I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 108 The signs of immortality and the eternal 18-year-old body

Chapter 108 The signs of immortality and the eternal 18-year-old body

Even in the natural world, the duration of a thunderstorm is not infinite. After raging for more than two hours, the clouds finally cleared and the uninhabited island became sunny again.

Miwa Masashi came out from the crack in the rock where he was hiding. He looked at the sky with lingering fear. After confirming that the last white cloud had disappeared, he cautiously ran to the top of the mountain.

In the final stage of the thunderstorm, the frequency of lightning excitation dropped. In order to chase more lightning, Uchiha Yuu tried his best to get closer to the thundercloud so that his natural lightning energy line could be closer to it.

He kept looking for high ground, and walked step by step to the top of the uninhabited island, where he withstood the last round of lightning.

Miwa Masashi followed the shit shovel out of curiosity and climbed up the mountain step by step. She was worried about Uchiha Yuu, not because she wanted to listen to the shit shovel's screams and howls.

As for the snickering expression, it was because I heard the loud voice of the shit shoveler and knew that his life was not in danger, so I was happy for him from the bottom of my heart.

Maybe God really exists in the ninja world, maybe He was angered by Uchiha Yu's provocation of chasing lightning, and the last round of lightning in the thunderstorm actually exploded.

The scale of the lightning that broke out was extremely large, more intense than ever before, and in terms of number, it even exceeded the total number of previous lightnings.The lightning was as dense as a forest, densely bombarding from the thunder clouds to the mountain, and the thunder exploded, completely connecting into a long-lasting and violent sound.

Accompanied by unprecedented violent lightning strikes, heavy rain poured down like a waterfall, and the towering thunderclouds collapsed and spread around like pancakes.The range of lightning strikes also expands as the thundercloud spreads, and the forest of lightning quickly spreads to a larger area.

Seeing this doomsday-like scene and the lightning forest advancing like a forest, Miwa Masashi naturally felt the terror in it, and was so frightened that he rolled down the mountain.

She knew that her speed was not as fast as the lightning jungle spreading. Without the ability to use flame jump, she could not escape the pursuit of lightning.

So the civet cat rushed to a crack that had been spotted halfway up the mountain, and used the cat's soft body like water to dive in, thus avoiding the sweep of the lightning forest.

Although she moved very fast, when she got into the gap, her tail was still swept by the aftermath of lightning, and the white tip of her tail turned into a black curly ball of permed hair.

The final burst of madness in a thunderstorm is terrifying, but it also speeds up its own demise.

It only took a dozen seconds for the lightning forest to spread to the entire mountain peak. The dense lightning baptized everything above the ground, and then the thunderstorm completely dissipated in just a few seconds.


Miwa Masayo jumped up and down on the steaming stones, and soon came to the mountain peak, where he saw Uchiha Yuu's figure in the distance.

He did not fall down, but raised his left hand high, standing on the highest rock like a green pine, proudly defeating the terrible thunderstorm.

The lingering steam always obscured Miwa Masayo's eyes, making it difficult for her to see Uchiha Yuu's appearance clearly, but the heroic aura of defying the power of heaven was deeply engraved in the heart of the civet cat.

She suppressed her excitement and sped up to rush towards the closest Taoist companion.

[With such a big scene and such a majestic momentum, Yuu must have succeeded. 】

[How should I congratulate him, what should I say to be nice...]

The bouncing tabby cat quickly approached Uchiha Yuu, but when he walked in front of him, the tabby cat's face turned into "囧" again.

From a distance, Uchiha Yuu looks mighty and domineering, with an extraordinary temperament. But when you get closer, you will find that he is actually in a particularly embarrassed state.

Uchiha Yu's whole body was charred, and cyan and white smoke was exuding from his broken clothes. His mouth was slightly open, and he was spitting out streams of black smoke as he breathed.

And the hair that the civet cat likes to play with the most has been burned into a mess, not much is left.

Uchiha Yu himself was in a state of unconsciousness. It may be that the lightning strike caused his body to become stiff, so this guy was unconscious while standing.

Miwa Masashi quickly laid Uchiha Yuu down, found some water for him to drink, and stuffed a small dried fish into his mouth.

After doing all this, the civet cat was so exhausted that his whole body became weak.

Even if she is a cat fairy, it is really difficult to handle a 8-pound shovel with a petite body of 175 pounds. The main reason is that the center of gravity is too biased and the leverage is too strong. It is far more tiring than defeating an enemy weighing thousands of pounds.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Uchiha Yu to regain consciousness.

Miwa Masayo was happy and angry at the same time. She threw herself in front of Uchiha Yuu, raised her right front paw, and hit him on the forehead continuously with the cat fist, and she kept yelling.

"Hit me, beat me, beat the shit out of you!"

"Tell you to take risks, tell you to take risks!"

"Lightning is so scary, and you are still chasing the lightning. Do you think I can't see that, meow?"

The little jiao with white gloves was so fleshy that it didn't hurt Uchiha Yuu at all. Facing the civet cat's concerned complaints, he smiled and apologized: "I'm sorry for making you worry."

"It's a bit dangerous this time. I really should stop in the end."

"It was because I was too greedy and always wanted to seek perfection, and I also lacked enough respect for heaven and earth. That's why I almost overturned in the end..."

"...It won't happen again." (That's weird)
Miwa Masato had been with him for a long time, and she could immediately tell that the last sentence was insincere, but she was no longer so angry after venting her anger.

They are immortals, but the path to immortality in the ninja world is murky and unclear. In order to keep moving forward, it is natural to take risks.

Besides, how can anyone in this world not take risks? Ninjutsu in the ninja world has been developed for thousands of years. Today, the ninjutsu system has five major escape techniques, dozens of blood successor limits, nine tailed beasts, and hundreds of psychic beasts.

This is such a prosperous extraordinary system. The path of ninjas can be said to be clear and clear, but don't ninjas need to take risks?
Of course not, the immortals have to fight against the unknown and explore the path with their own lives.Ninjas have a clear path, but there are inevitably too many walking ninjas. They can only fight for the way with other ninjas with their own lives.

Now that Yuu Uchiha has survived the adventure and Masayo Miwa's anger has passed, she will not be too harsh on the shovel.

But Li Huamao was still a little scared. She asked: "Why on earth did you take such a big risk? That was lightning and thunder. If it was hit by lightning with full power, even a thousand-year-old tree would instantly change." into ashes all over the ground.”

Uchiha Yuu said: "It was in order to resist the lightning that my body took the risk that I refused to give up in the end. In fact, my body was very adapted to lightning at that time. Two or three consecutive lightning strikes did not cause any obvious damage."

He smiled bitterly and said: "But I didn't expect that the last round of thunderstorms would be so violent. I don't even know how many times I got hit."

"Fortunately, as the number of lightning increased, the power of a single lightning dropped drastically. The power may not be one percent of the most violent lightning, so I was not killed directly."

"You deserve it, I let you take random risks, cat."

After Masashi Miwa scolded him, he couldn't help but asked curiously: "Yu, did you get what you wanted, nya?"

Uchihaou replied: "Of course I got it, and there was an unexpected gain."

"Look, let me see meow."

Uchiha Yuu smiled, then seemingly casually snapped his fingers, but a bolt from the blue exploded.

Without any prelude, without the accumulation of clouds, he instantly gathered the free natural energy within a range of tens of kilometers, screened out the thunder attribute, and triggered this lightning.

This was a situation where the thunderstorm had just dissipated and the natural energy of thunder in the air was extremely rare. If the surrounding environment was the prelude to the thunderstorm three hours ago, he felt that he could recreate the wonder of the Lightning Forest.

The target of the lightning attack was set by Uchiha Yuu to be himself, but after the dazzling lightning struck him, it did not cause any harmful reaction, and instead merged into his body silently.

Miwa Masashi was stunned and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Awesome!"

After the baptism of the thunderstorm, Uchiha Yu's body was reborn. During this process, the natural energy of thunder and Uchiha Yu's body were deeply combined, giving birth to a brand new magical power.

Yu Uchiha can draw thunder from the clear sky, control lightning, be immune to lightning damage, and absorb natural thunder and lightning. His magical abilities are so comprehensive that he doesn't know how to name them.

[Thunder Technique], a word with no precise direction, became the name of the new magical power.But this is not the biggest gain this time. Uchiha Yu excitedly told Masashi Miwa: "Lightning is not only the power of destruction, but also the power of new life. I am very lucky to have the new power of thunder."

"I got two huge benefits." Uchiha Yu raised his right hand, raised his index finger, and said: "I got a very powerful self-healing ability, which is the kind of speed that can be directly seen by the naked eye."

The damage caused to him by the final burst of the thunderstorm was far beyond what Miwa Masayo could see. Before Uchiha Yuu lost consciousness, he saw with his own eyes what his body looked like.

Not to mention the cracked skin on the surface of the body, not to mention the dense blisters caused by lightning strikes, the wounds caused by the lightning boiling the bodily fluids in the body and the water vapor tearing the skin and rushing out, are all huge holes that can be stuffed into a fist.

As a result, during the time Miwa Masayo climbed up the mountain, those hideous and terrifying wounds were healed. The first sight the cat saw of Uchiha Yuu was only in a state of embarrassment, but without any life-threatening injuries.

During the time after being awakened and talking to Miwa Masashi, the blood scabs on Uchiha Yu's body continued to fall off as the wounds completely improved.

This speed allowed Uchiha Yu to understand the strength of his self-healing ability.

His evaluation of himself is this: "It is definitely not up to the level of the first Hokage's 'Hashirama will not die in battle', but it is definitely much faster than the healing speed of medical ninjutsu, and the quality of recovery is also much better. "

"Probably because of the vitality brought by lightning and the breakthrough in foundation building progress, I gained such a powerful self-healing power."

He raised his middle finger again and continued: "And I got something better. The powerful vitality has greatly extended my life. Now I don't know how many years I can live, but it is conservatively estimated to be no less than 300 years." Year."

"Lihua Jiang, there is hope for eternal life!"

"In addition, I have a very clear feeling that I can maintain my current appearance for a long, long time. Maybe even to the end of my life, I can still maintain the appearance of an early 18-year-old."

"Hahaha, I have achieved immortality. Are you envious? Are you jealous?"

Miwa Masayo's eyes were twinkling with stars, and she said excitedly: "That's great, I really want to be nya."

"Yu, please help me draw the thunder. I also want to be immune to lightning, and I also want to live a long life!"

Upon hearing the Taoist monk's request, Uchiha Yu couldn't help but look embarrassed.

He thought for a while and then said hesitantly: "Lihua Jiang, you are called the Cat Immortal, but in my immortal system, you are classified as a demon. You have heard me talk about the concept of demon."

"I know Meow. Demons are birds, beasts, mountains, rocks, plants and trees that were originally without intelligence. They gained real wisdom due to accidents or practice. It is indeed Meow like me."

Perhaps due to the difference in identity and stance, as well as the lack of cultural influence, Miwa Masayo does not think the name demon has any negative connotations.

Naturally, Uchiha Yuu would not tell the truth. He continued: "This time I experienced the baptism of thunder, and I deeply felt the power of lightning to kill people. I feel that lightning is very dangerous to demons with outstanding advantages and disadvantages."

"I'm worried that the lightning will cause great damage to you, and you will be chopped to death before you can get the life of the thunder."

Miwa Masato was shocked when she heard this, and she began to retreat in her heart, but she always felt unwilling to give up, so she asked: "I can't give up such a big benefit like this. Can I do it first?" Give it a try?”

The civet cat spread its plum-flowered paws and gestured: "Just use the smallest powerful lightning, let me try the quality of the lightning to see if I can withstand it."

"it is good."

Uchiha Yu didn't hesitate. He pointed with his index finger, and a thin and short lightning appeared out of thin air and hit Miwa Masayo's tail directly.

"Meow! How can you slap your tail!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuah, why does it hurt so much, meow, meow, meow, meow."

Just such a lightning bolt as thick as a little finger made the cat sage Miwa Masashi scream in pain. Her muscles twitched involuntarily, and the whole body was filled with electric light, and she fell down with a scream.

After experiencing lightning once, she never talked about using lightning to exercise again.


Miwa Masashi and the others slowly went down the mountain and returned to the beach to rest.

A few hours later, Uchiha Yu's body fully recovered, and even his shaved, twisted and blackened hair grew back and was fixed at the most suitable length.

After washing his body in the stream near the beach and putting on spare clothes, Uchiha Yu returned to his previous appearance.

Now even Miwa Masato can't tell. He was once struck unconscious by lightning and his whole body was black and smoking.

But the civet cat was not able to recover. The damage caused by the lightning bolt in the experiment made his whole body aching. The civet cat became even more envious of the shit shovel's self-healing ability.

She lay on the blanket, watching Uchiha Yuu clean up the huge octopus tentacles, thinking about how to gain the ability to heal himself, which was a life-saving skill.

Miwa Masayo thought hard for a long time, and until Uchiha Yu set up the teppanyaki to grill the octopus tentacles, and the smell of octopus teppanyaki filled the beach, she didn't think of any idea.

Smelling the alluring fragrance, the civet cat's mind was filled with octopus legs, and he could no longer think of any other thoughts.

She suddenly stood up and walked towards the shit shovel officer. As she walked, she said to herself: "I don't want to leave it to you, meow. He has a better mind."

"No, I'm not stupid, it's all Yuu's fault. The octopus legs he made were so fragrant that I couldn't concentrate on thinking, so he had to think of a way to make up for my loss, nya!"

"Just use fragrant octopus legs, not a lot, I'll forgive him after just one piece."

Miwa Masashi was easily satisfied. As soon as she took the first bite of sliced ​​octopus legs and fried them, she forgot all her worries and concentrated on eating.

The octopus legs are delicious. Uchiha Yu didn't add any spices. He only used oil and a little sea salt for seasoning. He simply fried them on the iron plate until both sides were browned, and it was already a very tempting delicacy.

The sliced ​​meat is only one finger thick. After frying, use a knife to cut it into small pieces. Just eat it in one bite. You can experience the soft and chewy texture with just one bite. The umami flavor that bursts out is even more addictive. The intoxication.

The umami flavor of this high-end ingredient has reached its peak, and any addition of spices would be superfluous.

Moreover, octopus meat is not an ordinary food, but an extraordinary food enriched with the chakra of the tailed beast.

For the two immortals, the feeling of satisfaction that can be produced is not comparable to ordinary food that can only deceive the mouth but not satisfy the body.

Of course, from this perspective, the transparent small fish in the Kingdom of Sichuan are the best food. After all, they are extraordinary creatures with pure natural energy.

The key point is that this is a large piece of meat. This is much better than the small transparent fish that can only be made into powder and mixed with flour. You can bite it in big mouthfuls and eat it until you are full, so you feel like you are really eating.

To be honest, since they entered the immortal path, their body's demand for energy has greatly increased, and it has doubled as they roll. Eating has become a big problem faced by the two immortals.

In particular, Neko Sennin has completed a certain degree of immortalization, and Uchiha Yuu has also completed two breakthroughs during the foundation building period. Ordinary food has almost lost its nutritional value, and eating is no longer enjoyable.

Until now, the delicious octopus meat satisfied all their needs. Naturally, one person and one cat devoured it, eating half of the octopus legs in one go, and then they stopped with satisfaction.

Uchiha Yuu couldn't stand up, so he simply lay down in the shade of a tree, patted his belly gently, and hummed with satisfaction: "Comfortable, it feels so good to be full..."

Miwa Masayo's belly was so round from eating that she couldn't lie down or lie down, so she could only lie sideways on the chest of the shit shovel, letting his breathing move her up and down.

The physical needs that had been owed for a long time were greatly satisfied at this time, and their mood also became better.

Under the afternoon sea breeze, Uchiha Yu felt sleepy for a long time. Both he and the civet cat yawned one after another, and tears flowed out.

A full belly, the sea, the sea breeze, the blue sky, white clouds, and the shade of trees, there are so many elements of a nap. Naturally, it is necessary to have a good rest, and other things can be done after waking up.

(End of this chapter)

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