Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 487 I told you not to speak

Chapter 487 I told you not to speak

Tokyo is blazing hot at noon, and the bright and dazzling sunlight falls on the streets.

An Daoxiong San was sitting in the 13th generation Toyota Crown, enjoying the air conditioning and being insulated from the heat outside, so he didn't appear to be sweating in his suit.

He was sitting in the back of the car, with two tall bodyguards on his left and right, and two bodyguards sitting in front of him.

This 13th-generation Toyota Crown was customized by him and has bulletproof, explosion-proof and other functions.

Apart from this one, there were two identical cars at the front and rear, with elite bodyguards inside. There was no police car clearing the way in front to prevent other intelligence agencies from noticing anything unusual.

Instead of high-profile escorts in Tokyo today, it is better to travel in a low-key manner.

An Daoxiong was thinking about meeting with Hu Die and the five major financial groups to discuss.

The driver suddenly noticed the child rushing out of the intersection and subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

An Daoxiong San, who was not wearing a seat belt, almost threw himself forward. He supported the back of the chair with both hands and shouted: "What happened?"

"I'm very sorry, a child rushed out."

The driver replied and honked the horn without seeing the child stand up.

He did not get out of the car to check the situation.

According to the guard's rules, in this case, it must be considered that someone has deliberately designed a trap, and the door cannot be opened by this car.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Sanlang, go down and take a look at the situation."

The car in front stopped. Saburo, who was sitting in the back seat, turned on the gun safety, opened the door and said, "Kid, hurry up."

Before he finished speaking, his head suddenly started bleeding, and his whole body fell limply to the ground.

The bodyguard in the car in front reacted quickly and when he was about to take action, one man rushed out of the intersection, holding a VECTOR submachine gun, and fired at the opened door.

He was equipped with a silencer, and the gunshot was not very loud. However, after a burst of chirping, the three bodyguards in the car were covered in blood and holes were made in the seats.

The driver was startled and was about to seek support from the Metropolitan Police.

Boom, there was the sound of someone falling on the roof of the car, and then, two white hands installed two C4 explosives on the right window of the back seat.

Drip, drip.

The countdown sounded, and the bodyguard's face turned pale with fright. Two C4 explosives? !

If the glass explodes, if you stay in the car, you may be stabbed into a hornet's nest.

"Quickly, protect the Prime Minister and get out of here!"

The bodyguard quickly unbuckled his seat belt and picked up the bulletproof briefcase in the back seat.

The bodyguard in the passenger seat quickly opened the gun safety, opened the door, and quickly fired blindly upward.

The bodyguard in the back seat took this opportunity and quickly protected An Daoxiong as he ran away.

The car behind also picked up the walkie-talkie immediately and quickly called for reinforcements from the Metropolitan Police Department, but found that the signal on site was interfered with by the other party.

Another person quickly opened the car door and shouted: "Quick, send the Prime Minister here!"

An Daoxiong San kept his body and followed the bodyguard's instructions and ran to the rear car.


The two C4 explosives failed to explode.

That's just a toy.

But at special times, toys can also play a magical role. Purpose No. 9 just wants them to get out of the car. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to destroy the car from the outside.

Real explosives cannot be bought in the underground market, and the US military controls them very strictly.

After all, this is not the Middle East yet, and even missiles can be purchased inexplicably.

Only some firearms are circulated in Tokyo's underground market.

The bodyguards shot at it, forgetting that a child had fallen to the ground earlier.

So when a head emerged from under the carriage with a gun in his hand, no one noticed it.

The dwarf held a gun in both hands and quickly shot at the bodyguards escorting An Daoxiong San away.

Bang bang bang, four shots were fired, knocking down two bodyguards.

The bodyguard in the car behind quickly fired at the ground.

The dwarf wanted to retract, but was still a step too slow. His upper body was bleeding one after another, and his hands no longer had the strength to hold the gun.

No. 9 quickly leaned out from the right side of the car and shot the bodyguard next to An Daoxiong San in the head, also attracting the firepower of the other bodyguards.

Bang bang bang, a series of gunshots rang out, and he retreated behind the car in time.

At the same time, a burly man suddenly jumped out from the other side of the wall, holding a VECTOR submachine gun and sweeping forward. The unsuspecting bodyguards in the car behind him were instantly swept to the ground.

The only remaining bodyguard wanted to turn around and shoot.

No. 9 leaned forward again and shot him in the head.

The bodyguards on the scene were all eliminated. An Daoxiong San shivered, looked at the corpses around him, and shouted: "What do you want to do?"

No. 9 easily climbed over the roof of the car and landed in front of An Daoxiong San. He smiled and said, "I just want to ask you for a run. Don't worry, as long as you shut up and follow us, you will be safe."

To avoid trouble, No. 9 did not reveal his purpose in advance.

A van rushed over quickly, stopped at the intersection, and opened the door.

Two African-American men armed with VECTOR submachine guns ran towards the van.

No. 9 also pushed An Daoxiong San into the car, closed the door, and the driver, a man dressed as a hippie, played rap music and drove the car away from the scene.


An Daoxiong San has never met No. 9. He knows about the Tsukahara Laboratory and that there is a clone making trouble outside.

But he never cared about the clone. There were too many things worthy of his attention, and he really didn't have the time to focus on a clone that could die at any time. He quietly glanced at the gang that kidnapped him.

Judging from the skin color, it is related to foreign forces.

Is it Mossad or MI6 or some country in Africa?

An Daoxiong thought for three seconds, but couldn't come up with an answer.

Mainly because he didn't know why the other party tied him up.

He is not the predecessor, but the current Prime Minister. Doing this kind of thing to him will undoubtedly declare war on the entire Japan.

Not even the CIA can do something so brave. The most they can do is impeach the unpopular prime minister and step down.

Only those in the Army would do such a thing blatantly.

But that was also in the past, and the current Self-Defense Forces do not have that kind of power.

An Daoxiong's mind was spinning rapidly. He glanced out the window again and found that the robbers were going to a different place.

It stands to reason that someone like him should be kidnapped in a remote place, but looking at the route of this car, it seems to be heading towards a prosperous area.

How is this going?

An Daoxiong San wanted to ask, but considering what the blond man said before, he thought patiently.

He knew in his heart that it took more than a few words to convince the other party that he dared to do such a thing.

An Daoxiong San had better be honest before he figured out the other party's purpose.

The van drove into the underground parking lot of a building and parked in place.

The car door opened, and No. 9 patted An Daoxiong San on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Please get out of the car and don't show any strange expressions, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel."

"Do you think you can leave safely after doing such a thing?"

An Daoxiong San tried his best to maintain his dignity. While getting out of the car, he made the matter very serious, "If you let me go now, you can still pretend that nothing happened."

"That's not okay. If nothing happened, then I wouldn't have to tie you up."

The two African-American men put the guns into their bags. A smile appeared on No. 9's face. He pushed An Daoxiong San's shoulder and said, "Don't say unnecessary words. Come with us."

An Daoxiong and San only followed them to the elevator.

After opening the elevator, three other people came out. They glanced at An Daoxiong San, then looked away and walked to their car.

No. 9 entered the empty elevator and pressed the button for the fourteenth floor.

As the elevator went up, some people dressed as white-collar workers came in.

Everyone glanced at An Daoxiong San, but said nothing.

Such weird behavior made An Daoxiong San very confused.

He is not the predecessor, but the current prime minister. Why do these people react so calmly?

An Daoxiong San didn't understand.

When the elevator reached the fourteenth floor, No. 9 said with a smile on his face: "Sorry, please give way."

The person in front made way, and he took An Daoxiong San out of the elevator.

The three accomplices also came down. They were a little confused about such a hiding place, let alone An Daoxiong San, and the accomplices.

"Our kidnapping and extortion are so aboveboard, is that okay?"

The hippies driving the car asked in a low voice, they had no idea who the target of the kidnapping was.

As foreigners in Europe and the United States, it is unrealistic to ask them to pay attention to who the prime minister of this country is.

They thought it was a wealthy man and the operation was a normal kidnapping and ransom case.

"It doesn't matter, I'm involved in it, can there be any fraud?"

No. 9 answered casually, his handsome face full of calmness.

The hippie was slightly startled, thinking that what he said made sense, and he was not the one commanding behind the scenes. Everyone was working together, and there could be no fraud.

An Daoxiong San noticed something was wrong from their conversation, kidnapping for blackmail?

Tie it to his head, what a liar.

"Don't you know who I am?"

An Daoxiong spoke three times.

No. 9 was still smiling, but his eyes were cold as he said, "I should have told you not to talk so much."

"Maybe we should know his identity."

The hippie spoke. He felt that this kidnapping case was too bizarre. The process was completely different from the previous ones. Could it be that someone had used it as a gun?

"no way."

No. 9 sighed, and his right arm suddenly swelled. In an instant, his appearance was covered with flesh and blood, and his five fingers were as sharp and terrifying as the claws of a wild beast.

His swollen arms quickly swept across the necks of the two African-American men approaching him.

At the same time, he pulled out a gun with his left hand and killed the hippie who wanted to draw his gun.

Blood spattered on the wall and on An Daoxiong San's body. Behind him, a woman dressed in white-collar clothing let out a scream.

No. 9 raised his hand and shot her away, then turned to An Daoxiong San and said, "Look, I told you to stop talking, but the moment you open your mouth, four people will be killed."

The voice was gentle, as if he was a kind elder giving a lesson to a naughty kid who was disobedient.

An Daoxiong San looked at No. 9's arm, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He had never seen No. 9, but he had seen the relevant experimental records, and said in a trembling voice: "Are you the escaped clone?"

"Yes, I am No. 9, Mr. Andao. The audience is waiting for you to show up. Don't keep them waiting."

The man is smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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