I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 109: Get rid of the superstition of 5 elements and reshape your own outlook on 3 things

Chapter 109 Get rid of the superstition of the five elements and reshape your own three views

Yuu Uchiha divided into three shadow clones to perform patrol and sentry tasks respectively. He spread out his limbs and fell asleep in the shade of a tree.

After a fierce but short battle and a massive storm, no ninja came to investigate for several hours, which meant that there were no ninjas active in the nearby waters.

Based on Uchiha Yu's understanding of the various ninja villages, no powerful ninja belonging to the ninja village will appear within at least 12 hours.

As for those wandering ninjas with free status, they are usually very weak in strength. There are basically no masters and they will not pose a threat to him.

The only exception is the bounty hunter Kakuzu, but this guy is obsessed with money, and in order to avoid waste, he will never hunt ninjas without bonuses.Without the bounty, Uchiha Yuu would not have any interaction with Kakuzu, so after taking basic precautions, he fell asleep with peace of mind.

In the dark sleep, Uchiha Yu woke up unconsciously, but he immediately understood that he was having a "lucid dream", which is the kind of dream in which he clearly knows that he is dreaming, but cannot wake up.

Uchiha Yu didn't panic because he knew that lucid dreams are normal manifestations. People are usually more likely to have such dreams when their body is extremely exhausted but their mind is excited.

This morning he experienced a thunder bath. His body jumped repeatedly between destruction and creation. Although he recovered in the end, the accumulated fatigue was very terrifying.

At the same time, the successful breakthrough in the new stage of foundation building brought complex emotions of joy, excitement and anxiety, making Uchiha Yuu fall into an abnormally excited state. It was not until he had eaten and drank enough that he felt overwhelming fatigue.

Uchiha Yuu in this state just meets the conditions for lucid dreaming.

After Uchiha Yu confirmed the situation, he laughed happily. Being able to have such a dream at this time was really unstoppable even if luck came.

The owner of a lucid dream can think normally and can do whatever he wants with himself as the center.

Of course, if what you want to do is in reality, it must be a fantasy, and in the end it will be just a dream.

But if you want to do something spiritual, it is absolutely true.

The advantage of lucid dreaming is not just that, because thinking has no time, as long as the owner of the dream does not fall asleep in the dream, he can always stay in the dream and do whatever he wants.No matter how much time he spent in the dream, even if it was thousands of years, when he woke up, reality only passed for a moment.

The only problem is that lucid dreams, like epiphanies, are rare.

Since I was lucky enough to meet him today, if he couldn't seize the God-given opportunity to solve the hidden dangers in his soul, he, Uchiha Yuu, would be the number one idiot in the world.

It has to be said that Uchiha Yuu is currently on the road of cultivating immortality fairly smoothly, but only he himself knows how many hidden dangers and unknown secrets he has buried in his spiritual world.

After this breakthrough, many hidden dangers began to surface.

For example, Uchiha Yu's fourth heart shape appeared in the spiritual world shortly after the breakthrough, but it has not been finalized until now.

Of course something went wrong, but he didn't know what caused it.

Perhaps it was because of the existence of the alien monster Xiao Ke that disturbed his spiritual world.

It may also be because the natural energy of thunder is too active, which affects the stability of the heart shape.

It is also possible that he is unclear about Lei's positioning. After all, the heart shape is the embodiment of his soul. When his heart is full of contradictions, the heart shape will naturally be affected.

In short, the power of the fourth heart shape continues to grow, but it is like a group of shape-shifting monsters, whose appearance keeps changing and cannot be stabilized.

This situation has no impact for the time being, but if it is allowed to develop, it will definitely affect the balance between the heart shapes, and then affect the balance between various natural energies. At a certain moment, it will trigger the most terrifying crisis, leading to Uchi Poyo's death.

Now that he was entering a lucid dream, he had unlimited time to examine his own heart bit by bit, resolve the cognitive conflicts between thunder and wood elements, and improve his positioning of the fourth heart shape.

Yes, Uchiha Yuu already understood that the problem was with him. He had clearly confirmed that the Five Elements did not exist in the ninja world, but his traditional understanding of the Wood Elements still continued to interfere with his judgment of the Thunder attribute.

This is a standard intellectual disability.

There were similar problems between the wind element and the metal element before, but the natural energy of the wind element in the ninja world is quite similar to the metal element in the traditional five elements. They both have the characteristics of sharpness, chilling, cleansing, and subduing.

The difference between the two is also easy to understand. The metal element is restrained and calm, while the wind element is agile and changeable.

With the help of similarities and clearly distinguished differences, Uchiha Yuu vaguely recognized that the wind element replaced the metal element, and created the third heart-shaped 朏朏 in the spiritual world.

But do they have anything in common with the genus Mu Xing and Le genus?
To be honest, both of them represent vitality to a certain extent, but the vitality of Mu Xing and the vitality of Thunder are completely different.

Therefore, Uchiha Yuu was completely unable to accept that the lightning element had replaced and occupied Bokuyo's position, so the corresponding fourth heart shape could not be finalized.

After an unknown amount of time of sorting it out, Uchiha Yu finally found the problem, and he relaxed a lot about it.

It's good to be able to find the problem. The biggest fear is not knowing where the problem is. That means you have no place to use your energy. Once you find the problem, no matter how difficult it is, you can always find a way to solve it.

And the solution is also very simple. Completely abandon the Five Elements Theory, rebuild the theory of natural energy attributes of the ninja world, follow this new understanding, construct your own understanding of power, thereby determine the image of the fourth heart shape, and complete the third foundation building period. The final step to breakthrough.

In a lucid dream, Uchiha Yuu began to hypnotize himself without using the Sharingan illusion, because the illusion targeted the body, and the body was the part of reality, and it would be useless to change it in the dream.

What can be changed in dreams is the mind, memory and knowledge, so the way he chose to hypnotize himself was to study and research. Through these two extremely painful tools of mind reshaping, he gradually chipped away his superstition on the Five Elements Theory.

Yes, it's superstition.

In some spiritual worlds, the Five Elements Theory is a metaphysical truth. In the Blue Star of the Dharma-ending Age, the Five Elements Theory is a superstition. In the ninja world filled with chakra, the Five Elements Theory is also a superstition.

Being able to accurately explain the world is truth, otherwise it is superstition.

Uchiha Yu tortured himself through repeated learning, and slowly reshaped the world view of the five elements, which was the most superstitious in the ninja world.

Along with a long and unknown time of study, he redefined the five attributes of the natural energy of the ninja world and confirmed the relationship between them that is cyclical and mutually reinforcing but not cyclical and mutually reinforcing.

Since he reshaped the world view, the properties of natural energy have had a new name - Five Spirits Natural Energy.

Although he only exists in Uchiha Yu's mind now, as the pioneer of the entire system, as his strength grows, his worldview will eventually cover the worldview of all the immortals in the ninja world.

Uchiha Yuu's study in a lucid dream lasted for an unknown amount of time. He was exhausted to the extreme. His eyes were as heavy as Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain, and his willpower was no longer enough to support him.

If it weren't for a dream, this level of exhaustion would definitely kill him.

Uchiha Yu knew that he was unable to complete the next task, but he was very satisfied with being able to successfully reshape his outlook on life.

He thought he knew how difficult it was to reshape his outlook on life, but now he finally knew.

If it were not for slowly polishing it over an unknown and long period of time in a lucid dream, it could only be achieved by completely shattering the three views and then reshaping them.

As the old saying goes, a country is easy to change, but a person's nature is hard to change.

A person's three views can be completely equated with his nature, and what is needed to destroy the three views is real great power.

The great power of advanced civilization can achieve this, just like the lighthouse inherits the essence of capitalism and absorbs the essence of the blood-sucking Blue Star for 100 years. It finally builds the civilizational highland, and it destroys the three views of many rabbits.

The great power of the thoughts of sages can achieve this. The spread of their thoughts by the sages who have become saints in the past dynasties is a process of reshaping the three outlooks on a large scale.

Finally, even the power of fate can do it. There are always some weak people in the world with delicate and fragile emotions. When faced with the tragic fate of life and death, their views will be shattered.

In other words, the Uchiha family produces such weaklings on a spiritual level, and there are endless numbers of guys who collapse and collapse, but because of their collapse, they are endowed with great strength by their bloodline.

[No wonder the Second Hokage believes that the blood of the Uchiha family is evil. 】

Uchiha Yu fell asleep almost comatose in a lucid dream.

When he woke up in reality, the first thought in his mind was to criticize his family, which made him deeply depressed.

[Senju Tobirama's words make sense, but the Uchiha who was subjected to this prophecy is not a sinner born with original sin. This is intolerable. 】

[I am Uchiha, even from the perspective of my butt, I must overturn Tobirama's words. 】

But when Uchiha Yuu thought of Madara, Obito, Itachi, Setsuna, Shifang and others, he couldn't help but scratch his head and sighed: "There is a long way to go," "What is the long way to go, nya?"

Miwa Masayo also woke up. She stretched her body and asked lazily.

Uchiha Yu didn't want to discuss this topic with her, so he said: "Nothing, it's almost time, let's watch the sunrise."

"I saw Meow yesterday."

"Then I'll teach you a way to practice while watching the sunrise."

"Okay meow."

Miwa Masayo's confusion was swept away, and he jumped on Uchiha Yuu's shoulder with great interest, and asked hurriedly: "What is the training method, nya?"

"It's breathing in the purple energy of the morning sun."

"I don't understand, meow."

"The moment before the sun rises, there will be a moment between heaven and earth, and the wonder of purple gas will appear. At that time, if you use your power, open your mouth and inhale vigorously, you can absorb a trace of purple gas."

"It's so magical, what good does it do?"

"Can it make me run faster, meow? Can it make me live longer, meow? Can I never grow old, meow?"

"……do not know."


Uchiha Yu shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "The Chaoyang Purple Qi is too weak. It absorbs very little each time. I don't know what the specific effect will be."

Miwa Masayo suddenly understood and said: "It's your intuition that tells you this is a good thing, nya. Yu's intuition is trustworthy. If we breathe purple energy together, we won't interfere with each other, nya?"

"I don't know either, we can give it a try."

"Good meow."

After more than a month, Miwa Masashi and Uchiha Yu never encountered anything again.

They get up every morning to breathe in the purple air of the morning sun and enjoy the sunrise. They exercise in the morning, enjoy a seafood dinner at noon, and practice immortality in the afternoon.

At night, Uchiha Yuu would sometimes develop forbidden techniques, and sometimes he would think back to the inspiration he had when he taught the genin in the study club.

Miwa Masayo will try to absorb the moonlight at night, because in Uchiha Yu's story, the demon clan relies on the moonlight to awaken the blood of its ancestors and become extremely powerful.

Unfortunately, her attempts failed, and it turned out that this was another fairy tale that should be classified as superstitious.


Just as they were enjoying a regular and leisurely secluded life, Kirigakure Village, which had hastily declared war but had no actual actions, finally began to mobilize.

Kirigakure Village is mainly composed of ninjas who were expelled from the Land of Fire. This loose ninja village where losers huddle together for warmth has an inherent flaw that makes it difficult to centralize power.

Kirigakure Village did not perform poorly in the two development of the ninja world. This is because the first and second generation Mizukage were strong enough to subdue various ninja clans with their personal power, and used their personal prestige to cover up the village's shortcomings.

However, the succeeding Third Mizukage did not have enough power and prestige, and the shortcomings of Kirigakure Village were completely exposed. After they declared war on the Land of Thunder and the Land of Fire in October, they began to quarrel over who should attack where.

No one among the powerful ninja clan could convince anyone. If the Third Mizukage wanted to express his opinion, he would be collectively boycotted by the ninja clan. Kirigakure Village was in such a turmoil until the end of the year. Finally, with the coordination of the Genshi, a preliminary consensus was reached. .

Attack the Fire Nation.

During the decision-making process, the Third Mizukage was tacitly ignored by the ninja clan, including the Snow Clan. They deliberately wanted to make the Mizukage lose their prestige.

After two generations of strong Mizukage's rule, they were fed up with sacrifices. It was a shame that the elite ninjas trained by their family at great cost obeyed the Mizukage's orders and died on the battlefield.

Why don't ninjas from other families die?

Kirigakure Village's performance in the past two wars gave the ninja clan the illusion that without Mizukage, they would be able to perform better in the war, achieve greater victory, and sacrifice fewer ninjas.

What Mizukage can do, we can do too, no, we can do better!
The Third Mizukage actually felt the same way, and he was very troubled by this. He was worried that after these big families gained more achievements in the war, Kirigakure Village might fall apart.

He worriedly said to Yuanshi: "The Kaguya family, the Oniden family, and the Snow family all have their own ideas. If they are not weakened, the future of Kirigakure Village will be divided."

"Third generation, you should know that the second generation Mizukage-sama has long made a plan to cultivate civilian ninja through the ninja school and balance the power of the three blood successor limited ninja clans. Do you have new ideas now?"

"Master Genshi, I know that the ninja school in Konoha Village is very successful, but our Kirigakure Village is different."

"We don't have that much money!"

As an island country, the Kingdom of Water has the lowest economy among the five major countries, and is not even as rich as the Kingdom of Wind. Therefore, the support that the Daimyo can provide to Kirigakure Village is very weak.

If the country's economy is poor, business will not prosper. Kirigakure Village will receive very few tasks, and there will be no money to invest in education.

"There are only fifty genin every year, and this year there is only one Zabuza. The best among them are ninjas from the ninja clan. When will we reach the goal of the second generation?"

"It turns out that Kirigakure Village cannot follow the path of Konoha Village. We need new ideas."

"Lord the Third Mizukage, you have also seen the bad impact that the Blood Mist has had on this school. After the Zabuza incident, this policy was finally terminated. Do you want to implement it on a larger scale?"

"Yes, the new policy in the Blood Mist will target the three major bloodline limited ninja clans, focusing on weakening their power and paving the way for the rise of smaller ninja clans like the Terumi family and the Moshigaki family."

The Genshi had no way to refute the Third Mizukage. The three major ninja clans had done too much damage to Kirigakure Village, and almost everyone knew that they had to be weakened.

In fact, the second-generation Mizukage was born in the Oniden clan, and the third-generation Mizukage was born in the Snow clan. However, after they became Mizukage, they all focused on weakening the great ninja clan, including their own family.

This shows that the elites of the three major ninja clans also have this understanding, but their respective positions are different, and the butt replaces the brain in deciding personal choices of different policies.

Genshi finally agreed to the Third Mizukage's plan. The unique construction process of Kirigakure Village made it impossible for him to foresee that once the killing started, it would be impossible to stop it, at least ordinary people could not do it.

But someone who had personally experienced the killing could foresee it. After Yuanshi left, he appeared in Mizukage's office, but the winner turned a blind eye to him.

He looked at the leaving Yuanshi and said softly: "Let's start killing from the Kirigakure Village. Destroy the three blood successor limited ninja clans, so that I can better control the Kirigakure Village and release enough and powerful ninja clans to the ninja world. rebel and create greater chaos."

"First destroy the order of ninja villages created by Hashirama and weaken the five major ninja villages. Only then can we seize the tailed beasts from their hands, resurrect the Ten-Tails, implement the Infinite Tsukuyomi Plan, and... save the ninja world."

cough cough cough...

Suddenly, he started coughing, and the coughing became more and more intense, until he bent over and coughed up little bits of blood, and then he stopped breathing heavily.

A black figure rose from the floor, and he asked with concern: "Master Madara, your body is getting weaker and weaker. You must return to the base as soon as possible."

"I know! But I can't go back now!" Uchiha Madara gasped and struggled to say: "I can't leave him after I go back, so before I go back, I must perform the deepest hypnosis on the three tails."

"Only by being prepared can my successor control the Jinchuuriki and continue the destruction of Kirigakure Village."

"Have you found the location of the three tails?"

"It has been found."

"Let's go, let's finish this step, and then go back to the base and wait for my heir."

"Please come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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