I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 117: Sweeping across the battlefield like a roll, the strongest is actually myself

Chapter 117: Sweeping across the battlefield like a roll, the strongest is actually myself
In the early morning, Uchiha Yuu woke up early, stood on the highest point of Kubota, breathed purple energy with Miwa Masashi, and then watched the sunrise.

By the time the Uchihas of the Tiger Force were all up and about, the vanguard of the Kirigakure ninjas had also arrived. They didn't even need to see anyone. As long as they saw the thick fog rolling in, they knew the battle was about to begin.

Uchiha Yu suddenly said in surprise: "Something's wrong, the number of Kirigakure ninjas is wrong, there are more than 300, and the quality of the ninjas is not average."

When Uchiha Nobushige heard this number, he couldn't help but take a few deep breaths, and then asked: "Brother Yu, the enemy situation has changed. Do we need to make changes?"

"If there is no change, the plan we discussed includes this amount, and we will implement it according to the established plan."

"I understand, I'll go and deliver the order."

Soon, a total of 85 ninjas from five teams, led by the captain, rushed towards the thick fog in the northeast.

The four ninjas in the team formed an extremely loose diamond-shaped formation. The distance between the ninjas was stable at more than 10 meters, ensuring that C-level ninjutsu would not cover two ninjas at the same time.

The four teams of the detachment also formed a diamond shape in a larger space, and the distance between the teams was kept at 30 to 40 meters to ensure that B-level ninjutsu could not cover two teams at the same time.

Of course, the level of ninjutsu describes the difficulty of learning. It is only borrowed here to facilitate the Uchiha genin to understand the tactical principles of the four-four system.

The formation of the Tiger Troops looked sparse and not impressive at all. Hiding in the thick fog of the Kirigakure Jutsu, the Kirigakure ninja who observed it through the secret technique even couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, I'm also worried that the Konoha ninjas have changed from 300 to 100, and they have all been replaced by the best of the best, but they turned out to be a bunch of rookies."

"Surprisingly, there isn't even a chuunin, they're all genin, and most of them are children."

"Look, look, that kid with a face as pale as paper, what is he holding in his hand?"

The Kirigakure ninja racked his brains for memories, and finally came up with a term that had long since been eliminated: "This, this seems to be a short spear?"

"It's indeed a short spear. Isn't this a weapon used by warriors?"

"It's all a bunch of nonsense. It seems like this battle can be won very easily."

"Okay, shut your mouths and turn off your secret skills. We are going to start killing!"

"You're right, kill them!"

The Kirigakure ninja did not recognize that this was a ninja from the Uchiha family, because the genin of the Tiger Force had deliberately covered the family emblem, otherwise the Kirigakure ninja would never have been so careless.

Although the Kirigakure ninja can limit the strength of the Uchiha ninja the most, the Uchiha are strong in all aspects. Their chakra is only less than that of the Senju and Uzumaki families. Their fire escape is extremely powerful, and their shurikens are fancy and precise. The reaction speed is extremely fast.

Even if they fight in the Kirigakure Jutsu, there are not many Kirigakure ninjas who can defeat Uchiha ninjas. Every time an Uchiha is killed, Kirigakure will have to pay several or even a dozen lives.

If the Kirigakure ninjas see that racket clan emblem, they will definitely not take it lightly, but will be frightened and alert.

The Tiger Troop is Uchiha Yu's troop. With his style, he will certainly not let his subordinates reveal information immediately. He will first take advantage of surprise and then reveal his identity to deter the enemy.

In this way, the identity of the Uchiha family can be maximized.

The Tiger troops rushed into the thick fog, and the Kirigakure ninja began a routine psychological intimidation:
"What can you see? It doesn't feel good to not be able to see anything..."

"But I can see everything, every fatal weakness on your body."

"Skull, throat, spine, heart...can you dodge my attack?"

"Even if you dodge it, how many times can you dodge it?"

In the thick fog, I could only hear his voice but not see his person.

In the words, fatal wounds are described, making people involuntarily think of death.

This is the most classic tactic of Kirigakure ninjas.

In the dense fog where you can't see your fingers, and after your vision is deprived, the human brain becomes particularly active. Guided by the words of the Kirigakure ninja, it is easy to fall into a state of shuddering and feeling cold, which seriously slows down the reaction speed.

Then the Kirigakure ninja can take the opportunity to sneak attack and win.

This is also a very rogue tactic, deliberately dragging the enemy into the environment that he is most familiar with, and then relying on his sufficient experience in fighting in the fog to defeat the powerful enemy.

Like a pig.

But this time the situation was very different. As soon as the Kirigakure ninja's sinister words began, he was shocked by the sharp whistle.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp——"

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh"

"Beep-beep-beep-beep, beep-beep!"

Three whistles with slightly different sounds, with various rhythms and tones, intensively communicate various information.

The five team captains, 20 team captains, and 20 vice-captains were all blowing the brass whistles. They kept blowing the whistles as if they were chatting, giving the noisy Kirigakure ninja a splitting headache.

The most terrible thing is that if the Kirigakure ninjas do not use secret techniques, they cannot see in the thick fog. They also rely on hearing to search for enemies.

After being harassed by the tiger troop's whistle, the Kirigakure ninjas were at a loss. Only then did they realize that the noisy and dense fog environment was so terrifying. They could not determine the location of the enemy, which meant that they were also lost in the thick fog.

Now there are two groups of blind men fighting in the dark, but the Kirigakure ninja's communication is interfered with, and the tiger troop's copper whistle communication frequency is extremely high, which means that all the team members use each other as their hands and feet, and the efficiency of exploration is naturally high. many.

The battle between ninjas is all about intelligence, and in the battle between ninja teams, the gap in information exchange is the most fatal gap.

The Kirigakure ninja and the Uchiha ninja were confused and soon had preliminary contact. After a short and intense exchange, the two sides quickly separated without fighting to the death.

The Kirigakure ninja wanted to find another opportunity to attack again.

But the Uchiha of the Tiger Force asked for help. He loudly reported the enemy's retreat direction and speed, and the entire team made a rough attack on the enemy's position based on his position and data.

The Uchiha family is very rich, and controls the underground arms market through Cat Castle. Even the low-level Uchiha ninjas are not short of equipment.

The shurikens and kunai were launched like a rainstorm, with a high probability of hitting the target.

Even if the hit was not in a fatal position, it still caused the Kirigakure ninja to groan in pain. After the position was exposed, the fourth person in each team, the ninja holding a short spear, threw their weapons.

The Kirigakure ninja is particularly good at fighting in thick fog. When he makes a sound due to his hand, he dodges as quickly as possible without thinking to avoid further attacks.

But then they discovered that the dense blast of wind they had expected did not erupt. Instead, there was a dull sound, and it was a large and heavy weapon being thrown.

Moreover, the landing point of this weapon was obviously wrong. It was at least several meters away from him. The Kirigakure ninja sneered mockingly, thinking that he was indeed a rookie. If it were the Kirigakure ninja, he would be dead.

He didn't know that after the short spear was thrown, the leader of the team blew three rapid sounds, and the entire team fell down.

When the short spear touched the ground, the detonating talisman in the spear shaft was detonated. A total of five detonating talismans were detonated at the same time. The Kirigakure ninja who thought he had escaped was instantly turned into a pile of minced meat.

From this round of explosions, the battle in the thick fog reached its climax, but it was the climax of the unilateral killing by the Uchihas of the Tiger Force.

Following the tactics engraved into their bones with the aid of genjutsu, they mechanically operated in a diamond formation, blasting every Kirigakure ninja they encountered into a ball of blood mist.

The thick fog created by the Kirigakure Jutsu was even rendered into a faint pink color, and the smell of blood spread, making everyone on the battlefield northeast of Kubota Village feel a bone-chilling chill.

The Kirigakure ninja panicked and was at a loss.The heads of the Uchiha were buzzing, but the captains were able to operate their teams numbly according to the training results. The team captains and team members also followed the orders numbly. Such mechanical operation still produced extremely efficient killings.

The 34 Kirigakure teams in this direction fought for only 6 minutes, and more than 60 Kirigakure ninjas died.Nearly 42% of the battle damage caused the continued maintenance of the Kirigakure jutsu to collapse. The dispersed vision allowed the Kirigakure ninjas to see their own losses, and their morale instantly dropped to zero. The remaining [-] Kirigakure ninjas ran away without hesitation.

According to the plan, the main force of the Tiger Force launched a pursuit, and the refreshing vision restored their excitement. The captain, squad leader, and deputy captain opened their Sharingan eyes one after another, and then used shurikens and kunai to sweep away the fleeing ninjas with precision.

It has to be said that with the blessing of the Sharingan, the Tiger Troops were assisted by hand gestures, making the Four-Four tactics run more smoothly and harvesting lives more efficiently.

When Uchiha Nobushige pursued them to the stop line, almost all the remaining Kirigakure ninjas had been killed, with only one extremely fast ninja escaping far away.This guy is not only fast, but also significantly stronger than the others. He is most likely a Jonin.

Faced with the reality that hundreds of his subordinates were slaughtered within a few minutes, the jounin was completely frightened and ran away without looking back, even losing his ninja bag.

Uchiha Nobushige looked at the little black dot that had run away, and sighed regretfully. After all, people like himself were too weak to keep this jounin.

If he could surround and kill the Kirigakure Murakami ninja at the rank of genin, the reputation of the Tiger Force would definitely skyrocket.

But now that they had reached the stop line, Nobushige and the other four team captains did not dare to continue the pursuit. They turned back according to Uchiha Yu's order and rushed into the thick fog northwest of Kubota Village.

Before entering the thick fog, each team was under the command of the captain. The fourth team fulfilled the responsibility of the support team and replenished the consumed weapons for the other three teams, and the combat effectiveness was fully restored.

Entering the thick fog for the second time, the mentality of the Tiger Troops was completely different. The mentality previously reflected by Uchiha Yuu had been shattered by the impact of real combat experience, and replaced by the confident and strong mentality.

In the enemy's home environment, 85 of us killed hundreds of ninjas in just 10 minutes, and only escaped one master who was suspected to be a jounin.

The most important thing is that only three people suffered scratches, all caused by falling during the battle, and none of them were seriously injured.

not a single one!

Zero is more than 100! !
This is zero casualties that cannot even be calculated!

What does it mean to sweep across the battlefield? That's what we just did!

What is the strongest ninja force? It’s us!
We formed a team of more than a hundred genin, and even the jounin was beaten until he dropped his ninja bag and ran away.

Wouldn't it be strange if you weren't confident in this way?


The battle went very smoothly. At this time, the sixth detachment led by Uchiha Yu had not yet engaged with the enemy. He did not stick to the prior arrangements and led his men into the thick fog from another angle.

Now there is no need to hold back the enemies in the third direction in a defensive manner. The Kubota Village Kirigakure ninja wants to occupy it as much as possible. Wait until the tiger troops have defeated and killed all the enemies in the northwest, and then go back and deal with them.

The calm and confident Tiger Troops were able to better implement the established tactics. Sharp copper whistles sounded one after another in the thick fog, and the confused Kirigakure ninjas were at a loss as to what to do.

The Kirigakure ninja was also unable to communicate with his teammates and could only fight against the Tiger Force team with his own personal strength.

What they faced was not only the strength of the four Uchiha ninjas, but also the equipment advantages supported by the financial resources of the Uchiha family, as well as the organizational strength of the 17-person team.

The Kirigakure ninja, who had never seen such a battle before, was stunned. The second wave of fighting only lasted 4 minutes, and the Kirigakure technique could no longer be maintained.

Then came the sequence of morale collapse, everyone running away, and being brutally hunted down.

There is also a very powerful ninja among this wave of Kirigakure ninjas, but he is not as lucky as the previous one and was trapped by the Tiger Army's formation.

Uchiha Yuu, full of ninja spirit, attacked him from behind and easily beat him to a disability.

Uchiha Yu considered that his tactics did not have a stable position and were not suitable for holding prisoners, so he deliberately left an arm for the Kirigakure jounin and allowed him to commit suicide.

After the Jonin was completely dead, Uchiha Yu confirmed his identity by touching the body.

Uchiha Yu looked over and over at the ninja IDs he had found, and asked: "Kirigakure Jōnin Kamiya Kisho, do any of you know this person?"

The genin of the Tiger Force shook their heads repeatedly, indicating that they did not know.

Uchiha Yu's inquiry was in vain. A group of genin who were on the battlefield for the first time would only focus on their own ninjutsu and tactical training. There was no redundancy to understand the enemy's intelligence.

In fact, no ninja would go out of his way to know all of the enemy's jounin, except for those on the staff.

Because Jonin is not a safe level, it is said that during the Second Ninja War, the average survival time of a Jonin was only 106 days, just over three months.

Maybe you worked hard to memorize the detailed information of a group of enemies, but after a battle, there may not be a single living person left, and all your efforts were in vain.

The vast majority of ninjas only know the most powerful jounin in depth, in order to prevent themselves from accidentally encountering a strong enemy and losing their lives in vain because they don't know that the enemy is strong.

Since he didn't know who this jounin was, Uchiha Yu didn't force it. He shrugged and said indifferently: "Then put the body away. No matter what, he is the official jounin of Kirigakure Village and our tiger." The unit’s record and killing Jonin can be counted as a separate mission and converted into bonuses.”

Then Uchiha Yu pointed at Kubota Village, which was already shrouded in thick fog, and said: "There is still the last group of enemies left, rush forward and destroy them!"


Then the ninjas of the Tiger Force looked at the support teams of their respective detachments, eagerly looking forward to getting a short blasting spear so that they could have a good time.

Rushing into Kubota Village and fighting the Kirigakure ninja face to face?

Of course it's impossible. The buildings in the village are densely packed, which will greatly interfere with information acquisition and wearing, as well as the formation deployment of the Four-Four tactics.

Only Uchiha Yuu among the Tigers could grasp a large enough range of information with the sharp five senses brought about by the foundation-building breakthrough.

Coupled with the tacit understanding created by psychic suggestions, the detachment he led was able to fight in the village like a fish in water, otherwise he would not insist on such an extreme distribution of troops.

After the enemy entered Kubota Village, the Kirigakure Technique cast by the enemy also enveloped the village. This thick fog mixed with chakra strengthened the information barrier, and even Uchiha Yu found it difficult to perceive.

Kubota Village is the most suitable battlefield for defeating a weak enemy. The current situation is obviously that the Tiger troops are stronger. Wouldn't rushing in be self-weakening?
Professor Uchiha Yu's tactical system is derived from Rabbit. When the strongest light infantry on the surface faces a village attack, they will never rigidly form a formation and charge in. Instead, after approaching, they will: boom boom boom.

And what kind of person is Uchiha Yu? Kubota Village is his defensive position. Since he left with the defense troops with confidence, how could he not leave something behind?

Following the order, 45 explosive short spears were thrown into the village, blowing up buildings one after another.

But this is just a small thing.

45 of the 20 short spears concentrated on attacking an ordinary house with a tall bamboo pole standing on it, detonating the detonating talisman under the floor of the house.

The fire escape chakra was transmitted along the special guide rope, detonating all the detonating symbols in series. Large-scale explosions occurred one after another, creating a large number of ruins in Kubota Village.

The Kirigakure ninjas had never encountered such a wealthy enemy. The expensive detonating charms were buried underground and used as mines. This kind of throwing money at people was so unexpected that they were immediately blown away and turned upside down.

Except for Yuu Uchiha, a person with a phobia of insufficient firepower, how could any ninja be willing to use 100 detonating charms to attack more than 1400 ninjas?

In fact, the losses of the Kirigakure ninjas were not great. After all, this was a large village with tens of thousands of people. The Kirigakure ninjas searching for the enemy were relatively scattered, so not many ninjas were directly covered by the explosion.

It's just that this round of explosions was too spectacular. The unprecedented explosion frightened the Kirigakure ninjas.

Kirigakure Village is isolated overseas. In the previous two wars, it had absolute maritime mobility advantages. It could fight and leave whenever it wanted. The Kirigakure ninjas took advantage of them.

However, the huge advantage has also resulted in Kirigakure Village having never fought a tough battle or experienced the most difficult large-scale confrontation. Kirigakure ninjas have developed the necessary understanding of the large-scale wars taking place on the mainland.

(End of this chapter)

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