Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 486: Action starts on the 9th

Chapter 486 No. takes action

Ding, a reminder sound on the mobile phone made Chiyo Morimoto stop practicing yoga in the office.

She stood up and relaxed her muscles. She felt a sense of relief all over her body, and a little sweat broke out on her fair forehead.

Chiyo Morimoto strode forward, picked up her phone and unlocked it.

It was Emily who posted a post on the forum. Chiyo Morimoto clicked on it, entered the forum, and carefully looked at the pictures, videos and matching code words above.

The news revealed by Emily this time made Chiyo Morimoto frown slightly, then relaxed and her expression became particularly calm.

Now it is not her turn to think about the life and death of the world, and where to go in the future. These are things that those above should consider.

Chiyo Morimoto does not have that much energy to change national events, and she does not know which direction to drive in the future. She just needs to be careful not to let those people choose to surrender to the enemy.

"It's so pretty."

She replied to show that she was clear and then exited the forum.

Chiyo Morimoto sent all the information, photos, and videos obtained to Jack's mailbox using CIA software.

She exited the software, moved her body again, strode to her desk, took off her yoga clothes, put on an oversized T-shirt and ultra-short jeans, and put on the m500.

Chiyo Morimoto decided to go out for a field trip.

Originally, she planned to finish yoga and then go out for action. Now that yoga has been interrupted, she is not in the mood to continue doing it, so she simply goes out for a walk.

The recent movements of No. 9 made Chiyo Morimoto feel that something was not good. They were robbing gold stores and banks. Why would a clone who doesn't live long need money?

There can only be one answer. Chiyo Morimoto believes that the increasingly serious rejection reaction may have prompted No. 9 to want to take a big action before dying.

She wasn't worried about No. 9 taking action against the people above her, but she was worried that the other party would choose to indiscriminately hurt people on a large scale.

Tokyo is now in chaos. As long as you are willing to pay and have the right connections, some things can be bought in the underground world.

Even things that were unavailable before can now be purchased.



The lights on Air Force One were replaced as quickly as possible. The rows of lights illuminated from different angles, allowing everyone who entered the place to feel that something was wrong.

But no one said it was a waste of electricity.

This is Air Force One.

Before the White House was rebuilt, Air Force One was the president's office in Washington. There was no problem with a little extravagance.

The information passed through Jack, then through John, and finally passed to Nate.

He looked at the picture that was said to be the Shadow World Pass, and then looked at the short video taken, and his attention fell on the petite palm.

What a cute girl~

Nate couldn't help but imagine the owner of this hand in his mind, and wanted to smell the fragrance on his body.

He likes those sweet-smelling girls, whose thoughts are scattered and then forcibly condensed.

Nate looked at the pass. It was round on the outside and seemed to have spirally rolled lines on the inside, showing superb carving skills, which may or may not have anything to do with carving.

After all, this is something from another world.

Nate looked thoughtful, what does this pattern mean?

Will it be effective if it is engraved on other objects?

He turned his attention to the Secretary of State in front of him and said, "I'll arrange for someone to print the pass in the picture later, and print it on rocks, walls, trees, etc. to see if it has any effect."


The Secretary of State replied respectfully, glanced at it again and said, "About the fact that the Shadow World cannot stay in the sun for too long, do you want to inform other countries?"

Nate knocked on the table and thought for a while, feeling that it didn't matter if he kept the secret or not.

Elites from various countries are not just for a living, and they can guess a lot of news just from their shadows.

"This intelligence tells them."

Nate knew in his heart that the news he told truthfully would be judged by those countries as some of it was left unsaid.

There is really no trust between countries.

Although their judgment was factual, as long as Nate didn't say anything, no one would know the relationship between Ai Zhe's red stone, Dio and the Mother Tree of Life.

Having this important information in his hands allows him to use it as a bargaining chip in negotiations at some point.

"What was the reaction from Russia?"

Nate already has plans to attack the biblical nation, and the next top priority is how to deal with the ongoing war.

The Secretary of State has been secretly in contact with people there recently, and the feedback is not very good. He sighed: "The attitude is very tough, and the posture is clearly to refuse any relevant negotiations, and he probably wants to get more benefits from us.

The East's opinion is that there is no problem. As long as we support their approach on the island issue, then lift some sanctions and show sincerity, we can have friendly discussions with each other. "

The United States has not directly agreed to the terms of the two major countries, and requires constant dialogue in secret.

The Secretary of State expects that there may be some results by November this year.

If Nate is brave enough, it could come to fruition in October.

Or there may be some external factors that force everyone to give up some interests in order to negotiate various agreements within this month.

According to the current progress, it will be difficult for the Secretary of State to get the three countries to stand together and cooperate in a short period of time.

The main reason is that the three major countries have their own ideas. The more chaotic they are, the more determined they are.

How can we let others mess around when the survival of mankind is at stake? “The Shadow Emperor is a good bargaining chip to continue to put pressure on Russia, and then let well-informed people release signals that we intend to work together to fight against the alien world and work for the common destiny of mankind.

It's just that they have been reluctant to agree, putting pressure on them from a moral perspective. "

Nate planned to let the Russian one choose a truce under the pretext of fighting against another world.

Let another country sign an agreement of permanent neutrality to achieve the so-called buffer zone purpose.

Suppress the raging flames of war so that he can spare his energy to do other things.

The Secretary of State thought for a moment and said, "I'll go down and make arrangements right away."

"Go down."

Nate waved.

The Secretary of State left the office and prepared to contact the diplomatic ambassadors to share the intelligence.


As a loyal ally of the United States, Japan naturally received a reminder that the Emperor of the Shadow World is afraid of bright light.

After the minister in charge of foreign affairs received the information from the US ambassador to Japan, he quickly packed his clothes and went to the prime minister's office.

After the problem of the other world came to light, it became very obvious that the three gods An Daoxiong had secretly allocated funds to a certain task force.

The cabinet finally obtained the key to the Dior incident through the Internet.

There is no objection to the allocation of funds for the task force and the huge flow of funds originally planned by Gao Tian.

It's just that they have a problem with An Daoxiong San. When such a big thing happened, they didn't tell the cabinet. They only dealt with it secretly with the minister of state. Even the consortium knew more than they did. They simply didn't regard them as their confidants.

The king treats his ministers like dirt, and his ministers regard him as an enemy.

The Foreign Minister was heartbroken, but still did not show any dissatisfaction on the surface.

He is also a thousand-year-old fox, so there is no need to do the kind of hostile behavior that only a child would do.

Boom, he knocked on the office door, and a strong voice came from inside, "Please come in."

The Foreign Secretary entered the door, but did not choose to step forward, and said warmly: "Prime Minister, I just received information from the US Ambassador to Japan, saying that creatures in the shadow world are afraid of strong light, and the lighting arrangement inside our official residence needs to be changed.

Equipped with flash bombs and high-power incandescent lamps as weapons.

Additionally, the leader of the Shadow World creatures is the Emperor.

It is said that the sizes of creatures in the shadow world range from normal to abnormal, with the tallest being tens of meters tall. "

When An Daoxiong San heard the information he told, he said with a solemn expression: "Yes, I know. You should immediately arrange for someone to be responsible for the lighting design and renovation of the official residence, and try to make the shadows lighter."


The Foreign Minister nodded, "You have nothing else to do. I'll take my leave first."

An Daoxiong waved his hands and said, "Go down."

"it is good."

The Foreign Secretary withdrew.

An Daoxiong thought for a moment and then looked at the time. It was already 10:20 in the morning. He asked the five major consortiums and the Phoenix Family to gather here. It was too conspicuous.

Moreover, meeting with people from the KGB to discuss the meteorite surface map cannot be done here at the Prime Minister's residence.

It's sad to say that he is obviously the supreme ruler of this country, but inside this official residence, he cannot guarantee everyone's loyalty to him.

Some confidential matters need to be on the consortium's territory to be truly protected.

The subordinates around the consortium are all trustworthy people.

An Daoxiong San continued to deal with the official business at hand. When he got off work at noon, he got up and left, telling his bodyguard to prepare a car.

He planned to meet with Hu Die of the Phoenix Academy and gather the other five major financial groups there to discuss matters related to the Shadow World.

This is the first country from another world to come to this world.

It would be a pity to do nothing. An Daoxiong San felt that it would be a pity. He wanted to see if he could create any benefits or establish connections from it.

Taking the lead in conducting diplomacy with a country in the Shadow World is undoubtedly a matter of honor and benefit.

The vehicle in which he was traveling left the Prime Minister's residence.

All this was caught in the sight of the blond man standing in the distance. He put away the telescope, a smile appeared on his face, and murmured: "You actually left at noon, what happened?

Forget it, since he can't wait to meet me so much, let's act in advance. "

No. 9 muttered that the plan went smoother than expected. The funds he obtained were enough to pave the way for his actions, and he also found the big media to expose it.

It went so well that No. 9 was a little suspicious, as to who was behind this.

After all, being able to install a locator on the Prime Minister's car is almost impossible without a mole.

But No. 9 thought about it and didn't care about being used by others. As long as he could achieve his own goals, it was okay to help others.

He wants to plan a gorgeous ending for his death.

(End of this chapter)

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