I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 107 Thunder cleanses the body and casts the foundation

Chapter 107 Thunder cleanses the body and casts the foundation

Normally speaking, extremely hard enamel pearls are difficult to digest, but after swallowing them, Uchiha Yu felt that the two pearls suddenly softened.

The octopus pearls were wrapped in the natural energy in the body before they even fell into the gastric juices, melting and decomposing almost instantly.

But Uchiha Yuu immediately discovered that this was an illusion. The softening and melting were all illusions. The two real pearls still fell into the gastric juice, fell to the stomach wall, and stopped.

All the feelings experienced during the swallowing process are all illusions. It is the thunder chakra in the pearl being released, and the powerful natural energy of thunder merges into the meridians, greatly increasing the proportion of thunder, and the new Energy balance begins to reestablish.

After a long period of operation, Uchiha Yu discovered that in fact, the natural energy of thunder contained in the pearl was not much, but it was particularly pure and highly concentrated.

Among the natural energies, the thunder genus is more active than the wind genus, and they have a strong repulsive force between them. Therefore, the free natural thunder genus energy is very dispersed and the concentration is extremely low, making it difficult to be attracted.

But with the high concentration of natural thunder energy from octopus pearls, the situation is completely different.

After the natural energy concentration of thunder reaches a certain level, the characteristics will be reversed, from mutual repulsion to unparalleled and powerful attraction.

Just like when there is thunder in the sky, it will attract all the charges in the clouds.

This trace of natural lightning energy in Uchiha Yuu's body produced an attraction that far exceeded the range he could perceive. The natural energy of lightning that far exceeded expectations gathered around his body at an extremely fast speed, and then entered inside his body.

A large amount of natural lightning energy gathered on the surface of Uchiha Yu's body, manifesting as fine arcs and sparks.

As soon as the purple arcs and blue-white electric sparks appear, they will be absorbed by Uchiha Yu. His body is thirsty for the natural energy of lightning. It is like an endless electromagnetic black hole, greedily attracting and absorbing lightning. .

The natural energy of thunder gathered very quickly, and soon a small cloud gathered over the reef. It was the accumulation of water vapor attracted by the strong electrostatic charge after the natural energy of thunder gathered to the point of being visible.

In the powerful electrostatic field, Miwa Masayo's hair stood up, and she turned into a fluffy plush toy, extremely cute, but also extremely dangerous.

At the critical moment of promotion, Uchiha Yu still noticed the critical condition of the Taoist companion. He did not throw the tabby cat far away, because doing so in the electrostatic field would more easily induce lightning in advance, which would be more dangerous to her.

He bent down slightly, stretched his head forward, grabbed his feet in an arc with his hands, and used his body to create a Faraday cage.

There is no doubt that Yuu Uchiha, who is absorbing the natural energy of lightning, his body is the best conductor of electricity.

The moment the Faraday cage was formed using the best conductors of the human body, it blocked the influence of the electrostatic field on Masashi Miwa. Her hair fell down and she returned to her normal state.

Just when Masashi Miwa opened her mouth to say something, a dazzling lightning broke out in front of her.

The distance was so close that the bright light of lightning was almost in front of his eyes, causing the civet cat to fall into temporary blindness.

Miwa Masashi couldn't see it for the time being, but he could hear a series of explosive roars that followed, and dense lightning and thunderstorms were erupting, but they were all caught by his body and absorbed into his body.

She has understood that this is not the lightning of Lei Dun, but natural lightning. Its power and speed are not comparable to that of Lei Dun. It is impossible to say that she is not worried about Uchiha Yu.

But Uchiha Yuu is really not afraid now, on the contrary, he feels great!

Lightning is the densest collection of thunder-type natural energy in nature. Every lightning strike that hits Yuu Uchiha can make him feel like he has eaten a big mouthful of delicious food.

Although there is no taste in the mouth, the body feels full after eating well.

The thunder cloud inspired more than twenty lightning bolts in just a few seconds. After hitting Yuu Uchiha's body, he absorbed enough natural energy of the thunder attribute and successfully completed the natural energy balance of the four attributes.

The balance completed almost instantly allowed the natural energy in the meridians to return to a stable operating state, and it was greatly strengthened in all aspects.

The increase in the intensity of natural energy has completely achieved a pressure balance with the chakra in the cells, and there is even a faint tendency to reverse osmosis and further expel the chakra in the cells.

With a little restraint, Uchiha Yu stopped this trend of natural energy and continued to maintain two sets of extraordinary energy systems, both internal and external.

Now that he doesn't have to pay attention to the status of his meridians all the time, he can free up a lot of mental energy to more easily train the little monster in his mind, and it will become easier to subdue his heart.

This feeling of full body and relaxed spirit can only be described in one word, cool!
Uchiha Yu also noticed that the Thunder Chakra was successfully bred in the cells of his body, and the progress was faster than the last breakthrough.

For some reason, Uchiha Yu wanted to laugh right now. He wanted to laugh.

He grinned and laughed wildly: "Hahaha..."

The next second his hearty laughter was drowned by the continuous thunderous explosions.

Uchiha Yuu was full of doubts, but found that his hair was tangled up. He looked up at the sky, and his expression suddenly changed.

The red clouds produced by the natural energy accumulation of thunder did not disappear. Instead, they gathered bigger and smaller, and the pressure became lower and lower. It was as if a real thunderstorm belonging to the real environment was about to break out.

Uchiha Yu knew in his heart that this was a disaster caused by his promotion.

It was my own negligence. After sensing the lack of natural energy of the thunder attribute nearby, I forgot to sense the status of the water and wind attributes for another round, and ignored the possibility of a hair-raising updraft here.

No wonder the gathering of natural thunder energy just now produced Tongyun. It turns out that the prerequisites for a thunderstorm have been met here, and only one primer is needed to trigger a thunderstorm.

It happened that he broke through at this time, and the accumulated natural energy of thunder became the trigger for detonation, just like the silver iodide spread during artificial rainfall.

At this time, there were flashes of lightning and bursts of thunder in the thunder clouds. Although no lightning struck directly, the strong smell of ozone could already be smelled in the air, and the static electricity on the hair became stronger and stronger.

Uchiha Yuu realized that he did not need the natural energy of lightning, and changed from a good conductor back to an ordinary human body. This time, he did not directly seduce the lightning.

However, now that the lightning strikes him, it is not recharging himself, but actual damage. This is natural lightning, lightning with a voltage of hundreds of millions.

The attraction of thunder clouds is much stronger than the natural energy in his body. At this time, the natural energy of thunder has been gathered in an unknown range, and the environment is no longer suitable for the use of most ninjutsu and senjutsu. Perhaps Only a "Qilin"-like Thunder Release can be fully released.

If he and Miwa Masato used techniques like flame jumping or psychic reverse psychic, the end would definitely not be good.

Uchiha Yu took a breath of air, held Miwa Masashi in his arms, jumped off the rock, and ran wildly on the sea with his feet wide open.

He did not expect to be able to completely avoid the damage of thunderstorms by hiding in the mountains on the island, but such a big mountain and such dense trees could somewhat shield him from some of the power... probably.

While running for his life, Uchiha Yu found that the situation was the worst possible. The thunderstorm clouds actually moved with his movement. The natural energy in his body was vaguely connected to the sky, and had formed an intermittent connection.

"Damn it, I never heard that breaking through the Foundation Establishment Stage also requires you to survive the tribulation!!"

Uchiha Yu knew that he couldn't hide, so he tried his best to keep the tabby cat far away.

"Miwa Masayo, the further away from me the better, I believe I can resist it!!"

"Come on, meow!" The civet cat didn't say those annoying nonsense. She simply landed on the ground with all four paws, ran quickly in the other direction, and quickly disappeared from Uchiha Yuu's sight.

Uchiha Yu was very satisfied with the reaction of the Taoist monk. He ran to the top of the uninhabited island in one breath and then stopped running.

Now that he was alone and would not implicate Miwa Masayo, he decided to try to save himself.

Uchiha Yu very clearly felt that ninjutsu and senjutsu could not be used, and he also believed in his intuition very much in the extraordinary field, but he didn't struggle if he felt it was right?


The rabbit is so anxious that it wants to kick off the eagle, and it has to make a final struggle at the moment of death. He, Yuu Uchiha, cannot stand still and be struck by lightning.

What's the best way to deal with a lightning attack?
Of course, hide in the biggest and best bunker, which is the ground beneath your feet.

Immortal Technique·Earth Escape Technique

The rock liquefied under the influence of the natural energy of earth. Uchiha Yuu felt that his feet were empty and he began to fall downwards.

When only one of his heads was exposed on the ground, he finally couldn't help raising his head and mockingly said: "God damn it, uncle, I know how to dig holes in the ground, what can you do to me!"

Before he finished speaking, due to the abnormal accumulation of earth's natural energy, the thunderstorm brewing in the thunder clouds, the thunder's natural energy gathered to the limit was attracted, and a nearly straight line link was finally formed.

Just as Uchiha Yuu's head was submerged into the liquefied rock, a bright lightning hit the spot where Uchiha Yuu sank.


The thunder exploded, and the liquefied rock instantly shattered and exploded upwards like water splashes. In mid-air, the natural energy of thunder dispersed the natural energy of earth. The drop-shaped rock returned to a hard texture and fell to the ground with a crackle.Because it had been softened, the rock ground was blasted by thunder, creating a large pit more than 30 meters in diameter and two meters deep. The re-hardened rock retained its watery shape.

Uchiha Yuu, who had sunk into the ground, was exposed to the air again. The hardened rock under his feet was filled with the residual power of thunder, and could no longer be liquefied.

Unwilling to give up, Uchiha Yu clasped his hands together and yelled: "Tokudun·Tokudou Domu!"



"Damn it, Lei Dun: Run as fast as you can!!"



"Asshole, can't you use thunder to lead to thunder? Then... Water Release·Big Water Spray!!"

Click——click click click——click——

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The water can trigger thunder, and lightning strikes down seven or eight times in one breath. Uchiha Yuu's body was blackened by the electricity, and every hair on the explosive head was emitting curls of green smoke.

"Wind Clay, Wind Clay...Wind Escape·Tornado Kill!!"

"Huh? It really works! I...屮!!"

After a brief period of silence, the thundercloud exploded like a charged force. A significantly thicker lightning snaked down like a dragon, instantly splitting the extremely thick tornado into pieces, and then directly hit Uchiha Yuu's body.

Although most of the natural energy was dissipated by the burst of natural wind energy when the thunder exploded, he still felt pain everywhere in his body, even from the inside out.

Uchiha Yu knew that his internal organs had been burned by thunder and fire. This attack had obviously broken through the body's multiple defenses. If it continued like this, his life would really be in danger.

He looked up at the sky. Thunderclouds were heavy and lightning was flashing. It was obvious that the energy of the thunderstorm was still sufficient and there was no sign of ending.

Is it really a thunderstorm?
Could it be that I, a dignified time traveler and a cultivator who opened up a new path to immortality, died like this in the thunder tribulation during the foundation building period?

Uchiha Yuu's heart was filled with dissatisfaction.

In the ninja world, there are many things more powerful than him, Uchiha Yuu, including the giant toad, the giant white snake, the giant slug, the six path ghosts, and the aloof goddess Uno.

I haven't heard that they were struck by lightning, so why did they target me specifically?
[Wait a minute... The big toad is huddled in the hole, the big white snake and his whole family are huddled in a bigger hole, the big slug never leaves the wet bone forest, and the six path immortals are hiding in the pure land. Could it be that... they have all been struck by lightning? 】



Uchiha Yu found that in the severe pain of his body, he didn't know when he felt itchy. This itching began to appear in his internal organs and gradually spread.

It passed over the hard bones inward, infected the depths of the bone marrow, and infected the muscles and skin outwards. It was really itchy, and no matter how hard you scratched it, it couldn't stop itching.

Uchiha Yuu saw that he had scratched his arm until it was bleeding, and the itching sensation had not subsided at all. He could only endure it and stopped scratching his body.

But what made him despair was that the itching feeling was spreading to his head, and even his brain felt itchy.

[Oops, do I want to grow my brain or lose my brain? 】

At this moment, another bolt of lightning hit him.



Uchiha Yu's screams sounded in the thunderstorm, so high-pitched, but the flavor changed the next moment.

"Ah-ha, haha, good! So cool!!"

Miwa Masayo, who was hiding far away, originally had a worried look on his face, but when he heard the weird "good" sound in his voice, his little cat face turned into a big embarrassment.

"What are you doing, nya? Why do you feel so embarrassed, nya?"

Immediately afterwards, thunder and lightning continued to fall into the pit, and Uchiha Yu's high-pitched "Shuangshuangshuang" and "Comfortable" continued to be heard.

The more Miwa Masashi listened, the more ashamed she became. She covered her triangular ears with her front paws, lay down on the trembling ground, and murmured to herself: "How can such a shameful shit shovel still want a cat?"


Uchiha Yuu is really feeling great now. The feeling of itching from the bone marrow to the brain is really terrifying. He really wants to die. Fortunately, he was struck by lightning in time.

The electric shock hurt from the inside to the outside, and it just wiped away the itch all over the body. Compared with the itchy hell just now, the feeling of pain was a blessing.

The strange thing is that the pain caused by the lightning strike disappeared quickly. Uchiha Yu immediately felt that his whole body was like grass, with countless itchy feelings sprouting up.

Uchiha Yu suddenly changed color, and before the itchy feeling fully erupted, he quickly crawled out from the bottom of the pit, which was already four meters deep.

He stood up straight on the waves-like rocks at the edge of the pit, and raised his left hand high... As a right-hander, he could only let his left hand bear more.

When the itching sensation was not in place, he was still a little afraid of lightning strikes. After all, the pain of smoke coming from the inside out was not easy to bear, so all he could do was raise his left hand.

But as the intense itch grew explosively, Yuu Uchiha began to miss the pain.

For the first time, he took the initiative to activate the natural energy of thunder. Without forming any spells, he restrained the thunderclouds from extending towards the sky. Just like Franklin flying a kite, he wanted to actively draw the thunder.

The thunder came as expected, causing Uchiha Yu's whole body to convulse. The pain dissipated the itch again, and the pleasure made him howl loudly: "It hurts me so much, it hurts so good!"


"It's great, it's great!"


"It's not good enough, come again!"



With the continuous thunder and lightning, Uchiha Yu's body was not destroyed, but was completely cleaned from the inside out by the lightning.

Among all schools of Taoism, thunder is particularly respected. Thunder is believed to be the cardinal link of heaven and earth, the general outline of yin and yang. It has the power of great destruction and destruction, and is also the source of germination and creation of all things.

Protected by the natural energy of thunder in his meridians, what the lightning strike brought to Yu Uchiha was not destruction, but a jump in life level.After being washed by the thunder, he forged the strongest foundation, and even showed some signs of higher-level life. For example, the lightning resistance of his body was enough to resist natural lightning head-on.

In the future, if any blind Kumogakure ninja controls his Thunder Release or Arashi Release to attack Uchiha Yuu, he will be able to understand what despair is.Even if they develop an S-class thunder escape ninjutsu similar to "Kirin", Yuu Uchiha can still catch it with his chest as if nothing happened, which will definitely shock countless jaws.

Such magical resistance can match that of a strong person at the Sixth Path level. Of course, a real strong person is so strong in all attributes, and Uchiha Yuu can only resist thunder for the time being.

But Uchiha Yuu also has his own unique advantage. His resistance to thunder comes from Doji, which is the body itself. Even if the chakra and natural energy are exhausted, thunder cannot harm him.

However, the Six Paths masters who control chakra do not have such a powerful physical body. Once there is insufficient chakra, their defense against ninjutsu is actually about the same as that of ordinary ninjas.

But now, Uchiha Yuu doesn't realize this.

The thunderstorm was still going on, the itch was still budding, and he was still jumping back and forth between the two different pains, enjoying the short-term pleasure between the transitions.

(End of this chapter)

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