Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 485 Dior’s new setting is online

Chapter 485 Dior’s new setting is online

The wind leaves the room.

Emily could only see the whitewashed walls, and there was no one behind the sofa.

She remained in the duck-sitting position, looked away, and looked down at the pass in her hand.

Emily squeezed it with her little hands. The material was indeed very special, and it always gave off a cold feeling.

As for the pattern, it is round on the outside and extremely complicated lines on the inside. They are tangled together and I don’t know what I want to express specifically.

Wait, this pass looks so round? !

Emily held up the pass and found that it seemed a little different from the ordinary circle. She thought about it and did not worry about the circle of the pass.

She jumped off the sofa and ran to the bedroom and said, "Katrina, I'm going to change clothes first."

I don't know when the creatures from the shadow world will come to my door. Her clothes are obviously not suitable for being a messenger, and it seems too rude.

Because the air conditioner is on in the house and she doesn't have to go out, the clothes she wears are winter pajamas. They are furry and comfortable, but she lacks the temperament of getting down to business.

Wearing this outfit makes people say you are lazy.

While running, Emily took her mobile phone and recorded a video of both sides of the pass.

She could study the materials when she had the opportunity in the future, but she planned to keep the appearance of the pass for now.

The pattern inside the ring most likely has some deep meaning. If copied, it might be able to establish some connection with the shadow world.

After she finished recording, she entered the house, took another photo of the front and back, and then exited the photo mode.

Throwing the phone on the bed, Emily went to the closet. She quickly took off her pajamas, opened the closet door, and scanned the clothes hanging in the closet with her blue eyes.

She thought about which one to wear.

The shadow under her feet suddenly shook, and Emily's mouth was covered from behind. A tall figure emerged from the shadow and fell back.


Emily could only watch the ceiling flash before her eyes, and then realized that the touch on her back was not the ground, as if she was falling into jelly that had not yet solidified.

The ceiling in front of her was swallowed up by darkness.

After her feet felt like they had landed, the rich darkness still lingered in her eyes, making her appear blind.

She blinked, gradually adapting to the darkness in front of her, and saw that she was in a magnificent palace.

The huge shadow pillar was tens of meters long at least, and the spaciousness inside the palace was beyond words.

What Emily saw was a pair of red eyes hidden in the darkness.

From low to high, there are densely packed shadow pillars on both sides, and even some red eyes at the back are close to the dome.

Is that an enlarged version like Shadow Soldier?

Or monster?

Emily took a deep breath. In terms of strength, it was difficult for her to tell the difference between the Shadow Emperor and Dio, but in terms of perception, the Shadow Emperor was more capable of destroying the world than Dio.

With just one order from this man, the top leaders of all countries in the world will collapse.

"Are you the messenger chosen by Dio?"

The elegant voice fell from the high platform into the hall. Emily looked away from the army in front of her. She was a little surprised. Is this Japanese?

She turned around and glanced across the nine steps to see the emperor on the throne.

The opponent's size is obviously not as terrifying as that of a monster, but he wears a dark crown that is darker than the surrounding dark palaces, and his body is covered with a layer of black clothing that resembles running water.

His eyes were the same as the others, all red.

This is the emperor.

Emily was thinking in her mind and did not cover her chest. She stood there carelessly and said, "I'm not even dressed. Is it necessary to look for me in such a hurry?"

"It doesn't make any difference."

Qingze sat there, and the voice was not his own. He specifically used his transformation ability to change into Aizen's appearance, and then put on the coat made by the Shadow Emperor's ability.

The monster-like face, paired with Hayami's elegant voice, immediately formed a strong contrast.

Emily could tell from this person's voice that he was a man with a royal demeanor, and even saying such annoying words seemed natural.

It made her very disgusted, but she had no choice but to let the status gap between the two parties be like that.

But one thing she really wanted to argue was that there were people in this world who were interested in tablets!

Damn it, this damn emperor!

She complained in her heart, straightened her back and said: "No more gossip, Your Majesty, that altar should be of no use to you, why did you take it away?"

"It's really surprising that Dio would choose someone as stupid as you to be the messenger."

Qingze raised his hand, and the shadow soldier next to him wanted to step forward and grab her.

Emily's heart skipped a beat, realizing that she had said the wrong thing. This person obviously didn't like talking in circles.

She couldn't be taken away.

If the task cannot be completed, the task will most likely fall to Hu Die or other friends.

At this critical moment, she could only throw her head back and burst into laughter.

Qingze raised his hand to stop the shadow soldier's movements, looked down and said, "Why are you laughing?"

Emily stopped laughing, her mind spinning rapidly.

Time is running out, and what you say next will determine whether you can let the other party stay. She turned her blue eyes and said calmly: "I just laughed at the fact that Your Majesty's behavior is not as good as Dio's.

There are advantages to being stupid. You are just a microphone, so how smart do you need to be? "


Qingze smiled and said: "You actually said that I am not as good as Dio, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Emily straightened her chest and said, "I'm not the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

The next second, a dark shadow rushed in front of her eyes. Emily's two bare short legs trembled, but she still let herself stand there.

Qingze landed in front of her from the throne, raised his hand, and held her small head.

Emily bit her bright lips, trying hard to show her bravery without fear of life and death, but that fear came from the depths of her soul, seeping into her bones, and had nothing to do with her brain.

"Your body is shaking."

"This is just a human instinct and it doesn't mean anything."

Seeing that she was still arrogant, Qingze smiled and did not continue to play with this person. He turned around casually and said: "Go back and tell Dio that I need the Ai Zhe red stone in his hand.

As long as he can hand over that, I can hand the altar back to him. "

"What is the Red Stone of Ai Zhe?"

A trace of curiosity appeared on Emily's face. This kind of stone was obviously not a treasure of this world.

Qingze raised his head and seemed to be remembering the past and said: "We, the shadow clan, have always lived in a world made of shadows.

We cannot be exposed to strong light for a long time, but I have found a way to overcome the weakness of sunlight. The premise is to obtain a unique treasure, the Ai Zhe Red Stone. "

Having said this, he looked at Emily and said, "I know that Dio has something like that. As long as he gives it to me, I will return the altar to him."

"Okay, I will convey His Majesty's wishes to Dio."

Emily nodded.

Qingze said: "Who are you from Dior?"

"You could say they are friends."

"Haha, then you have to be careful. Dio is not the kind of soft-hearted guy. He is different from other apostles, but he is a dangerous existence that can swallow the Mother Tree of Life."

Qingze added some new settings casually.

Emily's eyes suddenly brightened, and she wanted to ask clearly what the Mother Tree of Life was.

Qingze raised his hand, and the shadow soldiers quickly rushed out from the side, grabbed Emily's arms from left to right, and then lifted her up.

Emily's vision quickly changed from darkness to light, and she subconsciously squinted her eyes to adapt to the light in front of her. She found herself standing in the bedroom, looking at the open wardrobe in front of her.

Emily turned to look at her own shadow again, and suddenly took a breath of cold air. She felt that this shadow emperor was so terrifying and could come in and out of people's shadows at any time.

The only good thing is that that person has the characteristic of not being exposed to the sun for a long time and is afraid of strong light.

But such characteristics will be compensated by Aizhe Red Stone in the future.

What is that Ai Zhe red stone? What is the Mother Tree of Life? Dio swallowed the Mother Tree of Life. Is it related to the fact that he has many powers?

After all, the name of the Mother Tree of Life seems to be related to life, and may also involve creation, creation of life, and creation of power.

Create heaven?

Emily was thinking about those in her mind. Among the fourteen secret words, the fig tower might be related to the Mother Tree of Life.

Is this the time period when Dio devoured the Mother Tree of Life?

She thought for a while and looked at her surroundings again.

The pass given by Dior has disappeared here, can it only be a one-time thing?

Emily thought to herself, she didn't know when Dio would come to find her, it probably wouldn't be that soon.

Dio may not have thought that after she got the pass, she would be arrested immediately.

But the Shadow Emperor actually speaks Japanese. Has he been in this world for a while, or does that clan just use Japanese in the other world?

Emily couldn't think of an answer. She only knew that a blond figure would not suddenly appear in the air.

She exhaled, took out the dress from the closet, and put it on herself.

Although for those apostles, her small body did not have any scenery worth appreciating, but Emily still didn't like the monkey-like appearance of standing in front of others without clothes, and it was not like those on the beach or at home. specific occasions.

She put on her dress and walked out of the bedroom.

Catalina had already made black tea and turned around and said, "Would you like a cup?"

"Well, bring out the cake again. I want to comfort my frightened mood."

"This is too exaggerated."

Caterina had no idea she had left the bedroom at that moment.

Emily said angrily: "I was suddenly covered by a shadow soldier and my head was held by the emperor. My heart was beating wildly with fear.

By the way, strong lights must be installed at home in the future, because those shadow creatures are afraid of light. "

With that, she sat down and decided to post and upload a picture of the pass.

(End of this chapter)

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