115 Only attack can win victory, so defensive battles must also be attacked.

Chapter 115 Only attack can win victory, so defensive battles must also be attacked.
Uchiha Yu's eyelids jumped when he saw the new order. He actually pushed himself and the tiger troops directly to the front line, and it was the most critical central protrusion.

This is a large mountain with a small slope. For ninjas, there is no difference between peace and the ground, and it is no obstacle at all.

But for a ninja army, the existence of this hillock blocks a large field of view of the battlefield. If they don't occupy this hillock, they won't know what is hidden behind it.

Maybe it was nothing, maybe it was the army of Konoha ninjas.

The battle of ninjas is a competition of intelligence, and the confrontation between ninja armies also prioritizes intelligence.Orochimaru concluded that as long as this mountain is in Konoha's hands, Kirigakure will never dare to break forward. Eventually, this mountain will become a protruding point and become the core support point of Konoha's defense line.

Therefore, despite the extremely tight military strength, Orochimaru still deployed 300 ninjas here and deployed three jounin to strengthen the strength.

Even so, he couldn't rest assured, but there really was no extra troops to invest.

It was in this desperate situation that Orochimaru thought of Uchiha Yu, the ninjutsu and tactics study meeting, and the Tiger Force.

He was like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, holding on to this hope tightly, directly pushing Uchiha Yuu to the most fatal and difficult position, but also probably the easiest position to become famous.

Uchiha Yu had many things to say to Orochimaru, but he could not disobey on the battlefield.

If the order was issued to him alone, facing such a fatal order, the lonely Uchiha Yuu would turn around and leave, directly acting as a traitor.

The lesser of two evils, compared to the risk of being besieged and killed on the battlefield by the Kirigakure ninja army, and the various inconveniences and poverty caused by becoming a rebel ninja, are both acceptable conditions.

But now the order is issued to the Tiger Force, and all 101 Uchiha genin are covered by the order. If he runs away, it will be equivalent to labeling each of these children as a traitor, and they will not escape the end of their families being destroyed.

Uchiha Yu couldn't be so cruel, so he silently accepted the order and quickly moved to the Kubota salient with the tiger troops.

Isn't it just fighting? Uchiha Yuu realizes that he is not a weakling, and the outcome is not yet known.

Besides, even if he is attacked by a Kage-level ninja, he is confident that he can hold on long enough to wait for reinforcements.

Even if he is defeated, he can still imitate the tragic scene of the Second Hokage, cutting off the queen for the children of the Tiger Force, and then "die" on the battlefield.

Of course, he would not seek death. Instead, he would let Miwa Masayo return to Konoha Village through flame jumping, and use reverse channeling on him in his own home, and cooperate with the influence of illusion to create the most tragic sacrifice without any bones left.

Then he packed up his family's property and wandered around the world incognito. He waited until all this generation of ninjas had been tortured to death, and then he could leisurely go out and do activities.

Uchiha Obito was able to successfully fake death and escape with the help of White Zetsu, and there is no reason why he, Uchiha Yuu, couldn't do it with the help of Miwa Masashi.

War is the disaster that Uchiha Yu must face in his pursuit of the best conditions for cultivating immortality.

Once you cross over, you can embark on a prosperous road and live a happy life rich in resources and countless friends.If you can't make it, you will hide in the no-man's land in the deep mountains and old forests, live a quiet life of poverty and cultivating immortals with little food and clothing, and follow the path of cultivating immortals with a pure heart and few desires.

After carefully examining the Kubota mountain bag, Uchiha Yu began to formulate a defensive battle plan based on the terrain and the characteristics of the Kirigakure ninjas.

"Before the discussion, everyone first arranged their team members to dig drainage ditches according to my sketch. The deeper these ditches, the better, and the denser the ditches, the better."

Uchiha Yuu said: "When fighting Kirigakure ninjas, we must first pay attention to the issue of drainage. We cannot let the enemy change the battlefield environment by fighting."


After arranging the excavation work, the five captains and deputy captains regrouped, gathered around Uchiha Yu, and began to discuss the Tiger Force's battle plan.

In order to save time, Uchiha Yu said directly: "I don't plan to defend Kubota Village. This village is too big for three hundred ninjas to fill. Our Tiger Force, the number [-] ninja, cannot carry out effective operations." defense."

"So I'm going to play athletic offense here."

"Movement? Attack?"

Uchiha Yu clapped his hands and said: "The terrain here is open and the area is sufficient. The passive defense cannot fill it up anyway, but if we fight an offensive battle here, we have enough room to display."

"The four-by-four system is an offensive tactic. We have practiced it for so long. Why don't we give it a try and die in a dull defensive battle?"

"Brother You, tell me what to do. We will all listen to you."

"Yes, Brother Yu is an experienced ninja. We can't even judge right from wrong now, so just tell us how to fight."

Uchiha Yu stopped being polite and revealed his plan: "Let's divide the troops. The six detachments are divided into two parts. On one side are five detachments as the main offensive force, and on the other side is the detachment led by me as the auxiliary. Relying on Kubota Village, Deal with the enemy."

"The main offensive force maneuvers back and forth on the mountain to attack all enemies who enter the counterattack line. After defeating the enemy, the main force must launch attacks to eliminate as many Kirigakure ninjas as possible."

"But be careful not to exceed the counterattack cutoff line to avoid being ambushed by the enemy."

"Don't worry about your back when you attack with the main force, leave everything to me."

Uchiha Kazuji was the smartest and boldest guy among the captains, and he quickly discovered the problem.

Kazuji couldn't help but said: "Brother Yuu, this tactic will definitely succeed the first or second time."

"But the enemy has abundant troops. After suffering a loss, he will inevitably adopt the tactic of siege on three sides. It's okay for us to counterattack one side with the main force, but how can you withstand attacks from two sides with a detachment?"

Uchiha Yu joked: "Hey, you look down on me."

Uchiha and Tsukasa were so worried about Uchiha Yu that they didn't realize it was a joke. He explained anxiously: "Brother Yu, I'm not like this..."

Uchiha Yu stretched out his hand to stop Kazuji's excuse and said, "Don't worry, I'm not trying to be brave, but after careful consideration."

"The defense of Kubota Village is difficult because it is too big for the more than 100 people of our Tiger Force. The circumference of the village wall is more than two kilometers, and the width of the defense line that everyone is responsible for reaches 200 meters. It is simply impossible to defend. of."

"But I changed my mind. I don't prevent the enemy from entering the village. I fight the enemy in the complex environment of this village. If you think about it carefully, has the situation been reversed?"

Uchiha and Tsukasa slapped...Uchiha Tadamichi's thigh hard, ignoring the shocked and angry eyes of the victim, he shouted excitedly and inexplicably: "Why didn't I expect that the leader of Kubota Village would become an enemy in this way?" Difficulties, Brother Yu, you are really amazing."

"Ouch, it hurts, it hurts! It hurts!"

Uchiha Tadamichi is Uchiha Kazushi's best friend. He is the strongest among all genin. Although his reaction is a bit slow, he is by no means a guy who does not fight back when beaten.

He calmly waited until He Si finished speaking, then tucked his good friend under his arm, then made fists with both hands and squeezed He Si's temples hard in retaliation for him slapping his thigh.

He was very convinced that Uchiha and Tsukasa's slap was intentional, and they deliberately pretended to be unintentional in an attempt to get away with it.

Regarding the fight between the two, Uchiha Yuu was shocked and scolded: "There is a military meeting, be serious! You two are the same!"

Uchiha Shigenobu asked: "Brother Yu, since you have changed your mind, why don't we go all out to deal with the Kirigakure ninjas in the village? It's just defense anyway."

"Absolutely not." Uchiha Yu rejected Shigenobu's idea and emphasized, "Everyone must firmly remember that only victory can allow us to survive the most people in the war, and defense can never win, so Defense is only a means to assist offense."

"We are ninjas of the Uchiha family, or abandoned sons of the family. In a battle situation where the Konoha ninja forces are at a disadvantage, we cannot expect anyone else to launch a counterattack to support us."

"We can only save ourselves. Even if Konoha is on the defensive in the overall battle situation, our Tiger Force must attack and keep attacking until the final victory!" Among the 102 members of the Tiger Force, except for Uchiha Yu, none of them can The characters who appeared at the clan meeting, as the bottom of the Uchiha family, did not have the excessive pride of the upper-level ninjas. They had also experienced the hardships and sufferings of the lower-level ninjas, and their trust in the higher-ups of the family was not high.

Being rushed to the battlefield jointly by the family's senior officials and the Third Hokage, they actually did not break them up into separate teams, but allowed them to stay together.

After Uchiha Yu's education, they all know that this is not a good thing, but the worst case scenario, which is evidence that they are treated as different.

A group of pure Uchiha genin, that is, they are cannon fodder that can be sacrificed at any time. If they are thrown out and killed at the critical moment, the senior officials of Uchiha will not feel sorry for them, and the senior officials of Konoha Village will not feel sorry for them, and will even be very happy.

If they hadn't met Uchiha Yu, dying in despair in the war would have been their destined fate.

So when Uchiha Yu said that Konoha Village would not organize a ninja rescue when it was at a disadvantage, they all believed it 100%.

Uchiha Yu continued to talk about the details of the changes in tactics, including the signals of various tactical changes, communication methods, etc.

The captains quickly fully understood the tactical arrangement. Although they were not able to judge whether the tactic was correct, it sounded very reasonable and was the most trustworthy tactic of Brother Yu, so they all accepted this tactical arrangement.

In fact, Uchiha Yuu didn't know whether it was correct or not, because this was a tactic, and to a large extent, there was no right or wrong in tactics.

There are too many factors that can affect the tactical results, including climate, temperature, weather, equipment, one's own strength, the enemy's strength, and the enemy's thoughts. Any one of them may lead to a reversal of the outcome of the battle.

Tactics can only be correct because of victory, and only strategy can win because of being correct.

Whether the tactics designed by Yu Uchiha are right or not can only be known after the battle is over.

Soon, the ninjas of the Tiger Force dug the drainage ditches. Six vertical and four horizontal ditches crisscrossed each other to form a complex network of drainage ditches.

Each ditch is wide and large. Even if all the shark-faced Miki Persimmon family comes, the sprayed water will be drained away by these ditches, and the flood will be drained out quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Yu arranged the civil work for his personal bunker. He said: "If our tactics are effective, after winning several battles, the enemy will use large-scale ninjutsu to clear the ground."

"Based on the characteristics of the Kirigakure ninjas, they will probably gather hundreds of water escape ninjas, and use water release and large explosion water blast at the same time to set off a tsunami out of thin air and impact the entire Kubota Mountain."

"We can't hard-top at this time. We need a bunker buried deep underground to protect ourselves. But we Uchiha are not good at earth escape, so we can only make preparations in advance."

"In short, I tell you, sweat more before the war and bleed less during the war."

"Which one to choose between blood and sweat, I think everyone will have their own answer."

Uchiha Yuu asked them all to go back and lead the team to continue the civil engineering work, but left Uchiha Tadamichi alone and said: "Tadamichi, I have a task for you."

"Ask every team member to see if anyone has anything copper. Collect all the copper and make a copper whistle according to the bamboo whistle we used during training. Make sure that every captain, squad leader, The vice-captain has one person per person.”

"Yes! I'll go right away." Uchiha Tadashi didn't ask why, he accepted the order directly and started to perform the task.

In the early stages of the four-four system tactical training, Yu Uchiha followed the three-three system training outline and added training content in special environments such as night battles, heavy fog, and rainforests.In the case of poor visibility, communication between captains, squad leaders and team members relies on whistles. As long as they are fully trained, they will not only transmit information faster, but also avoid errors in oral communication.

The enemy will only feel confused when they hear the whistle sound, because the whistle sound heard from the enemy's position is messy, one after another, and it is impossible to distinguish the rhythm and attribution among them.

But next they have to fight the Kirigakure ninjas. It can be expected that the tiger troops will definitely fight in the Kirigakure Jutsu, and will be frequently hit by floods, and their whole bodies will be soaked repeatedly.

As a result, the whistle made of bamboo will get wet, and the tone and sound will be distorted and mutated, which may make identification difficult. Therefore, it must be replaced with a material that will not change the sound after being soaked in water.

After seeing off Uchiha Tadamichi, Uchiha Yu stood on the roof of the tallest building in the center of Kubota Village, silently watching the children busy in various places on the mountain with his Sharingan without saying a word for a long time.

At this time, Miwa Masashi quietly appeared at his feet, climbed onto his shoulders gently, and asked gently: "What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, think about every detail again and see where there are any omissions or problems."

"Didn't you find meow?"

Uchiha Yu smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, but I can't help but just think wildly. There must be something I haven't thought of."

"Yu, you weren't like this before, nya. What happened today, nya?"

"Before? In the past, I was 100% fully prepared to run away, and only then started fighting when I was 95% sure of victory."

“You must win to fight!”

"But now I don't have such initiative, lack the experience of commanding battles, lack of experience in fighting Kirigakure ninjas, and have no specific information about Kirigakure ninjas. I estimate in my heart that I am only 75% sure of victory. How can I not be worried? "

"You meow... meow, you meow meow."

Miwa Masayo has a black line. No wonder he was always timid and unwilling to fight in the past. Especially when encountering unexpected situations, he almost always retreated immediately, but once he fought, he could always win neatly.

This is too cautious.

Lihuamao snorted angrily and said sarcastically: "Then why don't you prepare to be 100% sure of victory before going to fight, meow?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head seriously and said: "This is impossible to achieve."

"2% is respect for fate. The enemy will also have a strong desire to win and a desire to survive that cannot be ignored. Maybe he can create a miracle."

"3% is the dedication to the [-]% senior brother. Gou Dao's supreme dignity cannot be challenged. How can I, a mere mortal, dare to compete with him?"

"..., you're talking nonsense again, meow."

"Ah!" Uchiha Yu suddenly clapped his hands and shouted: "I thought about it, and sure enough there is still a loophole!!"

He suddenly jumped off the roof, so fast that Miwa Masayo couldn't stand still on her shoulders. She hugged the shit shovel's neck tightly with her two paws and asked in surprise: "What loophole did you think of? "

"Water and terrain."

"I asked my brothers to dig drainage channels, but I forgot that the height of the Kubota mountain is too low. It covers an area of ​​more than 30 square kilometers, but the height difference is only eight meters. It is too gentle."

"For battlefields, this hillock is enough to block the view, but for floods, there is not much difference between here and the ground. As long as the enemy insists on using water to escape for more than four hours, the water around the hillock will come back up, even if it is The drainage channel will not be able to drain water in a short time.”

"I must find a place for this huge amount of water, so that the Kirigakure ninjas can despair of giving up water escape."

Miwa Masashi was dumbfounded, how could the Kirigakure ninja continue to use water escape for four hours?What kind of blow do they have to suffer here, and how desperate do they have to be to use this stupid tactic desperately and insist on changing the battlefield environment?
Uchiha Yuu didn't care what the Taoist monks thought. After all, it was possible to do this kind of thing. He didn't care about the probability before it happened. But if the enemy was really determined to execute it, the ninjas of Kirigakure Village were really Can submerge this mountain bag.

Fighting Kirigakure ninjas on the stagnant water, all the ninjas in the village will suffer.

Maybe they wouldn't be afraid of fighting one on one, and even some ninjas who were good at water escape could easily win, but with a large-scale ninja army fighting on the water, no one could withstand the attack of the Kirigakure ninjas.

If he, Uchiha Yuu, didn't prepare in advance, wouldn't the Tiger Force be dead at that point?
How can this be.

(End of this chapter)

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